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unit 2 教案1.docx

1、unit 2 教案1Unit 2 This is my sister.(the 1st period Section A 1a-1c, 2a-2d)Teaching aims: (教学目标)1. 学会表述家人的称谓, 区分家人的称谓.2. 学会介绍家人.3. 学会用疑问句来询问家人的称谓.Language points: (语言点)1. 要求掌握以下句式: (1) -This is my - These are my - This is his / her - These are his / her -Is this your? - Are these your? - Is this his

2、/ her ? - Are those his / her?2. 要求掌握以下词汇: (1) 名词: sister, mother, father, parent, brother, grandmother, grandfather, friend, grandparent (2) 代词: these those3. 需要了解的节日:Family Day- Its a festival in the USA. A national effort to promote parental engagement as a simple, effective way to reduce youth s

3、ubstance abuse and raise healthier children. Its always on the last weekend in September.Difficulties (难点) : 本课的难点是学生要区分和掌握家人的称谓, 而学生在初次接触的时候, 要分清楚各个称谓会有一定难度。 学生学习用一般疑问句来询问并回答家庭成员的关系也有一定的难度。教学设计说明 1. 最基本的英语打招呼练习, 复习前两单元的句型. 即是一个对所学知识的回顾,也是正式上课之前的热身。Teaching steps (教学步骤)1. Warming-up and revision (课堂

4、热身和复习)(1) Daily greetings to the students (日常问候)T: Hello, what is you name?S: My name is .T: Nice to meet you!S: Nice to meet you, too!(2) Revision (复习)T: Whats this in English?2S: This is / It is a pencil.T: How do you spell “pencil”? 2 这个句型的练习也是对上个单元内容的复习。复习This /That is . 句型为新课学习做好铺垫。3借着上面复习到的句型,

5、拿出准备好的照片,来引入接下来family的话题。4 分别指向相应的人物,来介绍。可在课前在黑板上写好相应的词汇,在自己介绍完之后,可要求学生跟着自己念,并及时纠正学生可能存在的发音错误。5 拿出另外一张父亲单独的照片,来询问学生,并适时让他们分清楚parent 单复数的区别。6 之后一些家庭成员词汇的教授,都要求学生大声地重复,以确保他们发音的正确。7 这里需要适当解释和示范什么是 match。在学生做练习的时候可以在教室中走动,来回指导一下。S: P-E-N-C-I-L, pencil.T: Thank you.T: Whats this /that in English?S: This/

6、That is a pen / book / eraser / ruler / dictionary / backpack /Baseball / watch / key / computer game / notebook / ringT: How do you spell -?S: -2. Presentation (呈现新知识): T: Whats this in English?S: Its a picture /photo.3T: Yes, this is a picture of my family.T: Can you see the woman? This is my moth

7、er4. Read after me, mother.S: Mother.T: Do you know which one is my father? This is my father4. Do you think he is handsome? Please read after me, father.S: Father.T: If we want to call our father and mother together, we can call them parents.T: Father is my parent,5 Mother is my parent, too. They a

8、re my parents. T: Now look at these two old people. They are my Grandparents6. One is my grandfather, the other one ismy grandmother. They are old but they are healthy. T: Im the only child in my family, so I dont have any brother or sister. But I have an uncle and an aunt. Theyare my fathers brothe

9、r and sister. Look, they are here. 3. Work on 1a: T: Now, please open you books, and turn to page 13. look at part 1a. You can see a picture of Daves family and some words we have learned just now. Please match the words with the people in the picture.7 Check the answer.4. Drill (练习):T: Now, you are

10、 Dave8. Please cover the answer of 1a by8 让学生扮演Dave 的角色,让他们用第一人称来介绍家庭成员。目的在于让学生能进一步熟悉新词汇。9 此环节着重于听力的练习, 当然,教师并不需要局限于磁带,可根据学生掌握情况,自己变化或添加听力内容。此环节已经开始使用第三人称了。10 接着上面的环节,让学生试着用第三人称介绍。教师可以进行适当的讲解,也可以将句型写在黑板上。11 这里加入了美国家庭日这个概念, 这样是便于给学生一个比较真实的环境,同时也是西方文化知识的补充。教师除了介绍资料之外还可以问一下学生对此节日的想法。 using a piece of p

11、aper then listen to me carefully. I will give you a letter, and you must tell me this letter means which member in your family. For example, I say “c”. You should say “This is my mother”.Understand?T: OK, lets begin. The first one is XX, your letter is “d”.S: These are my grandparents.T: Good job. N

12、ext one -S: -5. Work on 1bT: The next task is very easy for you. I will play the tape.Please listen carefully, and circle the people the boy talksabout in the picture9.T: Do you get the answer? Who does the boy talk about?S: His brothers and sister.T: You are so amazing.6. Work on 1c T: I think ever

13、yone has known Daves family. Two students a group, please introduce Daves family10 to each other. Please use “ This is his-.” “These are his-.”S1: This is his father.S2: These are his parents.S: -7. Work on 2b T: Today, I would like to introduce an American festivalto you, it is called “Family Day”1

14、1. On this day, the whole family get together, have meals and play games. Now look at the picture in 2b. These are Daves family members.They are having their “Family Day”. Look, they are sohappy. But I dont know who are they exactly. Can you tellme?I will play the recording once more. And please mat

15、ch the name with the people in the picture. T: Can you give me your answer? S: - Presentation (呈现新知识)12 仍然是利用书上的图片,将本课新的句型进行呈现,并帮助学生在你问完问题后用Yes / No 来回答。并提醒学生注意区分单复数的用法。13 本环节并没有按照课本就书上图片进行提问练习,而是让学生就同桌的照片提问,应该更加有真实感。14 在课前可准备好图片,并用纸张盖住图片的大部分,只留下一小部分让学生进行猜测 Who is it?注意在此环节及时纠正学生的错误。对所学问句进行巩固。15 本环节

16、还是在巩固所学知识。在此可鼓励学生尽可能地自由发挥,除运用当天所学之外,还可以有自己的东西。比如说询问未来子女的名字,未来家人的工作,年龄等等。并可对出色的同学进行适当的奖励。 T: OK, now we have known Dave, Lin Hai, Mary and Jim But there are still some strangers12. T: Look at this woman. Is this Daves mother? S: Yes, she is / No, she isnt. T: What about these two old people? Are thos

17、e Daves grandparents? S: Yes, they are. / No, they arent. -8. Work on 2c T: Two students a group. Ask and answer by using your own pictures13 Please use these sentences:“Is this your uncle?”“Are those your parents?” S1: Hi, XXX. Is this your grandfather? S2: Yes, he is. S1: Are those your parents? S

18、2: No, they are my uncle and aunt. -9. Work on 2d Guessing Game. T: Look. Whats in my hands. This is a picture. But you only can see a part of the picture14. I can tell you this is a member in Daves family. Can you guess “Who is it?”Please use the questions we have learned today. S: Is that Daves au

19、nt? Is this his grandmother Are these his brother? Are those his friends?10. Follow up (进一步扩展)T: We are students now, but one day we will grow up. We will have our own family. Can you imagine what is your family like 30 years later?15 Please draw the future family on a piece of paper about your fami

20、ly on a “Family Day”. Then show the drawing to your group mate. Ask each other about the family members.I will choose the best pairs to make a presentationfor us.11. HomeworkWrite down your introduction about your own family andyour friends family as detailed as possible. Unit 2 This is my sister. (

21、The 2nd period Section A 3a-3c )Teaching aims(教学目标)1. 学会说家庭成员的称谓(继续学习含有be的动词的基本句型的陈述句和一般疑问句。)2. 学会向别人询问、介绍家庭成员Language points(语言点)1 要求学会以下句式:(1) Thats (2) -Is he/she -Yes, he/she is.(No, he/she isnt.)2 要求掌握以下词汇:she, he3. 要求掌握以下缩写:hes=he is, shes=she is(上述句式、词汇和缩写应在第二课中出现过,在本课中作为重点可渗透到课堂各个活动中,加深学生对所学

22、知识的印象,使之能被更灵活地运用。)Difficulties(难点):学习含有be动词的一般疑问句的句式及其回答。 教学设计说明 1. 这两个问题是为了帮助学生进入学习的良好状态,对课堂产生兴趣,鼓励他们用不同的回答,在学生反问时,老师可在适当的情景下带出丰富的回答,但要及时将新单词板书在黑板上。同时让学生体验含有be动词的疑问句。2. 通过对学生姓名的询问后,用“Thats”向大家介绍这位同 学,复习了介绍的相关句型,也为课文3a部分做了铺垫。Teaching steps(教学步骤)1. Warming-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)(1) Daily greetings

23、to the students(日常问候)T: How are you today?1S: I am (fine/great/OK/very good). How about you?T: I am (fine, too/not bad/pretty good/awful/terrible).How is your father / mother / grandfather /grandmother / uncle / aunt / brother / sister? How are your parents / grandparents -?3 在这里,当教师用英语说完之后,可以适当加以中文

24、说明,务必让学生明白做听力题的策略。4. 通过让学生提问,拉近师生之间的距离, 并使学生获得语言运用的成就感。5. 建议老师用夸张语调读”Areyou” ,并将它板书,让学 生熟悉含有be动词的一般疑问句的句式。6 创设真实情景,当部分学生在理解这个句子时有一定困难时,可配以肢体语言,加深学生对此句的理解,培养他们在语境中理解新单词的能力。7建议老师用夸张语调读”Is he/she” ,并将它板书,让学生熟悉第三人称一般疑问句的句式。对能正确回答的学生及时加以语言、微笑等多种形式的鼓励。8T 板书younger; sister, 可给中文帮助Ss理解younger, 建议学生能在语境中理解si

25、ster。S: He/She isT: Whats your name, please?S: I am (My name is) T: (to the whole class) So thats . 2 (2) Revision(复习)Work on 2a T: Now, please open your books, and turn to page 14.Look at 1a. I will play a recording. Listen carefully and circle the words you hear. I will play it twice3. The first t

26、ime you just need listen. You can finish this part at the second time.T: Now, lets check the answer.S: -T: You are right. Thank you.2. PresentationT: Now, lets play a guessing Can you guess how old I am? 4 S: Are you twenty-seven? 5T: NO, I am a little older.S: Are you twenty-eight?T: Yes, you are s

27、o clever.(学生可能回有不同的回答,老师根据学生回答给出多种评价。)T: What about you? How old are you?S1: I am twelve (this year).T: Are you twelve, too?S2: Yes, I am. (No, I am not. I am thirteen.) T: Oh, I am sorry. I cant hear you clearly6, (to the whole class)9此句较长,要求T放慢语速,如果学生未完全清楚T的指令,可重复此问题。使用教材第15页3 a上图片的挂图,给学生一分钟时间独立或同

28、桌讨论来完成此项活动。在此基础上组织下面操练。10叫几位同学单独回答,个别空格也可全班一起回答。鼓励 同学大声读出自己的句子,老师及时鼓励,注意指导学生一般疑问句的语调。11此句较长,而且含有多个新单词,要求T放慢语速,配以手势,加深学生对T指令的理解。12. T 可给学生提供其它常用人名和father、mother、aunt、uncle等家庭成员称谓替换Anna、Paul和sister 、brother。鼓励学生尽量使用自己学过的单词完成对话。13. 把句型板书在黑板上,T通过自己的回答让学生理解Do you have的意思,抓住学生回答的老师需要的答案,开展接下来的教学活动。Is he/s

29、he thirteen?7S: Yes, he/she is.T: Thanks. You are so clever (good/wonderful/). She is younger than me, so she is my sister8.3. Work on 3a T: Now lets look at this picture. There are four people in the picture, and the boy and the girl playing basketball are Anna and Paul. Lets read the words aloud a

30、nd fill in the blanks with the words from the box. 9. T: Lets check the answers: 10-Is she your sister?-Yes, she is.-And is he your brother?-No, he isnt. He is my friend.4. Work on 3b T: Well done! Now read the dialogue in 3a with your partner, then change your roles. 11Ss read it in different roles.T: Oh look, there are many people there, old and young . Can you make a dialogue like 3a? 125PresentationT: I have a friend. His name is Mike. Do you have a friend? 13S: Yes. 14学生在黑板上写出一个名字,鼓励同学们用“Is”这个句型进行猜测。活动前先有T和Ss做示范对话,再由S和S进行活动。对正确使用第三人称单数一般疑问句的同学进行表扬。板书重点句型。此活动建议采用小组竞赛的形式,以活跃课堂气氛。15. 课前要

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