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1、考研词汇alleviate的中文翻译解析2020考研词汇:alleviate的中文翻译解析考研英语有许多题目组成,方便大家及时了解,下面为你精心准备了“2020考研词汇:alleviate的中文翻译解析”,持续关注本站将可以持续获取的考试资讯!2020考研词汇:alleviate的中文翻译解析alleviate是什么意思及用法动词及物动词:减轻,缓和(痛苦或困难)词形变化名称alleviation时态alleviated,alleviated,alleviating,alleviates英语解释make easierprovide physical relief, as from pain相似

2、短语alleviate sbs distress减轻某人的痛苦alleviate poverty and become prosperous脱贫致富alleviate burdens on sb.减负help alleviate their hardships关心群众疾苦to reduce study load, alleviate the burden on students学生减负相似单词alleviatev.T减轻,缓和(痛苦或困难)新单词neritidae怎么翻译及发音n. 蜑螺科snicked是什么意思及用法 snick 的过去式plutocratically的中文意思 plutoc

3、racy 的相关副词 plutocrat 的相关副词 plutocratic 的相关副词 plutocratical 的相关副词4142的中文释义four thousand one hundred and forty two7142什么意思及同义词seven thousand one hundred and forty twomallards是什么意思及反义词 mallard 的复数形式2001的中文解释two thousand and onerewires是什么意思及用法 rewire 的第三人称单数 rewiring 的第三人称单数2020考研词汇:alcohol的中文解析alcohol的

4、中文意思不可数名词:乙醇,酒精英语解释a liquor or brew containing alcohol as the active agentany of a series of volatile hydroxyl compounds that are made from hydrocarbons by distillation例句A strong alcoholic drink of the Middle East and the Far East,usually distilled from fermented palm sap,rice,or molasses.烧酒,亚力酒中东和远

5、东地区的一种烈性酒精饮料,通常从发酵的棕榈汁,大米或糖蜜中提取An alcoholic liquor,especially rum diluted with water.格洛格酒一种酒,尤指用水稀释的朗姆酒Small strong alcoholic drink,esp of spirits少量烈性酒精饮料(尤指)烈酒.One of the most common drugs is tincture of iodine, a solution of the mineral iodine in alcohol.一种最常见的药就是碘酒,矿物碘的酒精溶液。人们把它用在刀伤和擦伤处防止感染。Coffe

6、e bar( Brit)place serving coffee,non-alcoholic drinks and snacks咖啡馆.In late April, Jenna pleaded no contest to a charge of possessing alcohol under age at an Austin nightclub.四月下旬,杰娜对警方对她在奥斯丁一家夜总会饮酒的指控没提出任何异议。Small glass of alcoholic drink,esp spirits小杯的酒(尤指烈酒).No, thank you. I dont take alcohol.不,谢

7、谢,我不喝酒。Drink, esp an alcoholic one饮料(尤指)酒.An alcoholic beverage,such as a cocktail or highball.酒类酒精饮料,如鸡尾酒或高杯酒相似短语aliphatic alcohol: fatty alcohol脂肪族醇neutralized alcohol中性醇nicotinic alcohol烟醇vanillic alcohol香草醇sugar alcohol糖醇synthetic alcohol合成酒精benzil alcohol【化】 苄醇 苯甲醇capryl alcohol【医】 辛醇stearyl al

8、cohol十八烷醇硬脂醇sycoceryl alcohol无花醇相似单词alcoholn.U乙醇,酒精keto alcohol酮醇alcohol related酒精所致的aldehyde alcoholn. 醛醇(油状无色液体,其分子包含一个醛基和一个醇基)pentahydroxy alcohol五元醇alcohol dependentn. 酒依赖alcohol free不含酒精alcohol sol resin醇溶树脂carbol alcohol石炭酸酒精ethylnaphthalene polyoxyethyleneether alcohol乙基萘聚氧化乙烯醚醇新单词neritidae怎么

9、翻译及发音n. 蜑螺科snicked是什么意思及用法 snick 的过去式plutocratically的中文意思 plutocracy 的相关副词 plutocrat 的相关副词 plutocratic 的相关副词 plutocratical 的相关副词4142的中文释义four thousand one hundred and forty two7142什么意思及同义词seven thousand one hundred and forty twomallards是什么意思及反义词 mallard 的复数形式2001的中文解释two thousand and onerewires是什么意思

10、及用法 rewire 的第三人称单数 rewiring 的第三人称单数2020考研词汇:album的中文翻译解析album什么意思及同义词名词 可数名词:1.相簿集邮簿2.【美】来宾签到簿3.唱片集,唱片套册4.一套唱片一套录音带5.密纹唱片6.文集,画集,乐曲集英语解释a book of blank pages with pockets or envelopes for organizing photographs or stamp collections etcone or more recordings issued together originally released on 12-

11、inch phonograph records (usually with attractive record covers) and later on cassette audio tape and compact disc例句In 1997, Nickelback released their debut CD, Curb, and pushed the album with non stop touring.1997年,乐队推出了他们名为路边的首张光碟,并马不停蹄地巡回演出,进行促销。Ovalbumin, which is the chief ingredient of egg whit

12、e, and casein, the major protein in milk, are two common examples卵清蛋白(卵白的主要成分)和酪素(牛奶中主要的蛋白质)是两个普通的例子。A record sleeve,album,library唱片的封套、唱片集、唱片库.Editing and publishing for the publication such as CAAC Inflight Magazine, newspaper, picture album, timetable, etc.编辑发行中国民航航机杂志、报纸、书册、班期时刻表等各种宣传品。Fever, al

13、buminuria, weight loss, and vomiting are the most common symptoms发烧,蛋白尿,体重减轻,及呕吐是最常见的症状。It also spawned a hit soundtrack album and was, likewise, a massive success among young people.It too was more of a celebration than a serious film.这部影片同样造就了一个轰动一时的电影配乐集,在年轻人当中同样也取得了巨大的世功,它也是一部与其说是严肃的影片,倒不如说是一部颂扬

14、的影片。The album, said Edward sulkily“画册。”爱德华说道。I meant to bring the album along, but I forgot, so we went and fetched it我打算把照相簿带来,可是忘了,所以我们去把它取来。Album paper: Black, brown or gray cover paper for albums, suitable for pasting photographs or other material.相薄纸:作相薄用的黑色、棕色或灰色的封面纸,适合粘贴相片或其他物料。At that time h

15、e had recorded albums in six languages: his native Spanish plus German, English, Italian, portuguese and French那时,他用过6种语言录制唱片他的本族语西班牙语加上德语、英语、意大利语、葡萄牙语与法语。相似短语concept albumphr. 概念专辑viscum album桑寄生stamp albumn. 集邮册photo albumn. 相簿nihil album【化】 氧化锌petrolatum album【化】 白矿脂 白凡士林Canarium album【医】 橄榄树reco

16、rd albumphr. 唱片专辑benefit albumphr. 公益唱片(歌者出于公益目的制成的概念唱片)postcard album明信片簿相似单词albumn. C1.相簿集邮簿2.【美】来宾签到簿3.唱片集,唱片套册4.一套唱片一套录音带5.密纹唱片6.文集,画集,乐曲集stamp albumn. 集邮簿新单词neritidae怎么翻译及发音n. 蜑螺科snicked是什么意思及用法 snick 的过去式plutocratically的中文意思 plutocracy 的相关副词 plutocrat 的相关副词 plutocratic 的相关副词 plutocratical 的相关副词4142的中文释义four thousand one hundred and forty two7142什么意思及同义词seven thousand one hundred and forty twomallards是什么意思及反义词 mallard 的复数形式2001的中文解释two thousand and onerewires是什么意思及用法 rewire 的第三人称单数 rewiring 的第三人称单数

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