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1、近义词121 extract = take out, obtain 提取The oil companies are having a hard time extrating oil and gas from offshore fields.石油公司现在很难从近海油田中获取石油和天然气。122 extravagant = lavish, excessive 过度的,大手大脚的Everyone in the office seems to be extravagant with paper.好像办公室里的每个人都在浪费纸张。123 exude = release, ooze 显露(某一品质)Thi

2、s picture exudes his true sense of fashion.这幅画流露出他对时尚的真实感受。124 fame = renown, reputation 名声,名誉,名气James Austin achieved international fame by writing each chapter in different styles.詹姆斯奥斯汀因其作品各章风格迥异而享有国际声誉。125 far-reaching = extensive, voluminous 影响深远的Edison had far-reaching influence on the modern

3、society.爱迪生对现代社会的影响深远。126 farsighted = wise, insightful 有远见的,深谋远虑的Being farsighted is one of the important qualities to be successful.目光长远是成功的重要品质之一。127 feast = banquet 宴会There are many dishes to enjoy in a feast.宴会上有许多佳肴可供品尝。128 feature = element 特点,特征The feature of birds is to have a beak and feat

4、hers in their body.喙和羽毛是鸟类的身体特征。129 foe = enemy 敌人It was hard to tell whether they were a friend or foe.他们是朋友还是敌人,这很难判断。130 forebear = ancestor 祖先With the advent of farming, our forebears had to develop tools.随着耕作的出现,我们的祖先不得不发明工具。131 forecast = foretell, predict 预测,预报Meteorologists are forecasting m

5、ore rain.气象学者预测会有更多的降雨。132 formidable = challenging 难对付的A formidable rival was expelled from the community for the king topredominate.为了国王的统治地位,一个难缠的对手遭到了驱逐。133 fragment = part, fraction, debris 碎片,碎块Only some fragments from the statue were left in the museum.博物馆里仅剩下雕塑的一些碎片。134 fragile = delicate, b

6、rittle, breakable, frail 易碎的,易损坏的Glass should be handled with extra care because it is fragile.玻璃易碎,搬运需格外小心。135 frugal = economical, thrifty, sparing 节俭的,节约的The eccentric painter wanted to live a frugal life despite his hugewealth.尽管这个古怪的画家非常富有,他却追求节俭的生活。136 genuine = authentic, real, unfeigned 真实的W

7、e need more detailed observation to find out whether the proof isgenuine or not.我们需要进行更加细致的观察,以便查明证据是否真实。137 germinate = sprout, burgeon, grow 发芽Seeds sown in the fall will begin to germinate the following spring.秋天播种的种子第二年春天会开始发芽。138 grasp = understand, comprehend, apprehend, figureout, catch on to

8、 理解,领会It is so hard to grasp the meaning of life.生命的意义难以理解。139 gratify = satisfy, delight, appease, please 满足Parents should try to gratify their childrens needs moderately in ordernot to spoil or frustrate them.父母应该试着适度地满足孩子的要求,以免宠坏或是挫伤他们。140 hallmark = feature, characteristic 特征,特点His latest work b

9、ears all the hallmarks of the current society.他的新作品呈现了当今社会的全部特征。151 in any case = regardless 无论如何,不管怎样In any case, there is another chance to challenge higher goals.无论如何,还有别的机会可以挑战更高的目标。152 incidentally = by chance 偶然地Police found a great number of drugs incidentally under investigations.警察在调查中偶然地发现

10、了大量毒品。153 incorporate = include 包含Incorporating revisions in a written text is the next thing to do.修订书面文本是接下来要做的事情。154 incredible = amazing, stunning, astonishing 难以置信的My grandfather told me an incredible story about the World War II.我爷爷给我讲述了一个让人难以置信的二战故事。155 ineffective = useless, ineffectual 无效果的

11、,不起作用的The majority system was outdated and ineffective in this situation.在这种情况下,大部分系统都陈旧过时、效率低下。156 inherent = innate, hereditary 固有的,内在的Identical twins have inherent features from their parents.同卵双胞胎具有来自双亲的固有特征。157 inhibit = prohibit 阻止,抑制The writer claimed that his diabetes inhibited him from devo

12、ting himself to the nextwork.这位作家称他身患糖尿病,而病情也不允许自己全心投入下一部作品。158 initiate = start 发起Initiating a conversation between strangers needs much energy.与陌生人发起对话会很费力。159 instantly = immediately 立即,马上Visitors are instantly enchanted by intricate designs of castles inFrance.游客们立刻就被法国城堡精致复杂的设计给迷住了。160 instead

13、of = in lieu of 而不是Many experts will depend on what is directly proved from experimentsinstead of what is assumed.许多专家都愿相信实验中直接得到证明的而不是假定的东西。161 instrument = method, tool 器械,器具Doctors should be good at using surgical instruments.医生应该擅长使用外科(手术)器械。162 intact = undamaged, unimpaired 完好无损的Fortunately, t

14、he typhoon left many succulent fruits intact.幸运的是,台风过后许多汁水丰富的水果完好无损。163 in terms of = from the aspect of 在方面In terms of quality, many products manufactured in the countries in South-East Asia are not satisfactory.许多东南亚地区制造的产品在质量方面都不符合要求。164 intervene = interfere 干预,介入,插手America intervened in interna

15、tional matters to hold its power.美国通过干预国际事务来维护自己的势力。165 intricate = complicated 错综复杂的In France, many buildings have intricate designs even in a spire.在法国,连许多建筑物的尖顶都有着错综复杂的设计。166 intrude = force, obtrude 把强加在;强迫He intruded his opinion upon us.他把自己的想法强加给我们。167 irrelevant = unrelated 不相干的This comment i

16、s irrelevant to our major problem.这个意见和我们的主要问题无关。168 jeopardize = endanger 危及,危害The new railway construction jeopardized the survival of somespecies like salamanders.这条新铁路的修建危及到了一些物种的生存,如火蜥蜴。169 join = link, meet, connect 连接,接合Shootings never stop on the border where the two countries join.在两国交界的边境地

17、区,战火从来没有停止过。170 juncture = occasion, critical point 特定时刻,关头This outstanding theory should be accepted at this juncture.在此关头,这个重要理论应该得到认可。 171 launch = start 发动,发起,开始进行The police launched an investigation to find the suspect.警察展开调查寻找疑犯。172 leading to = guiding to, directing to 通到,通往,通向The riverside p

18、ath is leading to a small chapel.河边的这条小路通往一座小教堂。173 lethal = deadly 致命的,致死的Taking a lethal dose of sleeping pills is not allowed in any case.任何情况下都不允许服用致死剂量的安眠药片。174 likelihood = probability 可能(性)There is a strong likelihood of declaring an emergency.宣布进入紧急状态的可能性很大。J175 linger = remain 继续存留Her sweet

19、 voice lingers on my ear.她甜美的声音萦绕在我的耳畔。176 lucid = clear 表达清楚的,易于理解的The strength of her poems lies in lucid explanation.她诗歌的长处在于解释清晰明了。177 lucrative = profitable 能赚大钱的,利润丰厚的Mobile phone business is one of the lucrative sectors these days.移动电话业务是当今利润丰厚的行业之一。178 luminous = glowing, lucent 发光的There are

20、 hundreds of luminous stars in a mysterious shape.成百上千发光的星星组成了一个神秘的形状。M179 maintain = sustain, continue 保持;维持The U.S. government imposed a high tariff on foreign products to maintain profitability.美国政府为了保持盈利对外国产品征收高额关税。180 mammoth = huge, gigantic 巨大的,庞大的These mammoth corporations are being secretly

21、 scrutinized.这些庞大的企业正在被秘密地审查。181 manipulate = control 操纵,控制The media is manipulating public opinion.媒体在操纵民意。182 manual = hand-operated, non-automatic 用手操作的I like this car because it comes with a manual gearbox.我喜欢这辆车,因为它配有一个手动变速箱。183 magnify = enlarge 放大This newly produced microscope can magnify obj

22、ects 600 times.这种新生产的放大镜可以将物体放大600倍。184 mimic = copy, mime 模仿A parrot has a gift for mimicking the human voice.鹦鹉具有模仿人类声音的天赋。185 minute = tiny 极小的Many satellites measure minute movements of the planets revolving around the sun.许多人造卫星在测量太阳系行星的微小运动。186 mirror = reflect 反映The gloomy mood is mirrored in

23、 his writing style.沮丧的情绪在他的写作风格中反映出来。187 misleading = deceptive, inaccurate 误导人的The newspaper article about the current issue was misleading.报纸上关于这件时事的文章具有误导性。188 mock = imitate, pretend 嘲笑;(模仿)取笑All tenants mocked the owners way of speaking.所有的房客都嘲笑房东说话的方式。189 model = example, framework 典范Nelson Ma

24、ndela is a great model for us to learn the true spirit of cooperative governance.尼尔逊 曼德拉是我们学习合作治理之真正精神的伟大典范。190 modification = alternation 修改,更改,改变Our website urgently needs modification in design.我们的网站在设计上急需修改。191 moreover = in addition 此外,而且Eliminating monopoly is an indispensable process. Moreove

25、r it is themost crucial of all.消除垄断是一个必不可少的步骤。此外,它还是所有环节当中最为重要的一个。192 mundane = ordinary, routine 平凡的;世俗的This book only gives us mundane explanations about love.关于爱,这本书只给了我们平凡的解释。193 myriad = innumerable 无数的,不计其数的Myriad stars are illuminating in the sky.夜空中闪耀着无数的星星。N194 necessary = required, indispe

26、nsable 必要的,必不可少的It is a necessary step to publish his autobiography posthumously.在他死后出版他的自传是必要之举。195 needless to say = certainly 不用说,当然Needless to say, both money and time are crucial factors.不用说,时间和金钱都是至关重要的因素。196 notable = remarkable, conspicuous 显要的;值得注意的Jackson is a notable figure in the history

27、 of baseball.杰克逊是棒球史上的一个显要人物。197 nomadic = wandering 游牧(生活)的;流浪的The nomadic life made him wander restlessly.游牧生活使他不停地四处游荡。198 novice = beginner 初学者At a novice level of English, students should try to read as many sentences as possible.具备初级英语水平的学生应该尽量地多读句子。O199 obscure = unclear, vague 费解的The meaning

28、 of his recorded message was obscure.他记录的信息意思令人费解。200 obsolete = out of use, disused 过时的Many jobs have become obsolete because of advanced technology.由于具有先进的技术,许多工作已经过时。 201 obstacle = impediment, obstruction 障碍,阻碍,妨碍Lack of flexibility is an obstacle to world peace.缺乏灵活性是世界和平的一个障碍。202 obstruct = hi

29、nder, impede 妨碍;阻塞The heavy snow obstructed our view when we drove.大雪妨碍了我们开车时的视线。203 opaque = unclear, incomprehensible 不透明的If an object or substance is opaque, its impossible to see through it.如果一个物体或一种物质是不透明的,我们就不可能透过它看到东西。204 opponent = adversary, opposer 对手,敌手His opponent seemed invincible in a

30、fight.在对战中,他的对手似乎不可战胜。205 original = primary, first 原作品的,原版的;(文献等)原件的This book is the original.这本书是原版。206 overwhelm = overpower 彻底击败,击溃(军队)The guerilla troops overwhelmed the army.游击队击溃了大军。207 paradoxical = ironically contradictory 自相矛盾的It may sound paradoxical, but you will feel more energetic afte

31、rexercise.这听起来也许自相矛盾,不过在练习之后,你会感觉精力更加充沛。208 peak = maximum, best, summit, crest 高峰,顶点The boom in apartment construction has passed itspeak.建造公寓住宅的高峰已经过去。209 perception = viewpoint, standpoint 看法Politics is a source of friction in my family because we all havedifferent perceptions.政治是我家中争执的根源,因为大家各持己见。210 perilous = dangerous, hazardous 非常危险的Perilous chemicals spread across this region during the war.战争期间,高危化学制品在这个地区扩散。211 peripheral = outer 外围的,周边的Our body consists of the peripheral nervous system and the centralnervous system.我们的身体中有周围神经系统和中枢神经系统。212 perpetual = eternal, ev

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