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1、消费者行为学笔记消费者行为学笔记Factors influencing consumer behavior: 1 Cultural factor: cultural ; subcultural; buyer 2 social-reference groups: family; role and status 3 personal: age and life-cycle; economic situation lifestyle; personality and self- concept:4 psychological: motivation; belifes and attitudes; p

2、erception; learning.What is consumer behavior? The study of the processes when or groups select ,purchase, use ,or dispose of products services ideas or experiences to satisfy needs and desire.消费者行为:个体或群体在为满足需要和欲望而挑选,购买,使用或处理产品,服务,创意或经验时所涉及的过程。Role theory: identifies consumers as actors on the marke

3、rplace stage。角色理论:认为许多消费者行为都类似于戏剧中的情节的观点。Exchange: a transaction in which two or more organizations or people give and receive something of value.交易:两个或更多的组织或个人相互付出并获取某种价值的过程。Consumer: a person who identifies a need or desire ,makes a purchase, and then dispose of the product.消费者:确认一种需要和欲望,进行购买,或处理该

4、产品的人。Many people may be involved in this sequence of events purchaser/user/influencerConsumers may take the form of organization or group.Market segmentation: identifies groups of consumers who are similar to one another in one or more ways, and then devises marketing strategies that appeal to one o

5、r more groups.市场细分:确定在某一方面或多方面相互类似的消费者群体,然后制定出吸引一个或多个群体的营销策略的过程。Relationship marketing 关系营销:marketers who believe in this philosophy, interact with customers on a regular basis and give them reason to maintain a bond with the company over time.Demographics: statistics that measure observable aspects

6、 of population. Such as age gender family structure social class and income race and ethnicity lifestyle.人口统计变量:可观测的人口特征量度,如年龄,性别。Marketing impact on consumers Popular culture :consisting of the music moves sports books celebrities ,and other forms of entertainment consumed by the mass market.大众文化:为

7、大众市场所消费的音乐,电影,体育,书籍,名人及其他娱乐形式。Marketers play a significant role in our view of the world and how we live in it.The meaning of consumption: people ofter buy products not for what they do, but for what they mean.Type of relationship a person might have with a product 1 self-concept attachment :the pro

8、duct helps to establish the users identity.自我概念依附性:产品可以帮助确立使用者的身份。 2 nostalgic attachment :the product is a part of the users daily routine怀旧依附性:产品与过去的经历有所结合。 3 interdependence :the product is a part of the user”s daily routin.互相依赖性:产品与日常事务不可分割。 4 love: the product elicits emotional bonds of warmth

9、,passion ,or other strong emotion.与爱相关的消费:产品可以引发温暖,与爱相关的激情。Consumption includes intangible experience ,ideas, and services in addition to tangible objectsFour distinct types of consumption : 1 consuming as experience 2 consuming as integration 3 consuming as classification 4consuming as play 体验式消费Th

10、e global consumer ;全球性消费文化 By 2006,the majority of people on Earth will live in urban ceneers . Sophisticated marketing strategies contribute to a global consume culture. Virtual consumption 虚拟消费: the digital revolution is one of the most significant influence on consumer behavior ,and the import of

11、 the web will continue to expand as more and more people around the world log in .Business ethics :are rules of conduct that guide action in the marketplace.商业道德:引导市场行为的行为规范Addictive consumption : is a physiological or psychological dependency on products or services.Compulsive consumption: .失控型消费re

12、fers to repetitive shopping, often excessive as an antidote to tension , antidote to tension ,anxiety, depression, or boredom:反复的,而且经常是过度的购物行为,用来减轻压力,焦虑,沮丧或无聊。 Consumed consumers :are people who are used or exploited ,willing or not ,for commercial gain in the marketplace. 被消费者:不管是否愿意,在市场上为了商业利益而被使用

13、或被利用的人。Consumer theft: shrinkage is the industry term for inventory and cash losses from shoplifting and employee theft Anticonsumption: events in which products and services are deliberately defaced or mutilated.反消费行为:消费者所做的包括蓄意破坏和损伤产品的行为。Sensation: the immediate response of our sensory receptors(e

14、yes,ears,nose,mouth,fingers)to basic stimuli such as light, color , sound ,odor and texture.感觉:感受器,对光,色,声,气味和质地为基本刺激的直接反映。Perception: the process by which these sensations are selected organized and interpreted.知觉:对刺激进行选择,组织和解释的过程An overview of the perceptual process: exposure 暴露attention 注意interpre

15、tation 解释The study of perception:focuses on what we add to these raw sensations in order to give them meaning.Sensory systems: external stimuli, or sensory input ,can be received on a number of channels.The inputs picked up by our five senses are the raw data that begin the perceptual process.Hedoni

16、c onsumption :the multisensory ,fantasy, and emotional aspects of consumers interactions with products.享乐消费:消费者与产品相互作用的多种感觉的,幻想的和情感的东西。Jision: marketers rely heavily on visual element in advertising, sore design, and pavkage. Meaning are communicated on the visual channel through a product s color,

17、size, and styling.Colors may even influence our emotion more directly.Arousal and stimulate appetite eg. Red relaxation Some reactions to color come form learned associations.Other reactions are due to biological and cultural differences.Women tend to be drawn toward brighter tones and are more sens

18、itive to subtle shadings and patterns.Saturated colors such as green ,yellow, cyan, and orange are considered the best bues to capture attention ,but dont over do it ;extensive use of these hues can overwhelm people and cause visual fatigue.Trade dress: some color combination come to be so strongly

19、associated with a corporation.商业外观:与企业强烈联系在一起的色彩组合。Smell; orders can stir emotions or create a calming feeling.Marketers are finding ways to use smell: 1 scented clothes 2 scented stores 3 scented cars and plane 4 scented household products 5 scented advertisementsSound : advertising jingles maintai

20、n brand awareness background music creates desired moods sound affect peoples feeling and behaviors.Touch: relatively little research has been done on the effects of tactile stimulation on consumer behavior ,common observation tens us that this sensory channel is important.Kansei engineering :a phil

21、osophy that translates customers feeling into design elements.感性工学/人机工程:一种源自日本的将消费者的感觉转化为设计要素的理念。People associate the texture of fabrics and other surfaces with product qualities and some marketers are exploring how touch can be used in packaging to arouse consumer interest,Taste :taste receptors ob

22、viously contribute to our experience of many products.Specialized companies called flavor house keep busy developing new concoctions to please the changing palates of consumers.Changes in our culture also determine the tastes we find desivable.Exposure : exposure occurs when a stimulus come within t

23、he rang of someones sensory receptors.暴露:知觉的初始阶段,在该阶段感觉发生于消费者的感受器的范围之内。Psychophysics: the science that focuses on how the physical environment is integrated into our personal subjective world.心理物理学:集中研究物理环境如何与我们的个人主观世界相结合的科学。The absolute threshold : the minimum amount of stimulation that can be dete

24、cted on a given sensory channel.绝对阀限:能被特定感觉通道觉察的最小刺激量。The differential threshold :the ability of a sensory system to detect changes or differential between two stimuli. The minimum difference that can be detected between two stimuli is known as the jnd (just noticeable difference)。差别阀限:一个感觉系统察觉两个刺激之

25、间的变化或差别的能力。Subliminal perception潜意识知觉:occurs when the stimulus is below the level of the consumers awareness.Webers law :the stronger the intial stimulus ,the greater a change must be it to be noticed.韦伯定律:最初的刺激越强,引起注意所需的刺激变化量越大的规律。Subliminal perception : occurs when the stimulus is below the level

26、of the consumers awareness。阀下知觉:对消费者的意识水平之下的水平的刺激的加工。Embeds are:they figures that inserted into magazine advertising by using highspeed photography or airbrushing.Attention : the extent which processing activity is devoted to a particular stimulus.注意:信息加工活动在所选刺激上的分配。Perceptual: people attend to only

27、 a small portion of the stimuli to which they expose.知觉选择:指人们对展露在消费者面前的各种刺激专注于其中的一小部分的选择过程。Perceptual vigilance :consumer are more likely to be aware of stimuli that relate to their current needs.知觉警惕:消费者更可能意识到与他们目前的需要有关的刺激的倾向。例:肥胖的人对减肥的信息产生警惕Perceptual defense: people see what they want to see-and

28、dont see what they dont want to see.知觉防御:消费者避免对他们有危险地刺激的倾向。Adaption :the degree to which consumers continue to notice a stimulus over time.适应:一种感觉从熟悉到不需要注意的过程(持续对刺激物的关注程度)Intensity 强度 duration 持续时间relevance相关度 discrimination 差异性exposure 频率Stimulus selection factors Size : the size of stimulus itself

29、 in contrast to the competition helps to determine if it will command attention.Color: color is a powerful way to draw attention to a product or to give it a distinct identity.Position: stimuli that are in place were more likely to look stand a better chance of being notice.Novelty: stimuli that app

30、ear in unexpected ways or places tend to grab our attention.Interpretation: the meaning that we assign to sensory stimuli.解释:意义被理解的过程Schema: set of beliefs, to which the stimulus is assigned.认知范畴中的信念和感觉的有组织的集合。Stimulus organization: a stimulus will be interpreted is its assumed relationship with oth

31、er events, sensation or images.Closure principle: people tend to perceive an incomplete picture as complete.封闭性描述:描述一个人为了感知到完整的图形而倾向于补充缺少的信息的格式塔原则。Principle similarity: consumers tend to group together objects that share similar physical characteristics.相似性原则:描述消费者怎样倾向于被具有相似物理特征的五天放在一起的原则。Figure-gro

32、und principle: one part of a stimulus will dominate (the figure) and other parts recede into the background (the ground)图形-背景原则:作用刺激物的图形的一个部分居主导地位,而其部分则模糊成为背景的格式塔原则。Object: the product that is the focus of the message. 目标客体:符号学的术语中广告语所集中地产品Sign: the sensory image that represents the intended meanings of the object. 标志:代表着对象所意味着的含义的感性形象。Interpretant: the meaning derived .诠解释:有标志或象征而得出的意义Icon: a sign that is connected to a product because they share some property.图标:在某种程度上代表着产品的标识符号Symbol :a sign that i

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