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1、档案学专业英语教程ENGLISH READING ON ARCHIVE STUDIES张照余 编译群言出版社76前言协作交流是档案理论与实践发展的基本途径。在国际化背景下,高等院校档案专业的学员和档案专业研究人员掌握外语技能,具备阅读、翻译专业原著的能力,借此了解国际档案实践的历史与现状,已成为专业发展的基本要求。本教材选编了 20 篇英文课文和近 40 篇相关阅读材料,这些材料均来自国外经典作品或最新论著。在选材和译注上,既考虑了英文教学的需要,又力求系统、全面的反映档案实践的各个方面,以期学员在学习专业英语的同时对欧美档案学体系有一概要的了解。为便于自学,各篇课文除注释疑难单词和专业词汇外

2、同时给出了参考译文和对原文的必要注释。考虑到确切理解原文句词本义的重要性,参考译文在阅读通顺的前提下尽可能地直译。本教材适用于高校档案学、图书情报学专业的本、专科生和具有四级以上公共英语基础的专业人员。由于编译者学识有限,且在档案专业翻译方面缺乏可资参考的资料,教材中缺点、错误在所难免,肯请学员、读者谅解、指正。编译者2007 年 11 月ContentLESSON ONEArchival Profession: Historical Perspective档案职业:历史回顾Reading material:Development of the Archival ProfessionLESSO

3、N TWOArchival Profession:Social role and Orientation档案职业:社会使命与专业方向Reading material:Reflections of an archivistLESSON THREEDefinition of Records and Archives文件与档案的定义Reading material:1、Definition of Archives2、Elements in DefinitionLESSON FOURArchives and Manuscripts档案与手稿Reading material:Rare Books, Ma

4、nuscripts, ArchivesCan You Recognize Them?LESSON FIVEArchives and Related Professions档案与相关职业Reading material:1、The Archival Profession2、The Curators ResponsibilitiesLESSON SIXClassification of Records文件分类Reading material:1、Classification Principles2、Classification by SubjectLESSON SEVENRecord Cycle

5、and “Three Ages” Theory文件周期与“三阶段”理论Reading material:1、The Life Cycle of Records2、Records Life Cycle vs. System Development Life CycleLESSON EIGHTDeveloping a Records Management Policy制定文件管理策略Reading material:1、Nature of Records Management Program2、The Archives PolicyLESSON NINERecords Inventory文件普查R

6、eading material:1、The Drawing up of The Inventory2、Inventories and Surveys of Machine-Readable RecordsLESSON TENRetention Schedule文件保管时间表Reading material:1、Writing and Distributing the Retention Schedule2、Scheduling Machine-readable RecordsLESSON ELEVENRecords Creation, Distribution, and ReceptionCo

7、ntrol文件形成、分发与接收控制Reading material:Record CreationLESSON TWELVERecords Storage (Filing)文件保管(立卷)Reading material:1、Filing system2、6 Steps for Filing System ImprovementLESSON THIRTEENTransfer and disposal Control of Records文件移交与销毁控制Reading material:1、Evaluation, Retention, Disposal2、Transfer of Semi-Ac

8、tive RecordsLESSON FOURTEENThe Concept of the fonds dArchives档案全宗概念Reading material:1、Appraisal at fonds level2、The principle of provenance in archival scienceLESSON FIFTEENFinding Aids档案检索工具Reading material:1、What are finding aids2、Using The Finding Aids In The Record OfficeLESSON SIXTEENConservati

9、on档案保护Reading material:1、preservation practices2、Physical PreservationLESSON SEVENTEENanaging Archives for Research Use为科研利用管理档案Reading material:Archives: Evidence of Value, Value as Evidence.LESSON EIGHTEENMicrofilm缩微胶片Reading material:1、Different Forms of Microfilm2、MicrofilmingLESSON NINETEENElec

10、tronic Records电子文件Reading material:Electronic Records Standards and ProceduresLESSON TWENTYPlanning for Digital Archives数字档案馆设计Reading material:Building Relationships“A Foundation for Digital Archives”Reference Translation ( 参考译文 )LESSON ONEArchival Profession:Historical PerspectiveIn the modern wor

11、ld people are involved in a host of activities, and in the course of their varied occupations they send and receive quantities of information consigned to durable, material media. Archives are created when this information is systematically gathered and maintained. The creation of archives, however,

12、 is not an end in itself. Primarily, it is the practical response to a need for quick access to reliable, determinative information, which, once in hand, permits decision making groups or individuals to act in complete possession of the facts; for example, to prove, to attest, or to maintain or re-e

13、stablish various rights; and secondly, to study facts, actions, and objects of the past.History reveals that ancient civilizations recognized the importance of archives. Recent archaeological excavations clearly point to the existence of private, economic, municipal, religious, and royal archives in

14、 the Near East and Asia thousands of years before our time. Designed to answer the specific needs of the era, they now serve, several millennia later, as faithful reflections of the activities of those who created them.In more recent times, Classical Antiquity shows that the Egyptians, Greeks and Ro

15、mans maintained well-designed archives systems. Thousands of papyrus documents discovered in both private, municipal, and religious archives are eloquent testimony to Egyptian life. Similarly, “in Athens, every magistrate had personal archives deposited in the Archeion, or seat of the magistracy”. And, in fact, “Archeion is the root of the word that, today, in almost every language, signifies archives”.In Antiquity, archives

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