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1、英语第九册词汇句型练习电子教案英语第九册词汇、句型练习Unit 1 Meeting the BINGO Kids一、四会单词1. 乏味的,无聊的boring2. 同班同学classmate3. 俱乐部club4. 绘画,素描,图画drawing5. 简单的,容易的easy6. 有趣的,爱开玩笑的funny7. 历史,历史学history8. 小孩kid9. 住,居住live10. 绘画,油画painting11. 学科subject12. 美术,艺术art13. 英语English14. 科学,科技science15. 音乐music16. 数学math17. 体育P.E.18. 汉语,语文C

2、hinese短语19.最喜欢的学科favorite subject20.谈论 talk about21.有趣have fun22.要某人去某地want sb. to23.我的哥哥my older brother二、三会单词1. especially 特别地,尤其2. experiment 实验,试验3. geography地理学4. introduce 介绍5. maybe 或许,可能6. neighbor 邻居7. neighborhood 近邻,街坊 8. really 真正地,确实9. themselves 他们(她们,它们)自己短语10. the most difficult subj

3、ect最难的学科11. play sports进行体育活动12. play musical instruments演奏乐器13. dancing跳舞14. painting 绘画15. read story books读故事书16. watch a video看录像带17. fly kites放风筝18. play games玩游戏19. have computer classes上计算机课三、语音了解以 “s”, “es”结尾的名词复数形式的发音:chips/ hands/ boxes/ clocks/ pears/ dishes/ jackets/ keys/ dresses/ glass

4、es/ bags/ peaches/ foxes/ watches/ carrots/ belts/ coats/ likes/ cleans/ kids/ s:chips clocks likes z:pears keys bags cleansiz:boxes dishes dresses Glasses peaches foxes watchests:jackets belts coats carrots dz:hands kids四、四会句型1.你最喜欢的课程是什么?Whats your favorite subject?2. 我最喜欢的课程是数学。My favorite subjec

5、t is math.3去年我们住在Sunny Town。Last year we lived in Sunny Town.4昨天他和张明一起去游泳了。He went to swam with Zhang Ming yesterday.5星期天他们经常到公园去玩。On Sunday they often play at the park.6 长江是中国最长的河流。Changjiang river is the longest river in China.7也许我们会成为同班同学的。Maybe we will be classmates.8 你比我(年龄)小。You are younger th

6、an me.9 王先生是我们学校最有趣的老师。Mr. Wang is the funniest teacher in our school. 10他能加入我们的足球俱乐部吗?Can he join our football club?五、三会句型1. Come in and meet everyone.进来并认识认识每个人。2. Well be neighbors.我们将会成为邻居。3. What do you like?你喜欢什么?4. I like drawing and painting.我喜欢素描和绘画。5. The experiments are really exciting.这些

7、试验确实很令人激动。6. Well, I think geography is the most exciting.好吧,我认为地理是最令人激动的。7. Tomorrow you will meet the music teacher, Mr. Green.明天你将会见到音乐老师,格林先生。8. First Ann and Ken introduce themselves, then the BINGO Kids introduce themselves.首先,Ann和Ken介绍了他们自己,然后BINGO Kids介绍了他们自己。9. Tomorrow Ann and Ken will go

8、to their new school in Redrock Bay.明天Ann和Ken将去他们在红岩湾的新学校。10. Now, Ken, Ann and the BINGO Kids are talking.现在,Ken,Ann和BINGO Kids在谈话。11. They talk about their teachers.他们在谈论他们的老师。12. Last night, Sue saw a very interesting movie.昨晚,Sue看了一场很有意思的电影。13. Nest week, Sue will sing an English song at the scho

9、ol party.下周,Sue将在学校派对上唱一首英文歌。14. Usually children come to the club after school.通常孩子们会在放学后来俱乐部。15. Matt likes geography very much. He thinks it is interesting.Matt很喜欢地理。他认为那很有趣。16. George is taller than Mark. But Brad is the tallest.George比Mark高,但是Brad是最高的。17. We have lots of fun in our P. E. class.

10、我们在体育课上玩得很高兴。Unit 2 Charlies chores一、四会单词1.忙碌的busy2.家务chore3. 盘子dish4.掸去,刷去(灰尘)dust5. 喂(养),饲(养)feed6. 感觉,感受feel7. 草grass8. 家庭作业homework9. 一次,一回once10. 两次,两回twice11. 植物plant12. 擦(鞋),刷(鞋)polish13. 街道street14. 告诉tell15. 认为,以为think16. 垃圾trash短语17. 做家务do chores18. 洗盘子wash the dishes19. 喂鱼feed the fish20.

11、 割草cut the grass21. 做作业do homework22. 每周一次once a week23. 每周两次twice a week24. 给植物浇水water the plants25. 倒垃圾take out the trash26. 擦鞋polish the shoes27. 铺床make the bed28. 打扫房间clean the room29. 遛狗walk the dog 30. 每周every week31. 每天every day32. 每天早晨every morning33. 在星期天on Sunday34. 想要做某事wan to do35. 第二天ne

12、xt day36. 上学前before school二、三会单词1. furniture 家具2. never 从不,绝不3. person 人三、语音(掌握字母y在单词中的发音。)easy/ sky/ dirty/ juicy/ yes/ fly/ tiny/ noisy/ yellow/ sleepy/ yard/ try/ dry/ windy/ cloudy/ cry/ quickly/ year/ youngi:easy dirty juicy tiny noisy sleepy windy cloudy quickly ai:sky fly try dry cry j:yes ye

13、llow yard year young四、四会句型1你必须做什么家务?What chores do you have to do?2我必须铺床。I have to make my bed.3 他必须做什么家务?What chores does he have to do?4他必须一周两次去遛狗。He has to walk the dog twice s week.5她必须做什么家务?What chores does she have to do?6她必须每天喂鱼。She has to feed the fish every day.7我不必须倒垃圾。I dont have to take

14、out the trash.8他们不必须清扫教室。They dont have to clean the classroom.9迈特有时必须割草。Matt sometimes has to cut the grass. 10我们都要做家庭作业。We all have to do homework.五、三会句型1. I dont have time to watch TV.我没有时间看电视。2. I always go shopping with Mom on Saturdays.在周六我总是和妈妈一起购物。3. I have to make my bed every morning befor

15、e school.在每天早晨上学前我必须铺床。4. Really? I never do that.真的吗?我从未做过那件事。5. Im not the only busy person in the street.我不是街道中唯一一个忙人了。6. Charlie doesnt want to get up this morning.这个早晨Charlie不想起床。7. He thinks he has to do too many chores.他认为他必须做太多的家务。8. He doesnt feel so sad now.现在他不觉得太难过了。9. She has to water t

16、he plants three times a week. 他必须一周给植物浇三次水。10. Rie and Emi sometimes forget to feed the fish.Rie和Emi有时忘记了喂鱼。11. I brush my teeth twice a day.我每天刷两次牙。12. She hardly ever does her homework on Friday evening.她几乎不在周五晚上写作业。13. Emi has to practice the piano.Emi必须练习钢琴。Unit 3 Redrock Bay Health Club一、四会单词1.

17、保龄球bowling2.(口语)很棒的,极好的cool3.寻找;找到find4. 体育馆,健身房gym5.在体育馆at the gym6.滑冰,溜冰ice-skate7.学习learn8.滑雪运动ski9.有时sometimes短语10. 上(有)滑雪课has a ski class11. 去滑雪go skiing12. 锻炼,做运动work out13去游泳go swimming14.去购物go shopping15.一周三次three times a week16.放学后after school二、三会单词1. information信息,消息2. invitation邀请,请帖3. ka

18、rate空手道4. sound听起来,听上去5. partner伙伴,搭档6. receive收到,接收短语7. do karate 打空手道8. at ten thirty on Monday 在周一的10点半9. play the guitar 弹吉他10. sing songs 唱歌11. after school放学后三、语音usually television orange garage casual treasure explosion page vacation division ocean sure :usually television garage casual treas

19、ure explosion division d:orange page:vacation ocean sure四、四会句型1你明天做什么?What are you doing tomorrow?2我明天打羽毛球。I am playing badminton tomorrow.3你多长时间打一次球?How often do you play badminton?4我一周打三次。I play badminton three times a week.5你们星期一要去健身。You are working out on Monday.6健身俱乐部将在上午七点开门。The health club is

20、 opening at 7:00 in the morning.7她将在星期五去电影院。She is going to the movie on Friday.8我们星期天上午十点要去滑冰。We are going ice-skating at 10 oclock on Sunday.9他们下周要来吃晚饭。They are coming for dinner next week.10你们明天十一点都将会做什么?What are you all doing tomorrow at 11 oclock.五、三会句型1. Hey, everyone, look at this! It sounds

21、great!嗨,大家都过来看看,听上去很棒!2. Lets meet at five oclock on Saturday and go there together.让我们在周六的五点见面,一起去那儿。3. Do you have a class?你们有课吗?4. I dont have a partner for the tennis class.我没有找到一个网球课的搭档。5. How about karate?空手道怎么样?6. OK. Ill be here.好吧,我上那个课。7. Yesterday Ken received an invitation.昨天Ken收到一封邀请函。8

22、. Lisa finds some information about a tennis class.Lisa找到了一些关于网球课的信息。9. Lisa asks what other kids are doing tomorrow.Lisa问其他朋友他们明天都干什么。10. Lisa cant find a partner.Lisa找不到一个搭档。11. She watches a movie twice a week.她一周看两次电影。12. She has a picnic only on Wednesday.她只在周三去吃野餐。13. We need another player.我们

23、需要另一名队员。14. He doesnt have plans.他还没有计划。15. Maybe hell play volleyball with us.或许他将会和我们一起打排球。16. She is shopping for new clothes.她将为了买新衣服而去购物。17. Im meeting my friends at the park at 11 a.m. on Saturday.我将在周六上午十一点在公园和我的朋友见面。18. So everyone already has other plans.所以每个人都已经有了别的计划。Unit 4 Choosing a gif

24、t一、四会单词1.棒球baseball2.皮带belt3.购买buy4. 值(多少钱),花费cost5.手套watch6.想法,主意idea7.好主意good idea8.最后,结果in the end9.大规模购物中心mall10.(口语)大众的,流行的pop11.流行歌曲pop music12.爆米花popcorn13.更喜欢,选择prefer14.花费spend15.太阳镜sunglasses16.(一)双,对,副pair过去式17. 花费spend-spent18. 买buy-bought短语19. 一副太阳镜a pair of sunglasses20.喜欢购物like shoppi

25、ng21.不喜欢购物hate shopping二、三会单词1. latest最新的,最近的2. people人,人民,人们3. quick快,迅速4. style风格,样式5. sweatpants宽松的运动裤6. video game电子游戏7. play a video game玩(打)电子游戏短语8. jazz music爵士乐 9. love skiing喜欢滑雪三、语音初步掌握/ is /和/ i:z /在单词中的不同发音This/ these/ kiss/ keys/ miss/ trees/ Hes/ listen/ knees/ keys/ cheese/ sneeze/ se

26、es/ mistis:this kiss miss listen misti:z:these keys trees hesknees cheese sneeze sees 四、四会句型1我喜欢购物。I like shopping.2他更喜欢这条腰带。He prefer this belt.3他们不喜欢那些毛衣。They hate those sweaters.4这件衬衫值多少钱?How much does this shirt cost?5它值是八美元。It costs $8.6这副太阳镜值多少钱?How much do these sunglasses cost?7他们值8美元。They c

27、ost $8.8那顶棒球帽多少钱?How much does that baseball cap cost?9那顶棒球帽十元。That baseball cap costs 10 yuan.10但是Daniel更喜欢那些帽子。But Daniel prefers those caps.11那些不是他的风格。Those arent his style.12她喜欢有个性的衣服。She prefers clothes with some style.13为人们买礼物不容易。Buying gifts for people isnt easy.14这是最新的唱片,但是它要十三美元。This is the

28、 latest CD, but it costs $13. 15快点,Tom来了。Quick, here comes Tom. 16让我们给他买那副滑雪手套吧。Lets buy those ski gloves for him.17她喜欢那种音乐?What kind of music does she like?18是的,他们很棒。Yes, they are great.19那条红色的连衣裙要三十美元。That red dress costs $30.20你们有女士的手套吗?Do you have any womens gloves?五、三会句型1. You dont like shoppin

29、g.你不喜欢购物。2. Why dont you go and play a video game?你为什么不去玩个电子游戏呢?3. OK, Ill meet you in an hour.好的,我将在一小时后和你们见面。4. Now we have an hour to find a gift.现在我们有一小时的时间去选礼物。5. How about these sweatpants?这条运动裤怎么样?6. He prefers clothes with some style.他喜欢有个性的衣服。7. He likes pop music but he prefers jazz music.

30、他喜欢流行音乐,但他更喜欢爵士乐。8. Lets go for an ice cream. Come on!让我们去吃冰淇凌吧,来吧!9. Ok. Popcorn is fine, but lets go now好吧,爆米花也不错,但是让我们现在就去吧10. How much is that leather belt?那条牛皮腰带多少钱?11. Do you have a brown cap?你有一顶棕色的帽子吗?12. Great. Ill take it!太好了,我要买下它!Unit 5 The broken computer一、 四会单词1.检验,核查check2.牙医dentist3.头晕的dizzy4. 工作,干活work5. 给,给与give6.高兴的,快活的glad7.按,压press8.累的,疲倦的tired9. 牙

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