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1、高二英语下学期第一次统测段考试题2019-2020年高二英语下学期第一次统测4月段考试题一、阅读理解-阅读选择( 共40分)【题号1-20】第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。My dad loved pennies, especially those with the elegant stalk of wheat curving around each side of the ONE CENT on the back. Those were the pennies he grew up with during th

2、e Depression (大萧条).As a kid, I would go for walks with Dad, spying coins along the waya penny here, a dime (一角硬币) there. Whenever I picked up a penny, hed ask, Is it a wheat? It always thrilled him when we found one of those special coins produced between 1909 and 1958, the year of my birth.One gray

3、 Sunday morning in winter, not long after my fathers death in xx, I was walking down Fifth Avenue, feeling bereft. I found myself in front of the church where Dad once worked. I was warmly shown in and led to a seat. Hearing Dads favorite A Mighty Fortress Is Our God, I burst into tears. Wed sung th

4、at at his funeral. After the service, I shook the pastors hand and stepped onto the sidewalkand there was a penny. I bent to pick it up, turned it over, and sure enough, it was a wheat. A 1944, a year my father was serving on a ship in the South Pacific.That started it. Suddenly wheat pennies began

5、turning up on the sidewalks of New York everywhere. I got most of the important years: his birth year, my moms birth year, the year he graduated from college, the year he met my mom, the year they got married, the year my sister was born. But alas, no 1958 wheat pennymy year, the last year they were

6、 made.The next Sunday, after the service, I was walking up Fifth Avenue and spotted a penny in the middle of a crossing. Oh, no, it was a busy street; cabs were speeding byshould I risk it? I just had to get it.A wheat! But the penny was worn, and I couldnt read the date. On arriving home, I took ou

7、t my glasses and took it to the light. There was my birthday!I found 21 wheat pennies on the streets of Manhattan in the year after my father died, and I dont think thats a coincidence.1. The writers father loved pennies with wheat because _.A.when he first saw it, he began to love itB.when he saw t

8、he wheat, he thought of his time during the DepressionC.when he was young, he had a lot of pennies with wheatD.when he was a child, he never got a coin with wheat2. The underlined word bereft (in Para.3) means _.A.aloneB.disappointedC.upsetD.discouraged3. Which of the following statements about the

9、author is NOT true?A.He was born in 1958.B.He went to church because of his father.C.He once worked in a church.D.He knew the church well.4. The best title for the passage would be _.A.My fathers life storyB.Pennies from HeavenC.My fathers hobbyD.Living in New YorkBA good teacher is many things to m

10、any people. In my own experience, the people I respect the most and think about the most are the teachers who demanded the most discipline (纪律) from their students.I miss one teacher in particular that I had in high school. I think she was a good teacher because she was a very strict person. I remem

11、ber very clearly a sign on her classroom door. It was a simple sign that said, Laboratory: in this room the first five letters of the word was stressed not the last seven. In other words, labor for her was more important than oratory, which means making speeches.She prepared her work very carefully

12、and told us to do the same. We got lots of homework from her. Once she had broken her arm, and everybody in the class thought that maybe the homework load would be reduced, but it continued just the same. She checked our work by stamping her name at the bottom of the papers to show that she had read

13、 them.I think sometimes teachers who demand the most are liked the least. But as time goes by, this discipline really seems to benefit the students.5. Which of the following is considered a good teacher by the writer?A.A patient teacher.B.An honest teacher.C.A strict teacher.D.An easy-going teacher.

14、6. When the teachers arm was broken, she _.A.gave her students the usual amount of homeworkB.gave her students less homeworkC.asked her students to check the homework themselvesD.gave her students more homework7. Whats the writers opinion of discipline?A.It makes the students dislike their teachers.

15、B.It does good to the students in the long run.C.Its too much for young children.D.It does more harm than good to the students.8. Whats the Chinese for the underlined word oratory?A.演讲B.讲稿C.访谈D.采访CStarting the day on an egg could keep your blood pressure under control, research suggests. Scientists

16、have shown that eggs produce proteins with a function similar to that of powerful blood pressure-lowering drugs.The research, from the University of Alberta in Canada, showed that when eggs e in contact with stomach enzymes (酶) they produce a protein that acts in the same way as Ace inhibitors, but

17、more work is needed to show the effects outside a lab and in the human body.Earlier this month, British researchers declared that, contrary to popular beliefs, it is healthy to go to work on an egg. They concluded that the type of cholesterol (胆固醇) found in eggs has little effect on increasing heart

18、 disease risks.Researcher Professor Bruce Griffin, from the University of Surrey, said, The wrong beliefs linking egg eating to high blood cholesterol and heart disease must be corrected. The amount of fat in our diet has an effect on blood cholesterol that is several times greater than the relative

19、ly small amounts of cholesterol found in eggs. The UK public do not need to be limiting the number of eggs they eat. They can be encouraged to include them in a healthy diet as they are one of natures most nutritious foods.The British Heart Foundation dropped its three-egg-a-week limit in xx. Howeve

20、r, almost half of Britons believe the limit still applies.9. From the text we know that Ace inhibitors are _.A.a kind of proteinB.a kind of foodC.a kind of medicineD.a kind of illness10. According to what Professor Bruce said, eggs _.A.are the most nutritious foodB.can be included in a healthy dietC

21、.have no effect on blood cholesterolD.are forbidden to be eaten in the UK11. We can infer from the text that _.A.stomach enzymes mixed with eggs can cure heart diseasesB.drugs to lower blood pressure will be replaced by eating eggsC.most Britons agree the three-egg-a-week limit should be droppedD.ab

22、out 50% of Britons think eating an egg a day is bad for their health12. The text is meant introduce a medicine made from introduce scientific findings about tell people how to lower their blood advise people to eat as many eggs as possibleDA long-term American s

23、tudy shows the importance of early education for poor children. The study is known as the Abecedarian Project. It involved more than one-hundred young children from poor families in North Carolina.Half of the children attended an all-day program at a high-quality child-care center. The center offere

24、d educational, health and social programs. Children took part in games and activities to increase their thinking and language skills and social and emotional development. The program also included health foods for the children.The children attended the program from when they were a few weeks old unt

25、il the age of five years. The other group of children did not attend the child-care center. After the age of five, both groups attended public school.Researchers pared the two groups of children. When they were babies, both groups had similar results in tests for mental and physical skills. However,

26、 from the age of eighteen months, the children in the educational child-care program did much better in tests.The researchers tested the children again when they were twelve and fifteen years old. The tests found that the children who had been in the child-care center continued to have higher averag

27、e test results. These children did much better on tests of reading and mathematics.A few years ago, organizers of the Abecedarian Project tested the students again. At the time, each student was twenty-one years old. They were tested for thinking and educational ability, employment, parenting and so

28、cial skills. The researchers found that the young adults who had the early education still did better in reading and mathematics tests. They were more than two times as likely to be attending college or to have pleted college. In addition, the children who received early education were older on aver

29、age, when their first child was born.The study offers more evidence that learning during the first months and years of life is important for all later development.The researchers of the Abecedarian Project believe their study shows a need for lawmakers to spend money on public early education. They

30、believe these kinds of programs could reduce the number of children who do not plete school and are unemployed.13. The Abecedarian Project has lasted _.A.almost one yearB.about five yearsC.more than 20 more than 15 years14. Those who had been in the child-care center _ pared with those who

31、 hadnt.A.have their children at later agesB.get more help from other peopleC.have no parenting or social skills D.are poorer at reading and mathematics15. What dont we know about the Abecedarian Project after reading the text?A.What the children learned at the child-care center.B.How important early

32、 education is for poor children.C.How many children are involved in the Abecedarian Project.D.Whether lawmakers will spend money on public early education.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 When people have a choice of whom to work with, likability can sometimes matter a little bit; more than ability, said Tiziana Casciaro, an

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