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1、名词性从句完成句子练习名词性从句完成句子练习1. I am proud of what I did. But I was just helping to do _. (do) (湖北八校2012高三第一次联考)我对自己所做的事情感到自豪,但我也只是帮他做了他应该做的。 2. So _ on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on whether this problem can be solved. (continue) (天门,仙桃,潜江2012高三期末考试)所以,在未来数百万年间,生命能否在地球上继续,取决于这个问题能否

2、得到解决。3. You can not imagine _she offered us-thats why we could easily see through their plot. (information) 你都无法想象她给我们的提供了多么有用的信息,这就是为什么我们可以轻易地看透他们的计谋。4. _ is not winning the game but doing the right thing. (value) (襄阳四校2012高三期中)他看中的不是赢得比赛,而是做正确的事情。5. -I was busy just now. What did you call me for?-

3、 oh. I wondered _reading the book I lent to you. (finish)-我刚才忙,你打电话又什么事吗?-哦,我想知道你是否读完了我借给你的书。6. All the students share the view _to protect our planet from pollution. (be)所有的学生都赞成保护地球免受污染是我们的责任这一观点。7. The 26th Shenzhen Summer Universidad was grandly opened on August 12th. _ was the door to the world

4、 formed by the 365 electronic giant LED screen. (appeal) (孝感2012高三第二次统一考试)第26届深圳世界大学生夏季运动会于8月12日隆重开幕,最吸引我们的是由365个巨大电子屏组成的大门。8. They requested that I _the library by next Friday. (return) (荆州市2012第二次质检考试)他们要求我在下周五之前把书还给图书馆。9. Do you know _before they got married ?(know) (黄冈市2012高三期末考试) 你知道结婚之前他们认识多久了

5、?10. Honestly speaking, I have no idea _the driving test at the first attempt. (pass) (襄阳市2012高三调研统一测试)说实话,我不知道我能否在驾驶考试中一次过关。11. It is required that all high school students _to use cell phones at school. (allow) 所有高中都有规定,学生在校内不准使用手机。12. _ has now turned into realities. (used, consider) (荆州中学2012 高三

6、第二次质检)以前认为不可能的事情现在都变成了现实。 13. You can hardly imagine _he has made in such a short time! (progress) 你简直难以想象他是在这么短的时间内取得了这么大的进步。14. I dont know _ in the novel that made him burst into tears. (what) (2012湖北高考)我不知道是小说中的什么东西使他突然泪如泉涌。15. Things arent always _. (appear) (2012 湖北高考)事情往往不是他们看上去那样。16. Meteoro

7、logists were trying to find out _ contributed to bitter cold weather in Europe at the beginning of 2012. (it)气象学家正努力弄清楚到底是什么造成了2012年年初欧洲的严寒天气。17. When the survivor came to life, he was eager to know _ saved him from the burning house. (be) (2012湖北八市高三第二次联考)当生还者醒来后,他急切地想知道是谁把他从燃烧的房子里救出来的。18. _ to the

8、 conference surprised us, since he was an important figure in this field after all. (invite) (2012湖北省八市第二次联考)他没有被邀请参加会议让我们很吃惊,毕竟他是这一行业的重要人物。 19. _ whether or not he will be elected as mayor in two years time. (remain) 两年后他是否当选为市长仍不得而知。20. _ this new policy will act as a broke on inflation we are fac

9、ed with? (possibility) (2013原创卷三)这项新的政策有可能会抑制我们面临的通货膨胀吗?21. _ the 31th Olympic Games will be held in Brazil. (it) 要不了多久,第31届奥林匹克运动会将会在巴西举行。(2013原创卷三)22. Frank insisted that _ although I had great difficulty in waking him up. (fall) (2013原创卷三)尽管我很费力才把弗兰克弄醒,他却坚持说他没睡着。23. News came from the school offi

10、ce _ to Beijing University. (admit) 从教学楼传来消息说,他已经被北京大学录取了。24. . _something wrong must pay for it, but they must not put us all in the same bag. (do) (三维设计)无论谁做错事情都必须为此付出代价,但是他们不应该一股脑怪罪我们。25. He accidentally let out he had quarreled with his wife and _ for a couple of weeks. (be)他意外地说出他和妻子吵过架,已经好几周没有

11、回家了。 (三维设计p61)26. The development of technology _ for people to get in touch with each other more easily. (it)技术的发展已经使人们彼此间轻松联系称为了可能。27. Parents should teach children to _ to put away their toys after playing with them .(make)父母应该教育孩子们把玩过的玩具收藏好定为一个规矩。28. At dusk, we came to _ a castle, where people

12、might have a feast for the eyes. (what)黄昏时,我们来到了人们称之为城堡的地方,在那里认可大饱眼福。29. Regulations are already in place that _ school buses in accordance with qualified vehicle types to ensure safety. (purchase)法规已经颁布,所有学校应该按照合格的车辆类型购买学校巴士,以确保安全。30. Nowadays young people just cant live without the Internet; they

13、depend on it for_. (need)如今的年轻人离开网络就无法生活,不管他们需要什么信息,他们都依靠它来获取。31. Its a custom in China _ the education of their children.(attach)在中国,父母重视子女的教育是一个传统。32. The rescue team are considering doing _ to help the people suffering from the snow storm. (whatever, take)救援队正在考虑尽一切努力去帮助那些遭受暴风雪灾害的人们。难点解析:1. _ , C

14、hina is playing more and more important role in the world. (know)2._ is that China is playing more and more important role in the world. (know)众所周知,中国在世界上扮演着越来越重要的角色。3. What the doctors really doubt is _ from the serious disease soon. (recover)医生真正怀疑的是我母亲是否很快从这场严重的疾病中康复过来。(三维设计)4.There is little dou

15、bt _ the drought in the end. (defeat)毋庸置疑,我们最终能够战胜旱灾。(三维设计)5. _ should be punished and given help to get rid of the bad habit. (cheat, catch ) 不管是谁在考试中作弊被抓,都应该受到惩罚,并且得到帮助去除这个坏习惯。6._, he or she should be punished and promise never to do it again. (break)不论是谁,只要违背了法律都要受到惩罚,并且承诺永不再犯。7. His attitude sug

16、gests that _ the job. (fit)他的态度表明我不适合这份工作。8. I followed his suggestion _. (work)我接收了他的建议,要努力工作。名词性从句完成句子练习1. what he should do 2. whether life will continue3. what useful information 4. what he values5. whether you have finished6. that it is our responsibility7. what appealed to us8. should return t

17、he book to 9. how long they had known each other10. whether I will pass 11. should not be allowed 12. what used to be considered impossible 14. what great progress 14. what it was 15. what they appear16. what it was that 17. who it was that 18. His not being invited /That he hadnt been invited /His

18、not having been invited19. It remains to be seen20. Is there any possibility that 21. It wont be long before22. he didnt fall asleep 23. that he had been admitted 24. Whoever has done/ Anyone who has done 25. that he hadnt been home26. has made it possible 27. make it a rule28. what was called 29. a

19、ll schools should purchase30. whatever information they need 31. that parents attach great importance to32. whatever they can/ whatever it takes难点解析:1. As is known 2. What is known3. whether my mother will recover 4. that we will defeat5. Whoever is caught cheating in the exam 6. Whoever breaks the law/ No matter who breaks the law7. Im not fit for 8.that I should work hard

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