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1、雅思5口语PART 1Work or study What subjects are you studying?Im currently studying computer science, with a focus on machine learning. Why did you choose to study that subject?I didnt choose this subject. Rather, it chose me. Ive always been fascinated by how computer programs work since I was a child so

2、 I knew from day one that I will study computer science. Is it interesting?Yes, it is very interesting. Therere many interesting things to learn and to experiment with. Its not easy, but I enjoy the challenges it presents. Do you prefer to study in the morning or in the afternoon?I generally prefer

3、to study in the afternoon or in the evening, because I usually go to bed at round 4am, which means I spend most of my mornings sleeping. Are you looking forward to working?Absolutely. Theres not a day when I dont wish I could finish my education earlier and join the workforce sooner. Do you like you

4、r subject?Yes, in my opinion, theres no other subject that would suit me better than computer science. When I learn or work on my coding assignment, it literally feels like play. What work do you do?I work as a corporate legal counsel. I help my company review contracts and settle legal disputes. Wh

5、y did you choose to do that type of work?For the money obviously. I make around 300,000 yuan a year, even though the work itself is boring and tedious and doesnt bring me much joy. Do you miss being a student?Whats there to miss? I cant even remember what the life of student was like. Do you like yo

6、ur job?On some days I do and on others I dont. Like any job, mine has its ups and downs. Sometimes you do a good job and everybody appreciates it, but therere also those days on which things just dont go the way you expect no matter how hard you try. HOME (Your Accommodation) Can you describe the pl

7、ace where you live?I live in a 2-bed room apartment in a modest neighbourhood, not very far from the city centre. How long have you lived there?Ive lived here for almost 10 years. I moved in about 10 years ago when I began working for a company in the city. Who do you live with?Just me and dog Boris

8、. I dont really like having other humans around, so I just live by myself. Do you plan to live there for a long time?I dont see any reason to move at the present moment, but I cant really be certain about the future. Maybe Ill get a different job in another city or decide to get married one day, the

9、n Ill probably need to find a new place. Whats the different between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past?I used to live in another neighbourhood in another part of the town with my parents, but other than the location, I think the main difference is that my current neighbou

10、rhood seems to have more older folks hanging around doing nothing all day, while my old neighbourhood was mainly occupied by young professional couples. Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?A flat. A house is just too much of a nuisance, too many things to take care of, while in a flat I dont n

11、eed to worry about anything other than cleaning the my rooms. In the future, what type of place would you like to live in?I would like to move to a mansion on the beach in the future, provided I could afford it. What kind of neighbourhood/environment/surroundings/home would you like to live in?Id li

12、ke to live in a neighbourhood of friendly people, preferably located in a pleasant area near the beach, with ample road-side parking spaces. What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?Well, bit of this and that. Mostly just watching TV and sleeping because I dont really have that many other thin

13、gs to do when Im home. Which room does your family spend most of the time in?We love to spend our time in the kitchen, cooking and talking or drinking tea or coffee together, exchanging our thoughts and experiences of the day. What part of your home do you like the most?I like my bedroom the best, i

14、ts the place where I spend most of my time when Im home, and I generally enjoy being in it. Are the transport facilities to your home very good?Theyre ok. Theres bus stop about 10 minutes walk from my place, and theres a train station not very far away, though theyre not super convenient but I wont

15、complain. Hometown Whats the name of your hometown?Its a village called 狗熊岭, which literally(字面上的意思,得分词) means brown bear ridge, because a large number of bears used to inhabit the woods around the village. Is that a big city or small place?Its a very small village, the surrounding area is teeming w

16、ith wildlife. The nearest town is almost 2 hours drive away, so its not a very accessible place. Please describe your hometown a little.Sure. Like I said, its a small village surrounded by woods, and not many people live here. Most of the residents work or used to work in the logging industry, becau

17、se the woods are dense, providing good resources for the logging industry. How long have you lived there?I lived there during my entire childhood and most of my adolescence. I moved to the city only after I began high school. Do you like living there?Yes I do. Although its just a small place without

18、 the amenities you often see in big cities, but people there are amazing. Theyre simply folks mostly, but they genuinely care about each other and theres really congenial feeling in the village. What do you like (most) about your hometown?The number and diversity of wildlife around my hometown is bl

19、ind-blowing. I used to go out there to trap rabbits and steal honey from beehives with my mates every day, and we really had a great time in the woods. Is there anything you dislike about it?The only thing I can complain about is the lack of good internet connection in my village. The internet servi

20、ce there is notoriously slow and reliable, and I cant live a day without checking my social media updates every other hour. Do you think youll continue living there for a long time? Do you plan to continue living there? I dont currently live there so I cant say Ill continue living there. But I think

21、 I may move back there after I retire, because its a really good place for older folks. Where would you like to live?Id like to live in Silicon Valley. Ive heard therere many high-end jobs there that pay really well. Do you know how I can move there?Transportation What form of transport do you usual

22、ly use?I usually just walk from place to place. Its free and it helps me exercise my legs after being in a seated position for too long. Why did you choose that form of transport?Mainly because it doesnt cost any money. Im not suggesting that Im poor but I believe one must spend wisely, so I dont se

23、e how someone could justify taking the bus or taxi every day. What vehicles (or means or transport) do people in China most often choose to use?I think most people in China travel by car if they drive, and those who dont generally use motorbikes or the public transport systems, like buses or trains.

24、 What will become the most popular means of transport in China?Shared bicycles are becoming increasingly popular these days, you can scan the QR code with your phone and unlock them, and after youre done you could just leave them wherever youre. I think theyre going to become the most popular means

25、of getting around in urban centres in the future. What do you think of the transport situation in your hometown?Because my hometown is just a small village, you could just walk wherever you want without a problem. If you need to travel a little bit further or to the nearest town, you could drive a h

26、itch a ride. So Id say the transport situation there is superb. Would you say transport costs are high in your hometown?Its actually quite low because walking doesnt cost money. Riding your own bicycle or electric mopeds doesnt cost much either. So Id say the transport costs in my hometown are virtu

27、ally non-existent. How has the transport system in your hometown changed in the past?It hasnt changed much except that in the past most people just walked wherever they need to and in recent years, some people have begun to use electric bikes, but they are still very clean and environmentally friend

28、ly. Advertisements Are there many advertisements in your country?Of course therere. Advertisements are everywhere in my country and I bet you cant even hide from them. Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?Well Im not sure to be honest. Maybe its because theres a lot of competition i

29、n the market these days and every business must find ways to promote themselves. How do you feel about advertisements? Do you like advertisements?I like them. Most advertisements, whether theyre still images in newspaper or videos on TV or your phone, are quite entertaining and informative. I honest

30、ly think my life would be rather dull without them. What kind of advertisements do you like the most?The funny ones of course, because they are really entertaining. Like a couple years ago theres this advert for a soil chemical enhancer in my country, which went viral on social media because it give

31、s everybody a good laugh. Do advertisements (ever) influence your choice about what to buy?All the time. In fact, I generally avoid buying brands that I havent seen on TV or newspaper, because I believe those brands are not credible(reliable). Where can we see advertisements? Where can you not see t

32、hem? You dont need to seek them out, you just need to sit at home and theyll come to you. What are the various places where we see advertisements?Everywhere. If you take a walk, youll see them on the street. If you take public transport, youll see them played in the in your buses and trains. Even if you just stay at home, youll see them on TV o

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