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1、描写四季的好句子一、描写春天的句子:A, sentences about spring: 漫步在田野上。天空湛蓝、高远、明净,像似一幅硕大图画。艳阳金黄、圆润、热烈,静静地高悬在碧空,洒下暖暖的光芒。像似一双温柔的大手,在我身上、脸上轻轻抚摸着,让人温暖舒服。我静静地享受这天赐的恩惠。残雪在我眼前匍匐成一片淡淡的灰暗色,阳光炫目的光芒,像刀似的,把它身上剜地坑坑洼洼,失去了往日平展如初美感。雪儿低垂着眼帘,蜷缩着身子,默默留着泪水忍受着这揪心痛苦。远处残雪只是薄薄一层,依稀可见的地面露了出来。淡淡的绿色如烟雾一样,浮在上面。Walk on the field. The sky was crys

2、tal clear, high, bright and clean, like a big picture. Sun warm, golden, fruity, quietly hung in the sky, with the warm light. Like a pair of gentle hands, to me, on the face and gently stroked, let a person warm and comfortable. I quietly enjoy the bliss of grace. Cx creeping into a light gray colo

3、r in front of my eyes, the sun dazzling light, like a sword, put it on gouge potholes, lost the flat as aesthetic feeling of the past. Snow son lowered his eyes, curled up, endure the gut-wrenching pain silently with tears. The cx is only a thin layer, the ground of the visible. Light green, such as

4、 smoke, floating on top. 春风微微送来春天的味道,弥漫在空气里,丝丝缕缕的清香直扑鼻翼,让人精神为之一振。仿佛心扉一触即开,袒露在暖暖春风里,静静沐浴阳光的温热,一丝暖暖的情思慢慢升起,在心头凝结成浓浓的爱,与春风一起放飞在三月的梦里。自己仿佛生出翅膀,像鸟儿一样飞在天空,悠然自得的去追梦。任绵绵的春思化作春雨,滋润出一个充满爱的春天。Sent the flavor of the spring breeze slightly, diffuse in the air, while the scent straight nose, let a person feel ref

5、reshed. As if to a touch namely open, showing in the warm spring breeze, warm sunshine, quietly a warm warm feeling slowly rising, condenses into thick love in my heart, and the dream of flying with the spring breeze in March. As they give birth to wings, fly like a bird in the sky, carefree to purs

6、ue. As a continuous spring, into the spring rain, moisten a spring is full of love. 轻轻抖落昨日的喧嚣。让丝丝的春风扫去心中的躁动,像老树一样舒展一下僵硬的腿脚,与春风舞蹈。静静地倾听鸟儿优美的歌喉,划破静寂的原野,像一首春天的歌,抚慰着心田。和小草一起欢呼雀跃,纳春风入怀,静静享受暖暖温存。恋恋不舍目送残雪,融化成满地的细流,悄然离去,心中怅然若失。春天美景像似一条小溪,静静从心中流过,积郁的心,像被被洗过似的透明、清纯,宛若一轮皎洁的明月,散发着银色的光芒。Gently shake the hustle a

7、nd bustle of yesterday. Let filar silk of spring breeze to stir in the heart, like the old tree relax stiff legs and feet, and the spring dance. Quietly listening to the birds beautiful voice, pierced the silence of wilderness, like a spring song, comforts the heart. Cheer together with the grass, s

8、pring breeze in my arms, quietly enjoying warm tenderness. Reluctant to go watch cx and melt into a trickle of Montreal, quietly leave, in the heart of loss. Spring scenery like a stream, flowing from my heart quietly, release yourself from the heart, like be washed transparent and pure, like a roun

9、d of bright moon, shine with the light of silver. 三月的春风,如少女轻柔衣袖,轻舞着树林切切私语,爱抚着小草嘱咐声声,轻吻着小河波光潋潋,拥抱着阳光温暖如春。风儿柔柔地拂过心田,心儿顿感清爽惬意,有些飘飘然了。让人不由想起那首:“暖风熏得游人醉,直把杭州作汴州。”的名诗。真是醉人春风呀!March in the spring breeze, like a gentle girl sleeves, light dance trees whisper back, caressing the grass charged sound, kiss the

10、 creek sparkling Lian Lian, embrace the warm sunshine. The wind gently touched my heart, the heart feel relaxed and comfortable, some history. Reminds people of the song: warm wind fumigated visitors drunk, straight to hangzhou BianZhou. Tion. Really intoxicating spring breeze! 深深地陷入春天的遐想中,不知不觉夕阳的余晖

11、已经挥洒过来。红彤彤的霞光,涂抹在绿意朦胧的原野里。一片一片的残雪反射着红光,把周围晕染的红雾缭绕、绚丽动人、煞是好看。路边的杨柳身披霞光,像似一个个亭亭玉立的红衣女子,在春风里尽显婀娜多姿的风采。袅袅的炊烟,缠着春风沐着晚霞,在空中抒发着对春不舍的依恋之情。此时,春景被晚霞渲染到了极致,美得让人留恋往返。Unconsciously into deep reverie of spring, the light of the sunset is artificial. Red glow, on green hazy in the wilderness. Cx reflection one pie

12、ce red, the red fog fills the air, beautiful and moving, shading around it. The roadside willow in a glowing rays, like is like graceful woman in the red dress, show the elegant demeanour of graceful in the spring breeze. Madadayo smoke, wrapped in the spring breeze in sunset, expresses the spring t

13、o give up in the air in the attachment. At this point, the spring scenery is cloud rendering to perfection, let a person want to stay beautiful round trip. 暮色流彩的春景,让人有些不舍。我想,虽然这春天来得晚些。但是,它还是来了,不管你残冬如何的顽固,春天总会一步步把你逼退。自然的季节变换,是势不可挡的,就像人会慢慢变老,谁也不能逃脱。可是,望着这美景如画、春意盎然的春色,我还是感动不已。这春天来得太不容易了,从漫长的同残冬的对抗中姗姗走了

14、。在抗击一次次残冬携着春雪的反扑中,春天那种顽强、坚韧的毅力。着实让人感动、敬佩。Twilight flow choi spring scenery, let a person some. Although this spring is late, I think. However, it came, no matter how you till the stubborn, spring will drive you back step by step. Nature of the seasons, it is overwhelming, as people will grow old, no

15、 one can escape. But, looking at the beautiful scenery and spring spring, I was so moved. This spring is too easy, from long confront till shanshan away. In the fight against time and time again with the emerging of spring in the late winter or spring the tenacity, perseverance, perseverance. Really

16、 moving, admiration. 当春风吹开一季的花絮,片片花语正孕育着春的气息悄悄的低吟着、轻唱着春天最美的旋律。春天的种子在春风雨露还有这三月特有的温和阳光的哺育下,正在蓄积着力量,期待破土而出那一刻的欣喜和自由。当阳光包裹着、沐浴着我的整个身体,我的感觉就似母亲亲切的、温柔的手在抚摸,顷刻间便拂去了一个孩子童稚般的伤感。也许就在此刻,你发自内心的呼唤:让一切烦恼都烟消云散吧!世界仿佛真的安静了下来,这是来自内心的灵魂深处的一种静。When the spring breeze blow to open the trivia of one season, patches of the

17、 breath of spring says is expecting her whisper quietly, gently singing the most beautiful melody in spring. Seeds in the spring breeze of spring rain and this unique gentle it is nurtured with rain and sunshine march is accumulating power, looking forward to break out of that a moment of joy and fr

18、eedom. When the sun wrapped, bathed in my whole body, I feel like a mother kind, tender hands in touch, immediately went to the sad like a child childish. Perhaps at the moment, you call of the heart: let all trouble go away! The world seemed to be really quiet down, this is from the heart of the de

19、pths of the soul of a static. 二、描写夏天的句子:Second, the description of summer sentences: 晴空万里,天上没有一丝云彩,太阳把地面烤得滚烫滚烫;一阵南风刮来,从地上卷起一股热浪,火烧火燎地使人感到窒息。杂草抵不住太阳的曝晒,叶子都卷成细 条了。每当午后,人们总是特别感到容易疲倦,就像刚睡醒似的,昏昏沉沉不想动弹。连林子里的鸟,也都张着嘴巴歇在树上,懒得再飞出去觅食了。 街上的柳枝像得了病似的,叶子挂着一层灰土在枝上打着卷,枝条一动也懒得动,无精打采地低垂着。马路上一个水点也没有,干巴巴地闪着白光。便道上尘土飞起 多高

20、,跟天上的灰气连接起来,结成一片毒恶的灰沙阵,烫着行人的脸,处处干燥,处处烫手,处处憋闷,整个老城像烧透了的砖窑,使人喘不过气来。狗趴在地上 吐着红舌头,骡马鼻孔张得特别大,小贩们不敢吆喝,柏油路晒化了,甚至铺户门前的铜牌好像也要晒化了。Clear blue skies, the sky without a cloud, the sun baked the ground boiling hot; A gust of wind blows, a heatwave, rolled up from the ground low-paying jobs to make people feel suff

21、ocated. Weeds in the exposure of the sun, the leaves are rolled into thin article. Whenever the afternoon, people are always special feel tired easily, almost like it just wake up, groggy dont want to move. Even the birds in the forest, are gaping mouth break in the trees, too lazy to go out foragin

22、g. The switch in the street like a disease, the leaf hangs a layer of dust on the branches of the volume, the branches are too lazy to move, listlessly hung. A water spot on the road also have no, drily shining white light. Sidewalk dust fly up high, and the sky gray gas connected, form a dust array

23、 of evil, hot to pedestrians face, everywhere dry, hot everywhere, everywhere is away, the old like to burn through the brick kilns, make the person of breath. A dog on the ground Vomit a red tongue, and mules nostril piece particularly large, vendors cant Shouting, asphalt bask in, even to the bron

24、ze medal in front of the shop like sun. 夏天,一个炎热。喧闹的季节来到了。小草都已长到1尺多高。在一望无际的绿草中,朵朵野花时隐时现,它们就像一群穿着各色衣裙的仙女,在碧海中游戏,蜻蜓 和蝴蝶结对而来,在草地上盘旋,在花间歇脚。蜻蜓落在草尖上,就像睡在摇篮里的娃娃,随着微风摇来晃去。蝴蝶在花间翩翩起舞,像是和野花比美。在这花园般 的大草地上,一群一群的孩子们在捉蜻蜓、扑蝴蝶、采野花.一阵阵开心的笑声回荡在草地上,使草地更加喧闹。一眼望去,这又是块点缀着蓝、红、 黄、粉各种色彩的地毯。这时的地毯图案在不断变化,令人陶醉。Summer, a hot. The

25、 noisy season arrived. The grass has been growing to 1 feet high. In endless green grass, blossoming flowers, they are like a group of fairies, colorful dress in the big games, dragonflies and bow to, on the grass, in intermittent foot flower. Dragonflies landed on the grass, pointed, like a sleepin

26、g baby in the cradle, dangling in the breeze. Butterfly dance in flowers, like and wildflowers. In the garden of the big lawn, a group of a group of children in the catch dragonflies, flapping butterfly, picking flowers. A burst of happy laughter echoed in the grass, to make the grass more noisy. Lo

27、ok, this is another piece of decorated with blue, red, yellow, pink colors carpet. At this moment carpet pattern changing, intoxicating. 夏天是成熟的季节,看吧,菜园里满是各种各样的蔬菜,五彩缤纷,那红红的西红柿,紫色的茄子,嫩绿的黄瓜,都像在暗地里比赛似的一天一个样儿,长得真快。 它们有的像打秋千一样悬挂在枝蔓上;有的像怕晒太阳的小淘气,躲在肥大的叶子下乘凉;有的像是困了,随便地歪在枝旁睡觉。Summer is the season of maturity,

28、 look, the garden is full of all kinds of vegetables, colourful, that red tomatoes, purple eggplant, cucumber, green like in secret game day a kind, grow so fast. They like playing swing hanging from the branches; Some like afraid of sunshine imp, hide under the leaves of hypertrophy of cool; Some l

29、ike a sleepy, casually slanting in branches beside the bed. 火球似的太阳高悬空中,炙烤着大地,地上热浪腾腾灼面而来。如果在水泥地上刷一层面糊糊,定能很快烤成一大块香喷喷的烙饼,叫人眼馋。Fireball as the sun is high air, parched the earth, the ground ZhuoMian table flaming hot. If on the concrete gunk, brush a level set can bake a big piece of delicious pancakes,

30、 soon snaked through it. 郊外近处,是一望无垠的碧野;远处群山如黛;左面树林葱郁;右面溪水如练。最平整、最惹人注目的要算眼前的那片稻田了,月光下是那样明净、青翠!渠道里的水潺潺地流着,叮叮淙淙,十分悦耳。啊!夏夜的田野啊,滴翠流金!Outskirts close up, is the vast stretches of BiYe; The distant mountains such as Diana; The left trees lush; The right side streams such as practice. The level off, the mos

31、t conspicuous is in front of the rice paddies, the moonlight is bright and clean, green like that! The rippling water to flow in the channel, ding-ding natually, very sweet. Ah! Summer night of the field, dicui donors! 夏天,下过几场暴雨,山沟里郁郁葱葱,小树不知不觉地长了一大截,树叶遮住了蔚蓝的天;金灿灿的太阳,只能透出稀稀拉拉的光点,一个个光点极像银圈。大树下面的树木桩子上长

32、出了鲜嫩的黄蘑、圆蘑和木耳。In the summer, a few heavy rain, the valley lush, saplings unknowingly long, covered the blue day leaves; Golden sun, can only give scattered light spot, one spot is very much like the silver ring. The tree that grows on the tree stake below the fresh and tender yellow mushroom, mushroom and fungus. 夏天,小路上更有一番风采。蓝天中几片云朵,似烟、似雾地在空中游荡。路边草丛里一朵朵蓝晶晶的星星草,花中间聚着一滴滴晶莹的露珠,在旭日的照耀下闪闪 发光。田地里,金涛连天,微风徐来,时起时伏,构成了一幅丰收美景图。这幅景象是多么雄伟壮观啊!路边的绿草镶嵌在金色麦浪之中,黄灿灿的油菜花散发出阵 阵清香,吸引着一群群勤劳的蜜蜂。一只只美丽的大蝴蝶也像赶路似的聚集在小路上,翩翩起舞。几只贪嘴的小麻雀,奔向那一望无际的麦浪。Summer, the road has a more elegant appearance.

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