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1、交安中英文对照交安(中英文对照)马来西亚日产5000吨“海峡”水泥厂基础交安条件Foundation Delivery and Installation Conditions of Malaysia 5000tpd Straits Cement Plant一、所有需要交安的土建基础必须具备三通一平的条件,即水通、电通、路通和场地平整。All the civil engineering foundations which need delivery and installation must be equipped with the condition of “three supplies an

2、d one leveling”, which means supply of water, electricity and road and leveled ground.1、水通、电通:熟料线现场施工用水、用电均由业主从一期水泥厂提供接入口。1.Supply of water, electricity: the owner should create an access entry for water and electricity from 1st-phase cement plant to on-spot clinker line.2、路通:需交安基础必须具备道路通畅的条件,即从厂区大门

3、至交安基础具备路通的条件,并能承受重型车辆的通行。2. Supply of road: the foundations must be equipped with smooth road, namely from the plant gate to delivery and installation foundations, and it should bear the heavy vehicles.3、场地平整:需交安基础附近必须具备堆放设备等材料的场地,具体场地条件因为需交安基础的特点不同由安装单位和土建单位协商确定。3. Leveled ground: near the delivery

4、 and installation foundations, there must be a ground for equipments. The detailed site conditions should be determined according to the features of delivery and installation foundations by the installation entities and civil engineering entities.二、基础验收工作的内容,包括以下各项:The details of foundation receipt

5、work, including:1、预埋螺栓外露部分需保持整洁、无腐蚀情况,预埋螺栓孔应干净。 1.The exposed part of the embedded bolt should be clean and without corrosion. The hole of the embedded bolt should also be clean.2、基础砼强度需要达到设计要求的100%强度。2.The intensity of the foundation concrete should be 100% according to the designation.3、需进行二次灌浆的基础

6、部位,基础表面必须由土建单位凿毛并保证界面清洁。3.The foundation surface of the foundation part, needing re-grout, should be chiseled until it becomes rough by the civil engineering entities and it should be 交安流程Delivery and installation process预计交安部位YTL自检合格Estimate delivery and installation position YTL self-checking qual

7、ified按照教案条件第三款第二条准备资料Prepare data as per the article II of title III of teaching plan conditions 提交SubmitKHD通知并组织Notification and organization三方签署交安不合格记录The three parties sign disqualification record of delivery and installation不合格UnqualifiedYTL/KHD/AVIC现场交安检查On site delivery and installation inspec

8、tion 合格Qualified三方签署交安合格记录The three parties sign qualification record of delivery and installationAVIC开始安装AVIC begins to install附件2 Attachment 2 交安过程记录表Delivery and installation process record form 编号:工程名称Project name 交接部位 Transition area 交验日期 Date of submitting acceptance 年 月 日Date 交接简要说明Brief desc

9、ription of the transition遗留问题Leftover problem签字 栏SignatureblockSPYTL YTL KHD AVIC 本表一式三份,由交付单位填报,查验后,各签字方各存一份。This form is in triplicate, after the delivery unit reporting and inspection, each of the signatories save a copy.附件3 交安验收项目及标准Attachment 3 acceptance items and standards of delivery and ins

10、tallation序号NO.项目Project验收内容Acceptance content允许偏差Allowable tolerance备注Remark1为调整而设的地角螺栓混凝土基础Set up anchor bolt concrete foundation for adjusting螺栓纵横向偏差y、zBolt vertical and horizontal deviation y, z10.0mm螺纹垂直伸出长度偏差pDeviation p of threaded vertical extended length-525mm螺栓组中心位置偏差Bolt group center posit

11、ion deviation6mm2不为调整而设的地角螺栓混凝土基础Setting of anchor bolt concrete foundation is not for adjusting螺栓纵横向偏差y、zBolt vertical and horizontal deviation y, z3.0mm混凝土水平面标高Concrete horizontal elevation3.0mm螺纹垂直伸出长度偏差pDeviation p of threaded vertical extended length-545mm螺栓组中心位置偏差Bolt group center position dev

12、iation3.0mm3在混凝土内的钢锚板Steel anchor plate in concrete轴线偏移偏差y、zAxis offset deviation y, z10.0mm标高偏差xElevation deviation x10.0mm4柱距Column space柱距L5mColumn space L5m7mm柱距L5mColumn space L5m0.2*(L+30)mm柱Y方向偏差Column Y-direction deviation7mm5建筑物长宽Length and width of the building长宽L30mLength and width L30m16mm30m长宽L250m30mLength and width L250m0.2*(L+50)mm柱距L250mColumn space L250m0.1*(L+350)mm

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