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1、成人高考高起点英语语法归纳与练习72020年成人高考(高起点)英语语法归纳与练习7lesson 7 形容词和副词(三)形容词和副词的特殊表达法一、形容词与副词的同级比较: 由“as(so)as”引出,其否定式为“not so”或“not asas”,此外还应注意下列含有“as”结构或短语的句子1. as such:表示上文所指明的事或人He is a child,and must be treated as such. 他是个孩子,必须被当作孩子对待。2. as much:表示“与同量”Take as much as you like. 拿多少都行。I would gladly have pa

2、id twice as much for it. 就是价格再贵一倍,我也会愿意把它买下的。He as much as admitted the whole story. 他几乎全部承认了。3. as many:表示“与一样多”I found six mistakes in as many lines. 我在六行中发现了六个错。二、表示“几倍于”的比较级:用twice (两倍),four times (四倍),ten times (十倍)加上as as 结构This one is four times as big as that one. 这个是那个的四倍大。(这个比那个大三倍。) Our c

3、ampus is three times as large as yours. 我们的校园比你们的大两倍。He has books twice as many as she does. 他的书比她多一倍。三、“the same +名词+as”表示同等比较四、比较级前可用a little, a bit, slightly, a great deal, a lot,many, much等词语表示不定量,far, completely,still表示水准或更进一步五、与比较级相关的特殊词用法1. no more than 表示“只不过”,“并不比”(等于not any more than)Man c

4、annot live without food any more than plants can grow without sunshine.人没有食物不能生存,植物没有阳光也不能生长。There is no difficulty with this task any more than with that one.这项任务没有困难,那项任务也没有困难。2. no less than 表示“不亚于”There are no less than five hundred people present at the New Year party.出席新年晚会的有五百人之多。(出席的人较多)3. n

5、ot less than 表示“很多于”There are not less than five hundred people present at the New Year party.出席新年晚会的只有五百人。(出席的人较不多)4. more often than not 表示“多数情况下”On Friday mornings, he comes late more often than not.多数情况下,他星期五来得晚。5. all the more 因而更加We really admired him all the more for his frankness. 我们更加钦佩他的坦率

6、。6. (be) better off 较富裕,环境较好7. had better Come, you had much better have the thing out at once. 来,你把这东西弄出去。8. less than 不到The first steam locomotive could have a top speed of only thirteen mph(miles per hour) and the great sailing ships of the time labored along at less than half that speed.第一列蒸汽火车最

7、快每小时只有13英里,那时的大船还不到这个速度的一半。9. little more than 差不多The grain in their barn is little more than that of ours.他们仓的粮食跟我们仓的粮食差不多。10. more than 超过,不止I have waited for your for more than two hours. 我等了你两个多小时。11. more or less 大体上,或多或少The work is more or less finished. 工作大体算完成了。Most of them came here to near

8、 money, more or less Mr.Wang worked for his cause.他们大都来挣钱的,但王先生有点像为事业而工作。12. other than 除了They imposed no pre conditions other than that the meeting should be held in their capital. 除了会议要在他们的首都开之外,他们没有提出任何先决条件。13. rather than 而不是,与其宁愿(rather than表示“与其宁愿”时,如果位于句首引导句子,有虚拟的成分,相当于“ would rathe than,”所以r

9、ather than后面跟动词原形)Read what interests you; read what you have time for magazines and newspapers rather than novels.读你感兴趣的东西,读你有时间读的东西,如杂志和报纸而不是小说。Rather than allow the potatoes to go bad, she sold them at half price.她以半价把土豆给卖了,而没有让它们烂掉。Rather than cause trouble, he left.为了不惹事,他还是走了。14. so much the b

10、etter 就更好了If she will help us, so much the better.如果他能帮我们,那就更好了。15. so much the worse 就更糟了So much the worse for you if you still are absent from class.如果你继续逃课的话,就对你更不利了。16. the morethe more(less)“越是,就越”六、比较中的省略1. 在asas中,as从句可省略整个谓语部分,保留主语She sings as well as her sister. 她跟她的姐姐唱得一样好(省去了does)。2. 能够省去谓

11、语部分,保留主语和be、have等助动词Susan has done as much housework as you have. (省去了done.)3. 能够省去主语和谓语,只剩下状语It is not as cold in Beijing as in Datong. 北京的天气没有大同冷。4. than从句也能够省去整个谓语部分,保留主语They say that blood is thicker than water, that our relatives are more important to us than others. 他们说血浓于水,亲属对我们来说比其他人更重要。5. t

12、han从句省去部分谓语,保留主语和be,have或助动词The white collar workers earn more than the blue workers do.白领工人比蓝领工人挣得多。这时 我们能够实行倒装,即将than后从句中的be,have或助动词移到该从句的前边After all, big changes are relatively easier to make than are small ones.相对来说,大变动比小变动毕竟容易些。The fact is that some drug addicts are much better able to cure ad

13、diction in each other than are psychiatrists; some convicts can run better rehabilitation programs for convicts than do correctional officers; some patients in mental hospitals are better for each other than is the staff.事实上,有些吸毒成瘾者与吸毒成瘾者之间戒瘾比精神病医生的作用还好;有些罪犯在改造其他罪犯方面比教改人员强;医院里的病人与病人之间的沟通比医务人员与病人间的沟通

14、还强。6. than从句能够省去主语和部分谓语,保留宾语Grandma gives more candies to her grandson than her granddaughter. 奶奶给孙子的糖比给孙女的多。(省去了she gives candies to)7. than从句能够省去主语和谓语,保留状语There are more books in this library than in that library. 这个图书馆的书比那个多。(省去了there are many books)She is much better than yesterday. 她比昨天好多了。(省去了

15、she was)Signs of dishonesty in school, business, and government seem much more numerous in recent years than in the past. 近些年来在学校、商业和政府中欺诈的迹象比以前更多。8. than从句能够省去主语,保留谓语部分His speed of doing the work was much faster than had expected. 他干此事的速度远比想象的快。(省去了he或we)9. 有时能够省去整个than从句He is much healthier and ha

16、ppier. 她比以往任何时侯都健康幸福。(省去了than he was ever before)10. 为了避免重复,我们经常用that代替不可数名词, those代替复数名词,one代替可数名词单数七、隐含比较级有时比较级并不一定出现than,这时通过上下文可喑示出,如:-Of the two oranges, which do you choose? -I like the larger one.这里的larger one是指前边提到的两个当中的较大的一个。而且有些形容词在表示比较的时候,跟“to”而不用“than”1. prior to 较早的,较重要的The task is prio

17、r to all others. 这项任务比其他所有的任务都重要。I called on him prior to my departure. 动身前我去看了他一趟。2. superior to优越,高于In math he felt superior to John. 他觉得自己数学比约翰强。They were resolved to rise superior to every obstacle. 他们决心战胜一切困难。3. inferior to 下等的,次的These apples are inferior in flavour to those. 这些苹果的味道不如那些。4. sen

18、ior to 年长的,地位高的;junior年幼的,地位低的,迟的He is two years senior to me. 他比我大两岁。Her appointment is junior to mine by six weeks. 她的任命比我迟六星期。5. preferable to 更好的Health without riches is preferable to riches without health.贫穷但健康要比富有却多病更可取。6. preferto 更倾向于I prefer this to that. 我喜欢这个而不喜欢那个。八、级在特殊短语中的使用:在有下列短语的句子中

19、,往往使用级1. one of3. in the world(或群体名词)九、其他相关比较的习惯表达法1. “as +形容词(副词)+as possible”结构,表示“最,尽可能”:“as quickly as possible”(尽量快)2. “ sooner or later”是成语,表示“迟早、早晚”3. “would rather +动词原形+than ”是惯用句型,表示“宁愿而不愿”,因为连词than 要求前后所比较的成分要一致十、most表示“非常”: 有时most并不表示“最”,而是作副词表示“非常”之意。其实它是much的级,作形容词用是“绝大部分”之意,前边不加the.另外

20、much与to构成介词词组,表示“在很大水准上使”that也能够作副词用,表示“如此,那么”相当于so十一、形容词与副词的修饰关系: 一般来说,形容词用来作表语(与系动词连用,注意taste, feel, become等词作系动词用时,它们后的表示应该是形容词,包括瞖d分词)或作定语修饰名词,而形容词不能修饰形容词包括睧D分词;但副词能够修饰形容词(包括睧D分词),副词还能够修饰副词、动词或短语十二、形容词与副词的位置1. 当几个形容词共同修饰同一名词时,它们的先后顺序是:限定词数词描述性形容词大小、长短、形状的形容词色彩形容词类属形容词表材料形容词+被修饰的名词;或只记住限定词像a, the

21、, my, their等词在最前边,其他词根据它们与被修饰名词关系的远近实行安排2. 一般来说,单个副词修饰形容词时,副词放在形容词前;但enough修饰形容词时要放在形容词之后good enough, mysterious enough3. so修饰的是副词,而such修饰的是名词4. 形容词修饰名词时放在前边,但修饰复合不定代词(something, someone, somebody; anything, anyone, anybody; nothing, no瞣ne, nobody)时,则放在这些词之后something important, anything possible十三、关于hardly, rarely, scarcely与seldom的用法hardly“刚刚,不完全”,表示水准:I hardly know him. “我几乎认不出他了”,表示还是能认出或者说“我刚刚能认出他”;hardly与any连用表示“几乎没有”,与ever连用表示“几乎从来不”; scarcely的意思与hardly更接近。rarely“不经常”,表示事物发生的频率:He rarely goes there. 他很少(不经常)去那里。seldom“很少,不经常”,它与rarely更接近。

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