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1、仁爱版八年级下册英语Unit7topic2测试题及答案. 听句子,选择与其内容相符的图片。每个句子读两遍。(5分) A B C D E1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._.听句子,选择正确的答语。每个句子读两遍。(5分)( ) 6. A. Very well. B. Thats great. C. Good idea.( ) 7. A. He is old. B. He looks disappointed. C. Hes 20.( ) 8. A. Whats wrong? B. What a shame! C. Whats more.( ) 9. A. Who are you? B. I

2、hope so. C. This is Lily speaking.( )10.A. banana, please. B. Im full. C. I cant find my keys. 听对话,选择正确的答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分) ( ) 11. Whats the matter with Jack?A. He is ill. B. He is hurt. C. He lost his ticket. ( ) 12. Does Jane like Beijing Opera?A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesnt. C. Yes, a little. (

3、 ) 13. What does Li Hong think of this story? A. Boring. B. Interesting. C. Moving. ( ) 14. What is Mary worried about?A. Chinese. B. English. C. Math. ( ) 15. What is Sally doing?A. She is listening to the music. B. She is watching TV.C. She is reading a book. .听短文,完成表格。短文读三遍。(5分)Where Linda is fro

4、m_16_.What 17 was an important part in her life.Why Her favorite place was Paris because its modern and_18_.How She will go to Beijing with her parents by_19_.How long They will stay in Beijing for a 20 . 16. _ 17._ 18._ 19. _ 20. _八年级英语试题第1页(共8页)第二部分 笔试(满分80分). 选择填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21. -Shall we

5、go and enjoy the teachers dancing show? -Ok, it _ good. A. sounds B. tastes C. looks22. Lily feels very excited _they will have a trip to Mount Wuyi this Sunday. A. even though B. because C. because of23. -Why are you angry with your boss? w ww.Xkb 1.coM -Because he often_ _us _long time but doesnt

6、pay us more. A. make ; to work B. makes; work C. makes; to work24. - Im really nervous about the coming English exam. -_and relax. A. Cheers B. Cheer on C. Calm down25. Diaoyu Island(岛) lies _the northeast of China and Taiwan Island is _the southeast of China. They are both parts of China. A. in; on

7、 B. on; in C. in; in26. Which sign tells us to go straight ahead? A B C27. Look at these pictures carefully, and decide which sentence is right. A. Coke is as cheap as orange juice. B. Milk is cheaper than orange juice. C .Orange juice is not so cheap as coke.28. -I heard the high-speed train betwee

8、n Beijing and Tianjin ran_ 350 kilometers a hour. -Thats right. Im looking forward to _it one day. A. at; take B. at; taking C. by; take29. Michael was watching TV_ his father came in. A. when B. while C. as soon as30. Tom used to_ up late, but now he gets used to _ up early and do some exercise in

9、the morning. A. get; to get B. getting; get C. get; getting 31. The old man warned us_ here, its dangerous. A. swim B. not to swim C. not swim32. -Would you like to ride bicycles with us tomorrow? -Yes, Ill go_ Im free. A. because B. when C. if33. The man was so funny that Amy couldnt help_. A. laug

10、hs B. laughing C. to laugh八年级英语试题第2页(共8页)34. -Im going to visit Xiamen tomorrow. -_. A. Youre quite right B. Have a good trip C. Thats a good idea35. -How much did he _for the book? - 26 yuan.A. take B. pay C. spend. 口语运用 (每小题1分,满分5分)第一节 从方框中选出最佳选项完成下面的对话。A: -Hi, Peter 36 .B: -I often go to school b

11、y bike.A: - 37 .B:-No, in fact its a little far. It takes me about fifty minutes to get to school by bike.A:- 38 .B: -Maybe going by bus is the best way to go to school, but I like riding my bike. Its cheap and doesnt cause air pollution. 39 .A: -There will be less air pollution if more people in ou

12、r city ride bikes.B: -Yes, I hope the air in our city will get fresher. A: -But riding bikes can be dangerous. 40 . B:-I obey the traffic rules when I ride a bike.VII. 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的三个选项(A、B和C)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 More and more people like traveling for their holidays. Some peo

13、ple like 41, so they like to visit some old places. Some people like to breathe (呼吸)fresh air, so they like to go 42 . Some people like sea or swimming, so they like to go to the 43. In many countries, the travel agency (旅行社) can help you 44your holidays. You can45 the travel agent (代理人)what kind of

14、 holidays you like, 46 you want to go best, and how much money you are going to 47 . Then the travel agent will give you some 48 about where to go, how to get there, where to live and what kind of activities you can do there. So there are many different kinds of 49 . For example, one of the holidays

15、 is called “Package Holiday”. That is, you just pay the money, and the travel agent will plan 50 for you: the ticket for the train, bus or plane, the hotel, the activities and so on.( )41. A. math B. music C. history( )42. A. shopping B. climbing C. skating ( )43. A. seaside B. rivers C. lakes ( )44

16、. A. order B. book C. plan ( )45. A. say B. ask C. tell八年级英语试题第3页(共8页)( )46. A. where B. when C. how ( )47. A. take B. spend C. have ( )48. A. message B. suggestion C. information ( )49. A. jobs B. places C. holidays( )50. A. nothing B. everything C. vehicles . 阅读理解. (15分,每小题1分) (A)Accident Report F

17、ormAccident A car crashed into a treeSome people were trapped in the car Weather conditions There was a heavy rainDate of the call June 3rd, 2006Time of the call 9:30 p.m.Name of the caller Mrs. Green.Place Zhongshan Road, NanjingConditions of victims Mr. Green hurt his head.Mrs. Green hurt her left

18、 leg.The daughter felt frightened.Action Polio arrived at 9:40 p.m. and sent the victims to Gulou Hospital at 9:45 p.m. ( )51. What time did Mrs. Green call the police? A . at 9:30 a.m. B. at 9:30 p.m. C.9:40 p.m. ( )52. How many people were trapped in the car? A . one B. two. C. three. ( )53. Whose

19、 left leg was hurt? A . Mrs. Greens B. Mr. Greens. C. Their daughters. ( )54. What was the weather like that day? A . It was sunny B. It was snowy. C. It was rainy. ( )55. Which of the following is True? A .The car crashed into a wall. B. The car accident happened on Zhongshan Road in Nanjing. C. Ha

20、lf an hour later the policemen sent the victims to the hospital.( B) Dear Sir or Madam, Last Thursday, I traveled on the 8:00 a.m. train from Glasgow to London Kings Cross and I was quite angry about the service of your station. The train didnt come on time and it was forty minutes late when it left

21、 Glasgow. A man at the station said sorry to us, but he didnt give us any reasons for the delay (误点). We then had further delays on the way and had to wait another thirty minutes. So I missed my plane from London to Frankfurt and had to wait for several hours. Whats more (更重要的是), the service on the

22、train was quite poor. The trip took more than八年级英语试题第4页(共8页)five hours. Unluckily, we could buy nothing but some soft drinks on the train. Worst of all,something was wrong with the air conditioning and it got hotter and hotter in the train. Before we arrived in Kings Cross, the temperature was over

23、40. Because of your poor service, I think you should pay me compensation (赔偿). Im looking forward to hearing from you. Yours, David Robertson请根据短文内容从所给的选项中选出最佳选项。( ) 56. When did the train leave Glasgow?A. At 8:00 a.m. B. At 8:40 a.m. C. At 9:00 a.m. ( ) 57. How did David go to Frankfurt from London

24、?A. By plane. B. By bus. C. By car. ( ) 58. How long did David stay on the train?A. 40 minutes. B. 30 minutes. C. Over 5 hours.( ) 59. What could David buy on the train?A. Hot dogs. B. Sandwiches. C. Soft drinks. ( ) 60. Which of the following is NOT true? A. This is not a thank-you letter.B. David

25、was very pleased with the trip. C. The service of the station was very poor.(C) Our choice color can mirror(反映) our feelings normally .when we are sad ,we will wear dark-colored clothes .But when we are happy ,we often choose to wear bright-colored clothes. Some people dont believe the idea. There a

26、re a lot of researches(调查)about what happens to someones feelings when they wear just one color of clothes. It shows that wearing particular(特定的) colors of clothes can change our feelings. Suppose we are feeling sad, we may feel worse if we wear black. And if we wear green, red or yellow, we may beg

27、in to feel better. Its said that color has its own healing power( 治疗作用). If we are wearing red, we would feel we have more energy. If we are wearing green, we would feel we are more peaceful(平静的). If you are wearing black, we will feel safer. So, if you arent feeling your best, you can try on some d

28、ifferent colored clothes.( ) 61. _ can make us feel better about ourselves.A. Wearing the same color of clothesB. Sharing your feelings with othersC. Wearing different colors of clothes( ) 62. When we feel _, we often choose to wear bright-colored clothes.A. sad B. happy C. angry ( ) 63. If we are f

29、eeling sad, we may feel worse when we wear _. A. red B. black C. green ( ) 64. We will feel more _ if we are wearing green. A. excited B. peaceful C. safe ( ) 65. From this passage we know _ can change our feelings.A. colors B. weather C. news 八年级英语试题第5页(共8页) 八年级英语试题第6页(共8页) 词汇运用 (10分)(A)根据汉语提示完成句子。

30、(每小题1分,每空1词)66.Mr Zhang is always_ _(对严格) his students.67.Do you know how to_ _(处理,对付) this kind of problems?68.You are_ _(不再) a child; try to do it by yourself.69.Please_it_(仔细考虑)before making an important decision.70.The driver_ _(减速) When he crossed the busy road.(B)用所给词的适当形式填空(每小题1分,共5分)71.Lets make a _ (decide) about the trip plan. 72.He checked the paper carefully to avoid _(make) mistakes.73.More and more _(foreign) are becoming interested in Chinese culture.74.Susan is not so _(live) as Betty.75.Its important for us _(learn) English well. 综合填词。(10分)根据首字母或中文提示完成短文(每空一词)。One

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