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phonics kids 5A教学内容.docx

1、phonics kids 5A教学内容Phonicskids5APart1TheVowel PairsUnit1TheVowel Pair“ai/e/”ChantwithmeaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiRhymingfunSee the snail with no tail,Leave its trail by the rail.拓展词:Snail 蜗牛tail 尾巴 trail 足迹 rail轨道1.Thewordfamilyof -ail/el/Pointandsayai. lail ail ail ailmailmailpailpail tailtailsnailsnailRhymi

2、ngfunMail mail mail, Pail pail pail,Put the mail into the pail.拓展词:mail 邮件 pail 桶 2. Thewordfamilyof -aid/ed/Pointandsayai. daid aid aid aidmaidmaidpaidpaid raidraidlaidlaidRhymingfunMaid maid maid, Paid paid paid,The maid paid for the pail!拓展词:Maid 少女 paid 付款 raid 突击 laid 放置3. Thewordfamilyof -ain/

3、en/Pointandsayai. nain ain ain ainrainrainpainpain mainmaingaingainRhymingfunRain rain rain. Its fun to run in the rain.拓展词:Pain 痛苦 main 主要的 gain 获得 4. Thewordfamilyof -ait/et/Pointandsayai. tait ait ait aitbaitbaitwaitwait traittraitRhymingfunBait bait bait! Wait wait wait!We wait to buy some bait!

4、拓展词:Bait 诱饵 trait 特点 Rhymewithme “In the rain”In the rain, Ran fast in the rain,The train ran fast in the rain!Who will take the trainIn the rain?Unit2TheVowel Pair“ay/e/”ChantwithmeayayayayayayayayRhymingfunRain, rain, go away!Come again another day.1.Thesoundof“ay/e/”Pointandsayay ay ay bay bay ba

5、ybaybaykayKay laylayslayslayRhymingfunKay Kay Kay! Bay bay bay !Kay had to wait at the bay.拓展词:Bay 海湾 lay 放置 slay 残杀2.Thesoundof“ay/e/”Pointandsayay ay ay stay stay staystaystaydayday mayMayRhymingfunMay May May! stay stay stay !May will stay with Kay all day.3.Thesoundof“ay/e/”Pointandsayay ay ay h

6、ay hay hayhayhayplayplay jayJayrayrayRhymingfunHay hay hay! play play play !Jay and Fay play in the hay.拓展词: Hay 干草4.Thesoundof“ay/e/”Pointandsayay ay ay clay clay clayclayclaytraytray waywayswayswayRhymingfunTray tray tray! clay clay clay !The tray is made of clay.拓展词:Clay 黏土 tray 托盘 sway 摇摆Rhymewi

7、thme “Going home rhyme”Now our day is done,Weve all had lots of fun.Tomorrow is another day,And well come back to play.Unit3TheVowel Pair“ee/i:/”Chantwithmee. eee ee ee e. eee ee eeRhymingfunIt isnt he, and it isnt she. Its only me.1. Thewordfamilyof -ee/i:/Pointandsayee ee ee, bee bee beebeebeesees

8、ee freefreetreetreeRhymingfunCan you see The busy bee, High in the tree?2. Thewordfamilyof -eed/i:d/Pointandsayee. deed eed eed eeddeeddeedneedneed feedfeedseedseedRhymingfunDeed deed deed ! Need need need !A friend in need is a friend in deed.拓展词:Deed 行为 feed 喂养 seed 种子3. Thewordfamilyof -eed/i:d/P

9、ointandsayee. peep eep eep eepsleepsleepsheepsheep deepdeepjeepjeepRhymingfunSleep, little one, Go to sleep.So peaceful the birds and the sheep.4. Thewordfamilyof -eet/i:t/Pointandsayee. teet eet eet eetfeetfleetmeetmeet beetbeetsweetsweetRhymingfunMeet meet meet ! Sweet sweet sweet !Meet a boy name

10、d Pete. He is very sweet.拓展词:Fleet 舰队 beet 甜菜Singwithme “This little pig”This little pig went to market;This little pig stayed at home;This little pig had a roast beef;This little pig had none;And this little pig cried,Wee wee wee wee wee!All the way home.Unit4TheVowel Pair“ea/i:/”Chantwithmee. aea

11、ea ea e. eea ea eaRhymingfunJean Jean Jean ! Seat seat seat !Geese on Jeans seat!1. Thewordfamilyof -ea/i:/Pointandsayea ea ea pea pea peapeapeateatea seaseafleafleaRhymingfunPea pea pea ! Tea tea tea !The princess of pea likes coffee and tea.拓展词:Pea 豌豆 flea 跳蚤2. Thewordfamilyof -ead/i:d/Pointandsay

12、ea. dead ead ead ead readreadbeadbead leadleadRhymingfunRead read read ! Please teach me how to read.拓展词:Bead 念珠 lead 领导3. Thewordfamilyof -ean/i:n/Pointandsayea. nean ean ean ean jeanJeandeanDean leanlean cleancleanRhymingfunJean and Dean! Jean and Dean like peas and beans! 拓展词:Lean 倾斜 bean 豆4. The

13、wordfamilyof -eat/i:t/Pointandsayea. teat eat eat eat heatheatmeatmeat neatneattreattreatRhymingfunHeat heat heat ! Meat meat meat ! I like to heat the meat !拓展词:Neat 整洁的 treat 招待5. Thewordfamilyof -eal/i:l/Pointandsayea. leal eal eal eal mealmealsealseal dealdealrealrealRhymingfunSeal seal seal ! A

14、 slippery , slippery seal.Meal meal meal! The seal likes real meal.拓展词:Seal 海豹,密封 slippery 狡猾的 meal 餐Singwithme “A sailor”A sailor went to Sea, sea, sea,To see what he could See, see, see,But all that he could See,see, see,Was the bottom of the deep blueSea, sea, sea.Unit5TheVowel Pair“oa/”Chantwith

15、meo. aoa oa oa o. aoa oa oaRhymingfunGoat goat goat ! Toad toad toad !The toad sits on the goat.拓展词:Toad 蟾蜍1. Thewordfamilyof -oat/t/Pointandsayoa. toat oat oat oat coatcoatgoatgoat boatboat moatmoatRhymingfunA silly silly goat In a funny, funny coat.Sails in a tiny boat All around the moat.拓展词:Moat

16、 壕沟,护城河 silly 蠢的 sail 航行2. Thewordfamilyof -oad/d/Pointandsayoa. doad oad oad oad roadroadtoadtoad loadloadRhymingfunToad toad toad ! look at the toad.Carry that load, across the road.拓展词:Load 负担3. Thewordfamilyof -oap/p/ & -oak/k/Pointandchantoa. poap oap oap oap soapsoapsoap soap soapThe soap can

17、float.Pointandchantoa. koak oak oak oak soaksoaksoak soak soakSoak the soap in the water.拓展词:Soap 肥皂 float (使) 漂浮 soak 浸透 4. Thewordfamilyof -oast/st/Pointandsayoa. stoast oast oast oast toasttoastroastroast coastcoastboastboastRhymingfunToast and roast !You want some toast, And I want some roast.拓展

18、词:Toast 烤面包 roast 烤肉 coast 海岸; 滑坡 boast 自夸5. Thewordfamilyof -oal/l/ & -oaf/f/Pointandchantoa. loal oal oal oal goalgoalgoal goal goalReach your goal.Pointandchantoa. foaf oaf oaf oaf loafloafloaf loaf loafA big loaf of bread.拓展词:loaf 一条(块)面包Singwithme “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”Row, row, row your boat,Gently down the stream.Merrily, merrily,Merrily, merrily,Life is but a dream.

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