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1、河北省邢台市初二上学期期末英语经典50阅读题一、阅读理解1(题文)Friends are very important in everyones life because friends are always there when we need them. Its great to have many friends, and I cant think about my life without my friends.My best friend is Lisa. When I first met her, I was five. She is one year older than me.

2、 Now she is in the same class with me, in the 7th grade. She is tall and quite thin. She has long curly blond hair and blue eyes. I am not so beautiful. Sometimes I wish I could be as beautiful as she is.My names Molly. I am tall enough but a little fat. Lisa and I like doing a lot of things togethe

3、r and talking about different things. She always helps me with my math and I sometimes help her with her English and history. I had to do a report (报告) on science once, but I didnt understand (理解) what the teacher said. The next day, I read it in front of the class. But the teacher told me that my r

4、eport was wrong and all my classmates laughed at (嘲笑) me. I felt very bad about myself. Lisa was the only one who didnt laugh at me. She tried to be nicer than anybody else and make me happy.I am a shy person and sometimes I feel that people dont understand me. Lisa is friendly and everybody loves h

5、er. She is also smart and she can deal with (解决)everything. I am happy to have a friend like her.1)(小题1)When Molly first met Lisa, Lisa was _ years old.A5 B6 C7 D82)(小题2)Lisa always helps Molly with her _.Amath BEnglishChistory Dscience3)(小题3)Why did Molly feel bad after reading the report?ABecause

6、Lisa did better than her.BBecause she didnt read it aloud.CBecause her classmates laughed at her.DBecause the teacher didnt understand her.4)(小题4)Which of the following words CANNOT describe Lisa?AShy. BFriendly.CPopular. DSmart.5)(小题5)What can we learn from the passage?ALisa is taller than Molly.BM

7、olly is more beautiful than Lisa.CLisa has brown hair and blue eyes.DMolly is happy to have a friend like Lisa.2Last Sunday I saw the worst storm in years. It came suddenly and went on for more than three hours. After lunch, I went into my room to have a rest. The air was hot, and all was quiet.The

8、strong wind started blowing into my room. Pieces of paper on my desk flew into the air and some flew out of the open window. As I ran out to catch them, big drops of rain began to fall.When I came back into the house, it was raining harder. I tried hard to close the window. Then I heard a loud crash

9、ing sound from the back of the house. I ran out of my room to find out what it wasa big tree had fallen down and broken the top of the back room.1)The storm took place _Ain the morningBin the afternoonCwhile I was in the black roomDwhile I was in the garden2)Before the storm came, the weather was _.

10、Acold Bcool Chot Dwarm3)The storm went on for _Amore than 3 hours Bthree hoursCless than 3 hours Dtwo hours4)Then wind blew some of paper _Aall over the floorBout of the doorCinto the back roomDout of the open window5)The top of the back room was broken because of _Athe hot air Bthe crashing soundCt

11、he rain Dthe falling tree3ALearn to cookEgg Fried RiceIngredients;A bowl of cooked rice 2 eggs4 spoons of oil (油)Some green onion slices and carrotsA big teaspoon of mayonnaise(蛋黄酱)Instructions:Mix rice and mayonnaise really well. Heat up the oil.Put the eggs into the oil. Remember not to cook them

12、too long.Add the rice, heat it and mix it well.Add green onion slices and carrots, and cook them for a few minutes.Tips:Mayonnaise has all the important ingredients for fried riceoil, salt and sugar. So try mixing them first, and then it will get the egg fried rice a good taste.1)Which is NOT the in

13、gredient for egg fried rice?ACarrots. BButter. CGreen onions.2)We need if we want to cook a bowl of egg fried rice.Afour eggs Btwo spoons of oil Ca big teaspoon of mayonnaise3)What is the second step to cook egg fried rice?AHeat up the oil. BAdd green onion slices. CMix rice and mayonnaise really we

14、ll.4)Why is it better to use mayonnaise?ABecause it is one of the ingredients.BBecause it can be cooked long.CBecause it has oil, salt and sugar in it.5)What do you think the passage is?AA reply to an invitation. BA page from a cookbook. CA New Years resolution.4Long ,long ago, there lived in Greece

15、 a learned man. He was so well known for his wide knowledge of almost everything that lots of people from all over the country came to learn things from him. The great man taught his students wholeheartedly and answered their questions with great patience.One day a student asked him, “My dear teache

16、r, didnt you say you yourself have many, many more questions about things than we do? But I think we students have far more than you.”With a smile on his face, the teacher drew two circles,one as large as a big wheel, the other smaller. Then he said, “Of course, Ive learned much more. But its wrong

17、to think that a teacher has fewer questions than his students. Now, look at these two circles. The inside of the bigger one is my knowledge of things, and the inside of the smaller one is yours. Out of the circles is what is still unknown to us. Since mine is larger, I have to use the longer line to

18、 draw the bigger circle. That means I have more chances to face what is still unknown. And thats why I myself have more questions than you do. The more you learn, the more questions you have. You will never learn enough, you know.So, there is no limit(限制) to knowledge. Whether the old or the young,

19、everybody needs to learn every day. You have no right to be pleased with yourself, even though you are the first in your class or your school.根据短文内容,正确的写(A), 错误的写(B)1)The learned man was famous all over the world and respected by all the people.2)The teacher drew two circles to explain the students

20、question.3)The other smaller stands for the teachers knowledge.4)The more questions we have, the more knowledge we may get.5)From the passage we know its never too old to learn.5Do you know how to make friends with a group of people? Let me tell you the steps about making friends with the group. May

21、be its helpful(有帮助的)to you.First, you need to know what kind of group they are. If people of the group are shy, never ask them “Why dont you talk?” “Why are you quiet?” or “Why do you look shy?” They dont like such questions.Next, remember that each group is different. They may use different words,

22、like different things or have different ways of “hanging out”.Then, the important thing is that you should try to be outgoing. If you are outgoing, you would become very popular. Remember, nobody wants to make friends with a shy person.Finally, find a right topic to talk with the group. For example,

23、 you can talk with them about the weather, the news, their hobbies or their school life.1)What does the underlined word “steps” mean in Chinese?A脚步 B步骤 C办法 D习惯2)You can ask the questions like “_” when you want to talk with a shy person.AWhy dont you talk? BWhy are you quiet?CWhy do you look shy? DIt

24、s a nice day, isnt it?3)You can talk with the group about the topics except _.Athe weather Bthe news Ctheir hobbies Dtheir ages4)Which is the correct order of the following things in this passage? a. Know that each group is different.b. Try to be an outgoing person.c. Find a right topic to talk with

25、 the group.d. Know what kind of group they are.Aa-b-c-d Bd-a-b-c Ca-d-b-c Dd-b-a-c5)Which is the best title for the passage?AFinding Differences Between the Two GroupsBGood Topics to Make ConversationsCHow to Make Friends with a Group of PeopleDMaking Friends with Parents6When you have a dinner part

26、y, what should you do? The following will help you.Try to open the door for cach guest, If someone else answers the door, go to welcome your guests as soon as you can. Always offer to take their coats and ask, “Would you like me to take your coat?”People often bring gifts like flowers or chocolates

27、to a dinner party. Be ready to receive(接受)the gifts if they do. Get a vase so that you can put the flowers in water.Never leave a guest unattended(没人照顾的), especialy when there is only one guest! If there is more than one, they can talk to each other.If the party is at home, a good idea is to have a

28、toilet sign for people who dont know your house.If the party is somewhere else. Like a restaurant, try not to be too loud, because not everyone in the restaurant is at your party.1)If others answer the door, you should _.Ago to receive their presentsBleave them talking freelyCgo to welcome your gues

29、ts as soom as possibleDclose the door for them2)If people bring gifts to your dinner party, you should _.Ahelp them put the gifts on the tableBbe ready to receive themCget a vaseDput the flowers in water3)If there is only one guest, you should _.Amake him/her sit at a tableBmake him/her wait until y

30、ou are freeCnever leave him/her unattendedDnever talk to him/her4)If you have the party at home, you should _.Ainvite lots of peopleBtry to be loudCtalk with each otherDhave a toilet sign for people who dont know your house5)If you have the party in a rstaurant,you should _.Atry not to be too loudBh

31、ave a toilet sign for popleCattend everyoneDtalk to everyone7Some British and American people like to invite friends and colleagues(同事)for a meal at home. You should not be upset if your English friends dont invite you home. It doesnt mean they dont like you.Dinner parties usually start between 7 and 8 p.m.,and end atabout 11. Ask your hosts what time you should arrive, Its polite to bring flowers, chocolates or a bottle of wine as a present.Do you want to be extra(特别地)polite? Say how much you lik

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