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1、高中英语建议信教案高中英语建议信教案高中英语建议信教案【篇一:如何写英语建议信及英语课例】 如何写英语建议信及课例 step1: 教学设计思路: how to write a letter of proposal step1: list the key words: step2:list the useful sentences. step3:list the linking words step4: make the outline 5.assignment 完成邀请信 教学案内容 how to write a letter of proposal 你是李华,每年一度的牡丹花会将要举行,你想

2、给市长秘书写一封建议信,建议他能邀请来自美国(baymax)作为吉祥物 mascot, 1.写信的目的,建议他参加开幕式(opening ceremony),时间:4月10日20时 地点:洛阳歌剧院(luoyang opera house) 2.建议邀请原因(可爱,友好,喜欢运动,大家都会喜欢) 3.真心希望市长秘书能接受建议,一起参加开幕式. dear mayors secretary: im li hua list the key words: 2.限时训练1 填空 dear sir or madam,i am glad to hear that the library is to tak

3、e some _ to _ its service and facilities. so i am writing to _ my proposals. we all know that libraries play a vital _ in the education and _ of the general reader. so an _ way, i think, is _ purchase the latest publications as _ as make sure _ it has a full set of classical works. another important

4、 facility i _ is the internet via computers _the library will expand its services to a larger number of readers. all in _, i think a library should take all _ measures to keep up with the times. i will highly _ your consideration of my proposals. 2.1即使训练1 汉译英 para.1 1. 我很高兴听到 2.我写信给你提供我的建议 para.2 1.

5、我们都知道图书馆在.起重要作用 2.所以我认为一个高效的方法是 3.我建议的另外一个设备是 para.3 1.总而言之,我认为一个图书馆应该 2.我会非常感激你考虑我的建议 step2:useful sentences 1.i am glad to hear that . 2.i am writing to offer my proposals 3.all in all,i think a library should do. 4. i will highly appreciate your consideration of my proposals. 3.限时训练 2 单句改错 v

6、ery glad to have received the letter you send me two weeks before .2.for one reason, what you are majoring is bad needed nowadays in china. 3. ive been thinking about the question you asked me. in my opinion, you should come back after you finish your study in abroad. fact, i know a few big com

7、panies in our city is hoping to hire people like you. 5.personally i think it quite easily for you to find a good job here. 6.therefore, i insist its the good idea for you to return back and serve your motherland. 7.for another reason, i believe it will be much more convenient for you to look for yo

8、ur parents as they are getting old. 3.1即时训练 2 连句成篇 keys step3:list the linking words for one reason ,for another reason therefore2. 根据所展示的所学的语言知识为词汇和句型载体,进行建议信的写作。 3. 培养学生学习英语的兴趣和应用英语的能力。 教学意图: 英语新课程标准强调根据学生认知能力发展的特点,进一步提高语言综合运用能力。写作本身是用英语进行思维和表达思想感情的一种方式,是语言能力的综合反映。英语写作教学要求关注的不仅是教法而且是学法,强调以学生为中心,注重

9、基础,注重过程,加强综合能力发展、技巧指导等原则,对学生进行相关的写作训练和指导。 应用文的建议信的写作训练,要求学生熟悉英语建议信文体的文章结构,组词成句,组句成段,组段成篇的特点,以及学习应用文建议信的相关的写作技巧。注重以任务型写作教学模式最大限度地调动学生的主观能动性,培养他们运用语言,克服苦难,完成任务,由此进行课堂写作训练和指导。 教学过程: step1 lead-in students are required to read a sample letter based on the following information. then they are asked to wo

10、rk in pairs and discuss with their partners what the structure of a suggestion letter is. the teacher makes comments if necessary. .题目:随着汽车数量的增加,交通拥挤成为人们关注的问.假如你是李华,请根据以下信息给市长写一封,提出改善交通拥挤现状的可行性建议。 信息: 1 呼吁人们多乘公交车,骑自行车和步行。 2.增加公交车的数量;提高公交司机的工资待遇。 3.多修公路、高架桥(overpass) 注意: 1. 词数100左右。 2. 适当增加信息 dear ma

11、yor, _ _ with the best wishes, li hua .sample letter written by ma yan dear mayor, im li hua, a senior high school student. as we know, as the number of cars grows, the roads get crowded. the traffic jam becomes a problem which attracts peoples more attention. as far as i am concerned, the governmen

12、t must take measures to solve the problem immediately. and i have some advice about the problem. at first, we should appeal to people to take buses, ride bicycles or walk. secondly, the government should increase the number of buses and improvethe bus drivers wages and treatment. at last, the govern

13、ment need build more roads and overpasses. im looking forward to your reply. thats all.with the best wishes, li hua .structure of a suggestion letter have one student say something about the structure of the suggestion letter and teacher makes a conclusion of the structure of the suggestion. (show t

14、hem on the blackboard) (blackboard)the beginning part - to whom do you write/ greetings the body part ones advice or suggestions on certain problems. the ending partexpress ones hope or wishes / name of writer. (教师通过复习全疆第一次适应性测试的书面表达的题目和学生所写的优秀范文,引入本课的课题内容 学习写建议信,并通过学生的范文让学生观察讨论总结出建议信的文章结构。为接下来的写作练习

15、做好铺垫。) step2 pre-writing activity1-adding more information some good example sentences of beginnings and endings are offered to help students to learn how to begin/end the suggestion letter. ask students to read the sentences individually and make sure they know the meanings of these sentences. . ho

16、w to begin the letter. 1. i was delighted to receive your letter of january 5th. 2. from your letter i learned that you have some difficulty in learning mathematics. i am writing to give you some advice about it. 3. its a long time since i saw you last. 4. thank you for your letter asking me about s

17、tudying in australia. 5. i am very pleased to hear from you. . how to end the letter. 1. if i can help further, please feel free to contact me. 2. best wishes for your greater success in your career. 3. i hope my suggestions will be useful to you. 4. i would appreciate any advice you can give me. 5.

18、 your kind consideration of my suggestions will be highly appreciated. 6. i hope you will find these proposals useful, and i would be ready to discuss this matter with you to further details. (学生根据教师的指示,在这部分可以了解建议信中可以使用到的开头和结尾的句子和句型结构,对接下来的写作很有帮助,也可以帮助学生积累句型结构。) activity2- making sentences. have stu

19、dents use the sentences patterns to make sentences according to chinese sentences. then check the answers by asking several students to speak out their sentences one by one. the teacher can give students some help if necessary. .ways of putting forward suggestions ? i think that ? i suggest that ? i

20、d like to suggest/advise that ? i suggest doing ? id like to advise you to do ? my suggestion/advice to you is that ? in my opinion ? from my point of view? ? ? ? as far as i am concerned, if i were you, i would do why not do sth.? what about doing sth.? . make sentences. 1. 我建议你应该把它写下来。 2. 我给你的建议是你

21、应该去看医生。 3. 依我看,你最好快点。 4. 如果我是你,我就告诉他真相。 5. 我想建议你去散散步。 suggested answers: 1. i suggest/ advise that you should write it down. 2. my suggestion/advice to you is that you should see a doctor. 3. in my opinion/ from my point of view/as far as i am concerned/as far as i can see, youd better hurry up. 4.

22、if i were you, i would tell him the truth. 5. i would like to advise you to go for a walk. (提建议是建议信写作的重点部分,学生可以了解不同的提出建议的句型,并且也鼓励学生有意识的分类积累句型,并且通过造句可以使学生学习如何使用一些较难的句型结构,并且在接下来的写作训练中,学生就会知道怎么将有用的信息和这个句型组合使用,提高自己的运用语言的能力。) ? as far as i can see step 3while writing. activity1students read the following

23、 letter and answer the following question. question: what problem does sunny have? give students 1 minute to read the letter and think about the question. then ask one student to answer the question. suggested answers: she doesnt know how to get along with her classmate. she doesnt know how to deal

24、with the relationship between her classmates and her . (这部分的设计是为了让学生明白信件内容,是就什么问题提出建议,从而在后面的写作训练中更有针对性和目的性,提的建议更切实可行。) 1. 下面是一个中学生给某报编辑部写的一封信,仔细阅读并就信的内容以编辑的名义给此中学生回一封信。 dear editor, i am an active girl, and i speak and laugh loudly in the classroom, like a boy. i dont care about small matters. on th

25、e contrary, my neighbor, the girl who sits next to me, speaks quietly and dare not do the things i often do. i can understand this. what i cant stand is that she often gets angry with me about small things. how can i get along with her? yours, sunny, 注意:1)书信格式要规范; 2)回信需就原信内容给出至少三条建议(如谈心,相互理解,请她参加你和你

26、们 班同学的生日等活动,谈论共同话题,分享快乐等等); 3)字数:120左右。activities 2offer some useful phrases. some useful phrases are offered to help students get more information while writing. students have 2 minutes to discuss the suggestions which are offered in writing requirements and try to put them into english phrases. 2

27、minutes later, have several groups show their phrases. suggested answers: 1. have a heart to heart talk 2. communicate with 3. understand/help each other 4. invite/ ask her to join you and your classmates in activities. 5. have common topics activity 3 - 审题 teacher and students work together to make

28、 conclusion about how to write the letter. teacher writes it on the blackboard. 1. 文体:应用文(建议信)。 2. 主体时态:一般现在时。 3. 主体人称:第二人称。 4. 内容要点: 问题介绍;建议一;建议二;建议三;我的愿望。 (这部分的设计是为接下来的写作打基础,帮助学生学会审题和提供有用的短语和句型,对于基础薄弱的学生有很大的帮助,让他们有内容可写,减少挫败感,提高他们在小组活动中的参与度,增强学习英语的信心,慢慢消除对于书面表达的畏惧心理。) activity 4 - group discussion

29、group writing 1. think about your suggestions and advice about what sunny should do. 2. share your opinion with your group members. 3. work with your group members and write down your groups suggestion letter. 4. choose the best one in your group to present. (学生在接受这项任务后能马上根据所给各部分的有用信息和小组成员一起讨论合作完成写作

30、训练,提高学生的合作学习意识和能力。) step 4post writing activity 1- presentation every group chooses the best article in their group to present. the rest should listen to him or her carefully. they note down good sentences and patterns in the articles if students can. note down good sentences and patterns in your cl

31、assmates articles.activity 2checking. choose two articles written by students and project them on the screen. students are required to make comments on these articles and correct the articles. (这个部分是写组的后续活动也是写作训练的一个反馈,通过集体修改加深了学生对写作建议信的基本方法的了解,也提供一个平台让学生交流,共享他们的学习成果,从别人的成果中学到新的东西为以后的写作提供更多的语言素材。) step 5.homeworkyou should rewrite the suggestion letter by yourself and hand it in tomorrow. _

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