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1、绝热技术规格书中海油粤东液化天然气有限责任公司CNOOC YUEDONG LNG CO.,LTD绝热技术规格书Specification For InsulationDocument Number: YDLNG-SPC-TS-PI-004Revision: 2Pages: 1 of 69版次Rev.日期Date说明Description 设计Design校对Review审核Approve批准Approve中海油山东化学工程有限责任公司CNOOC Shandong Chemical Engineering Co., Ltd中海石油气电集团技术研发中心CNOOC Gas & Power Group

2、 research & Development CenterContents目录1. Scope .3范围2. General .3概要3. References .3参考4. Design Basis .6设计条件5. Extent of Insulation .11绝热范围6. Application .12施工7. Materials .30材料8. Attachments .45附录1. Scope范围This document covers the requirements of materials and application of thermal insulation syst

3、em to external surfaces of cryogenic service piping and equipment installed in YueDong LNG Terminal Project.本规定包含了中海油山东化学工程有限责任公司在粤东LNG接收站工程中设计范围内的低温设备和管道外表面绝热系统的材料和施工要求。2. General概要Insulation system shall be designed to reduce a large amount of heat gain as needed to ensure proper process operation

4、 condition. Cryogenic service piping and pipe support whose normal operating range is under 0C and whose icing may induce possible damage to personnel or facilities should be insulated.本规定适用于粤东LNG项目装置内设备(不包括LNG贮罐)及管道(含管子、管件、阀门、支架等)的保冷设计。2.1. 保冷设计原则:具有下列要求之一的设备和管道应予保冷:(1)需阻止或减少冷介质和载冷介质的冷损失;(2)需阻止或减少冷

5、介质和载冷介质温度升高;(3)需阻止低温设备和管道外壁凝露2.2. 保冷结构保冷结构:阻燃型聚异氰酸酯泡沫制品作为绝热层,玻璃纤维带或不锈钢扎带捆扎(每米3-4道)(现场发泡时除外),黑色玛蹄脂为防潮层,密封胶粘结, 304不锈钢板为保护层并采用不锈钢带捆扎(对于非规则表面采用M4自攻螺钉固定)。保冷结构由内至外分别为保冷层、防潮层、保护层组成一个完整的保冷结构。并应符合以下要求:(1)保冷层 保冷层使用深冷型硬PIR(聚异氰酸酯泡沫制品),采用粘贴、捆扎结构,这是决定保冷效果好坏最关键的一层。要求保冷层材料的技术性能及厚度必须符合设计规定,且厚薄均匀,接缝严实,紧固合理,松紧适度,外形美观,

6、确保保冷效果良好。当保冷厚度80mm时,必须分层施工。(2)防潮层 防潮层采用粘贴和包缠结构。要求防潮层搭接适度,厚薄均匀,完整严密,无气孔,无鼓泡或开裂等缺陷,应具有阻燃性,气密性、防水性,防蒸汽渗透及抗老化等性能。确保保冷层保冷效果良好。(3)保护层 保护层采用不锈钢板,是保冷结构的外护层。保护防潮层和保冷层必须严密、防潮、防湿、能抗大气腐蚀和光照老化、不燃或阻燃、黑度小、容重轻、不开裂、具有足够的机械强度、使用寿命长,并能使保冷结构外形整齐美观。3. Reference参考The following documentations are referenced within the tex

7、t of this specification.本文参考以下标准及规范3.1. Codes and Standards 标准规范GB/T8175-2008Guide for Design of thermal Insulation Equipments and Pipes 设备及管道绝热设计导则GB/T4272-2008General Principles for Thermal Insulation Technique of Equipment and Pipes设备及管道绝热技术通则GB50264-97Thermal Insulation Design Specification for

8、Industrial Equipment and Piping工业设备及管道绝热工程设计规范GB50126-2008Code for Construction of Industrial Equipment and Pipeline Insulation engineering工业设备及管道绝热工程施工规范GB50185-93Thermal Insulation Work Quality Inspection and Evaluation Criterion for Industrial Equipment and Piping工业设备及管道绝热工程质量检验评定标准GB/T16617-96Me

9、thods of Measuring and Evaluating Low-temperature Insulation Effects for Equipments and Pipes设备及管道保冷效果的测试与评价ASTM C165Test Method for Measuring Compressive Properties of Thermal Insulations测量绝热材料压缩性的试验方法ASTM C303Test Method for Density of Preformed Block-Type Thermal Insulation预制块型绝热材料密度的试验方法ASTM C51

10、8Steady-State Thermal Transmission Properties by Means of the Heat Flow Meter Apparatus用热流计法测定稳态热通量和热传递特性的试验方法ASTM C591Specification for Un-faced Preformed Rigid Cellular Polyisocyanurate Thermal Insulation非表面加工用预制刚性泡沫聚氨基甲酸乙酯绝热材料规范ASTM D1621Test Method for Compressive Properties of Rigid Cellular Pl

11、astics硬质泡沫塑料的压缩特性的试验方法ASTM D1622Test Method for Apparent Density of Rigid Cellular Plastics硬质泡沫塑料的表观密度的测试方法ASTM D1623Test Method for Tensile and Tensile Adhesion Properties of Rigid Cellular Plastics硬质泡沫塑料张力和张力粘合性能的试验方法ASTM D2856Test Method for Open-Cell Content of Rigid Cellular Plastics by the Air

12、 Pycnometer用空气比重计测量硬质泡沫塑料的开孔气穴含量的方法ASTM E84Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials建筑材料表面燃烧特性的测试方法ASTM E96Test Method for Water Vapor Transmission of Materials材料的水蒸气散布的测试方法4. Design Basis设计条件4.1. Insulation Class绝热类型Cold thermal insulation shall be classified according t

13、o its type of material, operating process condition and metrological condition. The typical cold insulation classes are below. 绝热类型的分类应根据绝热材料的种类、工艺操作条件和计量条件来分类。典型的保冷类型如下:Cold Insulation Class绝热类型Application应用CCold Conservation保冷PPersonnel Protection人身防护AAcoustic Insulation防噪音绝热IB绝热块4.2. Insulation T

14、hickness绝热厚度1) The heat leak of insulated systems shall be less than 25 W/m based on the external surface of the insulation.绝热系统外表面的冷损失应小于25W/m。2) Cold Conservation (CC) is applied for normal cryogenic process systems. Table 1 shows typical examples of PIR thermal insulation thickness for Cold Conse

15、rvation (CC) determined by heat transfer calculation under the conditions described in notes of Table 1.保冷(C)应用于常低温工艺系统。根据表1中注明的条件进行传热计算,将得到的PIR典型保冷(C)厚度列于表1中。3) Personnel Protection (P) shall apply thermal insulation for Cold Personnel Protection, insulation thickness shall be 25 mm for all lines,

16、sizes and temperature ranges.人身防护(P)使用绝热材料,所有管线、所有管径和温度,绝热厚度均为25mm。4) Insulation thickness of valves, fittings, etc. shall be the same as the piping associated with.阀门、管件等的绝热厚度应与相连的管道一致。5) Insulation thickness of equipment heads shall be also the same as the cylindrical parts of the main equipment.设

17、备封头的绝热厚度应和主设备筒体部分一致。6) Metal parts, such as support legs or beams, which protrude through the main insulation, shall have the same insulation type of 4 times of the insulation thickness on main pipe/equipment, 300 mm at minimum.金属部分,如伸出主绝热层的支腿或梁应与主绝热管道/设备采用相同的绝热等级,厚度是主管道/设备绝热厚度的4倍,且最小为300mm。Table 1.

18、 Thickness for Cold Conservation (C) 保冷厚度表Pipe O.D(NPS)管道外径Operating Temperature (C) 操作温度-180-160-140-120-100-80-60-40-2001/2”807565605550454040203/4”857570656050454040201”908075706055454040201 1/4”908580706555504040251 1/2”959080756560504040252”1009085807060554540252 1/2”1059590857565554540253”1101


20、907560453024”1501401301151009075604530Above 28”orEquipment1701551401251109580654530备注:以上表中保冷厚度的计算基准是:年平均环境温度: 21.6 年平均相对湿度: 80% Table 2. Typical Layering of Cold Insulation (C) 典型保冷层Total Thickness(mm)总厚度Pre-formed PIR(mm)预制PIR25253030404045455050555560606565707075758040 / 408540 / 459040 / 509545 /

21、 5010050 / 5010550 / 5511050 / 6011550 / 6512040 / 40 / 4012540 / 40 / 4513040 / 40 / 5013540 / 40 / 5514040 / 50 / 5014540 / 50 / 5515050 / 50 / 5015550 / 50 / 5516050 / 50 / 6017050 / 60 / 6018060 / 60 / 605. Extent of Insulation绝热范围1) Once cold insulation is required to a process system, the enti

22、re associated systems shall be fully insulated, including all piping components, instrument devices, drain and vent nozzles and pipe supports up to specified limitation.如果一个工艺系统需要保冷,则整个相关联的系统都应完全绝热,包括所有的管道元件、仪表设备、放空、通风管口和管道支架(保冷到指定的范围)。2) Cold Personnel Protection is applied on un-insulated process

23、piping of -10C and below operating temperature. The protection shall be generally installed within the distances of less than 2.0 m vertically or 0.8 m horizontally from patrol or maintenance access ways, ladders, platforms and normal work areas.人身防护用于操作温度在-10及以下的非绝热工艺管线。应安装在巡检通道、梯子、平台和正常工作区域垂直高度小于2

24、.0米或水平距离小于0.8 米的地方。3) All metal materials, which protrude through the thermal insulation of pipe or equipment, shall be insulated. The protruded materials include, but not limited to, equipment skirts, lugs, legs, saddles, clips and space frames, platform trunnion supports, pipe hangers and un-insul

25、ated connections in piping, such as vents, sample connections and un-insulated instrumentation.所有的突出在绝热管道或设备外的金属材料都应绝热处理。突出的材料不局限于设备的裙座、支耳、支腿、鞍座、预焊件和空间结构、平台支耳、管道支吊架和在管道中非绝热的连接如放空、取样及非绝热的仪表。4) When equipment is supported on metal legs, the insulation shall be applied on from the low point of the vessel shell, the length of this insulation shall be more than 4 times of equipments insulation thickness.当设备是由金属支腿支撑时,绝热层应从容器的最低点开始,绝热的长度应该超过4倍的设备绝热厚度。5) Skirt support of cryogenic equipment shall be insulated inside and outside, the length of insula

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