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1、特殊句式,主讲:Kelly,特殊句式,倒装句反意疑问句 省略句 强调句,特殊句式之倒装句,倒装句完全倒装(1、状语+谓语+主语;2、表语+系动词+主语)部分倒装,only在句首否定词在句首否定短语在句首so/such引导的部分位于句首as引导的状语从句省略if的虚拟条件句,一、完全倒装谓语动词完全放置主语之前的句子,便是完全倒装句。这类句型主要有两种:,1状语+谓语+主语为了强调状语,把表示方位或时空的副词或介词短语,如here/there,now/then,up/down,in,away,off,out,in the room,on the wall等,置于句首时。如:在英格兰一所大学的讲堂

2、里坐着一位教授In a lecture hall of a university in England_.一个小型工厂坐落在河的南岸South of the river _ _,sits a professor,lies a small factory.,倒装句,2表语连系动词主语:Present at the meeting were some scientists from China.许多来自中国的科学家出席了会议。Gone are the days when we were poor.我们贫穷的日子一去不复返了。二.部分倒装1only修饰状语(从句),且放在句首时,主句要到装 Only

3、 in this way can we learn English well.【注意】only修饰主语时,句子不可倒装。如:Only you can solve the problem.,2、否定词放句首,表示强调时,要部分倒装:Never before have I met him.Hardly did I think it possible.Not a single paper did the scholar write the whole term(条款).Seldom did the boy read newspaper.Little do I dream of seeing such

4、 wonderful scenery(风景).Nowhere could we find the book.【否定词】never,hardly/scarcely(几乎不)、seldom,little,barely 几乎没有,rarely 不常,很少 nowhere无处,到处都无,by no means;in no case;at no time 决不;not until;hardly(scarcely)when,;no sooner.than(一.就)Hardly had he entered the house when it began to rain.No sooner had they

5、 entered the house than it began to rain.,【补充】hardly.when.,no sooner.than.,not only.but also.等引导两个分句时,前一个分句用部分倒装,后一个分句不变。但当neither.nor.引导两个分句时,两个分句都要部分倒装。如:Hardly _when his father stopped him.他刚一开始说话他父亲就制止了他。Neither _,nor _.我不知道,她也不知道。,had he begun to speak,do I know,does she.,3、否定短语在句首时的倒装,在so/such

6、.that.句式中,如果so/such引导的部分位于句首时,主句中的主语和谓语需要部分倒装.天这么黑,他看不见同伴的脸。_他说话声音如此大以至于隔壁的人都能听见。_that even the people in the next room could hear him.So angry was he that he couldnt speak.Such great progress did he make that he was praised.,So dark was it that he couldnt see the faces of his companions.,So loudly

7、did he speak,4、在so/such.that.句式中的部分倒装,5、以as引导的让步状语从句,其表语应提到句首,其余部分不变。如果从句的表语是个名词,要把名词前的冠词去掉。其结构一般为“adj./adv./v./v.ed/主语谓语”。_,she has seen much of the world.她虽然年轻,但却见过很多世面。_,she is courageous.她虽然是女人,但却很勇敢。【判断正误】A child as/though he is,he is very brave.Child as/though he is,he is very brave.

8、,Young as/though she is,Woman as she is,as/though引导的让步状语从句中的倒装,如果虚拟语气的条件句中谓语有系动词were,助动词had或情态动词should等,可省去if,把were,had或should移到主语之前。如:如果我是你,我会接受他的建议。_万一明天下雨,运动会就会推迟举行。_,the sports meeting would be put off.Were he(If he were)here now,I could ask him.Should he(If he should)come,tell him to ring me up

9、.Had I(=If I had)got up earlier this morning,I would have caught the early bus.,Were I you,I would take his advice.,Should it rain tomorrow,6省略if的倒装句型,真题再现,1、Not until quite recently _ that language is closely related to culture.Ahe realized Bdid he realizeChad he realized Dhe did realize,【解析】Bnot u

10、ntil引导的短语置于句首,后面要用部分倒装结构,所以要排除A和D;此外,句子中没有明显的“过去的过去”标志词,所以不能用过去完成时,故C项也得排除。,真题再现,2、At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River _,one of the ten largest cities in China.Alies Chongqing BChongqing lies Cdoes lie Chongqing Ddoes Chongqing lie3、We laugh at jokes,but seldom _ about ho

11、w they work.Awe think Bthink we Cwe do think Ddo we think,【解析】A考查倒装句。为了表示强调,把作状语的介词短语提到句首,此时句子采用完全倒装的语序,【解析】D考查倒装用法。seldom,hardly,never,no等具有否定意义的词位于句首句子用部分倒装语序。,真题再现,4、_in the root of his family that he decided to make a trip to Africa for further research.ASo interested Kunta was BSo interested wa

12、s KuntaCHow interested Kunta was DKunta was such interested,【解析】B考查倒装句。sothat这个固定句式中的so及其修饰成分提到句首时,句子倒装,因此B项正确。,特殊句式之反意疑问句,反意疑问句复合句后的反意疑问句并列句后的反意疑问句否定句后的反意疑问句祈使句后的反意疑问句,如果主句的谓语动词是think,believe,suppose,imagine,guess,expect等,后面的反意问句要注意三种情况:(1)如果主语是第一人称I,后面的反意问句需与从句的主谓相一致。【例4】I believe our team will wi

13、n the match,_? we B.dont we C.will it D.wont it答案:D(2)如果主句的主语是其它人称,后面的反意问句常需与主句的主谓相一致。【例5】She expects you will have a good time there,_?A.doesnt she B.does she C.will you D.wont you答案:A,1、复合句后的反意疑问句,(3)如果主句的动词是否定式,后面的反意问句要用肯定式。【例6】I dont think he is right,_? he B.isnt he I D.dont I答案:A【

14、例7】You dont suppose they will come tonight,_? you B.dont you C.wont they D.will they答案:A,两个并列句(常见的连词有:or,and,but,while,for等)后面的反意问句的主谓一般需与离它近的那个分句的主谓相一致。【例9】The man works hard and he is the best worker in his factory,_?A.does he B.doesnt he he D.isnt he答案:D,2、并列句后的反意疑问句,1.前面的陈述部分有否定词not,no,

15、never,nobody,no one,nothing,nowhere等时,反意问句用肯定形式。【例10】He did not finish his homework,_?A.did he B.didnt he C.did not he D.not he答案:A2.前面的陈述部分有半否定词hardly,rarely,scarcely,few,little,seldom等时,反意问句用肯定形式。【例11】Tom seldom went to see a film last month,_?A.didnt he B.did he not C.did he D.he did答案:C3.陈述部分有否定

16、前(后)缀词(如:dis,in,un,less)时,反意问句要用否定形式。【例12】John was unhappy about this,_?A.was John B.wasnt John C.was he D.wasnt he答案:D,3、否定句后的反意疑问句,1.Lets开头,反意问句用shall_we;Let us开头,反意问句用will_you【例13】Lets go shopping,_?A.shall we B.shall you C.will you D.will we答案:A【例14】Let us go swimming in the lake,_?A.shall we B.shall you C.will you D.will we答案:C2.其它形式的祈使句后面,一般用will_you。【例15】Dont talk in class,_? you B.dont you C.will you D.shall we答案:C,4、祈使句后的反意疑问句,反意疑问句补充,练习题,I dont suppose anyone will be willing to do

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