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1、美国陆军士兵衔级标志陆军士兵衔级标志E-1无标志E-2二等兵E-3一等兵E-4专业下士/下士E-5士官E-6参谋士官E-7一等士官E-8专家士官/首席士官E-9士官长/指挥士官长E-10陆军士官长全文如下:Army Enlisted Promotion System(美国陆士兵晋升体制)Each year, when Congress passes the Defense Authorization Act, they tell the Army exactly how many people can be on active duty during the year. By separate

2、 legislation, Congress also limits what percentage of the total active duty force can serve in each commissioned officer rank, what percentage of the total active duty force can serve in each warrant officer rank, and what percentage of the active duty force can serve in each enlisted rank, above th

3、e grade of E-4 (there are no statutory limits for E-4 and below).每年,当国会通过国防授权法案的时候,他们就会告知陆军当年可招募多少人服现役。通过其他单独的立法,国会还对每个衔级的军官、准尉以及E-4以上级别的士兵在所有现役人员中所占比例做出限制(E-4及以下级别的士兵无此法定限制)。That, then, becomes the basis of the Army enlisted promotion system. The Army takes the number of slots they have for each en

4、listed rank, above the rank of E-4, and allocates them to the different(Military Occupation Specialty) MOSs (enlisted jobs). In other words, MOS 123 may be allowed to have 5,000 E-5s at any point in time and 2,000 E-6s, and MOS 456 may be authorized 7,000 E-5s, and 5,000 E-6s (as a general rule, the

5、 higher the rank, the fewer positions there are).这就是陆军士兵晋升体系的基础。陆军决定了每个级别士兵的名额,对E-4以上级别的,就将他们分配到不同的军事专业岗位(士兵司职的)上去,换句话说,123类的军事专业岗位上可允许有5000名E-5级和2000名E-6级的士兵,而456类的军事专业岗位则可拥有7,000 名E-5级和5,000 E-6级的士兵(总的规律是,军衔越高,岗位也越少)。In order to promote someone (above the rank of E-4), there must be a vacancy. For

6、 example, if an E-9 retires in a certain MOS, that means that one E-8 can be promoted to E-9, and that opens an E-8 slot, so one E-7 can be promoted to E-8, and so-forth. If 200 E-5s get out of the Army in a particular MOS, then 200 E-4s can be promoted to E-5.要想晋升一名士兵(E-4以上衔级),首先得有职务空缺。举个例,如果一名E-9士

7、兵在一个岗位上退伍了,那么一名E-8士兵就可晋升到E-9级了。接着,一个E-8的名额也空出来了,然后一名E-7士兵又可晋升到E-8,依次类推。所以,如果有200名E-5士兵在其岗位上都退伍了,那就有200名 E-4士兵可以晋升到E-5级。The Army has 401,138 enlisted members on active duty. Heres how it breaks down, by enlisted rank:陆军现拥有401,138名现役士兵,下面是各级别所占总数的比例:Private (E-1) - 20,284 (5.1%)Private (E-2) - 3,334 (

8、9.1%)Private First Class (E-3) - 56,757 (14.1%)Specialist/Corporal (E-4) - 107,634 (26.8%)Sergeant (E-5) - 73,034 (18.2%)Staff Sergeant (E-6) - 56,664 (14.1%)Sergeant First Class (E-7) - 36,725 (9.2%)Master Sergeant/First Sergeant (E-8) - 10,541 (2.6%)Sergeant Major (E-9) - 3,165 (0.8%)新兵 (E-1) - 20

9、,284 (5.1%)二等兵 (E-2) - 3,334 (9.1%)一等兵 (E-3) - 56,757 (14.1%)专业下士/下士(E-4) - 107,634 (26.8%)士官 (E-5) - 73,034 (18.2%)参谋士官 (E-6) - 56,664 (14.1%)一等士官 (E-7) - 36,725 (9.2%)首席士官/专家士官 (E-8) - 10,541 (2.6%)士官长 (E-9) - 3,165 (0.8%)So, how does the Army decide which enlisted members are going to get promote

10、d? They do this using three systems: Decentralized promotions for promotion to the grades of E-2 through E-4, Semi centralized promotions for promotion to the grades of E-5 and E-6, and centralized boards for promotions to E-7, E-8, and E-9.那么,陆军是如何决定士兵的晋升呢?这又由三个体系来实现:晋升到 E-2至 E-4级实行分散式晋升,晋升到E-5至 E-

11、6级实行半集中式晋升,晋升到E-7至E-9级实行集中晋升。www.SonicBBS.comDecentralized Promotions (E-2 through E-4).分散式晋升(从E-2 到E-4)Decentralized Promotions means that the unit (company) is the promotion authority. By theory, the commander decides who gets promoted and who doesnt. In actuality, because there are no quotas for

12、promotion for E-2s through E-4s, commanders pretty much promote everyone (as long as they do their job okay and dont get into trouble) who meet the promotion criteria. The promotion criteria is set by the Army to ensure that the promotion flow remains stable, and everyone (regardless of MOS) can exp

13、ect to be promoted at the same (approximate) time-frame.分散式晋升指连一级的单位(以下统称单位)具有晋升权力,理论上就是说单位指挥官可决定谁升谁不升,而事实上,因为晋升到E-2至 E-4级是没有限额的,所以连指挥官会晋升任何达到晋升标准的人(只要他们做好各自的事,不惹麻烦),这个晋升标准由陆军制定,以保证晋升次序的稳定,而且每一个人(不管何种军事专业岗位)也都有望能同批(或大致同批)地晋升。For soldiers in MOS 19D (cavalry scout), and 19K(M1 Armor Crewman )IET, com

14、manders may promote up to 10 percent of each 19D and 19K class upon completion of basic combat training (BCT) portion of one station unit training (OSUT) to PV2 and an equal number to PFC upon graduation from the MOS producing course.对于骑兵侦察兵和M1坦克成员这种岗位,连指挥官可将完成这样一个岗位连级训练中基础作战训练的士兵总数的10%晋升到二等兵,或者将同样比

15、例的完成该军事专业岗位培训课程的士兵晋升到一等兵。Finally, if the unit is undermanned in specific grades, the Army may allow the unit commander to waiver TIG(time in grade )and TIS( time in service) requirements. When specifically authorized, the commander can waiver up to 2 months TIG for promotions to E-2, 6 months TIS/2

16、months TIG for promotions to E-3, and 6 months TIS/3 months TIG for promotion to E-4.最后,如果这个单位在某些级别的士兵上缺员,那么陆军会允许这个单位的指挥官不用考虑服役时限和级别时限的要求。当通过特别授权后,这个单位的指挥官可以将服役满2月的新兵晋升到二等兵(E-2),将服役满6个月并在二等兵级别上干满2个月的晋升到一等兵(E-3),还可将服役6个月并在一等兵衔上干满3个月的晋升到专业下士/下士(E-4)。The promotion criteria for promotion to the ranks of

17、 E-2 to E-4 are:晋升到E-2 至 E-4的一般标准如下:Private (E-2) - Six months time-in-grade (TIG) as a private (E-1).Private First Class (E-3) - Four months TIG as a Private (E-2) and 12 months time-in-service (TIS).Specialist/Corporal (E-4) - 6 months TIG with 24 months TIS.晋升二等兵 (E-2) : 在新兵级别上干满6个月.晋升一等兵(E-3): 在

18、二等兵级别上干满4个月 并服役满1年。晋升专业下士/下士(E-4): 在一等兵级别上干满6个月并服役满2年。There are some exceptions to the rules on the previous page. First, in the Army, its possible to join an advanced rank (up to E-4) for certain accomplishments, including college credits, Junior ROTC, or even referring other appllications for enli

19、stment, while a member of the Delayed Enlistment Program (DEP).前面介绍了晋升标准外的一些情况。首先,在陆军中,如果有这些情形者:如获得了大学学分,完成了初级预备军官训练团训练,或是作为一名参加了“陆军缓征计划”者提出其他的入伍申请,都可获得更高军衔(E-4以上)。Second, soldiers in Special Forces (18X) can be promoted to E-4 with just 12 months TIS, and no specific TIG requirement.其次,特种部队士兵的晋升无级别

20、时限要求,只要服役满一年就可晋升到专业下士/下士(E-4)。An E-4 can be either a specialist or a corporal in the Army. So, whats the difference? Well, they both get paid the same. However, a corporal is considered a noncommissioned officer and a specialist is not.在陆军中,一个E-4士兵可以是专业下士,也可以是下士.那么,差别在哪呢?他们的薪水相同,然而一名下士被认为是一名非正式任命的干部

21、,而专业下士不是。A corporal has more authority under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), and has a greater degree of leadership responsibility. An E-4 is normally designated an NCO (corporal) if they are a team or section leader. Corporals are more common amongst the Combat Arms, but many Combat Su

22、pport MOSs (jobs) may have them.在共同军事条例条令中,一名下士具有更大的权威,并担负更大的领导责任。一名E-4士兵如果是一个小组或分队领导,那他一般会被任为下士。下士通常是在作战单位中,但许多担任作战支援的军事专业岗位上也有他们的身影。Semi centralized Promotions (E-5 and E-6)半集中晋升(E-5 至E-6)A Semi centralized Promotion process means that the unit (company) plays a part in the promotion selection pro

23、cess, but its the Army (Army-wide) who decides who actually gets promoted. As I mentioned at the beginning of the article, within each Army MOS (job) there are limited numbers of who can hold the ranks of E-5 and E-6 at any given time. When vacancies open up (due to people getting promoted or people

24、 getting out), the Army has to decide (Army-wide) which E-4s (within that MOS) to promote to E-5 and which E-5s to promote to E-6.半集中晋升的意思是指单位在晋升筛选过程中扮演部分角色,而谁获得晋升主要是由陆军来决定。正如我在文章开头所提到的,在陆军的军事专业岗位上,在任何时候,能获得E-5 和 E-6级军衔的士兵的名额都是受限的。只有当出现岗位空缺(取决于此岗位的人晋升或离职),陆军就会决定(在陆军范围内)哪个E-4士兵(在该岗位的)能晋升到E-5级,哪个E-5士兵

25、能晋升到E-6级。There are two promotion processes known as Primary Zone and Secondary Zone. Most enlisted are promoted in the Primary Zone. The Secondary Zone gives an opportunity for commanders to give exceptional performers an early shot at promotion. Time-in-Service and Time-in-Grade requirements for pr

26、omotion consideration in the two zones are:半集中晋升有两种模式,一种是初级模式,另一种是二级模式。大部分的士兵都是通过初级模式晋升的,而二级模式能让单位指挥官有机会对情况例外者实行提前晋升。两种模式对服役时限和级别时限的要求如下:Primary ZoneSergeant (E-5) - 8 months TIG as an E-4 and 36 months (3 years) TIS.Staff Sergeant (E-6) - 10 months TIG as an E-5 and 84 months (7 years) TIS.初级模式:晋升士

27、官 (E-5) :在 E-4级上干满8个月并服役满3年。晋升参谋士官(E-6):在E-5级上干满10个月并服役满7年。Secondary Zone (Exceptional Performers)Sergeant (E-5) - 4 months TIG and 18 months TIS.Staff Sergeant (E-6) - 5 months TIG and 48 months (4 years) TIS二级模式(情况例外者)晋升士官 (E-5) :在 E-4级上干满4个月, 并服役满1年半。晋升参谋士官(E-6):在士官级别上干满5个月,并服役满4年。The process (fo

28、r either zone) begins with Administrative Points. A soldier receives promotion points for various accomplishments, such as military decorations (medals), and PFT (Physical Fitness Test) scores.每一种模式的晋升过程都是从“行政分数”开始的,一名士兵可通过几种途径可获得晋升的分数,比如获得了军事奖章和体能适应测试得分等。Administrative points consist of the followi

29、ng:行政分数主要有下面几个部分组成:Duty Performance (maximum 150 points) - The unit commander awards duty performance points, based on recommendations from the individuals supervisor(s). The commander may award up to 30 points in each of the following areas: Competence (Is the soldier proficient and knowledgeable?

30、Does he/she communicate effectively?) Military Bearing (Is the soldier a role model, in the areas of appearance and self-confidence?) Leadership (Does the soldier motivate others, set high standards, show proper concern for the mission?) Training Individual and Team Training. (Does the soldier share

31、 knowledge and experience? Does he/she teach others?) Responsibility/Accountability (Equipment, facilities, safety, conservation)工作表现(最高150分):单位指挥官基于士兵的主管的推荐而给定士兵的表现分数。指挥官可给如后的任一方面以30分:才能(该人是否精专且有学识?他/她能否有效地进行交流?)、骨干作用(该人在外在和自信方面是一名行为榜样吗?)、领导能力(该人能激励他人,会制定高的标准并能表达对任务的正确看法吗?)、训练个人及集体训练(该人能同他人分享知识和经验吗

32、?他/她会教别人吗?)、责任心(装备,设备,安全和持恒)。Awards and Decorations (maximum 100 points) - Some military awards (medals) are given a specific promotion-point value.奖励和奖章(最高100分):一些军事奖励(奖章)可获得特别的晋升分数。Military Education (maximum 200 points) - Many military training courses (Ranger School, Platoon Leaders Development Course, military correspondence courses, etc.) are worth a certain number of pr

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