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1、江苏宿迁英语解析2017江苏宿迁中考英语试题 第一卷(选择题,共50分)一、单项选择题(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。1. Every evening my daughter plays _ piano for an hour.A. the B. a C. / D. an1. A 【解析】考查冠词用法。句意:每天早晨我女儿弹一个小时的钢琴。动词play后接乐器名称要用定冠词the。故选A。2. Your gloves should be made _ leather, for they feel soft and smooth.A

2、. in B. on C. for D. of2. D 【解析】考查介词。句意:你的手套应该是皮革制成的,因为它们感觉很柔软光滑。be made in在制造,后接制造的地点;B和C项无此搭配;be made of由制成,后接制作的材料,leather为制作的原材料。故选D。3.Could you give me a few _ on how to spend the coming summer holiday?OK. Let me see.A. hobbies B. knowledge C. suggestions D. information3. C 【解析】考查名词辨析。句意:你能给我一些

3、关于怎样度即将到来的暑假的建议吗?好的。让我想想。a few修饰可数名词复数形式,排除B和D选项,根据“即将到来的暑假”可知,是要求给一些建议,与hobbies“爱好”无关,故选C。4. Is Mike coming to the fashion show tomorrow?Im not sure. He _ not come.A. must B. can C. may D. should4. C 【解析】考查情态动词辨析。句意:迈克要来明天的时尚演出吗?我不确定。他可能不来吧。must必须;can能够,能;may可能,也许;should应当,应该。根据答语Im not sure.“我不确定”

4、可知用may表示“可能”表示不确定的推测。故选C。5. Our head teacher often says, “You will not pass the exam _ you work hard.”A. if B. unless C. since D. when5. B 【解析】考查连词用法。句意:我们班主任经常说:“除非你努力学习,否则你不会通过考试的,”上文的否定意义提示下文用unless“除非”引导条件状语从句,同ifnot。 6. Have you heard that Lin Tao saved his neighbour from a big fire last night?

5、Yes. _ brave young man he is!A. How B. How a C. What D. What a6. D 【解析】考查感叹句。句意:你听说了昨天晚上林涛从大火里救出他邻居的事情吗?听说了。多么勇敢的人啊!题干中感叹句的中心词是名词man,要用what引导感叹句,man是可数名词,用不定冠词a。7. My grandparents _ for over 60 years and they love each other very much.A. have been married B. got marriedC. were married D. have got ma

6、rried7. A 【解析】考查动词时态。句意:我祖父母已经结婚60多年了,他们彼此非常恩爱。根据时间状语for over 60 years提示是持续到现在的动作或状态,用现在完成时态表达;be married表示状态“已婚”,和for引导的表示一段时间的时间状语连用。Get married是终止性动词短语。故选A。8. Daniel is _ his twin brother. They are both 1.75 metres tall.A. taller than B. shorter than C. as tall as D. so tall as8. C 【解析】考查形容词比较级。句

7、意:丹尼尔和他的双胞胎兄弟一样高。他们都是1.75米的身高。根据“他们都是1.75米的身高。”可知,丹尼尔和他的双胞胎兄弟一样高。用as.as意为“和一样”表达。故选C。9. Andrew once tried to _ a brighter light in his bedroom, but he failed in the end.A. put in B. put on C. put out D. put up9. A 【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:安德鲁曾经试着在他的卧室里安装更明亮的灯,但是最终失败了。put on穿上,上演;put out熄灭,伸出;put up悬挂,张贴。用put

8、 in“安装”和light构成动宾短语,符合句意。 10. Doctor, whats wrong with me?_ serious. You have just got a cold.A. Something B. Nothing C. Everything D. Anything10. B 【解析】考查不定代词的用法。句意:医生,我怎么啦?没什么严重的。你只是得了感冒。 答语“你只是得了感冒”提示用否定意义的不定代词nothing和形容词serious连用,说明“没有什么严重的”,故选B。11. The girl students are discussing _ the walls i

9、n the classroom.A. what to paint color B. to paint what colorC. which color to paint D. to paint which color11. C 【解析】考查“特殊疑问词+动词不定式”这一固定结构的用法。句意:女同学们正在讨论在教室的墙上应该涂哪一个颜色。“特特殊疑问词+动词不定式”这一结构作宾语,“哪一种颜色”用疑问词which,what color表示“什么颜色”。故选C。 12. I dont like horror films. Theyre terrible._.A. Either I do B. Ne

10、ither I do C. Either do I D. Neither do I12. D 【解析】考查倒装句。句意:我不喜欢恐怖电影。他们太可怕。我也不喜欢。承接上文,用neither或nor引导倒装句,表示“也不”,要构成完全倒装句。上句助动词用do,下文也用do。故选D。13. We can invite Nick and Paul to Shanghai Disneyland with us._ Ill give them a call right now.A. Why not? B. What for? C. Of course not. D. Not at all.13. A 【

11、解析】考查情景交际。句意:我们可以邀请尼克和保罗和我们一起去迪士尼乐园。为什么不呢? 我立刻打电话给他们。答语“我立刻打电话给他们。”提示前句用Why not? 用否定形式表示肯定意义。故选A。14. Mum, _ of my classmates _ glasses.Oh, my God. You need to protect your eyes well.A. three-fourths; wears B. three-fourth; wearC. three-fourth; wears D. three-fourths; wear14. D【解析】考查数词和主谓一致。句意:妈妈,我四分

12、之三的同学都带眼镜。哦,天哪。你需要好好保护好你的眼睛。在英语中,分数的分子用基数词,分母用序数词,中间用连字符;若分子大于一时,分母用复数形式。3/4即three-fourths,排除选项B和C。此句的主语是my classmates,谓语动词要用复数形式。故选D。15. Helen, could you tell me _ living in the countryside?Perhaps next weekend.A. why you will visit our granny B. when will you visit your grannyC. when you will visi

13、t your granny D. why will you visit your granny15. C【解析】考查宾语从句。句意:海伦,你能告诉我你什么时候看望你住在乡下的奶奶吗?可能是下周末吧。宾语从句应使用陈述句的语序,故排除选项B和D。根据答语“可能是下周末吧。”可知,上句是询问时间。故选C。二、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。On the day of the interview, I got up at 6:00 in the morning. I got to the inter

14、view place without having 16 . I was the 24th interviewee (应聘) and the 22th was a short ordinary-looking girl. I greeted her by 17 my head. I asked her where she graduated. She told me in a low 18 . “I graduated from a junior college, the only one without getting a bachelors degree (学士学位) among the

15、50 interviewees.”I didnt 19 the interview would last so long. As I didnt have breakfast, my stomach started to ache. I had to sit by the table for a 20 . Just at that time, the girl asked me 21 happened. I told her, “I didnt have breakfast this morning, so my 22 comes to me.”After a while, a worker

16、came in and 23 me a bottle of milk and a piece of bread. It was certain that they were bought by the girl. I felt 24 all over my heart because I hadnt imagined she would be so nice to help meher rival (竞争对手).Luckily, I got the job. The first day I went to work. I was 25 to see the girl there. She al

17、so got the job. Later I asked her why she got the job. She said 26 a smile, “That day when I bought you the 27 , an interviewer went to the toilet with papers in hands. He asked me 28 I could help him to copy those papers while he was in the toilet. I helped him. After I came back to him, he asked m

18、e why I took the food in hands. I told him the 29 . Then I got the job.” At that moment, I came to know that when the girl helped me and the interviewer, she also helped 30 .Helping others will benefit yourself as well.16. A. breakfast B. lunch C. supper D. dinner17. A. shaking B. nodding C. raising

19、 D. hanging18. A. point B. level C. sound D. voice19. A. want B. understand C. expect D. accept20. A. rest B. sleep C. test D. talk21. A. which B. how C. what D. when22. A. headache B. heartache C. toothache D. stomachache23. A. handed B. showed C. sent D. bought24. A. cold B. warm C. nervous D. cal

20、m25. A. frightened B. surprised C. disappointed D. interested26. A. at B. from C. with D. in27. A. bread B. milk C. water D. food28. A. whether B. when C. where D. how29. A. result B. secret C. method D. truth30. A. myself B. himself C. herself D. yourself题材:人物故事【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者在面试的时候,由于没吃早饭胃疼

21、,一个参加面试的女孩帮助他买了早餐。后来作者得到了这份工作,这个女孩也得到了这份工作。作者询问女孩是怎样得到这份工作的,这个女孩讲出了原因,或许正是女孩的品质让面试官录取了她。作者得出一个结论:送人玫瑰,手有余香。16. A 【解析】考查名词辨析。根据第二段中“As I didnt have breakfast”可知,作者没有吃早饭就去参加面试。故选A。17. B 【解析】考查动词辨析。句意:我通过点头跟她打招呼。动词nod意为“点头”。故选B。18. D 【解析】考查名词辨析。用in a low voice修饰动词told表示“低声告诉我”。19. C 【解析】考查动词辨析。结合前文“作者没

22、有吃早饭”可知下文意为“作者没有预料到面试会持续这么长时间。”用动词expect表示“预料。”20. A 【解析】考查名词辨析。因为胃痛,作者不得不坐下来休息。用名词rest表示“休息。”21. C 【解析宾语从句引导词辨析。用what和happened连用,表示“发生了什么事。”22. D 【解析】名词辨析。句意:我今天早晨没有吃早饭,所以我的胃开始疼了。Stomachache表示“胃疼”。23. A 【解析】考查动词辨析。句意:一个工作人员走进来,递给我一瓶牛奶和一块面包。hand sb. sth.递给某人某物。24. B 【解析】考查形容词辨析。下文“女孩好心地帮助一个竞争对手”提示用形

23、容词warm,表示作者感到“温暖。”25. B 【解析】考查形容词辨析。根据后句She also got the job.“她也得到这份工作”可知,作者感到很惊讶,用surprised表示“惊奇的;惊讶的。”后跟动词不定式形式。26. C 【解析】考查介词辨析。With短语作伴随状语,修饰动词said,表示“她带着微笑说。”27. D 【解析】考查名词辨析。根据后句“he asked me why I took the food in hands.”可推测,这个女孩手里拿的是食物。故选D。28. A 【解析】考查疑问词辨析。用whether引导宾语从句,表示“是否”,符合句意“他问我当他去洗手

24、间的时候,是否能够帮他超写这些文件。”29. D 【解析】考查名词辨析。根据后句“那么我就得到了这个工作。”可知,应该是那个女孩告诉了实情。tell sb the truth表示“告诉某人真相。”30. C 【解析】考查代词辨析。承接前文“帮助了和面试官”下文意为“也就是帮助了她自己”,主语she提示用herself作动词help的宾语。三、阅读理解(共10小题;每小题型分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AMothers Day is celebration in memory of mothers. It celebrates the impo

25、rtance of mothers in society. It is celebrated on different days in many parts of the world, mostly in March, April or May. Lets see how different people celebrate their Mothers Day.Mexico (May 10)Children make gifts and give them to their mums on Mothers Eve (May 9). On the morning of May 10, famil

26、ies make a special trip to church and eat tamales (玉米饼), sometimes filled with meat, cheese or vegetables.South Africa (Second Sunday of May)Besides giving mums Mothers Day cards, people show their thanks for their mothers by wearing red and pink flowers called carnations. If their mothers have pass

27、ed away, they wear white carnations.United Kingdom (Fourth Sunday of Lent (大斋期)Mothers Day is a traditional day for people to visit their hometowns and attend their home churches. People also bake (烘焙) special fruitcakes to give to their mums.Indonesia (December 22)People throw big parties for their

28、 mums, filled with fun activitiessuch as cooking competitions and kebayawearing competitions! (A kebaya is a traditional blouse and skirt.)31. Why do people celebrate Mothers Day according to the passage?A. To bake fruitcakes for their mums.B. To wear red and pink carnations.C. To take part in weari

29、ng competitions.D. To celebrate the importance of mums.32. Celebrating Mothers Day has something to do with food in the following countries EXCEPT _.A. Mexico B. South AfricaC. United Kingdom D. Indonesia33. The underlined word “throw” in the last paragraph means _.A. organize B. send C. ask D. move

30、题材:文化习俗【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章说明了不同的国家在不同的日期庆祝母亲节的方式。31. D 【解析】细节理解题。根据短文第一段中“It celebrates the importance of mothers in society.”可知,人们庆祝母亲节,是为了说明母亲的重要性。故选D。32. B 【解析】细节理解题。根据短文内容第三段可知,南非国家在庆祝母亲节的时候没有提到食物。故选B。33. A 【解析】词意猜测题。根据filled with fun activities和宾语party可猜测throw意为“组织”此处的意思为“组织”。故选A。BSince May 12, a

31、 computer virus named WannaCry has infected (感染) more than 300,000 computers in over 150 countries, according to Reuters.WannaCry is spread by using a weakness in Microsofts Windows operating system. Once the virus gets into the computer, it locks all the papers and asks the user for money to unlock them. At first, it asks for $300, but if the user doesnt send the money in 72 hours, the price doubles. Papers are locked forever if the user doesnt pay in seven days.The virus has brought bad resul

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