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西南交大大学英语I 第5次作业题答案.docx

1、西南交大大学英语I 第5次作业题答案本次作业是本门课程本学期的第5次作业,注释如下:大学英语I 第8单元 作业题一、单项选择题(只有一个选项正确,共40道小题)1. I believe they have finished their tasks. _ (A)No, Id rather not.(B)No, it cant be true.(C)No, I dont think so.(D)No, it isnt the same.你选择的答案:C正确正确答案:C解答参考:第八单元 C 当表示对对方的观点表示不赞成时可以用 I dont think so 来回答2. He must be a

2、top student in his school. (A)I have doubt.(B)There is no doubt about it.(C)Yes. No doubt.(D)It is not doubtful.你选择的答案:B正确正确答案:B解答参考:第八单元B 表示非常相信某件事时,可以用 There is no doubt about it 来表示,意指对此毫无疑问3. Will they go for a picnic today? _ (A)Yes, perfectly.(B)Yes, it is.(C)Well, it depends.(D)Not at all.你选择

3、的答案:C正确正确答案:C解答参考:第八单元C 当表示某件事不确定可以用 it depends4. How do you think about the result? _ (A)Its hard to say, actually.(B)No, I dont know.(C)of course not.(D)I never think of it.你选择的答案:A正确正确答案:A解答参考:第八单元 A 当对方询问考试结果,而你表示担心或不确定时,可以用its hard to say5. Can he do it by himself? (A)yes, he will do so.(B)Yes,

4、 thats it.(C)Yes, it is.(D)Certainly, he can.你选择的答案:D正确正确答案:D解答参考:第八单元 D 表示肯定的回答可以用 certainly,问句中用了情态动词 can,所以回答也应该用相应的情态动词6. How about going to see a film tonight? (A)Oh, it couldnt be better.(B)Yes, I will go.(C)Of course.(D)Yes, I think so.你选择的答案:A正确正确答案:A解答参考:第八单元A当对对方的题意表示赞同时,可以用 it couldnt be

5、better 来回答,表示再好不过了7. You will come here on time, wont you? . (A)Certainly, I will.(B)Yes, its true.(C)Yes, it is no doubt.(D)Yes, I do.你选择的答案:A正确正确答案:A解答参考:第八单元A 问句中用了助动词 will,所以肯定的回答也应该用 will8. Will you be able to finish the job this month? _ (A)I cant say so.(B)Im not sure so.(C)I dont know so.(D)

6、I dont expect so.你选择的答案:B正确正确答案:B解答参考:第八单元B 对对方的问话表示不肯定、不确定时可以用 Im not sure 来回答9. Would you like to go shopping with me? _ (A)All right.(B)Thats all right.(C)No, I wont.(D)Id like to.你选择的答案:D正确正确答案:D解答参考:第八单元 D 对 would you like to do 问句的肯定回答应该用 Id like to10. Lily, did you have a good weekend? _ (A)Y

7、es, it was wonderful.(B)Thanks for caring.(C)Its a pleasure.(D)Oh, thats very nice of you.你选择的答案:A正确正确答案:A解答参考:第八单元A 当别人询问“周末过得好吗”的时候,可以用 Yes, it was wonderful来回答11. With a _ smile, he went out of the room.(A)content(B)contented(C)misery(D)miserable你选择的答案:B正确正确答案:B解答参考:第八单元B contented 意为“(对)满足的, 心安的

8、”;content 意为“(仅作表语) (对)满足的,满意的”;misery 意为“痛苦,不幸”;miserable 意为“痛苦的,悲惨的,可怜的”12. Women _ fewer crimes than men.(A)commit(B)forbid(C)overcome(D)afflict你选择的答案:A正确正确答案:A解答参考:第八单元 A commit 意为“犯(错误、坏事或非法的事)”;forbid 意为“禁止”;overcome意为“克服”;afflict 意为“使痛苦,折磨”13. Mary is always complaining _ something.(A)with(B)

9、for(C)about(D)of你选择的答案:C正确正确答案:C解答参考:第八单元 C complain about sth. 意为“抱怨某事”;complain of sth. 意为“诉说病痛”14. _ his homework, he went to watch TV.(A)Having finished(B)Finished(C)Finishing(D)To finish你选择的答案:A正确正确答案:A解答参考:第八单元A 分词短语作时间状语,如果其动作先于主动词的动作,且强调先后,要用完成式 having done15. Ive tried very hard to improve

10、my English. But by no means _ with my progress.(A)the teacher is not satisfied(B)is the teacher not satisfied(C)the teacher is satisfied(D)is the teacher satisfied你选择的答案:D正确正确答案:D解答参考:第八单元D by no means 意为“一点儿也不”,位于句首时句子要倒装。B 选项多了个not16. It is good for you to have such a good chance to study abroad,

11、but it remains _ whether you can really learn something useful.(A)to be seen(B)to see(C)seen(D)seeing你选择的答案:A正确正确答案:A解答参考:第八单元 A 表示“留待,尚需”的意思时,remain 后应跟不定式 to do 结构。而根据句意 whether you can really learn something useful 是实际的主语,是有待观察的对象,所以应该用被动语态17. The Town Council has spent a lot of money to _ this r

12、emarkable old building.(A)preserve(B)preview(C)prefer(D)present你选择的答案:A正确正确答案:A解答参考:第八单元 A preserve 意为“保存,储存”;preview 意为“预习”; prefer 意为“更喜欢,宁愿选择”;present 意为“赠与,献给”18. The majority of smokers say that they would like to _ the habit.(A)sweep(B)flatter(C)quit(D)release你选择的答案:C正确正确答案:C解答参考:第八单元 C sweep

13、意为“打扫,扫除”;flatter 意为“奉承,谄媚”;quit 意为“放弃”;release 意为“释放,发行”19. _ the pilots strike, all flights have had to be cancelled.(A)As a result of(B)With the result that(C)Result in(D)Result from你选择的答案:A正确正确答案:A解答参考:第八单元A as a result of 意为“作为的结果”; with the result that 意为“结果,因此”;result in 意为“导致”;result from 意为

14、“产生,起因于”20. Be quiet _ you should wake the baby.(A)in any case(B)in case(C)in case of(D)in no case你选择的答案:B正确正确答案:B解答参考:第八单元B in any case 意为“无论如何”; in case 意为“以防,预防”;in case of 意为“假使,万一”;in no case 意为“决不”21. I cant _ time away from my work.(A)entertain(B)contain(C)soothe(D)spare你选择的答案:D正确正确答案:D解答参考:第

15、八单元D entertain 意为“娱乐”;contain 意为“由构成,包括”;soothe 意为“使平静,安慰”; spare 意为“腾出,让给”22. In such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered if they _.(A)have survived(B)are to survive(C)would survive(D)will survive你选择的答案:B正确正确答案:B解答参考:第八单元 B 主句用一般将来时时,条件状语从句用一般现在时表示将来时,故排除 ACD。are to survive 用在 if 引导的条件

16、句中,表示假设23. _ other games, this one isnt very interesting.(A)In comparison with(B)by comparison to(C)For comparison with(D)In comparison你选择的答案:A正确正确答案:A解答参考:第八单元A in comparison (with/to) 意为“与相比较”;by comparison with 意为“与相比较”;for comparison with 意为“为了与相比较”。因为宾语 other games的存在,故选 A24. The school sees it

17、s job as preparing students to make a contribution _ society.(A)to(B)in(C)for(D)throughout你选择的答案:A正确正确答案:A解答参考:第八单元 A make a contribution to 意为“为作贡献”25. Robots now _ workers in some factories.(A)have taken the room of(B)have taken the seat of(C)have taken the place of(D)have taken the position of你选择

18、的答案:C正确正确答案:C解答参考:第八单元C “代替”的表达方式为 take the place of26. I cannot concentrate _ anything when I am hungry.(A)on(B)with(C)at(D)in你选择的答案:A正确正确答案:A解答参考:第八单元A concentrate on sth. 意为“把注意力集中于”27. He does not lack money, Im afraid he _ your generosity.(A)is taking advantage of(B)is filled with(C)appeals to(

19、D)is based on你选择的答案:A正确正确答案:A解答参考:第八单元A take advantage to 意为“利用”;be filled with 意为“充满”;appeal to 意为“吸引;呼吁”;be based on 意为“以为基础”28. She wired her father the moment _ she reached the hotel.(A)that(B)which(C)how(D)then你选择的答案:A正确正确答案:A解答参考:第八单元A the moment (that) 引导时间状语从句,表示“一就”,that 可以省略29. The chairma

20、n thought _ necessary to invite Professor Smith to speak at the meeting.(A)that(B)it(C)this(D)him你选择的答案:B正确正确答案:B解答参考:第八单元B 动词不定式 to invite Professor Smith to speak at the meeting 是句子的宾语,用it 作形式宾语。30. -Would you like to go for a picnic with us tomorrow? - Of course, I _. (A)would(B)would like(C)woul

21、d like to(D)wouldnt like你选择的答案:C正确正确答案:C解答参考:第八单元 C Would you like to 的回答也应用 would like to 的结构。31. It will be a long time before we arrive, so _ every chance to rest.(A)give(B)make(C)follow(D)take你选择的答案:D正确正确答案:D解答参考:第八单元D take chance to do sth. 意为“抓紧机会做”32. Theres nobody here _ me.(A)rather than(B)

22、other than(C)less than(D)more than你选择的答案:B正确正确答案:B解答参考:第八单元 B rather than 意为“而不是”;other than 意为“除之外”;less than 意为“少于”;more than 意为“超过”33. The apartment is really too small, but its _ for the time being.(A)tolerable(B)tolerant(C)intolerable(D)intolerant你选择的答案:A正确正确答案:A解答参考:第八单元 A tolerable 意为“可忍受的”;t

23、olerant 意为“宽容的”;intolerable 意为“不可忍受的”;intolerant 意为“偏狭的”34. Sometimes it was a bit boring to work there because there wasnt always _ much to do.(A)such(B)that(C)more(D)very你选择的答案:A正确正确答案:A解答参考:第八单元B That 用作副词,相当于 so,意为“那么”35. Why! I have nothing to confess. _ you want me to say?(A)What is it that(B)

24、What it is that(C)How is it that(D)How it is that你选择的答案:A正确正确答案:A解答参考:第八单元 A 此句考察对强调句型的运用。本题的强调句型是一个特殊疑问句,对疑问词what进行强调。应用“被强调的疑问词is it that”这一句型。而 how 不能作宾语36. Helen had to shout _ above the sound of the music.(A)making herself hear(B)to make herself hear(C)making herself heard(D)to make herself hea

25、rd你选择的答案:D正确正确答案:D解答参考:第八单元 D 此句中动词不定式作目的状语。在动词短语 to make herself heard 中,heard 作宾补,与 herself 是被动关系。37. The rescue team made every _ to find the missing mountain climber.(A)force(B)energy(C)effort(D)possibility你选择的答案:C正确正确答案:C解答参考:第八单元 C force 意为“力量,力气”;energy 意为“能量”;make every effort to do sth. 为固定搭配,意为“尽一切努力做某事”; possibility 意为“可能性“38. The union are threatening to _ if their pay demands are not met.(A)gamble(B)curse(C)compare(D)strike你选择的答案:D正确正确答案:D解答参考:第八单元 D gamble 意为“赌博“; curse 意为”使遭殃;诅咒“;compare 意为”比较“;strike

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