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1、高中英语语法讲解与练习名词 集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)高中英语语法讲解与练习名词二、名词一、名词:具体或抽象的事物。1)dog, boy, car, book, window, day2)class, team, family, police3)water, tea, milk, coffee, meat, gold4)friendship, health, beauty, time其中集体名词被当作一个整体时,要看作是单数,用单数的谓语动词。但当这些名词里的具体事物的各成员是被逐一单独考虑时,就用复数的谓语动词。The

2、football team is playing well.这个足球队踢得好。The football team are having baths and are coming back for tea.足球队员们正在洗澡,然后他们就回来喝茶。The family is a happy one.这是一个幸福的家庭。My family are very pleased about the good news.这个好消息使我全家人都很高兴。Xiao Ming is a Chinese. 小名是个中国人。The Chinese are brave and smart. 中国人很勇敢智慧。二、难点:名

3、词的复数情况构成方法读音例词一般情况加-s1.清辅音后读/s/;2.浊辅音和元音后读 /z/map-mapsbag-bagscar-carsce, se, ze, (d)ge结尾的词加-s读 /iz/house-housesface-faces以s, sh, ch, x结尾的词加-es读 /iz/bus-buses watch-watchesbox-boxes以o结尾的词无生命的加-s读 /z/photo-photospiano-pianoszoo-zoos有生命的加-estomato-tomatoespotato-potatoeshero-heroes以辅音字母+y结尾的词变y为i再加-es

4、读 /z/baby-babiescity-citiesmonkey-monkeys以f, fe结尾的词变f, fe为v再加-esleaf-leavesknife-knives例外:roof-roofsThe thiefs wife killed a wolf with a knife and a leaf.不规则变化:manmen男人 womanwomen女人footfeet脚 toothteeth牙goosegeese鹅 mousemice鼠 oxoxen公牛 childchildren儿童单复数同形:deer,sheep,fish,Chinese,Japanese, yuan(注意西方货币

5、有复数dollars, pounds)只用复数的词:trousers裤子 goods货物 clothes衣物glasses眼镜 scissors剪刀 people 人有的名词既可以做可数名词,又可以做不可数名词。glass 玻璃 玻璃杯paper 纸 文件、试卷、报重要提示:1、单数可数名词永远不可以单独存在。例句:牛在天上飞。Ox is flying in the sky. An ox is flying in the sky.Oxen are flying in the sky. 2、形如“num-n-adj”结构内的名词永远单数。此形式相当于一个形容词。如:三米长 three-meter

6、-long 如果连字符,中间的名词不变复数式。例:Amy is a seven-year-old girl. Amy是个7岁的小女孩。三、不可数名词不可数名词不能被a, an, many等直接修饰。但它们可以借助单位词表一定的数量。如:a glass of water 一杯水a piece of advice一条建议a piece of paper 一张纸四、可数名词和不可数名词各有其不同的修饰语只修饰可数名词单数的如a/an,one,another,either,neither,every,many a等。 I dont like this book, give me another one

7、.我不喜欢这本书, 请另外给我一本。Neither shoe feels comfortable.两只鞋都感觉不舒服。An apple a day keeps the doctor away.谚 一天一个苹果, 医生不上门(比喻不生病)。只修饰可数名词复数的如these,those,few,many,a great number of,both,several及二以上的数词等。There are a few apples on the table. 桌子上有几个苹果。 There are few apples on the table. 桌子上几乎没苹果。Were there many peo

8、ple at the meeting? 有很多人到会吗?只修饰不可数名词的如a little(表示“少”,并非“小”),a bit of,much,a great/good deal of,a great/large/small amount of等。There is a little milk in the bottle. 瓶子里有点牛奶。There is little milk in the bottle. 瓶子里没大有牛奶了。There was so much food that we couldnt eat it all. 食物太多了,我们吃不完。既可修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词的有

9、the,some,any,no,all,a large/small quantity of,other,half,one-third等。some在解释为 “某一”,any在解释为”任何”时也可修饰可数名词单数。this和that只能修饰可数名词单数和不可数名词,last,next,the other和序数词只能修饰可数名词单数和复数。I have some books.我有一些书。There is some water on the desk. 桌子上有些水。五、名词的所有格 在英语中有些名词可以加s来表示所有关系,带这种词尾的名词形式称为该名词的所有格,如:a teachers book。名

10、词所有格的规则如下:1)单数名词词尾加s。2)若名词已有复数词尾s,只加,如:Teachers Day 教师节。复数名词如果词尾没有s,要加s,如mens room 男厕所,Childrens Day 儿童节。3)所有格s的形式一般都可以变成“名词+of +名词”的形式,如this songs name可以变成name of this song。4)人名+s表示某一家人。the Greens 格林一家人名+s+ 表示某一家人的住所。the Greens 格林的家The Greens went to China this summer. 格林一家暑假去了中国。I went to the Gree

11、ns yesterday. 我昨天去了格林的家。5)如果两个名词并列,并且分别有s,则表示“分别有”;只有一个s,则表示“共有”。 如:Johns and Marys rooms(两间)John and Marys room(一间)6)双重所有格。s所有格有时可以和of所有格结合在一起表示所有关系,这叫做”双重所有格”。He is a friend of my brothers.他是我弟弟的一位朋友。Im staying with a friend of mine.我打算和我的一位朋友住在一起。I borrowed a necklace of yours.我借了你的一条项链。1. All th

12、e have three . A. hero; photo B. heros; photosC. heroes; photoes D. heroes; photos2. A group of are eating and at the foot of the hill. A. sheep; grass; leaves B. sheeps; grasses; leavesC. sheep; grass; leaf D. sheeps; grass; leafs3. All the are made of , not plastics. A. glass; glass B. glasses; gl

13、assC. glass; glasses D. glasses; glasses4. What did you see?I saw police there. A. many B. much C. little D. the 5. fish are there in that bowl ?A. How much B. How many C. Do you know how much D. Whats the number of 6. The come out to the farm. A. cow B. dog C. deer D. horse7. is needed in cold coun

14、tries. A. A lot of clothes B. Much clothingC. Many a cloth D. Lots of clothes10. are sold in the new store. A. Man and childs shoes B. Mens and childrens shoes C. Men and children shoes D. Mens and childs shoes12. Julie went to the to buy a pair of shoes . A. shoes store B. shoe store C. shoes store

15、 D. shoes store13. What would you like to drink?Id like , please. A. a coffee cup B. small coffee C. a little coffee D. a cup coffee14.Biology is . A. science of life B. science of the life C. the science of the life D. the science of life 15. Ill give you to finish it. A. two-weeks time B. two week

16、s time C. two weeks time D. two weeks time 16. How far is the hospital?About walk.A. five-minute B. five-minutes C. five minutes D. five minutes19. “Whose hat is it?”Its hat. A. somebody elses B. somebody elseC. somebodys elses D. somebodys else20. Mike and Johns . A. father is a teacher B. fathers

17、are teachersC. father are teachers D. fathers are teacher21. How many do you want?A. bread B. breads C. piece of bread D. pieces of bread22. Miss Smith is a friend of . A. Marys mothers B. Marys motherC. mothers of Mary D. Mary mother23. If these trousers are too big, buy a smaller . A. set B. one C. copy D. pair24. The number of people invited fifty, but a number of them absent(缺席的). A. were; was B. was; was C. was; were D. were; were

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