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1、完整word版冀教版三年级上英语练习题 unit1三年级上练习 Lesson1 一抄写Hello, My name is Danny. Whats your name? . Hi, My name is LiMing 二选择 21Hello 34My name is lily A. whats your name? B Hi! Lesson2 一对号入座teacher boy girl ( ) ( ) ( ) 二选择 ( )-whats _ name? -Her name is Jenny. A his B your C her ( ) name is Tom.He is a student.

2、 A Her B His C My ( )This is a . A juice B girl C her 三( ) Whats your name? A His name is wanghong . ( ) Whats his name ? B Hello! ( ) Whats her name? C My name is zhanghua . ( ) Hi! D Her name is kate. 四抄写 boy girl teacher Lesson3 一完成对话 1 2 3 A How are you ? B Im fine,thanks. C Im fine .How are you

3、? 二填上适当的单词 book chair desk -whats this? -whats this? -whats this? -Its a -Its a -Its a 三选择 ( ) How are you? A It is a book. ( ) Whats his name ? . B My name is LiHua. ( ) Hello! C Hi ( ) Whats this? D Nice to meet you ,too ( ) Whats your name? . E His name is Li Ming. ( ) Nice to meet you . F. Fine,

4、thanks. lesson4 一圈出图片对应的单词 one two three four five book books one two three four five boy boys one two three four five chair chairs 二 抄写 one two three four five 三 算一算 five-four= one+three= three+two= four-two= two+one = four+one = two-one = five-two= Lesson5 一抄写pen pencil crayon ruler pencil box 二完成

5、对话 seven pencils Crayons five four pencils. I have do you have? How mang crayons. How mang do you have? I have 三选择适当的句子 你对同学说“我有两支铅笔”应说:. A. I have two pencils. B. How mang pencils ? ”应说:2.你对妈妈说“这是我的彩色蜡笔。s this? B. this is my crayon. whatA 3别人给予你帮助,你应该说:Thank you B.Ture! A 4.与朋友初次见面,应说: !A. Bye B.Ni

6、ce to meet you 5.你问同学有几个铅笔盒,应说:A. I have one pencil box. many pencil boxes do you have? Lesson6 一抄写ten seven six eight nine 二看图回答 How many pens ? How many rulers ? How many books ? How many crayons ? How many desks ? Unit1 圈出你听到的单词一 1. A. boy B. desk C. pencil D. pen 2. A. two B. five C. four

7、D. three 3. A. chair B. crayon C. book D. desk 4. A. teacher B. ruler C. girl D. pencil box 5. A. three B. one C. name D. book 二听读音,排序chair book pen teacher pencil ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 不符的画三听读音,相符画 () 2. desk ( ) 3.teacher ) ( ) ) 6.ruler ( )4.pen ( 5. book ( 四看图片,写单词 五连线chair ruler book cra

8、yon pencil box 六圈出每组单词不同类的一项1. A. book B. boy C. pencil 2. A. teacher B. boy C. pencil box 3. A. name B. two C. five 4. A. ruler B. chair C. thanks 5. A. one B. two C. pen 七选择正确答案1.This is a . A. boy B.girl C.teacher 2. name is Lili . A.My B.His C.Her 3.I have pens. B.three C.five s a . 4.ItA.

9、desk B.chair 5.I have four . A. pens B.pencils C.crayons 八 选答句 ( )1.How are you ? A.Her name is Lili. ( )2.Whats your name ? B.Fine,thanks. ( )3.Whats this ? C.My name,is Li Ming. ( )4.How many desks ? D.Tow ( )5.Whats her name ? E.Its a chair. 九选择正确句子 1.问别人名字时( ) A.My name is Jenny. B.Whats

10、your name ? 2.当你与Jenny道别时,应说( ) A. Good morning ,Jenny. B.Bye bye,Jenny. 3.当你问“他”的名字时,应说( ) A.This is a book. B.Whats his name ? 4.当你和某人初次见面时,应说( ) A.How are you ? B.Thank you. 5.问别人有几本书,应说( ) A.I have one book. B.How many books do you have? Lesson7 一.抄写cat friend apple 选择正确答案.二 )1. are you ? A.What

11、 B.Whic C.How(2.Nice to you . B.glad C.saw )( ( ) 3.He is a boy. Name is Wang Ming . A.Her B.His C.My ( ) 4.-Li Ming, is Jenny. -Hi,Jenny. B.this C.she 三.字母抄写 cat Dd door Aa apple Bb book Cc 完成对话四. is a boy. name is Xiaomeng. 1.This is my friend. is a boy. name is Xiaomeng. 2. This is my

12、 friend. Lesson8 一.连线 juice egg hand fish 抄写二. Ff fish Ee egg Gg girl Hh hand Jj juice Ii ice cream 三.选择). 1.I write with my (手)( ). 2.I am a ( ()女孩). ( )3.I would like some (果汁) 课桌( )4.This is my ( 四学出对应字母A_ C_ H_ D_ F_ B_ E_ G_ I_ J_ h_ d_ e_ a_ i_ c_ j_ b_ f_ g_ lesson 9 一抄写 Kk Ll Mm Nn kite lake

13、 Mouth nose open close window 二选择 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 一拼写 颜色 红色 黄色 蓝色 绿色 橘色 黑色 白色 棕色 二词组 关上门 打开窗户 这是什么颜色? 是蓝色 三,背写26个英文字母 Aa Lesson13 一抄写 cold hot sad tired happy How do you feel ? I feel happy. 二选择 ( )1.What colour is it ? A.I feel sad. ( )2.How many apples do you have ? B.You are welcome. ( )3.Thank

14、 you ! C.Its green. ( )4.Nice to meet you. D.Nice to meet you,too. ( )5.How do you feel ? F.I have three. Lesson14 一抄写 body hand head arm leg foot touch 二选择 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A.I feel tired. D.I feel cold. B.I feel sad. E.I feel happy. C.I feel hot. 三连线 foot hand leg arm head 四选择 ( )1.What is it?

15、A.I feel happy. ( )2.How do you feel ? B.Yes. ( )3.What colour is it? C.It is an apple. ( )4.Are you cold ? D.It blue. ( )5.How are you ? E.Im fine,thank you . Lesson15 一抄写 eye nose mouth ear face hair right left 二、补单词并连线 h d r e e n e m th 三、按要求圈出正确图片)a nose 画1.left hand 2.the book on the right 3.d

16、raw(画) an eye 4.draw( Lesson16 一选择 二、选出不同类的1.A.shoulder B.finger C.warm )( 2.A.warm B.foot )( B.cold C.head )( 4.A.happy B.eye C.ear )( 5.A.tired B.happy C.body ( ) 三、抄写 warm cool knee toe finger shoulder stomach lesson17 二、连线相反词 一、看图选单词 ear finger foot arm eye close left 1.My hurts. w

17、hite warm hurts. 2.My cool happy hurts. 3.My right black 4.My hurts. hot 5.My hurts. open 三、选择)1.what colour is your hair? ( B.My eyes are blue. A.My hair is black. )2.what colour are your eyes? ( B.My eyes are brown. A.My hair is red. )3.are you okay? ( m sick. I A.Iam happy. B.No,s the matter? ( )

18、4.whatm a boy. B.I A.My arm hurts. 四、圈出不同类单词C.egg B.leg ( ) 1. A.arm C.hand ( ) 2. B.foot C.knee. B.water ( ) 3 A.finger C.nose ( ) 4. A.mouth B.ruler C.finger B.hand ( ) 5. 五、画一画 4.two fingers 2.two hands 1. a foot 3.two eyes 7.I 6.two ears 5.two legs m a girl,I m hot. m a boy,I m happ

19、y. 8.I Unit3单元复习 一、圈出听到的单词hot C. B. happy 1. A. sad nose C. B. ear 2. A. eye arm C. B. finger 3. A. knee mouth C. leg 4. A. foot B. toe C. B. shoulder 5. A. face 二填空 2. -How do you feel ? -How do you feel ? 1. . - I feel - I feel . 4. -How do you feel ? -How do you feel ? 3. . - I feel - I feel 三选出不

20、同类C.ear 1. ( ) Cfoot ( ) 2. B.cold C.ok 3. A.finger B.toe ) ( C.knee A.mouth B .red ( ) 4. C.pencil B.pen ( ) 5. A.ten 四补全单词 f e m t b k f 五圈出对应大小写 Q P q b d y Y S D F Q e x i r W R E R Y C d l L n i v V B D J G j H L K K p q d W w E T U H j h s c 六,标在相应的位置 A.eye B.arm C,foot D.finger E.stomach F.hand

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