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1、湖北省襄阳市枣阳实验中学中考英语最后冲刺浓缩精华卷含答案2021-2022学年中考英语模拟试卷请考生注意:1请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用05毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。2答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项,按规定答题。. 单项选择1、Why are you walking so quickly, Edward?There_ a talent show in ten minutes.Awill have Bwill beCis going to have Dare going to be2、-Nowa

2、days, many people are getting used to posting photos of themselves or their daily lives on Facebook or We Chat -_.AIts their pleasure BBut I dont think its safeCOK. I will take your advice DLet me have a look at them3、Are you a basketball player in you school? Yes, I_the team 3 years ago.I_in it for

3、 3 years.Ajoined, was Bwas joined, amChave joined,have been Djoined, have been4、Sally picked a basket of strawberries. She took two and left _ to her mom.Aanother BothersCthe other Dthe others5、Youve been watching TV for two Hours. Why not _ games with us?Astop playing Bstopping to play Cstop to pla

4、y6、You are sure to fail the exam _ you study hard.Aif Bunless Csince Dthat7、It sounds like a good plan, but you should _ it with your parents first.Akeep Blearn Cdiscuss8、-Excuse me, I wonder _ I can pay for the new shoes?-You can pay by using wechat or Alipay(支付宝).Awhether Bwhen Chow Dwhy9、_ exciti

5、ng sport it is to climb the mountains!AHow BWhat CWhat a DWhat an10、-Hello, Joyce, you are busy. Can I give you _hand?-Thanks very much, _ I can manage.Athe , and Ban , or Ca , so Da , but. 完形填空11、One day, a lady on a carriage saw a young man walking on the rocky road. 1 the young man didnt wear sho

6、es and it seemed that there was 2 wrong with his feet.She asked the driver 3 him up, and said she would pay 4 him. Then she asked the young man 5 . He said he was going for the nearest sea-port, to offer himself as a sailor.Twenty years 6 , on the same road, a sea-captain 7 was on a carriage saw an

7、old lady walking along, and he made the driver stop his horses. He pulled up 8 old lady, saying, “Ill pay the money.”After 9 on the carriage, the old lady thanked the captain, “for,” said she, “I am 10 poor to pay for a ride now.” The captain said, “I remember, twenty years ago when I was a poor man

8、, near this very place, I 11 a ride on a carriage along the road by a kind lady.” “Ah,” she was 12 , “I am that lady! But things 13 with me since then.” “Well”, said the captain, “I have made some money, and have come home to enjoy it. I 14 you twenty-five pounds a year if you accept my offer.” The

9、old ladys eyes were full of tears, and 15 accepted the sailors offer.1ASo BOr CBut DAnd2Asomething Banything Ceverything Dnothing3Apick Bto pick Cpicking Dto picking4Ato Bat Cin Dfor5Awhere is he going Bwhere was he going Cwhere he is going Dwhere he was going6Alate Blater Clatest Dthe latest7Awho B

10、which Cwhat Dwhose8Aa Ban Cthe D/9Aget Bto get Cgetting Dgot10Atoo Bvery Csuch Dso11Aam offered Bwas offered Coffered Dwas offering12Asurprise Bsurprised Csurprising Dsurprisingly13Achange Bchanged Cis changing Dhave changed14Agive Bgave Cwill give Dwas giving15Athankfully Bthank Cthankful Dthanks.

11、语法填空12、根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填入一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。每空一词,含缩略词。Warm weather and sunny days mean its a barbecue( 烧烤 ) season in the US.These days, 1 people say theyre going to a barbecue,they usually 2 that theyre going to cook the food over a grill( 烤架 )out doors.Popular barbecue foods include hamburgers, hot d

12、ogs, and vegetables.Barbecue fans say that this is not real barbecue;its just grilling.True barbecue,which is also 3 BBQ,is an American tradition (传统)that is as old as the country itself.Barbecue refers to meat that is cooked for a very long time(sometimes as long as 24 hours) over low heat from a w

13、ood fire.The smell of the burning wood adds flavor (味道) 4 the meat,which becomes soft as it cooks.Different parts of the US have different 5 of making barbecue. In Texas, people often use beef. In North and South Carolina, pork is the most common. In Kansas City, pork ribs ( 猪肋排 ) are the favorite.

14、Each region( 地区 ) says that its own barbecue is the 6. There are barbecue competitions every year, and even magazines about the art of making great barbecue.Most Americans dont have the time or patience to dig a hole, fill it with special wood, light a fire and 7 cook meat carefully over it all day

15、and night. So when they want a real barbecue, they go to restaurants that do the hard work for them. For those who want to have 8 own, easy barbecues, theres always grilling. 阅读理解A13、A large number of people in the world eat fast food. Whenever you go into a fast food restaurant, you can see lots of

16、 people enjoying their meals there. How do you know in which country people like fast food best?The English people are the worlds biggest fans of fast food, while the French are the least interested in quick meals, according to a survey done last year. The survey of thirteen countries shows 45 of th

17、e English people say they cant give up fast food because its delicious. And 44of Americans and 37of Canadians say the same. The French, proud of their delicious and high-class cuisine, dont like fast food. 81of them think it is unhealthy, followed by 75 of the Japanese.How about the Chinese? How oft

18、en do you have hamburgers or fried chicken? It doesnt matter whether you like western fast food or Chinese food. The most important thing is to keep a balanced diet.1From the survey we know _ like fast food best.Athe Chinese Bthe French Cthe English2The survey shows _ of Americans like fast food.A37

19、 B44 C75 3According to the survey, some cant give up fast food because .Aits cheap Bits healthy Cits delicious4The underlined word “cuisine” in the passage means _.Afood Bhouse Cwater5The survey is about _.Awestern countries Bfast food Crestaurants in the worldB14、Just like rice and noodles are diff

20、erent from bread, snacks in China are a world apart from those in the UK and the US. For one thing, I never imagined that sunflower seeds(瓜子) would be so popular here. I spotted people having them while waiting for tables outside restaurants, before dinner and, of course, while watching TV. I also s

21、aw that a plate of sunflower seeds is always on offer during the Spring Festival holidays.I had seldom tried sunflower seeds when I came to China. In the UK, though, young people love their snacks. In fact, young people in Britain eat more snacks than people of the same age in other European countri

22、es. A recent survey has discovered that 64 percent of under 20-year-olds snack between meals, according to an article on the British Council website. In comparison,58.7 percent of young people snack in Germany, 53 percent in France, and only 40.7 percent in Spain.British snacks are generally unhealt

23、hy. Our favorites are probably potato chips, which we call crisps, and chocolate bars. From a very young age, we always looked forward to our crisps and chocolate bars after school, perhaps even included with sandwiches and fruit in our school lunches that our parents made for us.Snacks are also pop

24、ular in the US. One of the things that I found the most extraordinary(特别的) when I first visited the US was the number of snacks in their supermarkets; I was surprised to find huge aisles(过道) just for snacks that were bigger than some stores Id been to in the UK. Snack tastes in the US are much the s

25、ame as those in the UK, except theres much more choice every kind of fatty, sugary food is available to everyone all the time.All in all, its probably best for your health if you like sunflower seeds rather than potato chips and chocolate. But eating these delicious treats at times couldnt possibly

26、be wrong, could it?1According to the article, snacks are the most popular among young people in _ABritain BGermany CFrance DSpain2What surprised the author when he went to supermarkets in the US?AHow the snacks tasted.BThe size of the snacks packages.CThe lack of choice when it came to snacks.DThe l

27、arge number of snacks.3What does the author think of potato chips and chocolate?AThey dont taste as good as sunflower seeds.BThey are unhealthy, so people should stop eating them.CIts better to eat them with sandwiches and fruit.DIts fine to enjoy them from time to time although they are unhealthy.4

28、What is the article mainly about?AThe most popular snack in China.BSnacks in the UK and the US.CSnacks young western people like.DSome tips for choosing snacks in the UK.C15、When I was growing up,I had an old neighbor named Dr Gibbs.He didnt look like any other doctor Id ever known.He was a very kin

29、d person.After he retired,he began to plant trees in his large garden. He wished to make it a forest. The good doctor had some interesting ideas about planting trees.He never watered his new trees.Once I asked why,he said,“If you water them,each baby tree will grow weaker and weaker. Otherwise,they

30、will have to grow deep roots to look for water under the earth by themselves.” He planted some oaks, and instead of watering them every morning,he beat them with a rolled-up newspaper.I asked him why he did that,and he said it was to get the trees attention. Dr Gibbs died two years after I left home

31、.I always walked by his house and looked at the trees that Id watched him plant about twenty five years ago.Theyre very big and strong now.I also planted two trees several years ago.I carried water to them for a whole summer.I sprayed(喷洒)them.However,after two years of caring too much,whenever a cold wind blows in, they shake a lot.Life is hard,whether we want it to be or not. What we need to do is try our best to make our roots reach deep into the b

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