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1、TOEFL学习资料听力04 TOEFL学习资料听力042. (A) Bob has been married for a long time.(B) The woman should go to California.(C) He plans to go to the wedding(D) He hasn t been to California for a long time.3. (A) He wants a glass of water.(B) He won t do as the woman asks.(C) He can t wait any longer.(D) He s look

2、ing for the waiter.4. (A) It s just past ten o clock.(B) There s no time to talk.(C) She needs a little more time.(D) She has more than ten cents.5. (A) She appreciates the man s help.(B) Her presentation was somewhat long.(C) She needed more time to prepare.(D) She worked hard on her presentation.6

3、. (A) She wants to exercise before she runs.(B) It s too hot to go running.(C) Her jogging suit isn t warm enough.(D) She already went jogging7. (A) To tell him they are busy.(B) To cancel an appointment.(C) To invite him to go to a film.(D) To ask him a question about homework.8. (A) Keep looking f

4、or his wallet.(B) Report the theft of the wallet right away.(C) Put his wallet in his jacket pocket.(D) Be more careful with his wallet.9. (A) She is on a special diet.(B) She doesn t like to walk to the cafeteria.(C) She thinks the cafeteria is too expensive.(D) She doesn t eat lunch anymore.10. (A

5、) The man should look into buying a new car.(B) The car looks better than it used to.(C) The man should fly to Florida.(D) The man should get his car checked.11. (A) Tickets are available for future performances.(B) The performance has been canceled.(C) She wants to see the show tomorrow.(D) The per

6、formance has already started.12. (A) What is causing the problem.(B) When the faucet started leaking.(C) Howold the faucet is.(D) How to deal with the problem.13. (A) In a locker room.(B) In a department store.(C) In a shoe-repair shop.(D) At a track.14. (A) It fell out of the camera.(B) Mary develo

7、ped it in photography class.(C) Susan took it to be developed.(D) The man gave it to Susan.15. (A) He got out of the shower to answer the phone.(B) He didn t hear the phone ringing.(C) There s something wrong with the shower.(D) He took a shower earlier than usual.16. (A) His vacation has been postp

8、oned.(B) He needs to take his medicine with him on vacation.(C) He is going to change his allergy medicine.(D) His allergies no longer bother him.17. (A) She might be late for her chemistry class.(B) She ll borrow a bike after class.(C) She might be delayed in lab.(D) She might ride her bike to the

9、lab.18. (A) Laurie doesn t have much musical talent.(B) Laurie taught herself to play the guitar.(C) Laurie wants to play music with other people.(D) Laurie has a summer job playing guitar.19. (A) Get a job on campus.(B) Take an electronics course.(C) Visit the electronics company.(D) Apply for a jo

10、b with the electronics company.20. (A) He no longer watches much television.(B) He prefers the comedies from the sixties.(C) Television comedies haven t improved since the sixties.(D) He hasn t seen many of the old shows.21. (A) The woman is satisfied that the book has been returned.(B) The woman do

11、esn t lend books to people.(C) The man is too embarrassed to borrow a book from the woman.(D) The man can t find the book he borrowed from the woman.22. (A) He s never been to a debate.(B) He thinks the team was eliminated.(C) He can t go to the state competition.(D) He doesn t know if the team was

12、successful.23. (A) Ask the professor if the course will be given again.(B) Postpone taking the course.(C) Request permission to take the courses together.(D) Take the course from a different professor.24. (A) She also needs a new tennis racket.(B) She wants to borrow some money, too.(C) She doesn t

13、think Brian will repay the loan.(D) She couldn t get Brian to play tennis.25. (A) His violin is out of tune now.(B) He probably lost some of his skill on the violin.(C) He has worked as a violinist for a long time.(D) He s too old to begin studying the violin.26. (A) He doesn t expect to enjoy the t

14、heater.(B) He s sorry he can t go with the woman.(C) He thinks the theater will be too crowded.(D) He rarely goes to plays.27. (A) He ll seen the exhibit after June.(B) He visited the new student several times.(C) He wants to exhibit his work at the Student Center.(D) He can see the exhibit before i

15、t closes.28. (A) She is going to miss her first class.(B) She prefers going to the dentist later in the day.(C) The man will be finished before his first class.(D) The man might sleep late and miss his appointment.29. (A) Put some money in her wallet.(B) Buy a band-concert ticket.(C) Make a donation

16、.(D) Lend the man some money.30. (A) Put some money in her wallet.(B) Buy a band-concert ticket.(C) Make a donation.(D) Lend the man some money.31. (A) Relaxing at the seashore.(B) Visiting her parents.(C) Sailing on a boat.(D) Preparing for a race.32. (A) She was invited only for the weekend.(B) Th

17、e weather was too hot.(C) She had an appointment.(D) She had schoolwork to do.33. (A) She had to go home.(B) She was too tired to continue.(C) She had to finish her schoolwork.(D) She was thirsty.34. (A) She doesn t know how to swim.(B) The water was too deep.(C) The water was too cold.(D) She didn

18、t have enough time.35. (A) A vacation trip to Yellowstone Park.(B) A lecture by a visiting professor.(C) Her biology thesis.(D) A research project.36. (A) More buffalo are surviving the winter.(B) Fewer buffalo are dying of disease.(C) More buffalo are being born.(D) Fewer buffalo are being killed b

19、y hunters.37. (A) She is from Wyoming.(B) She needs the money.(C) She has been studying animal diseases.(D) Her thesis adviser is heading the project.38. (A) Collecting information about the bacteria.(B) Working on a cattle ranch.(C) Writing a paper about extinct animals.(D) Analyzing buffalo behavi

20、or.39. (A) To inform visitors of the park s history.(B) To provide an overview of the park s main attractions.(C) To show visitors remote places in the park.(D) To teach visitors how best to photograph wildlife.40. (A) It s easy to get lost.(B) It requires enormous strength.(C) It s a good group act

21、ivity.(D) People shouldn t do it in the winter.41. (A) There are fewer tourists.(B) The entrance fees are lower.(C) The animals are more active.(D) There are fewer insects.42. (A) To show a videotape on survival in outer space.(B) To gain support for the space program.(C) To describe her experience

22、on space missions.(D) To inform the audience about the space suit.43. (A) The lack of air pressure.(B) The extremely hot or cold temperatures.(C) Exposure to radiation.(D) An inadequately ventilated space suit.44. (A) On the exterior of the space shuttle.(B) In the torso of the space suit.(C) In the

23、 helmet.(D) In the control center at NASA.45. (A) A videotape.(B) A book.(C) A picture.(D) An oxygen tank.46. (A) Another speaker will describe the helmet.(B) The woman will talk about the space shuttle.(C) Someone from the audience will try on the helmet.(D) The woman will put on a space suit.47. (

24、A) To describe Twyla Tharp s career.(B) To introduce a well-known dancer.(C) To provide background for a video presentation.(D) To encourage the audience to study dance.48. (A) The dancers in the video had more experience with Tharp s choreography.(B) Twyla Tharp was the lead dancer in the video.(C)

25、 The filming techniques made the dance easier to understand.(D) The new musical score was more appropriate for the topic.49. (A) Jazz.(B) Folk.(C) Classical.(D) Rock.50. (A) What the pineapple symbolizes.(B) Twyla Tharp s career in dance.(C) How the video was filmed.(D) The quality of the music in the videoTOEFL学习资料听力04 相关内容:

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