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1、初三英语语法复习5人教版新目标知识精讲初三英语语法复习(5)人教版(新目标)【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容: 语法复习(5) 动词的时态和语态 阅读指导(一)时态和语态的基本用法(以动词do为例)类别主动语态动词结构被动语态动词结构时间状语现在时态一般现在时dodoesoften,sometimes,seldom,always,every day / month, year1. 表示按计划,规定要发生的动作: Tomorrow is Sunday.2. 表示客观真理和自然现象:He said the earth turns around the sun.现在进行时now, at present

2、. these days1. go/come/arrive/leave/move/sail/die/do/meet等动词的现在进行时可表示一般将来时:The train is leaving. / Im coming.2. under + 名词(repairs, construction)现在完成时donebeen doneso far, in the past/last two/few years, recently, lately, twice, for two years, how long, since ago,1. 瞬间动词不与for + 一段时间连用。2. 瞬间动词不与how lo

3、ng引起的疑问句连用。过去时态一般过去时diddonelast week/year/month/spring, a few days ago, in 1998, since引导的从句中表示过去经常发生的动作用used to do sth.过去进行时doingbeing doneat this time yesterday, from 9:00 to 10:00 yesterday,all the morning, the whole afternoon.在描述故事发生的背景或者某一时间点和时间段的动作时,常用此时态过去完成时had donehad been donebefore/after/w

4、hen/by the time引导的时间状语从句中其实质是“过去的过去”,必须先有“过去”将来时态一般将来时will/shall dogoing to dowill/shall be donegoing to be donetomorrow, next week, soon, in 2008在表将来时的时间状语从句中,主句用一般将来时,从句多用一般现在时表将来。 考点I 动词的时态和语态一. 动词的时态 1. What are Mr. and Mrs. Black doing? (2003北京) They _ tea in the garden. A. drank B. are drinkin

5、g C. have drunk D. drink 2. Who _? Theres too much noise. (2003 武汉) A. does sing B. is singing C. sang D. singing 3. Listen! Some of the girls _ about Harry Potter. Lets join them. (2003 北京海淀) A. are talking B. talk C. will talk D. talked 4. What did you do last night? (2003甘肃) I _ TV with my family

6、. A. watches B. watch C. am watching D. watched 5. Our teacher, Miss Chen, _ English on the radio the day before yesterday. (2003 北京海淀) A. teaches B. taught C. will teach D. had taught 6. They _ some books from the library last week. (2003 长沙) A. lend B. lends C. buy D. borrowed 7. Jack _ his left a

7、rm when he was playing basketball. (2003 武汉) A. had hurt B. has hurt C. hurt D. have hurt 8. Im sorry youve missed the train. It _ 10 minutes ago. (2003 山东) A. left B. has left C. had left D. has been left 9. Hi, Carol. How was your trip to Disney world?Hi, Alice. Oh, we _ a good time there. (2003 广

8、州) A. are having B. have had C. had D. have 10. It _ that they had no change with them at the moment. (2003 重庆) A. seemed B. was seemed C. seem D. is seemed 11. I called you at about half past eight last night, but nobody answered. Oh, I _ in my office at that time. (2001 北京东城) A. will work B. was w

9、orking C. worked D. had worked 12. The train is leaving right now, but David hasnt arrived yet. Well, he said he _ here on time. (2001 北京东城) A. come B. will be C. would come D. can be 13. By the time my parents reached home yesterday, I _ the dinner already. (2001 北京东城) A. had cooked B. cooked C. ha

10、ve cooked D. cookKeys: BBADB, DCACA, BCA (二) 不用被动语态的几种情况不能使用被动语态的动词例句表示“发生”的动词:happen, take place, break out等Great changes have taken place in our school.The American Civil War broke out in 1861.表示“状态”的动词:last, cost, belong to, hold (容纳), have, like, wish等The water can last us three days at most.表示感

11、知的系动词:look, feel, sound, taste, smell等Good medicine tastes bitter. Silk feels soft and smooth.其它一些动词My pen writes well.The cloth washes well.The book sells well/rapidly.注意:The new book has been sold out.Your coat needs/wants/requires washing.(三) 阅读指导:养成良好阅读习惯1. 不借助词典通读全文。2. 按词组或短句来阅读,而不要一个词一个词的阅读。3.

12、 阅读时,不要心读或出声朗读。4. 通读一遍文章后,如果有不认识的单词或词组,可以参考注释,也可以查词典。把握文章细节一篇文章必须通过许多细节来进一步揭示和反映主题,体现中心思想. 弄懂这些细节,有助于理解全文,归纳,概括文章的中心思想和正确解题。学生可以根据命题的不同要求,扫读或细读文章,以获取某些特定信息,找出所需要的细节。猜测词义正确理解句子中出现在该生词前后的词汇或短语有助于猜测生词的意义。如果句子意义很难猜测,可以先理解段落或全文大意。在段落与全文大意的环境中来理解句子,推测出生词的大意。请注意:这里所指的词义只是单词的大意,不是准确含义。只有在阅读完之后,在有时间的前提下,才能查阅

13、字典,以掌握该生词的确切含义。寻读寻读是查找某特定事实或信息,而无需阅读全文的阅读技巧,与其它阅读技巧相比,它更为广泛的用于日常生活中,此方法对于学生从书中查阅所需信息极为有效。 总之,寻读能使我们快速找到所需信息,把有限的时间更合理利用到相关内容上。查读在阅读一篇文章时,常常需要为了弄清某一具体问题或某一句话,某一段的意思而一次或几次阅读文章的某一部分。 主题句的重要性每篇文章都是一个有机的整体,段落与段落之间有着内在的逻辑联系。一般来说,文章的每个段落都有一个句子表达这个段落的中心思想,这个句子就叫做主题句,其他句子则围绕主题句进行说明或阐述。整篇文章的主题就是通过这些主题句表现出来的。据

14、统计,大约80%的主题句是段落的首句,其他大约20%多是尾句,但也有时是中间句。因此我们往往可以通过阅读每段的首句或尾句来了解整篇文章的大意。在做阅读与理解这类练习时,我们也可以用很短的时间先浏览一下文章各段的首句或尾句,在对整篇文章有个简要的了解后再回过头来仔细阅读全文。下面一篇文章各段的首句,你看了以后对文章的概貌是不是有所了解呢? Oxford Street is Londons main shopping centre. Walk along Oxford Street from Marble Arch to Oxford Circus, and you will pass hundr

15、eds of shops.People from all over the world shop in Oxford Street. Look at the crowds. How many of these people are English?The best-known London store is not in Oxford Street. It is Harrods in Knightsbridge. You can buy anything in Harrodsfrom a pin to an elephant!There are also hundreds of open-ai

16、r markets in London. They sell all kinds of things: vegetables, clothes, records, furniture. The two best known markets are in Petticoat Lane and in Portobello Road. Petticoat Lane market is on the east side of London, near Liverpool Street Station. The market is open on Sundays. You can buy anythin

17、g there. Some of the things are very cheap. But not many things are both good and cheap! Portobello Road market is in west London. You can get there by tube. The nearest tube stations are Notting Hill Gate and Ladbroke Grove. The market is very busy on Saturday. You will find old furniture and antiq

18、ues on many of the stalls in Portobello Road.主题句概括全段的中心思想或主要内容,是段落的核心,它一般出现在段首或在接近段首的地方。有时是一句话,有时是两三句话。有时主题句也会在段尾出现,目的在于重述主题。个别情况下,主题句位于段中,这是段落的意义是按照“次要重要次要”的顺序排列的。说明文,议论文的段落中常见主题句。主题句中往往有关键词。阅读时,找到了主题句和关键词就掌握了段落的主要信息。【模拟试题】(答题时间:45分钟)动词的时态和语态专项训练I. 用括号中动词的适当形式填空。 1. Look, it _ (snow) again. 2. The

19、watch _ (go). I hear the ticks. 3. He _ (not finish) his homework yet. 4. Jack _ (make) a lot of new friends since he came here. 5. Great changes _ (take) place in our hometown in the past twenty years. 6. They _ (watch) TV when I _ (get) home. 7. We _ (write) the composition when suddenly the phone

20、 _ (ring). 8. We _ (laugh) happily now, but at this time yesterday we _ (work) hard. 9. I think the train _ (leave) in a few minutes. 10. Mother said she _ (go) to see my teacher next week. 11. Do you know where he _ (live) now? 12. Be quite! The child _ (sleep). 13. By the end of the match, he _ (k

21、ick) four goals. 14. If it doesnt rain tomorrow, we _ (visit) the Great Wall. 15. Miss Gao _ (study) English on the radio every morning.II. 单项选择。 1. He will do better in English if he _ harder. A. will work B. works C. working D. work 2. Since he came here last year, we _ happy.A. are B. have been C

22、. had been D. were 3. These books _ in the library for a long time.A. have kept B. had kept C. have been kept D. were kept 4. Her grandparents _ for ten years.A. died B. have died C. were dead D. have been dead 5. Our geography teacher told us yesterday that the earth _ around the sun.A. was moving

23、B. moved C. has moved D. moves 6. Oh, its you. Im sorry I _ know you _ here.A. dont; are B. didnt; are C. didnt; were D. dont; were7. What _ you do if you saw an accident? A. will B. would C. will please D. would please 8. Hurry up! The play _ for ten minutes.A. has been on B. has begun C. had begun

24、 D. began 9. How long _ your father _ the Party?For more than twenty years.A. has; joined B. did; join C. has; been in D. does; join 10. What did your son say in the letter?He told me that he _ the Disney World the next day.A. would visit B. has visit C. is going to visit D. will visit 11. The lette

25、r _ in Japanese. Can you read it to me?With pleasure. A. writes B. wrote C. is writing D. is written 12. In some parts of the world, tea _ with milk and sugar.A. is serving B. is served C. serves D. served 13. Did you win the basketball game?Bad luck. Our team _ in the final.A. won B. beat C. was wo

26、n D. was beaten 14. It is said that about 400 cars _ in the factory next month.A. were produced B. will produceC. are produced D. will be produced 15. I wasnt at home yesterday. I _ to help with the harvest on the farm.A. asked B. was asked C. was asking D. had asked 16. Where are the boys?Oh, they

27、_ basketball on the playground just now.A. were seen play B. were seen to playC. have seen to play D. have seen play 17. Can you sing this English song?Of course I can. It _ often _ by children. A. is; sang B. will; sing C. was; sang D. is; sung 18. What did Miss Zhang say to you just now?She said t

28、hat all the books should _ to the library on time. A. are returned B. return C. be returned D. be returning 19. The old man was quite weak after the accident, so he _.A. must be taken care B. must take care ofC. must be looked after D. must look after 20. A football match _ in our school next Monday

29、. A. will hold B. will be held C. is going to hold C. holds21. A: Do you still play basketball? B: Oh, no, I _ it for the past two years. A. havent played B. have played C. didnt play D. played22. Have they got used _ in China? A. live B. to live C. to living D. lives 23. The house is dirty. We _ it for weeks. A. didnt clean B. hadnt cleaned C. dont clean D. havent cleaned 24. My dictionary _ I have looked for it everywhere but still _ it.A. has lost, dont find B. is missing, dont findC. had lost, havent found D. is missing,

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