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1、论文写作规范外语毕业论文的写作1. 为使学生掌握撰写技术报告和科研论文的基本方法,统一毕业设计(论文)的技术标准和规格要求,所有说明书和论文报告必须按以下格式顺序编写:毕业设计(论文)任务书;指导教师评语;特邀评阅人评语;答辩委员会评语;毕业设计(论文)中外文摘要及关键词;英文摘要及关键词在前,中文摘要及关键词在后,分页。毕业设计说明书或论文目录(统一按1,1.1,1.1.1等层次编写,并注明页码等);正文(包括文献综述。引用的重要论断要注明出处);主要参考文献(排列顺序见开题报告);致谢辞(可要可不要);附录(包括设计图纸、原始数据、计算程序及说明、过长的公式推导以及外文文献译文等。其中,设

2、计图纸可另附)。2. 毕业论文(设计说明书)要用我校统一印制的“毕业设计(论文)”用纸,用黑或蓝黑墨水工整书写或打印。提倡用计算机录入并打印论文,每页20行,每行20-22字,打印时,用B5纸,版面上空2.5cm,下空2cm,左空2.5cm,右空2cm(左装订),1.5倍行距。英语摘要Times New Roman、四号、加粗,居中.中文摘要四号宋体,加黑,“摘”与“要”之间空两个汉字的距离Key words: 小四号新罗马加粗,词与词之间加分号,转行后与冒号后内容对齐。关键词小四号宋体,加粗,词与词之间加分号,转行后与冒号后内容对齐。目录Contents:新罗马、四号、加粗、居中 一级标题小

3、四号新罗马加粗二级标题小四号新罗马每一级标题往右推进两个字符; 如:IntroductionChapter*1*Abcd Efgh Ijkl *1.1 Abcd Efgh Ijkl 1.2 Abcd Efgh IjklChapter*2*Abcd Efgh Ijkl*2.1 Abcd Efgh Ijkl *2.1.1 Abcd efgh ijkl *2.1.2 Abcd efgh ijkl 2.2 Abcd Efgh IjklChapter*3*Abcd Efgh Ijkl*3.1 Abcd Efgh Ijkl3.2 Abcd Efgh IjklConclusionBibliography特别

4、提示:Chapter与1之间空一个字符,1与后面的内容空两个字符;章、节标题每个实词首字母大写;节所在行缩进2个字符;二级标题中1.1 与标题之间空一个字符。转行后与标题文字对齐;1.1.1比上一级目录再缩进2个字符,第三级目录的内容只有第一个字母大写,其余一般小写,专名要依据常规处理大小写和斜体情况。论文正文: 第一层次的题序和标题四号新罗马、加粗、居中,Chapter 1 与标题之间空两个字符。 第二层次的题序和标题小四号新罗马、加粗、靠左 第三层次的题序和标题小四号新罗马、加粗、靠左 正文中文小四号宋体、英文小四号新罗马 页码小四号居中,页码两边不加修饰符(4)毕业设计(论文)主要参考文

5、献: 格式说明:英文文献在前,中文文献在后;网上资源放在本部分最后(英文在前,中文在后);转行自 后空个字符。一律按作者名的音序法排列。文献数量十个以上,英文文献必须占适当比例,最好能涵盖本研究重要的专著和期刊文献。网络资源必须是带扩展名的完整地址。汉语文献中所有数字均用宋体。无明确作者的,英语可用Anonymous,汉语省略即可。出现同一作者的不同作品,按其出版年排序,早出版的在前,晚出版的在后。例如:1 Leech, G. N. & Short, M. H. 2001. Style In Fiction: A Linguistic Introduction To English Ficti

6、onal Prose M. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.2 Sun Jin. 2004. Symbolism in Moby Dick D. Qingdao: Shandong University of Science and Technology.3 Thackeray, W. M. 2001. Linguistic Study J. Linguistic Research. Vol. 28(2).4 钱青2006英国19世纪文学史 M北京:外语教学与研究出版社5 钱青2007英国二十世纪文学史 M北京:外语教

7、学与研究出版社6 张伯香2006老人与海中的象征主义J外国文学评论第3期7 Shade, L. R. 1993. A Thematic Study on The Great Gatsby OL. Retrieved May 28, 2008, from the World Wide Web: 附:参考文献标识参考文献类型专著论文集报纸文章期刊文章学位论文专著、论文的析出文献网络资源其他(词典、百科全书等)标识MCNJDAOLZ(5)文中引文采用夹注形式: 中文作者(Wu Weixiong, 2001: 11)(作者姓名, 出版年: 页码)英文作者(Leech, 2001: 12) (作者姓,

8、出版年: 页码) 大段引用采取两端缩进各四个字母,五号字,1.5倍行距论文格式范例:ContentsAbstract (English).ii Abstract (Chinese).iiiIntroduction.1Chapter 1 The Introduction of Tourist Publicity Materials.31.1 The Definition of Tourist Publicity Materials.31.2 The Features of Tourist Publicity Materials.4Chapter 2 The Chinese-English Tra

9、nslation Problems in TouristPublicity Materials.72.1 Problems Caused by Lexical Gap and Conflict.7 2.2 Problems Caused by Flowery Writing.8 2.3 Problems Caused by Poems and Couplets.10Chapter 3 The Translating Strategies of Tourist Publicity Materials.123.1 Translation Principles of Publicity Materi

10、als.12 3.2 The Translation Strategies.13 3.2.1 Explanation.13 3.2.2 Adding.14 3.2.3 Deletion and adjustment.16Conclusion.19Bibliography.20AbstractTourist publicity material is supposed to publicize China, which plays an important role in promoting the tourist resources in China and attracting foreig

11、n tourists. This paper attempts to make a systematic study of the translation of Chinese tourist publicity materials from a cultural perspective. By analyzing the problems in tourist culture, this paper aims to explore the strategy in translating the cultural elements in tourist publicity materials

12、from Chinese into English. It consists of three chapters. Chapter 1 briefly introduces the definition of tourist publicity materials and their features which serve as a preparation for the discussion of translation principles and methods in chapter three. Chapter 2 points out that the translation of

13、 tourist publicity materials is a cross-cultural activity and the difficulty of translations lies in the cultural factors. Chapter 3 provides several practical translating methods to better convey the cultural information with the analysis of translation cases selected from publicity materials and u

14、nder the principles of the tourism translation. It is concluded that a good translation of tourist publicity materials is base on the deep understanding of tourism culture. Key words: tourist publicity material; translation; cultural factors; translatingstrategies摘 要 旅游宣传资料是一种对外宣传资料。它在对外介绍我国的旅游资源,吸引


16、翻译好旅游宣传材料,必须了解宣传资料中的各种文化因素。关键词:旅游宣传材料;翻译;文化因素;翻译策略IntroductionChina, an ancient oriental country with more than 5,000 years history, has always been a fascinating destination for millions of overseas tourists. With its longstanding history, brilliant culture and beautiful landscape, China attracts m

17、ore and more tourists from abroad. Most of them are interested in Chinese culture and hope to experience it. In light of these, tourist publicity materials play an increasingly important role in introducing China to the outside world. It serves as a bridge between the country and the rest of the wor

18、ld.However, it is by no means easy to translate Chinese publicity materials into English. And tourist publicity materials often confuse foreign tourists because there are a lot of problems in translation, consequently, the intended functions of the materials can not be fulfilled.Chapter 1 The Introd

19、uction of Tourist Publicity MaterialsBefore traveling to a new place, people need to know something about it. A good tourist publicity material is a good leader and guide, showing the wonderful sight, various cultures to the travelers first. China, an ancient oriental country with more than 5000 yea

20、rs history, has always been a fascinating destination for millions of overseas tourists. Especially after the successful bidding of hosting Olympic Game in Beijing in 2008, there will be more and more overseas tourists flooding to China. And now the tourist publicity materials introducing our countr

21、y are more and more important.1.1 The Definition of Publicity Materials The significance of tourism has been studied and researched in the world for many years. To facilitate our study concerning the translation of tourist publicity materials, we should make a clear understanding of the relevant ter

22、ms. In Chinese, the phrase “dui wai xuan chuan (对外宣传)” refers to communication with foreigners and publicity of China to the rest of the world . New Age Chinese-English Dictionary defines “xuan chuan (宣传)” as explaining a situation to the masses of people and disseminating truth among them. It is a

23、neutral word and has no negative connotations. “xuan chuan” is used to be translated into propagate, disseminate, preach and publicize. This thesis adopts the term “publicity” which means “the information or actions intended to attract the publics attention to someone or something”. (Collins Cobuild

24、 English Dictionary, 2000:1329) 4) Wide Use of Poems and Antithetical CoupletsMen of letters in China, in ancient or modern times, created numerous poems about the lovely land of this country. They are the special literary form of China. Lines from such literary works are frequently quoted in Chines

25、e tourist publicity to arouse the appreciative response from the reader and to show the historical value of the place, enhancing the effect of publicity. Here is an example.“明霞为饰玉为容,山到辽阳峦嶂重。欲向青天数花朵,九百九十九芙蓉。”这是清代姚元之写千山的一首七绝。据说千山有九百九十九座山峰,概称千朵莲花山。千山向有“无奇不有,无石不峭,无寺不古”的美名,被誉为“置之中州,当与五岳”等。 (Ji Shichang,

26、2001: 66)Chapter 1 Oedipus Complex in Western CultureFreudian theory is very popular in the 20th century, and it has deep effect on both psychological study and literature. The English novelist Lawrence is heavily influenced by Freudianism. His famous novel Sons and Lovers is an outstanding example

27、to which the Oedipus complex is applied.1.1 Oedipus Complex in Greek MythologyOedipus complex is derived from Greek mythology. It tells a story that a young man named Oedipus who killed his father and married his mother. A prophet warned king Laius of Thebes that his son would kill him. To avoid the

28、 1.2 Freudian Theory and D. H. Lawrence In a letter to Edward Garnett, who was Lawrences young editor, Lawrence outlined his plan of Sons and Lovers: “A woman of character and refinement goes into the lower class, and has no satisfaction in her own life. She has had a passion for her husband, so the

29、 children are born of passion, and have heaps of vitality. But as her sons grow up, she selects them as lovers- first the elder, then the second. Those sons are urged into life by their reciprocal love of their mother- urged on and on. But when they come to manhood, they cant love, because their mother is the strongest power in their lives.” (Salgado, 2005) The above words by Salgado clearly directs to Oedipus complex as the basic reason for Pauls inner conflicts.Chapter 2 Oedipus Complex in Sons and LoversSons and Lovers, as the first Freudian novel in English, describe

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