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高考英语一轮复习 阅读理解选编二11.docx

1、高考英语一轮复习 阅读理解选编二11吉林北宁市2017高考英语一轮阅读理解选编(二)阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。 体裁:议论文话题:历史故事时间:6分钟The movies just wouldnt be the same without the warm buttery taste of popcorn.Amazingly,this delicious treat started its life as a corn kernel(玉米粒)and not from just any corn.Popcorn is a type of sweet c

2、orn that was originally grown in Mexico and spread to China,India and elsewhere.It is the only kind of corn that will pop.Today,most of the worlds popcorn is grown in the United States.Every popcorn kernel contains a tiny drop of water,surrounded by soft starch(淀粉)When the popcorn is heated,the wate

3、r turns into steam.This puts pressure on the surrounding hard kernel,forcing it to explode.The soft starch increases about 40 times in size as the corn kernel turns itself inside out.In the 1500s popcorn was an important food source for the Aztec Indians of central and southern Mexico.But it wasnt o

4、nly food.It was also used in ceremonies or in headdresses and necklaces.By the time the Europeans arrived in America,popcorn had spread through most of the American Indians.Some early American settlers ate popcorn with cream and sugar for breakfast.But it wasnt until the late 1800s that popcorn beca

5、me popular.The demand for popcorn increased and farmers began farming popcorn.The first mobile popping machine was invented in 1885,and popcorn was sold by street sellers much like hot dogs are sold today.During the Great Depression of the 1930s,the popcorn business still thrived as people could sti

6、ll afford it.Then in the 1950s television arrived and popcorn consumption decreased.People stayed home and stopped going to the theatre.But the link between movies and popcorn had already existed.Soon people began making popcorn at home on the stove.Later,microwave popcorn was introduced.Today the m

7、ovies have regained popularity and popcorn has once again become the favorite.【语篇导读】没有温热香甜的爆米花,电影似乎也会失去味道吧。那么,关于爆米花你又了解多少呢?1Popcorn was first planted in _.AChina BAmericaCIndia DMexico解析细节理解题。根据第一段第三句可知答案。答案D2Why does the corn kernel pop when heated?ABecause it is covered with soft starch.BBecause t

8、he pressure inside is too big.CBecause the starch becomes bigger in size.DBecause there is water inside the kernel.解析细节理解题。根据第二段第二、三两句可知,玉米粒内的水并不能直接导致它炸开,而是水蒸气产生的压力作用于四周坚硬的内核上,造成它爆炸。故答案选B。答案B3We can know from the passage that _.Apopcorn began to be farmed in the late 1800sBpopcorn was only a kind of

9、 food in the 1500s Chot dogs used to be sold by street sellersDpeople stopped going to the movies without popcorn解析细节理解题。根据第四段第二、三两句可知,是在19世纪末期,随着人们对爆米花需求的增长,农民们才开始种植这种玉米。答案A4The underlined word“thrived” in the fifth paragraph probably means “_ ”Astarted to be popularBwas seriously affectedCsuffered

10、 a lot Ddeveloped very well解析词义猜测题。根据上文的still以及下文的as people could still afford it可推断出,这里指即使是在经济大萧条时期,因为爆米花仍然是人们买得起的食品,所以爆米花产业仍然发展得很好。答案D【2014高考英语模拟适应卷】 阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中, 选出最佳选项。 Do you ever wonder why the English have one word for some animals and a different one for their meat? Why do t

11、hey use pig and pork, cow and beef, and sheep and mutton. To find out, we have to go back to 1066. In that year, the Norman French invaded England and put a French king on the English throne. The French not only changed the government but they also changed the language. French became the language(王位

12、) of the upper classes of society. And it remained that way for 300 years. Only these high society people could afford to eat meat. As a result, French words like porc (pork) and beouf (beef) came into the English language. However, poor English farmers raised the animals. So, the English language r

13、etained the words pig and cow from the native Anglo-Saxon. The Norman French added about 10,000 French words to the English language. Seventy-five percent of them are still in use today. Language experts estimate that English speakers who have never studied French already know 15,000 French words! B

14、etween one-third and two-thirds of all English words have French origin. Some words such as possible and avenue are the same in French and English; only the pronunciation changes. Other words such as ballet or a la carte retain their French pronunciation in both languages. In French grammar, nouns h

15、ave either a male or female gender, so adjectives(形容词) take different forms for each. English has only one adjective that does this, and it came from French. The world bl ond describes someone with light-colored hair. Blond is used for men, and blonde describes women. And they are also nouns. Some F

16、rench words that entered the English language have taken on completely different meanings. The French phrase a la mode means “in style.” In English, the phrase means “with ice c ream.” Someone must have decided something eaten with ice cream was in style! Now, as you learn English, youre on your way

17、 to learning French!64French was once popular among the upper classes of the UK because _ . Atoo many Frenchmen moved to Britain. Bthe French brought animals with them Cthe king and his officials spoke French Dthe king allowed French to be spoken65The underlined word “retained” in Paragraph 1 is clo

18、sest in meaning to _? Aadopted Bkept Cintroduced Ddeserted66Why does an English speaker find French easy to learn? ABecause English and French share similar pronunciation. BBecause English grammar and French grammar are similar. CBecause English has great influences on the French language. DBecause

19、a large number of English word have French origins.67What conclusion can we draw from the text? ALanguage is closely related to history and culture. BLanguage is controlled by the upper classes of society. CFrench and English words dont have much in common. DEnglish combines French and the Native An

20、glo-Sanxon.【参考答案】64-67 CBDA 社会生活类 Ive recently returned from a trip to China where Starbucks signed two historic Memoranda of Understanding to invest in growing high-quality coffee in Yunnan province. Well be cooperating with the Peoples Government of Puer City (Yunnan Province) and the Yunnan Acade

21、my of Agricultural Sciences. These agreements signal cooperation between Starbucks and China to revolutionize the Chinese coffee market and help local farmers there grow new, high-quality coffees that are sure to be prized throughout the world. Although we will continue to buy coffees from many coun

22、tries, this opportunity allows us to help build Chinas specialty coffee market from scratch. Well open another Farmer Support Center, manage a base farm to grow coffee for production and create a demo farm that offers training on soil quality, tree planting and pruning, and education about C. A. F.

23、E. Practices. We will also operate wet and dry mills. Between the agronomists and partners with years of leadership in the coffee industry, we have the experience necessary to be very successful. I am excited about the immense opportunity this partnership represents. But whats even more rewarding is

24、 the opportunity to give back to the farmers in this area. During my visit, I met with 156 excited farmers who represent the 27 ethnic tribes that live in the lush, rural area of Yunnan. This is the ideal region with the perfect climate for growing specialty coffee in China. The area is Puer, known

25、for its beauty and also its exquisite teas. We are looking forward to this historic partnership with the Chinese government and Yunnan farmers. For us, this will be a market with huge potential for growth. For the farmers, this means hope for a brighter, more stable business that respects the people

26、 and the land of this area. We are doing something truly special. In just a few short years, we will reinvent the coffee sector in China and bring an awareness of Yunnan coffee to the rest of the world. 1. What seems to be a big piece of news to Yunnan province? A. There will be a blockbuster shown

27、in Yunnan. B. Two Memoranda are signed on coffee-planting. C. I have made a trip to revive a prize in Yunnan. D. High-quality coffees have been found in Yunnan. 2. What other support will Yunnan be offered? Another Farmer Support Center will be opened. The relative training on coffee-planting will b

28、e given. Wet and dry mills will be operated to produce coffee. I will be sent back to Yunnan to inspect the preparation. A. B. C. D. 3. What is the reason that Yunnan is chosen to cooperate with? A. The perfect climate. B. So much cheap labour. C. Many ethnic tribes. D. Rich experience in farm work.

29、 4. Why does the author say it is a historic partnership? A. It opens up the coffee industry in China. B. It will change the world coffee market. C. It will bring more high-quality coffee from Yunnan. D. It is the first time to grow coffee in China. 5. What can be implied in the passage? A. Yunnan c

30、offee will shock the world. B. More ethnic tribes will be known to the world. C. More people in the world will know Yunnan. D. The cooperation will be more in other fields. 【参考答案】11.BBACC Remember that divorce is confusing for children. When you first talk with children, limit your discussion to the

31、 most important issues; children can become confused if they are given too much information at once.children need to hear that their basic needs will be met, that someone will still fix breakfast in the morning, help them with their homework. Children also need to know that their relationship with b

32、oth parents will continue, if possible. In the face of so many changes, children also need to hear what will remain the same. Parents can make sure their children through words and actions that their love will continue despite the changes in family life. During these family discussions, it is important for parents to tell children that the divorce is final and avoid

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