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1、有用的英语TDirections: Choose the word that is the closest synonym to the underlined word.1. The governors impromptu remarks cause political party much embarrassment. a. unrehearsed b. forceful c. unrestrained d. absurd2. His extreme nervousness impeded his ability to speak in front of large groups of pe

2、ople.a. hindered b. halted c. accelerated d. fostered3. The chairman did not rule out possibility of an agreement.a. promise b. reject c. accept d. forestall4. His employer appeared to be in such an affable mood that Tom decided to ask for a raise.a. despondent b. irresponsible c. agreeable d. uncer

3、tain5. The Civil Defense evacuated his inhabitants from the area where the storm was predicted to strike.a. aided b. warned c. notified d. removed6. According to investigators, the recent report of a sea monster was a hoax.a. breakthrough b. mistake c. trick d. crime7. In his statements to the press

4、, the administrator was consistently equivocal.a. ambiguous b. reasonable c. hasty d. frank8. It is not our aim to subjugate our foe; we are interested only in establishing peaceful relations.a. detain b. conquer c. slacken d. bribe9. There are ample evidences to testify that he was not on the spot

5、at the time of murder.a. meager b. insufficient c. abundant d. inadequate10. The mans formidable appearance frightened the girl from into screaming.a. amicable b. strange c. amiable d. awesomeSection BDirections: Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.11. _ him beyond endurance, and ther

6、e is no telling what he may do.a. Aggravate b. Enhance c. Heighten d. Intensify12. The boxer _ and almost fell when his opponent hit him.a. shattered b. stammered c. scrambled d. staggered13. Registering a patent _ a number of expenses.a. enhances b. elicits c. entails d. advocates14. He has been he

7、re for many times, so there is no _ for him anymore.a. notion b. novelty c. emotion d. fascination15. We do not think there is anything wrong with our shipment to _ your complaint.a. impose b. incur c. deduce d. recall16. Although they had suffered heavy losses, they refused to _ defeat.a. concede b

8、. conserve c. assert d. conceal17. Placing high _ on imported goods is a frequently employed method of protecting domestic industries.a. taxes b. profits c. rations d. tariffs18. Contrary to what I have heard about him, the old statesman seems rather _ and not talkative at all.a. kind b. benevolent

9、c. reserved d. popular19. If your question is _ to the design of a new lung-heart machine. I will answer it.a. associated b. consistent c. identical d. pertinent20. No one can achieve great success by relying on _ enthusiasm.a. moment b. timely c. momentary d. momentousPART : Grammar (20 points)Sect

10、ion ADirections: choose the answer that best fills in the blank.21. Quarter horses can start more quickly, turn more sharply and run faster over short courses _ breeds can.a. that the other b. other c. than other d. of all other22. Does your father like to play golf?Yes, hes really enthusiastic _ it

11、.”a. by b. about c. with d. on23. A body weighs _ from the surface of the earth.a. less the farther it gets. b. the farther it gets, the less c. less than it gets farther d. less than it, the farther it gets24. Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of _ reality.a. that is con

12、ceived b. that is being conceived ofc. what it is conceived d. at is conceived to be25. On no account _ borrow money from friends, and still less _ dependent on the favors of rich relatives.a. I would / would be b. would I / I would bec. would I /would I be d. I would / would I be26. The tape-record

13、er _ out of order, the students did no know what to do.a. was b. had been c. being d. has been27. Tony is going on the picnic with his _ friends.a. two little other b. other two little c. other little two d. two other little28. I regret _ the work unfinished; I should have planned everything ahead c

14、arefully.a. having left b. to leave c. to be left d. to have left29. I _ in my reading, and didnt at first hear the doorbell ring.a. had immersed b. immersed c. being immersed d. was immersed30. Thank you for all the information you have provided. Its nice _ here.a. to see you b. seeing you c. havin

15、g seen you d. to have seen youSection BDirections: choose the letter that indicates the error in the sentence.31. School counselors are convinced that it will be obligatory that all applications must haveA B Ccomputer training to enter the job market in the future.D32. The federal government recomme

16、nds that local civic groups will accept the responsibility ofA Bwelfare disbursement to the needy.C D33. It estimated is that only about thirty percent of our planets surface consists of land.A B C D34. A letter of credit is often used to companies to finance the movement of goods betweenA B C Dcoun

17、tries.35. Cairo University, the Arab worlds first secular university, founded in 1925 with seven mainA B Cfaculties and colleges.D36. The child born on April 27, 1882 to Mrs. Jesse G rant of Point Pleasant, Ohio, was six weeks oldA B Cbefore a name found for him. D37. With X-ray microscopes scientis

18、ts can see through alive insects or even through solid piece ofA B C Dmethod.38. If the resources of forest and waterpower were more full developed, the economy would notA Bhave been so dependent on imports.C D39. Anger over massive unemployment in the West has spilled over into a frightening wave o

19、f A B Cracist attacks on emigrants. D40. As the matter of fact, in a depression, or a time of severe deflation, almost everyone suffers,A Bincluding the creditor who is left with uncollected debts.C DPART III. Rending comprehension: (30 points)Directions: Answer all questions based on the informatio

20、n in the passages below.Passage 1The very circumstances of the kind of life they led made it out of the question for the Huns ever to act as a huge, coherent army. The horde must not have counted many more than five thousand individuals. Such units, acting independently and not imbued with any parti

21、cular feeling of kinship and solidarity, could easily turn out fighting on opposite sides. When Huns fell on the Ostrogoths led by Ermanarics successor, Vithimiris, that was indeed the situation. Vithimiris had Hunnic mercenaries fighting for him on the Ostrogoth side.When the Huns arrived on the fr

22、ontiers of the Roman Empire, they were an unknown quantity. Our modern chatter about little green men in flying saucers is not too different from the popular reaction in the fourth century to Huns mounted on wiry horses. The Huns were indubitably frightening, not only because of their Mongoloid feat

23、ures, their wild clothing, and their language that practically no one understood. Also frightening was their ability to dart around with lightening speed which must have multiplied their actual numbers in the minds of their alarmed adversaries. Their tactics involved a pretense of scattered flight,

24、with quick reassembling and renewed attack. Then there were those deadly bows that they used. The Hunnic bow was a formidable wed, by anyones standards. Only a skilled professional could make bows, taking months on end to produce just one. The bow was a complete construction, with a stave made of se

25、veral carefully selected, cured and worked materials such as wood, sinew, and horn. The Huns handled them with terrifying precision. We know from ancient art how fierce a backward Parthian shot could look.If they shot arrows like Parthians and spoke a Turkish language and looked like Mongols, who we

26、re the Huns, and whence did they come? One clue is an extremely unattractive practice of theirs. They deliberately deformed the heads of their infants, the end result being anything but charming in the adult Hun. As Sidonius Apollinaris describes them, their heads are great round masses rising to a

27、narrow crown. The rest of Sidoniuss statement is couched in his usual tortured Latin, but scholars agree on the meaning: the Hunnic nose was flattened to make room for the helmets. In recent years statistical analysis has revealed that the earliest specimens of deformed skulls come from along the Ta

28、les River in Tien Shan; next in graves along the Volga; then in the Ukraine; the northern Caucasus, and the Crimea; then in Transcaucasia; and finally in Central Europe. This pattern reflects the movements of the Huns.Comprehension Questions:41. The paragraphs before this passage describea. the soci

29、al organization of the Huns. b. the qualities of separateness in Hunnic life.c. their reliance on horses. d. all of the above.42. The Hunnic army wasa. a well-organized group. b. a huge army of 5,000 soldiers.c. a small army of 5,000 soldiers. d. none of the above.43. Ermanarica. preceded Vithimiris

30、.b. was dead at the time the author is discussing.b. was at one time the leader of the Ostrogoth forces.d. was all of the above.44. The population of the Roman Empirea. had had considerable contact with the Huns. b. as terrified by the Huns.c. considered the Huns as beings from outer space. d. lived

31、 on the frontiers of the empire.45. The Hunnic bow wasa. a splendid weapon. b. very time-consuming to make.c. an instrument of precision. d. all the above.Passage 2Merchants and manufacturers are not contented with the monopoly of the home market, but desire likewise the most extensive foreign sale or their goods. Their country has no jurisdiction in foreign countries and therefore can seldom procure them any monopoly there. They are generally obliged, theref

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