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本文(浙江省桐乡市实验中学等五校届九年级上学期期中联考英语试题.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、浙江省桐乡市实验中学等五校届九年级上学期期中联考英语试题浙江省桐乡市实验中学等五校2018-2018学年第一学期期中联考九年级英语试卷考生须知:1 本试题卷分卷一和卷二两部分。请考生将所有试题的答案写在答题纸上。2全卷共7大题。满分为120分。考试时间为100分钟。卷一第一部分 听力部分一、听力(本题有15小题第一、第二节每小题1分。第三节每小题2分共20分。 第一节:听句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选择符合问题内容的图片。 1What are many Chinese people interested in? A B CMPihxXv90m 2Wheres Ben now ? A B C3W

2、hat is the junk food for children? A B C4Which sign is mentioned? A B CMPihxXv90m5How did the speaker go to America for his summer course? MPihxXv90m A B C第二节:听长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。 听下面一段较长的对话,回答6-7两小题。6. Whose birthday is coming?A. Davids. B. Tinas. C. Tonys. 7. When is the birthday party?A. Toni

3、ght . B. On Saturday afternoon. C. On Sunday evening.MPihxXv90m听下面一段较长对话,回答8-10三小题。8. Whats wrong with the man?A. He has a headache. B. He has a bad cold. C. He has a cough.MPihxXv90m9. Where does the conversation mainly take place?A. In a cinema. B. In a bookshop. C. In a hospital.MPihxXv90m10. Why

4、 cant the man sleep well? A. Because he studies maths too hard. B. Because he eats dinner too much. C. Because he spends too much time on TV.第三节:听独白,请根据提问从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。NoticeName of the activity: 11 Place: 12 Time: 13 Speaker: 14 Topic(主题: 15 11. A. An English talk B. An English party C

5、. An English showMPihxXv90m12. A. On the playground B. In the classroom C. In the libraryMPihxXv90m13. A. At 2:00 p.m. B. At 5:00 p.m. C. At 7:00 p.m.MPihxXv90m14. A. A student from No. 20 Middle SchoolB. An English teacher from a foreign language school MPihxXv90mC. Miss Zhang, an English teacher f

6、rom No. 20 Middle SchoolMPihxXv90m15. A. How to use the computerB. How to learn English wellC. How to be an English teacher第二部分 笔试部分二、单项填空请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。16. youngest leader in China is man called Lu HaoMPihxXv90m AThe;a BA;the CThe;the DAn;the17. She likes swimming rather than_ footbal

7、l.MPihxXv90m A. plays B. played C. playing D. play MPihxXv90m18. Maths is an important subject, but it seems to be _ for mike to learn it well.MPihxXv90mA. necessary B. difficult C. helpful D. possibleMPihxXv90m19. 一The skirt is made_ cotton, and its made _ Shanghai.MPihxXv90m Aof;by Bby;in Cfrom;in

8、 Dfrom;by 20. Today the forests have gone. People must _ down too many trees.MPihxXv90m Astop from cutting Bstop to cut Cbe stopped from cutting Dbe stopped to cutMPihxXv90m21. Its said a tall building _ next year in our town.MPihxXv90m A. will build B. will be built C. built D.has been builtMPihxXv

9、90m22. The boy read the article _ and found something important in it.MPihxXv90m A. careful enough B. carefully enough C. enough careful D. enough carefullyMPihxXv90m23. Which television will you buy, the big one or the small one?MPihxXv90m _. They are both too expensive for me. A. Either B. Neither

10、 C. Both D. AllMPihxXv90m24.Who is your hero?My uncle. He _ his own company when he was only 18.MPihxXv90mA. put up B. grew up C. made up D. set up25._? Can you tell me the way to the nearest bookshop?MPihxXv90m Of course. A. Whats up? B.Can I help you? C.Can I ask a favour? D. What do you reckon?MP

11、ihxXv90m三、完形填空 to do the work with.MPihxXv90m Then he saw one of his classmates, Dick, delivering (送 _30_ . “I could do that,” he thought, “Maybe I could even get the computer _31_ away. I could pay _32_ it a little each week.” He ran to _33_ up with Dick. Joe asked him a lot of questions. He learne

12、d that it was _ 34_ to get twenty-five dollars each week. He learned that the job took _35_ three hours each night. Dick _36_ him the phone number of the manager(经理.MPihxXv90m Joe almost flew home. After he had told his mother _37_ he thought, she _38_ . “I think it is a _39_ idea,” she said. “Ill c

13、all the newspaper ”MPihxXv90m“Wait, Mum,” Joe said. “I ll call. After that, Im going to be a businessman now.”MPihxXv90m Joes mother smiled _40_ .26 A. teacher B. parents C. classmates D. friendsMPihxXv90m27 A. said B. told C. thought D. spokeMPihxXv90m28. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winterMPih

14、xXv90m29. A. because B. when C. while D. afterMPihxXv90m30. A. newspaper B. bikes C. computers D. toolsMPihxXv90m31. A. now B. right C. just D. onlyMPihxXv90m32. A. on B. to C. of D. for33. A. take B. catch C. carry D. getMPihxXv90m34. A. friendly B. kind C. possible D. wrongMPihxXv90m35. A. at B. a

15、bout C. before D. afterMPihxXv90m36. A. taught B. gave C. made D. askedMPihxXv90m37. A. that B. when C. what D. where MPihxXv90m38. A. smiled B. shouted C. cried D. worried MPihxXv90m39. A. big B. large C. great D. bad MPihxXv90m40. A. sadly B. happily C. politely D. angrily MPihxXv90m四、阅读理解(本题有15小题

16、,每小题2分。共30分 阅读下面短文,从每小题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。A)Todays TV ProgrammesCCTV-118:00Chinese Cooking18:30Childrens Programme19:00News19:30Weather Report19:40Around the World20:00TV Play: Sisters21:30China Business Report22:00English ClassroomBTV-217:45Computer Today18:10Hello the World19:05Animal World19:40

17、Serial: Dangerous Games21:10News in English21:30Popular Music21:50English for Today22:15NBA Play offs 2007-200841.If you like listening to music, you should watch TV at .MPihxXv90mA.19:05 on BTV-2 B.19:30 on CCTV-1MPihxXv90mC.21:30 on CCTV-1 D.21:30 on BTV-2MPihxXv90m42.How long does the TV play Sis

18、ters last? A.90 minutes B.50 minutes C.30 minutes D.2 hoursMPihxXv90m43.NBA Play offs means . A.NBA季前赛 B.NBA季后赛 C.NBA常规赛 D.NBA总决赛MPihxXv90m, came in. Bill just came off work. After he said “Good morning” to Mr Robertson, Bill told the owner about his dream. Last night he dreamed Mr Robertsons plane

19、crashed(坠毁 soon after it took off. Mr Robertson was very surprised when he heard this. He decided to go by train.MPihxXv90mBills dream came true. That morning the plane really crashed just after it had taken off. Mr Robertson heard that news soon after he came back. To express his thanks, Mr Roberts

20、on gave Bill 5000 dollars. He gave him a letter, too. Mr Robertson told Bill that a man like him should be let to go. Bill was surprised and asked, “For what reason?” Mr Robertson said, “Go home and read the letter, and youll know why.”MPihxXv90mBill went home and opened the letter in a hurry. After

21、 he read it, he became very sad. In the letter there was only one sentence. But it was enough to tell the reason why he was let to go. Can you guess why?MPihxXv90m44.The nightwatchman . A. worked very hard B. had a terrible dreamMPihxXv90m C. saw a plane crash D. wasnt kind to Mr RobertsonMPihxXv90m

22、45.Mr Robertson . A. was lucky not to be on the plane B. still traveled by airMPihxXv90m C. decided not to travel by train D. didnt thank the nightwatchmanMPihxXv90m46.The sentence in the letter might be“ ”. A. Youre too old to be a nightwatchman B. I didnt want to see you again because of your drea

23、mMPihxXv90m C. A nightwatchman should keep awake the whole nightMPihxXv90m D. Thanks a lot for telling me your dream. His father was a cook and his mother was a housekeeper. When Jackie was seven years old, his family moved to Australia. His father got a job in the American Embassy. Later, they went

24、 back to Hong Kong. Jackies father sent him to the China Drama Academy(专科院校. Jackie studied and worked 19 hours a day. The students practiced Kung Fu and learned how to do many stunts(特技 there.MPihxXv90mWhen Jackie was 17, he began to do dangerous stunts for films. In the early 1980s, Jackie went to

25、 Hollywood, but he wasnt very successful. He went on to make films in Hong Kong and got great successes. Finally, in 1995, Jackie Chan has both Chinese and American fans and his films make millions of dollars.MPihxXv90m47.What is Jackie Chan? A. He is a cook. B. He is a singer. C. He is a film star.

26、 D. He is a housekeeper.MPihxXv90m48.When did Jackie Chans parents move to Hong Kong?MPihxXv90m A. They moved to Hong Kong a short time after Jackie Chan was born.MPihxXv90m B. They moved to Hong Kong a short time before Jackie Chan was born.MPihxXv90m C. They moved to Hong Kong after they came back

27、 from America.MPihxXv90mD. They moved to Hong Kong after Jackie Chan studied in the China Drama Academy.MPihxXv90m49.What did Jackie Chan learn in the China Drama Academy?MPihxXv90m A. Singing. B. Dancing. C. Kung Fu and stunts. D. Dramas.MPihxXv90m50.Which is true according to the passage? A. Jackie Chan is over fifty years old. B. He was born in America. C. He was very successful when he first went to Hollywood.MPihxXv90m D. He became famous at the age of 17.(DIn every country, there are thousands of people who want to help out. Many join organizations run (管理 by

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