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英语外研版单元测试Book3 Module 4.docx

1、英语外研版单元测试Book3 Module 4英语外研版单元测试:Book3 Module 4部门: xxx 时间: xxx制作人:xxx整理范文,仅供参考,可下载自行修改Book3 Module 4单元测试题外研版)Class: Name: Marks: 满分1. The film is really touching, isnt it? I saw most of the audience crying at the end.Ktc1R7UWkH A. It cant be worse. B. Absolutely right. C. Forget it. D. I couldnt und

2、erstand. 2. I have done most of the work; the rest is by my partner next week.Ktc1R7UWkH A. to have done B. to be done C. to have been done D. to be doing3. We really appreciate when Miss Green comes to help us with the kitchen work. Ktc1R7UWkH A. that B. one C. her D. it4. The police found enough t

3、o prove that the man really had done something illegal.Ktc1R7UWkH A. process B. experience C. interest D. evidence5. The postman didnt come to the small village on time of the heavy snow. Ktc1R7UWkH A. in need B. as a result C. in search D. by the endKtc1R7UWkH6. It was such a(n experience for littl

4、e Lucy to walk in the dark on a rainy evening. Ktc1R7UWkH A. frightened B. frightening C. amused D. amusing7. Only when you read it second time can you fully understand whole story. Ktc1R7UWkH A. the; a B. a; the C. a; a D. /; the 8. The teacher asked the students to the article to find five grammar

5、 mistakes. Ktc1R7UWkH A. look through B. look into C. look out D. look round Ktc1R7UWkH9. Always thinking highly of yourself will have a very bad effect your study and career. Ktc1R7UWkH A. over B. at C. in D. on10. They did come to listen to my lecture, but how much did they ? I dont know for sure.

6、 Ktc1R7UWkH A. take away B. take out C. take back D. take in11. Would you please help me with this bottle? Im afraid I dont know . Ktc1R7UWkH A. how open it B. how it opened C. to how open it D. how to open it Ktc1R7UWkH12. Doctor, there is a(n call for you from a driver who has been injured in an a

7、ccident. Ktc1R7UWkH A. close B. urgent C. serious D. active13. It is impossible for that wounded woman to get to the nearest hospital in five minutes. Ktc1R7UWkH A. absolutely B. highly C. normally D. rarely14. I dont know you are coming, so I am just calling you to make sure.Ktc1R7UWkH A. that B. w

8、hat C. why D. whether15. Mans greatest energy does not come from his physical but from his dreams.Ktc1R7UWkH A. force B. strength C. pressure D. activity二、完形填空 (共20小题; 每小题1分, 满分20分I run a hotel in London. During the days with the terrible ash cloud which spread Europe from Iceland in May, 2010, I wa

9、s 16 to a London radio station called LBC. People called in 17 their stories of troublesome had missed 18 for holidays, some couldnt get home 19 the volcanic eruption. Ktc1R7UWkHThe story that most 20 me was a call from Peter, who had just gotten 21 the previous weekend to Maz. They were due to 22 t

10、heir honeymoon to the Dominican Republic but could not 23 the ash cloud. When James OBrien, the radio presenter, asked if he was upset, Peter said: “Not at all. Ive married the 24 girl in the world whom I adore, sono Im not 25 at all.” Both the presenter and I were so impressed by the beautiful 26.

11、Ktc1R7UWkHA little later, after receiving many cancellations, a(n 27 occurred to me and I called LBC. I spoke to the producer of the show and asked if she could keep 28 with Peter to offer him and his wife a 29 for the weekend at my hotel for free. She later 30 to say Peter and Maz were delighted an

12、d would love to take up the 31. The producer asked if I would like to 32 offer it to them on the radio show, but I declined as I didnt want it 33 to the public. Ktc1R7UWkHSo, two days 34, Peter and Maz arrived at the hotel and checked in. I was so pleased to have made a bad situation 35 for a young

13、couple. Ktc1R7UWkH16. A. relating B. listening C. sticking D. going Ktc1R7UWkH17. A. telling B. promising C. understanding D. persuading Ktc1R7UWkH18. A. buses B. taxis C. trains D. flights Ktc1R7UWkH19. A. crossing B. limiting C. keeping D. followingKtc1R7UWkH20. A. upset B. struck C. satisfied D.

14、disappointed Ktc1R7UWkH21. A. married B. away C. home D. abroad Ktc1R7UWkH22. A. get to B. search for C. leave for D. turn to Ktc1R7UWkH23. A. instead of B. except for C. as for D. because of Ktc1R7UWkH24. A. greatest B. loveliest C. poorest D. healthiest Ktc1R7UWkH25. A. unhappy B. weak C. angry D.

15、 content Ktc1R7UWkH26. A. question B. lady C. answer D. attitude Ktc1R7UWkH27. A. voice B. idea C. result D. chance Ktc1R7UWkH28. A. in need B. in danger C. in touch D. in trouble Ktc1R7UWkH29. A. room B. condition C. reward D. price Ktc1R7UWkH30. A. stood by B. called back C. kept on D. found out K

16、tc1R7UWkH31. A. offer B. money C. time D. space Ktc1R7UWkH32. A. regularly B. shortly C. frequently D. formally Ktc1R7UWkH33. A. disappeared B. known C. separated D. expected Ktc1R7UWkH34. A. later B. before C. after D. since Ktc1R7UWkH35. A. easier B. less C. better D. worseKtc1R7UWkH三、阅读理解 (共20小题;

17、 每小题2分, 满分40分AA famous scientist made several important medical breakthroughs. He was asked by a newspaper reporter why he was more ingenious than the average person. He answered that it all came from a childhood experience with his mother. He had been trying to remove a bottle of milk from the frid

18、ge (冰箱 when he failed to hold the bottle firmly and it fell, spilling the milk all over the kitchen floor.Ktc1R7UWkHWhen his mother came into the kitchen, instead of punishing (惩罚 him, she said, “Robert, I have hardly seen such a huge pool of milk. Whenever you make a mess like this, at last you hav

19、e to clean it up and restore everything to its proper order. So, how would you like to do that? We could use a sponge (海绵, a towel, or a mop. Which do you prefer?” Ktc1R7UWkHHe chose the sponge and together they cleaned up the spilled milk. His mother then said, “You failed to carry a big milk bottl

20、e with two tiny hands. Lets go to the backyard and fill the bottle with water and see if you can discover a way to carry it without dropping it.”Ktc1R7UWkHThe little boy learned that if he grasped the bottle at the top with both hands, he could carry it without dropping it. This scientist then remar

21、ked that it was at that moment that he knew he didnt need to be afraid to make mistakes. Even if the experiment doesnt work, we usually learn something valuable from it.Ktc1R7UWkH36. Robert the bottle and it fell to the ground.Ktc1R7UWkH A. lost sight of B. lost touch with C. lost control over D. lo

22、st his grasp on37. The underlined word “ingenious” in Paragraph 1 refers to .Ktc1R7UWkH A. creative B. famous C. lucky D. reliable38. By saying “I have hardly seen such a huge pool of milk”, Roberts mother .Ktc1R7UWkH A. wanted to praise him B. hoped to clean up the spilled milk with him C. asked hi

23、m to learn how to deal with a mess (麻烦事Ktc1R7UWkH D. planned to make a decision for him39. We can learn from the passage that Robert from the experience.Ktc1R7UWkH A. benefited a lot B. changed his mind C. became wise and rich D. gained his independence40. What can be the best title of the text? A.

24、A mothers love B. Learn from failures C. An important experiment D. Learn something newB A teenage hunter was forced to shoot and kill a polar bear as he waited for over a day to be rescued from a large piece of floating sea ice in the Canadian North.Ktc1R7UWkHA teenage hunter and his 67-year-old un

25、cle were reported missing last Saturday. The pairs snowmobile (机动雪车 broke down 18 kilometers from Coral Harbor, a tiny community in the northern part of Hudson Bay.Ktc1R7UWkHWalking toward the community to get help, they were separated. A large piece of ice broke off, letting the teen float away. Se

26、archers picked up the uncle on Sunday morning.Ktc1R7UWkHSometime before Sunday afternoon, the teen came across three bears, likely a female and two babies, on the same large ice. The adult bear got too close. He did have to shoot it with a gun to protect himself. The two babies remained with the bod

27、y and the teen positioned himself as far away from them as he could.Ktc1R7UWkHAn air search began on Sunday morning. A pilot on a small rescue plane found the teen on Sunday afternoon and also saw the body of a bear. The rescuers dropped a plastic container of chocolate bars and candy to the youth.K

28、tc1R7UWkHThe plane wasnt able to rescue him before nightfall, and after they lost sight of him, the search continued overnight. On Monday morning, the rescuers again found the youth. Two rescuers parachuted (跳伞 to a larger sheet of floating ice a short distance away.Ktc1R7UWkHEven after spending hou

29、rs alone, huddling (蜷缩 in temperatures that remained below 15, the teen appeared to be in good shape. About an hour later, searchers in a small boat from Coral Harbor took the teen and rescuers to the shore. Ktc1R7UWkH41. Why did the teen and his uncle have to walk to the community?Ktc1R7UWkH A. The

30、y came across a few polar bears. B. They got lost on a huge piece of sea ice. C. Something was wrong with their snowmobile. D. They wanted to enjoy a break in the community.42. What can we learn about the rescue? A. The rescue began before Sunday morning. B. The uncle joined in the search for the te

31、en. C. The rescue plane they used was a helicopter. D. The rescue was stopped by the bad weather. 43. From the fourth paragraph we can learn that .Ktc1R7UWkH A. the three polar bears came from another piece B. the adult bear didnt intend to attack the teen C. the teen wanted to hunt the adult bear for its meatKtc1R7UWkH D. the teen didnt want to shoot the two baby bears againKtc1R7UWkH44. When being rescued, the teen . A. got hurt by the cold B. still stayed healthy C. was too scared to move D. was brought back quicklyKtc1R7UWkH45. What is implied

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