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1、谢孟媛英文初级文法第2130集笔记谢孟媛英文初级文法 第21集 笔记(注意)过去分词的形容词用法。表示被动= A spoken language. 被人说的语言。 A decayed tooth 虫牙 A wounded soldier 受伤的士兵 A boiled egg 被煮熟的鸡蛋 Boiling water 沸腾的水 Boiled water 开水表示完成= Fall动词掉落 当名词是秋天 Fallen(过去分词) Fallen leaves 落叶 Falling leaves(leaf)的复数 正在掉落的叶子。 The risen sun .已经升起来的太阳 The rising s

2、un .正在升起的太阳(日出) A faded flower.已经掉的花。 A retired teacher 已经退修的老师。 名词+过去分词+修饰语例如1.This is a picture painted about 200 years ago.这是一幅二百年前画的图画.例如2. We have some story books written (write) in easy English. 我们有一些故事书是用简单的英文写的。例如3. A women setting in the middle is bobs mother 坐在中间的那位女士是bob的母亲。例如3. Some of

3、the people waiting for the bus become angry. 等公车的有一些人,变得很生气。例如4. I know the boy running in the park. 我认识在公园跑步的男孩。例如5 Do you have any frineds living Japan. 你有任何住在日本的朋友吗?例如6.subway(美语)-underground(英语) 地铁The subway is the railway running under the ground .地铁是在地下行驶的铁路。 例如7. A nurse is a person taking ca

4、re of the sick people. 护士是照顾病人的人。例如8. The language spoken in America is English . 美国说的语言是英文。当受词例如1. I looked a lot of pictures taken in Kanting .我看了许多在垦丁拍的照片。Take taken 被拍的当补语例如1.This is a dress made for her。这是为她做的洋装。Make-made . 被做的比较:形容词用法的现在分词和过去分词1. 现在分词当形容词用表示 a 动词进行 b主动。2. 过去分词当形容词用表示 a 动作完成 b被

5、动。例如1.The girl drawing the picture is my sister. 画这幅画的女孩是我的姐姐。例如2. The picture drawn by my sister is nice. 这幅画我姐姐画的画很不错。 被画的3. 分词的其他用法 主语动词现在分词(当补语)补语 be动词后面接补语。 连缀动词后接补语。A .Keep 现在分词:表示动作的持续或重复。 Keepkept(过去时)例如1. He kept standing for three hours .他站了3个小时。例如2.The dog kept barking all night . 那只狗整晚叫个

6、不停。 叫 call . 叫某人做什么事 have 狗叫 bark .B. come(stand sit 等)现在分词:表示两个动作同时进行。例如1.The children came running to meet us 这小孩跑过来迎接我们。例如2. Jake stood looking at monkeys . Jake站着看猴子。S V O 现在分词当受词 补语 感官动词 hear see feel keep 例如1.I saw her crossing the road . 我看见她正在过马路。 例如2. Dont leave her waiting outside in the r

7、ain.别留她一个人在外边雨中等待。S V O 过去分词当受词 补语 使役动词 make have let例如1. I could not make myself understood in english 我讲的英文不能使得人明白。例如2. She heard her name called by someone .她听到有人叫她的名字。例如3. I had my hair cut . 我剪了头发了。例如4. Toms hobby is painting 。Tom的嗜好是画画。 I am painting 我正在画画。Unit 5 形容词 ( 修饰名词)1 形容词的用法。叙述用法放 be 动

8、词 或 连缀动词之后补充。 连缀动词如 变得。 看起来。例如1. He is old and sick. 他有老有病。例如2. Mark became hungry after two hours work.在二个小时的工作后mark 肚子变饿了。例如3. Sea water tastes salty 海水尝起来是咸咸的。Tasty=delicious 好吃 salt= salty 咸的 tastes第三人称单数形容词 名词 例如 a useful book 有用的书。 Beautiful Successful ful 是形容词的字尾 Physical education 体育限词 数量 品质

9、 性质 状态(大小颜色材料 制造) 名词例如 1 .An expensive gold watch. 一只昂贵的金表。例如2. This rad silk tie 这是一个红的领带。例如3. five tall strong korean boys. 五个又高又强的韩国男孩。例如4. afew useful oblong black boxes 一些有用的方形黑色的合子。Something SomebodyEverything EverybodyAnything AnybodyNothing Nobody 一件重要的事-an important thing 某件重要的事-something i

10、mportant例如1. He eats nothing sweet . 他不吃甜食。 I have no money 。 我没有钱。例如2. something terrible is about to happen .某件可怕的事情要发生了。注意 国名 某国的 =语言 全国人民复数China-Chinese - Chinese -the chinese Japan Japnese Japanese the Japanese Korea Korean Korean the koreans France French French the french Germany German Germa

11、n the Germans Spain spanish spanish the spanish Businessman商人-的复数是-businessmen表示数量的形容词 many 可数复数名词 Much 不可数复数名词Much water 许多水。 A lot of 许多 Lots of 许多 例如1. Did he make many mistakes on the tast? 他考试犯了很多的错误吗?他(主词)犯(是动词)make mistakes (犯错误) 例如2.Is there much wine in the bottle? 瓶子里有许多酒吗? 什么地方有什么用 there

12、is 或 there are .A few (一些) 可数复数名词。A little (一点)不可数名词 例如 a little girl ( 一位小女孩)例如1. There were a few children in the yard at that time . 在那时有一些小朋友在院子里。例如2. I gave her a little trouble. 我给她添了麻烦。 或 I gave her some trouble. few 可数复数名词。很少, 几乎没有。Not many little 不可数名词 he not much 例如3. He is a man of few wo

13、rds 他是一个话少的人。例如4.there is little hope of his recovery.他痊愈的希望很渺茫。 recovery 恢复 There is little hope( 希望渺茫)Some (一些)-用于肯定句Any (任何)-用于否定句例如1.He colllects some foreign stamps 他收集了一些国外的邮票。 Collect 收集例如2.there is not any tea in the cup. 杯子里没有茶了。(有强调的意思)注意劝人吃东西,请人帮忙,或期待对方的回答yes 时问句也可以用some 例如1. would you li

14、ke some wine ?你想来点葡萄酒吗?例如2.May I have some more coffee? 我可以再来点咖啡吗?3.数词基数 1. 2. 3 . 顺序 第一, 第二, 第三 例如 first 2. two second 3.threethird 4. fourfourth 5. five- fifth6. six-sixth 7. seven-seventh 8. eight- eighth 9. nineninth 10. tententh 11.eleveneleven 12. twelvetwelfth 13-19 thirteen-nineteen-th

15、irteenth-nineteenth20-99 twentyninety-tewentieth-ninetieth两位数 基数-序数 twenty-one-twenty-first hundred 一百 数的读法 1, 000, 000, 000 Billion million thousand 10万-ten thousand 整数 例如1. 12,345-twelve thousand three hundred and forty-five . 例如2. 3,874,516-three million eight hundred seventy-four thousand five h

16、undred sixtenn小数 小数点为point例如 1. 3.14 three point one four. 2. 27.08 twenty-seven point zero eight . 分子(基数)分数 若分子超过1 分母加 S 分母(顺序) 例如 1/3 one third 2右3/4 two and three fourths 1/2 one half 1/4 a (one ) quarter 1/10 One in ten 或 one out of ten 年 月 日 2000年 (The year) two thousand1984年 7月4日 July 4 th (fo

17、urth)nineteen eighty-four6:15分 six fifteen/ a quarter past 分在前点在后 a quarter after six.6:15 或 a quarter past six.7:30 seven thirry / half past seven.8:59 eight fifty-nine/ one to nine 差一分9点 温度 摄氏25C twenty-five degrees (centigrade)或(celsius)Degrees 度华氏93ninety-three degrees fahrenheit 电话号码。 2834-7509

18、 读基数。数词的惯用表现Hundreds/ thousands/ millions 前面如果没有数字时加s of (数以百计 ) a kind of 一种 Hundreds of children gathered in the playground 数以百计的小朋友聚集在操场上In ones/ the 数词的复数例如1. she is in her twenties。 她是20几 岁。Teens 十几岁。例如2.There was on antiwar movement in the nineteen-sixties 1960年代有一项反战运动。 数词-单数名词=形容词例如1. Its on

19、ly a ten-minute walk from here to the station.这里到车站只有10分钟的路程。例如2. The young man married a 70-year old woeman.这个年轻人嫁给了我一位70岁的老女人。Unit6 副词副词的功用 He is careful 他是一很精心的。 Be动词配形容词。1. 修饰一般动词 He drives his car carefully.他小心翼翼的开车。 一般动词配副词。2. 修饰形容词 He is a very careful driver 他是个非常小心的司机。3.修饰另一个副词 He drives hi

20、s car very carefully. 他非常小心翼翼的开车。副词的种类1. 情状副词 情绪 happy sad 状态 cute heavy 例如 she is happy 她快乐. she sings happily 她唱歌唱的快乐2. 形成 ; 形容词ly Quick-quickly 快 slowsloely 慢 careful -carefully 小心形容词字尾le 去e 加 y Terribleterribly 坏的 confortableconfortably 舒适的形容词字尾为子音y 去y 加 ly Happyhappily 快乐的 heavy- heavily很重的形容词字

21、尾为ll 加 y Full -fully 慢慢地 dulldully 迟钝的。形容词字尾为ue 去 e 加ly True-truly 诚实地 dueduly 正当地形容词,副词同形。例如 early late enough fast first last 等不规则变化的。 Good / well及物动词-动词受词位置 动词副词=副词动词例如 she danced beautifully=she beautifully danced. 她跳舞跳的很优美。动词受词副词=副词动词受词这个动词是及物动词。动词的后面是受词所以它是及物动词,两个不能分开。例如1. All of us accepted t

22、he invitation gladly. 我们所有的人都很乐意接受邀请。或ll of us gladly accepted the invitation .动词介系词受词副词=副词动词介系词受词=动词副词介系词受词例如1. she walked into the classroom quietly 她安静地走进教室。Into 是介系词所以副词可以放在动词前或动词后或 she quietly walked into the classroom.或 she walked quietly into the classroom . Be quiet 安静点Keep quiet 安静点Quiet 是安

23、静的意思Quite 是相当的意思 这三个单词很像 要注意。Quit 是离去的意思Be动词副词Ving例如1 He was anxiously waiting for her arrival.他焦急地等待她的到来Arrive (动) arrival(名)注意=字尾ly 的情状副词可用于一句的句首。例如 slowly and carefully he opened the bux. 他慢慢地小心地打开了盒子。注意=连缀动词 如 feel taste 等后面要接形容词。连缀动词后接形容词。例如1. the old man looked angry.那个老人看上去很生气。 Look 连缀动词所以就接形

24、容词the old man looked at me angrily. 那个老人生气的看着我。例如2 we felt sad for his death。 我们对他的死感到很难过。feel连缀动词所以后接形容词 death是死的名词die死的动词, feel感到的过去时feltdo the doctor felt the pulse carefully医生小心地量脉搏。 felt the pulse 量脉搏例如3. Mark appeared calm Mark似乎冷静。 Appeared 似乎 连缀动词 Mark appeared suddenly at the door,Mark突然出现在

25、门口。 suddenly 突然 频率副词-次数 Always usually often sometimes seldom(罕见) Even never 等频率副词在Be 动词/ 助动词之后 ,在一般动词之前。 例如1. Jim is always late to school. late 这里是形容词 Jim上学总是迟到Jim always goes to school late late 这里是副词。频率副词在简答句或简述句时 要在be 动词或助动词之前例如1. Mr wang useally goes to the office by bus, but Mrs wang never do

26、es (goes to the office bu bus.) 省略 王先生经常乘公交车上班,而王太太从不。例如2. Did you ever tolk to foreigners in English . No, I never did. 你曾经和外国人讲过英文吗? 不, 饿哦从来没有过。注意频率副词除了always 外 也可以用于句首。例如1. Sometime we eat dinner in that restautant. 有时候我们去那家饭店吃晚餐。例如2. How often do the buses ruin between the station ans your schoo

27、l。 你的学校到车站多长时间有一次公交车呢?地方副词 there ,here,downstairs(楼下)upstairs (楼上) inside under 小地方大地方例如1. Her parents lived on a small farm in a remote country。 她的父母住在一个遥远的村庄的小农场里。Remote control 遥控器地方副词很少用于句首,如用于句首用来表示对比,强调。例如1. The young girls are going upstairs . 年轻的女孩上楼去。例如2. Upstairs they are having a party an

28、d downstairs people are palying loud music, so I can not study in my apartment .楼上再举办宴会,楼下在大声的放着音乐,所以我在我的房间里不能学习。时间副词 句首/句尾例如1.last week you promised me to do it . 上星期你答应我做这件事。小时间大时间例如1. The wedding took place on Wednesday evening last week.婚礼是在上星期三晚上举行的。注意若有几个不同的副词同时出现其次序为。地方副词情状副词时间副词例如1. My siste

29、r went upstairs quitly a minute ago. 我的姐姐不久之前安静地上楼去了例如2 .A time bomb exploded at station yesterday. 一个定时炸弹在车站爆炸了。程度副词 so, too to be , very , quite, enough 等用于所修饰的形容词或副词前。例如 so confortable , too tired . very carefully, Enough用于所修饰的形容词或副词后例如tall enough够高了 kind enough 够慈善,例如1. It s warm enough for you to play out of doors . 天气够暖和你可以去外边玩。 特别注意的副词1. very 修饰原级和最高级much 修饰比较级和最高级例如1. He is a very good boy. 他是非常好的男孩。例如2. He is a much better boy than you 他是比你好的男孩。例如3. He is much the best boy of all .

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