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1、新世纪英语高一词组解析词组整理第一学期Unit 11. 各行各业的人:people from all walks of life2. 从事不同的职业:take up different occupations3. 长大:grow up4. 教育机构:educational institutions5. 在每个学期末:at the end of every term6. 获得/学习新知识:gain new knowledge7. 参与/忙于很多工作:be involved in many tasks8. 老师对于学生的影响:teachers impact on students9. 贯穿/持续某

2、人一生:stay all through ones lives10. 由组成:be made up of11. 给病人做手术:operate on sick people12. 治疗:medical treatment13. 意味着生死之别:mean the difference between life and death14. 接听电话:answer the telephone calls15. 接待来访者:receive visitors16. 被认为是:be regarded as17. 把文件排放整齐:put papers in good order18. 制订时间表:work ou

3、t timetables19. 穿着最新款的衣服:be dressed in the latest styles of clothes20. 大量的观众:a large audience21. 很多年轻人:a large number of young people22. 跟随潮流:follow tends23. 穿得像时装模特:be dressed like fashion models24. 等待某人做某事:wait for sb to do sth25. 行医:practise medicine26. 虽然,尽管:even through27. 坚持/执意让某人做某事:insist (t

4、hat) sb (should) do sth28. 下定决心做某事:make up ones mind to do sth29. 和他意见不同:disagree with him30. 另一方面:on the other hand31. 强迫某人做某事:force sb to do sth32. 对产生兴趣:take an interest in sth33. 做决定:make a decision34. 独自:on ones own35. 放弃:give up36. 签到:check in37. 高中/大学毕业:graduate from high school/university38.

5、 对表示感激:be grateful to sb for doing sth39. 从那时起:from then on40. 照顾:take care of41. 越来越多的:more and more42. 尽最大的努力做某事:do ones best to do sth43. 面带自信的微笑:wear a confident smileUnit 21. 作为而被人牢记:be remembered as 2. 在年纪还小时 at an early age3. 属于 belong to4. 能够做某事:be able to do sth5. 一个接一个的问题:one problem after

6、 another6. 到之前,不迟于 bu the time7. 被公认为:be generally regarded as8. 杰出的雕塑家之一:one of the outstanding sculptors9. 起初,一开始:at first10. 拒绝,回绝:turn down11. 把某人关起来:shut sb up12. 准备好了独自工作:get ready to work alone13. 某人花去做某事:it takes sb sth to do sth14. 觉得很难想象:find it hard to image15. 经历:go through16. 仰卧:lie on

7、ones back17. 结果:as a result18. 习惯于向上看:become/be used to looking upwards19. 把信举过头顶:hold the letter over his hand20. 留给某人某物:leave sb with sth21. 忍不住:cant help but do22. 情不自禁/不得不:cant help doing sth23. 海内外的参观者:home and overseas visitors24. 赞赏这些杰作:admire these masterpieces25. 在某人20多岁的时候:in ones 20s26. 冲

8、印胶片:develop films27. 让他们等太久:keep them waiting too long28. 装备有:be equipped with29. 等待考试的结果:wait for the result of the examination30. 工作又快又有序:be quick and orderly at ones job31. 除了:except for sth32. 弄乱,弄错:mix up33. 使某物(存放)有序:keep sth in order34. 有能力做:be capable of doing sth35. 寻找:search for36. 不听任/任由某

9、人做某事:wont have sb doing sth37. 同情某人:feel sorry for sb38. 不是而是:notbut39. 过去的:of the past40. 至今:ever since41. 整个世界:all over the world42. 面对许多困难:meet with a lot of difficultiesUnit 31. 一次做的良机:a perfect opportunity for sb to do2. 练习做某事:practis doing sth3. 心里想:think to oneself4. 多可惜啊!真遗憾啊!:what a shame!5

10、. 闲谈,聊天:small talk6. 开始:get started7. 与某人交换某物:exchange sth with sb8. 用A来换B:exchange A for B9. 想要做某事:feel like doing sth10. 观察他的面部表情和肢体语言:watch his facial expression and body language11. 把某事强加在某人身上:force sth on sb12. 像一个人呆着:want to be left alone13. 作为回应:in return14. 积极的暗示:positive cues15. 最普通的话题:the

11、most universal topic16. 突然开始:launch into17. 政治宗教类的严肃话题:serious topics like politics and religion18. 紧扣轻松性质的主题:stick to subjects of a casual nature19. 某人的喜恶:one;s like and dislike20. 提问题:raise a question21. 不同:rather than22. 摸着门路:on the right track23. 对某事做出评价:offer comment on sth24. 专注地听:listen atten

12、tively25. 做某事有很大乐趣:have a lot of fun doing sth26. 大范围/广阔的话题:a wide range of topics27. 社会心理学家:a social psychologist28. 对感到内疚:feel guilty about29. 牢记这条规则:keep the rule in the mind30. 允许某人做某事:allow sb to do sth31. 出现:show up32. 与某人取得联系:reach out to sb33. 导致:lead to34. 当涉及某事时:when it comes to sth/doing

13、sth35. 一定要,务必:be sure to do sth36. 不考虑,不顾:without regard to37. 约会/预约:make an appointment38. 推迟约会/预约:put off an appointmen39. 取消约会/预约:cancel an appointment40. 守约:keep an appointment41. 忘了做某事:forget to do sth42. 如果将会怎么样:what ifUnit 41. 落在(某一天):fall on2. 主要的商店:major businesses3. 用鲜艳的颜色装饰房子:decorate the

14、ir houses in bright colors4. 彩灯:coloured lights5. 做礼拜:go to church6. 庆祝耶稣的生日:celebrate the birth of Christ7. 观看女王出现在电视上:watch the Queen appear on the television8. 发表演说:deliver a message/speech9. 坐下来开始吃晚餐:sit down to a dinner10. 以圆满结束:round off the meal with 11. 与有关:be connected with12. 在圣诞夜:on Chris

15、tmas Eve13. 在床边挂上袜子:leave a long stocking hanging by the bed14. 放几个星期的假:have several weeks off15. 家庭团聚:family reunion16. 准备好做某事:get ready to do sth17. 以阳历/阴历计算日期:measure the days with the solar/lunar calendar18. 庆祝新年的到来:observe the coming of New Year19. (根据情况)变化:vary from to 20. 重要的事情:a big deal21. 发生:take place22. 保持原样:remain the same23. 象征则旧事物的离开:symbolize the departure of the old24. 使厄运远离:keep away misfortune25. 把视为:view as 26. 燃放烟火:let of

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