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1、抽样测试抽样测试初三英语第卷(非选择题 共76分)一、听简短叙述,选择正确答案。(共4分,每小题1分)二、听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。(共6分,每小题1分)5AHis old house isnt large enough BHe likes to live in a quiet house CThe new house is near his school ( )6ANew York BLondon CParis ( )7AStop a taxi BCall 120 CTake the old man to hospital ( )8A5yuan B8yuan C10yuan ( )

2、 9AYes , he will BNo , he wont CYes , he is ( )10ASpeaking English BTalking with foreigners CMaking mistakes ( )三、听对话和短文,选择正确答案。(共14分,每小题2分) 请听一段话,完成第11、12小题。11How many ways are mentioned to save the environment in the conversation ? ATwo BThree CFour12The girl will tell her parents _ . Anot to use

3、the plastic bags Bto recycle paper Cto turn off the lights 请听一段对话,完成第13、14小题。13Why did Miss Kumar come to China ? She wanted _ the Project Hope (希望工程) Ato help Bto learn something from Cto work for 14What can the man do for Kumar ? ( ) AShow her around the country . BTake her to the country schools

4、CHelp her know more about the Project Hope . 请听一段短文,完成15、16、17小题。 生词:guest 客人 host 主人 15Who is the passage written for ? ( ) AA westerner eating a Chinese meal BA Chinese eating a western meal CA westerner eating in a Chinese home 16Where might you see a passage like this ? ( ) AIn a travel magazine

5、 BIn the visitor center CIn an instruction book 17Whats the golden rule of having a western meal ? ( ) AAsking waiters for help BDoing as Romans do CUsing whatever you like 第二部分 笔试(52分)四、语言知识运用(1)(一)单项填空(共18分,每小题1分) 从下列各题所给的四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。18i need _ . Ill post the letter . Aa stamp Ba book Can

6、ID card Da photo19Lily wanted to travel around the city all by _ . However , her parents didnt agree . Aher Bherself Cthem Dthemselves 20The book is interesting and it is cheap , _ . Atoo Balso Ceither Dneither21Did you see her film yesterday ?Yes , _ I missed the beginning Aso Bor Cbut Dthen22_ my

7、surprise , he escaped from the big fire and was not hurt . ATo BIn CFor DWith23After becoming a member of Greener China , he feels _ than before . Abusy Bbusier Cthe busier Dthe busiest 24 _ is it from your home to the cinema ?It is about twenty minutes walk AHow often BHow far CHow soon DHow long25

8、 Oh , what a wonderful computer ! Its _ , My parents bought it for last birthday .Amine Bme Ctheirs Dthem26Some parents like talking with their children after work , _ dont . They often say its a bit difficult for them to do so .Athe other Bthe others Cothers Dother27 Miss Chen taught you math last

9、year , _ ? No . She taught us English .Awas she Bbefore Cthough Dif28Please choose another topic , _ you cant say anything else about this . Aso Bbefore Cthough Dif29_ , David ! The basketball is coming towards you ! ALook at BLook up CLook for DLook out30Now many foreign friends like Peking Opera .

10、 They think that it _ beautiful Asounds Bgets Ctastes Dfeels31 Will you be able to finish your report today ? _ .AI like to BI hope so CIll do so DId love to 32 Happy birthday , Mary . Here is your present . Thank you very much . I _ think you _ come .Adont , can Bdont ,will Cdidnt , could Dwont , c

11、an33 “ Thanks ” should _ after we get help . Abe saying Bbe said Csay Dsaid34The Blacks _ Hong kong for a year since they came to China . Ahave been to Bhave arrived in Chave gone to Dhave been in35As soon as he _ back , Ill tell him when _ and see him . Acomes , will you come Bwill come , do you co

12、me Ccomes , you will come Dwill come , you come (二)完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给四个选项中选择最佳的一项。It is so cold on that dark winter day in 1942 . But it is no different from any other day in this Nazi concentration camp ( 纳粹集中营 ) . I am 36 dead , living on from day to day , from hour to hour 37

13、 I was taken from my home and brought here with tens of thousands of other Jews ( 犹太人 ) . Will I still be 38 tomorrow ?I walk back and forth ( 来回 ) next to the barbed wire fence ( 带刺的铁丝网 ) , trying to keep my body 39 . I am hungry . I have been hungry for long . Each day , as more of us disappear ,

14、the happy 40 seems like a dream , and I sink deeper and deeper into hopelessness .Suddenly , I notice a young girl walking past 41 the other side of the fence . She stops and looks at me with sad eyes that seem to say she cannot understand why I am here . I want to look away , but I cannot move my e

15、yes away from hers . Then she reaches into her pocket , and pulls out a red apple . Oh , how long has it been since I saw 42 ! She looks round carefully and then with a smile quickly throws the apple over the fence . I run to pick it up , holding it in my shaking ( 颤抖 ) 43 fingers . In my world of d

16、eath this apple is a sign of life , of love . I looked up in time to see the girl disappearing .The next day I cannot help myself I am 44 at the same time to that place near the fence . And again she comes and brings me an apple . For seven months we meet like this . One day I hear terrible news : W

17、ere being shipped to another camp .The next day when I greet her , my heart is 45 and I can hardly speak as I say what must be said : “ Dont bring me an apple tomorrow . ” I tell her , “ I am being sent to another camp .” Turning before I lose all my control ( 控制 ) , I run away from the fence . I ca

18、nnot 46 to look back .And then one day the war has ended . Few of us who are still alive are freed . I have 47 everything , but I still have the memory of this girl .36Aalmost Bmostly Cprobably Dquite37Along before Bsoon after Ceven though Dever since38Aout Balive Cfree Dhungry39Ahealthy Bstrong Cwa

19、rm Dcomfortable40Apast Bfuture Cmoment Dpresent41Aby Bon Cto Dfrom42Ait Bthis Cone Dthat43Afrozen Bdirty Clittle Dpainful44Apushed Btaken Cdrawn Ddriven45Abeating Bhurting Csinking Dbreaking46Aimagine Bbeat Cstop Dexpect47Aforgotten Bleft Cmissed Dlost 五、阅读理解(共32分,每小题2分) 阅读下面A、B、C、三篇短文,然后从其后各题所给的四个选

20、项中选择最佳选项。A The Pencil Maker held the pencil , just before putting it into the box . “ There are 5 things you need to know , ” he told the pencil , “ before I send you out into the world . Always remember them and never forget , and you will become the beat pencil you can be .”“ One : You will be abl

21、e to do many great things , but only if you allow yourself to be put into play .Two : You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time , but youll need it to become a better pencil .Three : You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make .Four : The most important part of you will

22、always be whats inside .And five : You must leave your mark when you walk through . No matter what you are you must carry on your duty . ”The pencil understood and went into the box with his confidence in his heart .Try to imagine you are the pencil . Always remember them and never forget five thing

23、s , and you will become the best person .Allow the fable ( a short story that teaches a lesson ) of the pencil to encourage you to know that you are a special person and only you can be successful .48What you read is _ . Aa fable Bsome instruction Ca lesson Dsome advice49How did the pencil feel when

24、 he went into the box ? ( ) AHappy BAfraid CSad DConfident50Which is right according to what you read ? ( ) ADont need a sharpening BNever make mistakes CTry your best to work well DOnly do great things B Worried about sports injuries ( 伤害 ) ? The best way to do with sports injuries is to prevent th

25、em . Sports injuries are injuries are injuries that happen while doing sports . You may think of your back or your arms and legs as the only places where you could get hurt while playing , but you can get a sports injury anywhere on your body . Head and neck injuries are among the most dangerous . Y

26、ou can hurt your neck in sports like mountain climbing , skydiving , horseback riding , diving , or boxing . If the injury is serious and there is a chance that the neck might be injured , its very important to keep the injured person still with the head held straight while someone calls emergency m

27、edical help ( 急救 ) . If the person is lying on the ground , do not try to mone him or her . Never try to move someone who may have a neck injury a wrong treatment could even result in death . Always remember that an injury left untreated will probably get worse over time . Yet , its not always neces

28、sary to see a doctor right away if your pain is slight ( 轻微的 ) . The most important thing to do when you feel you are injured is to stop doing whatever sport has caused the injury right away and go to see a doctor . For ore serious or complicated ( 复杂的 ) injuries , it may be best to see a doctor . I

29、f your doctor has asked you to stop playing , your number one question is probably “ When can I play sports again ? ” Make sure you discuss this with your doctor . Always wear helmets ( 头盔 ) for contact ( 接触 ) sports and when doing activities like biking and roller skating to prevent head injuries .

30、 When you return to play , you might need some new protective equipments ( 装备 ) that help protect your body part from possible reinjury . To help prevent reinjury , be sure to warm up before practice and games . Remember to take it slow when you first get back into your sport . So , play , but play safe . Try to

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