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高一第二学期质量评估综合练习 含答案.docx

1、高一第二学期质量评估综合练习 含答案2019-2020年高一第二学期6月质量评估综合练习 含答案一、单项选择题1下列变化中,原物质分子内共价键被破坏,同时有离子键生成的是A.二氧化硅与氢氧化钠溶液B.氯化氢溶于水C.氯化氢与氨反应D.锌与稀硫酸反应2下列有关实验的说法中错误的是A.石蜡油分解产物中含有烯烃B.直接蒸馏含杂质的工业乙醇不能得到无水乙醇C.实验室用苯和溴水在溴化铁催化作用下制取溴苯D.苯与浓硝酸、浓硫酸共热并保持5060反应制取硝基苯3K、L、M三种主族元素,已知K和L具有相同电子层结构,M元素原子核电荷数比L元素原子核电荷数少9,L在一定条件下可被氧化成,则下列说法正确的是A.K


3、、C2H6OB.C2H2、C6H6C.CH2O、C3H6O2D.CH4、C2H4O26下列鉴别方法可行的是A.用NH3H2O溶液鉴别Al3+、Mg2+和Ag+B.用水鉴别乙醇、甲苯和溴苯C.用Ba(NO3)2溶液鉴别Cl、和D.用澄清石灰水鉴别CO、CO2、SO27NA表示阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列说法正确的是A.常温下,在18g18O2中含有NA个氧原子B.标准状况下,17g NH3所含共价键数为NA个C.标准状况下,22.4L苯的分子数为NA个D.1mol Na2O2中含有的阴离子数目为2NA个第II卷(非选择题)二、填空题8原子序数小于36的X、Y、Z、W四种元素,元素X的原子核外最外层电

4、子数是内层电子数的2倍,元素Y与元素X同周期,其基态原子占据s轨道的电子数与占据p轨道的电子数相同,Z是X的同族相邻元素;W是第族元素中原子序数最小的元素。用元素符号回答下列问题:(1)X、Y、Z的电负性由小到大的顺序是 。(2)与X、Y形成的一种化合物互为等电子体,则的空间构型为,电子式为 。(3)同为原子晶体的XY2与ZY2中硬度小的是 。(4)X和W所形成的某种晶体的结构如图所示。 基态W2+的价电子排布式为 ;该晶体的化学式为 。三、实验题9I.为了研究碳酸钙与稀盐酸反应的反应速率,一位同学通过实验测定反应中生成的CO2气体体积随反应时间变化的情况,绘制曲线(图A)。请分析讨论以下问题

5、。(1)在0t1、t1t2、t2t3、t3t4各相同的时间段里,收集到气体最多的是 时间段。 (2)t1t2时间段里影响反应速率的主要外界因素是_、t2t3时间段里影响反应速率的主要外界因素是 (填“温度”、“浓度”、“压强”或“催化剂”)。(3)为了减缓上述反应速率,欲向盐酸溶液中加入下列物质,你认为可行的有。A.蒸馏水 B.NaCl固体 C.NaCl溶液 D.通入HCl气体II、(1)某温度时,在2L密闭容器中,X、Y、Z三种物质的物质的量随时间变化曲线如图B所示。由图中数据分析,该可逆反应的化学方程式为: 。(2)用Z表示从02min内该反应的平均反应速率为 。四、综合题10周期表中前四

6、周期的六种元素A、B、C、D、E、F的原子序数依次增大,已知A原子2p轨道有3个未成对电子;化合物B2E的晶体为离子晶体,E原子核外的M层中只有两对成对电子;C元素是地壳中含量最高的金属元素;D的单质晶体的熔点在同周期形成的单质中最高;F2+核外各亚层电子均已充满。根据以上信息回答下列问题:(1)写出D原子的核外电子排布式: 。(2)A、B、C、D元素的第一电离能由小到大的顺序为(用元素符号表示)。 (3)B的氯化物的熔点比D的氯化物熔点(填“高”或“低”);理由是。(4)E的最高价氧化物分子的空间构型是 ;属于 分子(填“极性”或“非极性”)。(5)E、F形成的某种化合物的晶体结构如图所示。

7、该化合物的化学式为;晶体中E原子的配位数为。五、推断题11W、X、Y和Z是常见的短周期元素,其原子半径随原子序数变化如图所示。己知W的一种核素的质量数为18,中子数为10;X和Ne的核外电子数相差1;Y的单质是一种常见的半导体材料;Z的原子半径在同周期主族元素中最小。 (1)W的核素符号是_。(2)用电子式表示X和Z形成的化合物 。(3)Y与W形成的化合物与X的最高价氧化物的水化物反应的离子方程式是 。(4)X与W形成的原子个数比为1:1的化合物中含有的化学键类型有_(填序号)。 A.离子键 B.极性共价键 C.非极性共价键 D.氢键(5)W与周期表中半径最小的原子按原子个数11组成的常见液态

8、化合物的稀溶液易被催化分解,来加快产生常见的某气体;可使用的催化剂为 (填化学式)和 。参考答案1-7 CCCCDBA8. (1)SiCO(2)直线形-(3)SiO2(4)3d6FeC9. .(1)t1t2;(2)温度;浓度;(3)ACII .(1)3X+Y2Z;(2)0.05mol/(Lmin);10. (1)1s22s22p63s23p2(2)NaAlSiN(3)高NaCl是离子晶体,SiCl4是分子晶体(4)平面正三角形非极性(5)ZnS411.(1)(2) Na+ 。(3)SiO2+2OH-+H2O(4)A、C(5)MnO2;FeCl32019-2020年高一第二学期期末考试英语试卷

9、含答案 I. I. Listening prehension (24%)Section A (10%)Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conve

10、rsation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. At home . B. On the farm . C. In a restaurant . D. In a supermarket .2. A. To the movies . B. To a restaurant . C. To a bar . D. To a theatre

11、.3. A. Shop assistant and customer . B. Neighbors . C. Doctor and patient . D. Colleagues .4. A. A piece of pie . B. Some coffee . C. A warm room . D. Dinner with friends .5. A. By going on a diet . B. By having fewer meals . C. By doing physical exercise . D. By eating fruits and vegetables .6. A.

12、Tidy up the place carefully . B. Hold another party later . C. Get more food and drinks . D. Ask her friends to e over .7. A. She will decide later . B. She doesnt care for either . C. She doesnt want to go out . D. She wants the man to decide .8. A. Salesman . B. Online shop manager . C. Bank clerk

13、 . D. Delivery man .9. A. Meet his aunt . B. Do shopping at supermarket . C. See a film . D. Stay at home .10. A. He doesnt agree with the woman . B. Our children will leave us sooner or later .C. We should not waste food and drink for the benefit of our children .D. Too much waste water will make t

14、he earth polluted .Section B (6%)Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked to questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper

15、 and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. The decoration . B. The location . C. The petition . D. The menu .12. A. They were organic . B. They were rare . C. They were nutritious . D. They were juic

16、y . 13. A. Confused . B. Amazed . C. Anxious . D. Regretful .Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. Posters allow people to eat poorly .B. A bad diet is a symptom of social , cultural , and economic problems .C. Poor people are not aware of the four food groups .D. Alcohol

17、 contributes to a bad diet .15. A. They are not the solution to dietary problems .B. They do not illustrate all the food groups .C. They are not based on the medical research .D. They are only to wealthy people .16. A. Cultural problems . B. Social problems . C. Economic problems . D. Physical probl

18、ems .Section C (8%)Directions: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through

19、20 are based on the following conversation.Appetizer Fruit 17 . Main Course Leg of 18 . Side Dish Brown 19 . Soup Split pea . Drink A glass of red 20 .plete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.What did the woman want to know ?Students

20、 opinions on 21 .What did the man think of the vegetables ?They were usually 22 .Whats the mans general ment on the food ?The food was 23 .What did the man advise ?To change the 24 .plete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.II. Grammar and vocabulary (26%)Section A (16%)Directio

21、ns : Choose the right answers .25. I stopped at a gas station about 50 miles from Oklahoma City, _ I was planning to visit a friend.A. that B. which C. where D. when26. Hes having a hard time _ the pressure of his new job.A. to handle B. handle C. handling D. handled27. It is the first time that Mr

22、Smith _ China.A. visits B. visited C. has visited D. had visited28. There are always many choices in our life, which are like different roads at a crossing. _ we choose, the decision will have a strong effect on our future journey.A. What B. Which C. Whatever D. Whichever29. Jack is late again. It i

23、s typical _ him to keep others waiting.A. to B. with C. for D. of30. We _ the difficulty together, but why didnt you tell me?A. should face B. could have faced C. might face D. must have faced31. Kirobo is a robot working at the International Space Station . He is not the first robot in the station

24、, but he is the first one _ there .A. talked B. talks C. to talk D. talking32. You could add the items you like to your shopping basket-online, pay for them with your phone and have them _ to your home.A. deliver B. to deliver C. delivered D. delivering33. No sooner _ into the smelly market than I w

25、anted to walk back out.A. had I stepped B. I stepped C. have I stepped D. I had stepped34. It suddenly occurred to him _ he had left his keys in the office.A. whether B. where C. which D. that35. The teen smoking rate has reached 11.5 percent, with 15 million 13-18 year-olds regularly _.A. having sm

26、oked B. smoking C. smoke D. to smoke36. Success never es easily _ we have a goal in our hearts and stick to it.A. if B. since C. once D. unless37. Rescuers use a special device for finding people _ in the sunken ship .A. trapping B. to trap C. trapped D. having trapped38. What is it about this chara

27、cter _ people find so exciting?A. which B. what C. where D. that39. People should take pride in what they do, _ the public misunderstand or make fun of it.A. even if B. as long as C. in case D. as if40. _ the characters in The Simpsons live in a fictional world, many Americans can relate to their li

28、ves.A. As B. While C. When D. UnlessSection B (10%)Directions: plete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Do note that there is one word more than you need.A. connectionAC. unbeatableABC. equalB. stressfulAD. distantC. advantagesBC. hiddenD. requireme

29、ntsBD. exposedAB. sensitive CD. involvedIt is believed that in such a petitive age, art education is close to an unnecessary part in schools today. However, most of the 41 that a student would gain out of a basic education in art are almost unbelievable.There has been years of research 42 in the importance of art education and what art education goals are. The studies prove that what students gain out of an art education is almost 43 , where any other course is concerned.A child whose parents are rich will naturally and very often be 44 to art, whether it is in the form of art pieces

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