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福建专版《金版新学案》高三英语一轮课时作业 新人教版选修85.docx

1、福建专版金版新学案高三英语一轮课时作业 新人教版选修852020金版新学案高三一轮(人教版)英语福建专版选修8 Unit5课时作业(四十)Meeting your ancestors会晤祖先.单项填空1I want to make meatballs.Would you please give me a hand to_the meat?Acut downBcut offCcut in Dcut up2He_ the pencil and began to draw the beautiful surroundings on a sheet of paper.Asharpened Bhas s

2、harpenedCwould sharpen Dwas sharpening3Please do me_favor and pass me the cup of_coffee.Athe;/ Ba;/Ca;the Dthe;the4You should have been more patient_that customer;Im sure that selling him the watch was a possibility.Aof BwithCfor Dat5A middleaged woman came_to the bus stop only_the bus had gone.Ato

3、run;to find Brunning;to findCand ran;found Drunning;finding6We must_the weather into consideration first when climbing mountains.Amake BconsiderCregard Dtake7Its a long time_I saw you last.Yes,and what a pity it is now that it will be a long time_we see each other again.Abefore;since Bsince;whenCsin

4、ce;before Dwhen;before8A society was set up to_the endangered animal and plant life from dying out in this area.Areserve BpreserveCobserve Ddeserve9Production at the factory was_for two hours because there was no electricity.Ainterrupted BdisturbedCmissed Dlost10The bell_the end of the period rang,_

5、our heated discussion.Aindicating;interrupting Bindicated;interruptingCindicating;interrupted Dindicated;interrupted11These days the government has issued several economic policies that will_prosperity of manufacturing industry.Aaccumulate BaccomplishCaccess Daccelerate12He was arrested_drunken driv

6、ing on his way to the football game.Awith BofCfor Dto13The secretary_letters all the afternoon and there are still two letters to finish.Ais typing Bhad typeChas been typed Dhas been typing14He has learned_,no matter what happens and how bad_seems today,life goes on and it will be better tomorrow.At

7、hat;it Bit;thatCit;it Dthat;that15Dont forget to phone me when you get to New York.Just let me know youve arrived safely.I wont forget.Goodbye then._.AWith pleasure BHave a nice tripCDont mention it DIts very nice of you.完形填空Mothers Day was coming,but John had been visiting customers.He was now in a

8、 small town just outside a flower shop and he knew what to do.He went into the shop and saw a young man_1_the clerk to sell him some roses for six dollars,but the clerk just explained that roses were_2_.The clerk looked up at John,_3_her head.Something inside of John was_4_by the boys voice.John had

9、 been_5_in his business,and he looked at the clerk and_6_mouthed that he would pay for the roses.The clerk looked at the young man and told him to get the roses for six dollars.The young man almost jumped into the_7_and ran from the store with the_8_.It was worth the extra dollars just to see that k

10、ind of_9_.John ordered his own flowers and made sure that the_10_would include a note telling his mother how much he loved her.He drove away from the shop,feeling very_11_.He caught a light about two blocks away.As he_12_at the light,he saw the young boy walking down the sidewalk.He watched him cros

11、s the street and enter a park through two huge gates.Suddenly,he_13_that it wasnt a park but a cemetery (公墓)The light_14_,and John slowly crossed the intersection.He_15_and on an impulse (冲动) got out and began to follow the boy.The young man stopped by a small monument and went to his_16_.He began t

12、o cry after he carefully_17_the roses on the grave.He stared at the little boys heaving (起伏的) body and listened to his crying.John turned with_18_,and walked back to his car.He drove_19_to the shop and told the clerk he would_20_the flowers personally.He wanted to tell his mother one more time just

13、how much he loved her.1.A.begging BorderingCforcing BbeautifulCexpensive Dspecial3A.shaking BwavingCnodding Dholding4A.recalled BtouchedChurt Dlightened5A.influenced BruinedCburied Dblessed6A.loudly BsilentlyCgently Dcalmly7A.river BairClake BflowersCbasket

14、rprise BhorrorCexcitement BmessageCtransportation Dtransfer11A.relaxed BdisappointedCgood Dsorry12A.sang BwaitedClooked Dstood13A.remembered BfoundCdiscovered Drealized14A.flashed BchangedCdisappeared Dshone15A.drove back Bpulled overCbroke down Dburst out16A.arms BpalmsCfeet Dk

15、nees17A.laid BdecoratedCset Dgrew18A.laughter BangerCtears Dastonishment19.A.slowly BquicklyC.carefully Dexcitedly20A.bring BfetchCtake Dcatch.阅读理解(2020届英语周报第12期)Dear Reader,Today I am going to ask you to support Wikipedia with a donation.Wikipedia is built differently from almost every other top 50

16、 website.We have a small number of paid staff,just twentythree.Wikipedia content is free to use by anyone for any purpose.Our annual expenses are less than six million dollars.Wikipedia is run by the nonprofit Wikimedia Foundation,which I founded in 2020.Wikipedia is driven by a global community of

17、more than 150,000 volunteersall devoted to sharing knowledge freely.Over almost eight years,these volunteers have contributed more than 11 million articles in 265 languages.More than 275 million people come to our website every month to access information,free of charge and free of advertising.But W

18、ikipedia is more than a website.We share a common cause:Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge.Thats our commitment.Your donation helps us in several ways.Most importantly,you will help us cover the increasing cost of managin

19、g global traffic to one of the most popular websites on the Internet.Funds also help us improve the software that runs Wikipediamaking it easier to search,easier to read,and easier to write for.We are committed to increasing the free knowledge movement worldwide,by taking on new volunteers,and build

20、ing strategic partnerships with institutions of culture and learning.Wikipedia is different.Its the largest encyclopedia (百科全书) in history,written by volunteers.Like a national park or a school,we dont believe advertising should have a place in Wikipedia.We want to keep it free and strong,but we nee

21、d the support of thousands of people like you.Thank you,Jimmy Wales1What do the second and third paragraphs mainly talk about?AWhy you should donate to Wikipedia.BHow much the workers are paid.CHow Wikipedia is run.DHow many people contribute to Wikipedia.2All the following are the reasons for the n

22、eed of your donation EXCEPT_.Ato keep Wikipedia free for people all over the worldBto update the software that runs WikipediaCto raise the salaries of the staffDto pay the cost of running the website3What does the underlined word “That” in Paragraph 4 refer to?AFree access to all human knowledge.BHu

23、man knowledge.CEvery single person.DA common cause.4Which of the following is TRUE about Wikipedia?AIt only has 23 workers at present.BIt will run a national park or a school.CIt has got much help from other people.DIt may put some advertisements to earn money.5Whats the authors purpose of writing t

24、his text?ATo introduce the differences between Wikipedia and other websites.BTo improve the software that runs Wikipedia.CTo make Wikipedia more popular.DTo call on people to donate to Wikipedia.短文填词Dear Jack,I am writing to invite you to the fashion show to be held in our school hall this Wednesday

25、 on 20th June to r_1._awareness of environmental_(保护) among 2._middle school students.All the clothing in the show willbe m_from waste products,3._as used newspapers,plastic packaging 4._bags,rubbish bags,and some o_waste.5._Moreover,the fashion show will have v_of 6._themes.There you will surely be

26、 able to see colorful_(风格) and fashionable designs.I believe 7._the show wont be_(失望) as all the 8._designers are required to combine fashion_9._the theme “A green world.” What might s_10._you is that all the designers are coming from our school!If you are interested,call me before this weekend!Your

27、s,Lily.单项填空1D考查短语辨析。cut up切碎;cut down砍倒;cut off切断;cut in插嘴。2A考查时态。由下文began可知用一般过去时sharpened。3B考查冠词。do sb.a favor是习惯用法,表“帮某人一个忙”,favor前用不定冠词;第二空后的coffee是个物质名词,本身即可表示一类,其前不用冠词。综上所述,应选B。4B句意为:你应该对那位顾客更耐心一些,我敢肯定本来是有可能让他买下那块手表的。由patient构成的固定短语有两个,即be patient with sb.“对某人有耐心”;be patient of则意为“忍受”。5B句意为:一个

28、中年妇女跑着来到公交车站,结果却发现公交车已经开走了。running为v.ing形式作方式状语,only to find表示意想不到的结果。6D考查固定短语。take.into consideration作“把考虑在内”讲,相当于consider。7C考查连词用法。It is一段时间since句子,自从以来已有多久,since从句中的谓语动词用一般过去时;It will be一段时间before句子,再过多久才,从句谓语用一般现在时表示将来;或It was一段时间before句子,没多久就,从句谓语用过去时。8B句意为:成立一个团体来保护濒临灭绝的动植物不会绝迹。reserve预订,保留;ob

29、serve观察;deserve值得。9A句意为:因为没有电,工厂的生产中断了两小时。disturb,miss,lose都不合句意。interrupt打断,中断。10A此处indicating作定语修饰bell;interrupting是现在分词作结果状语。11Daccelerate加速。access进入,通过;accumulate积累;accomplish完成,实现,均不符合题意。12Carrest sb.for sth.因逮捕或拘留某人。13Dhave been doing现在完成进行时,表示一个动作由过去某时开始持续到说话时还在继续进行或刚刚结束。14A第一处为learned的宾语从句,用that引导,陈述事实。注意两个逗号之间的为no matter引导的状语从句,第二处为it seems that.句型结构。15B考查情景交际,表示“旅途顺利”,故选B项。.完形填空【语篇解读】在母亲节

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