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1、新概念英语青少版StarterAUnit6Lesson1Thisismyfamily教学设计新概念英语青少版(Starter A)Unit 6 Lesson 1 This is my family 教学设计一、整体设计思路、指导依据说明 本课的语法知识点是用This is my来介绍自己的家人与朋友。在设计本课时,我围绕着语法的导入-呈现-操练-巩固-观察-发现-归纳-运用这个基本模式进行设计。首先让学生在“歌中学”,通过歌曲让学生在歌曲中初步感受语法知识点。然后呈现课文对话动画视频,让学生观看动画时找出Flora介绍家人和朋友的句子,让学生在真实的语境中感受“This is my”的意义,让

2、学生在“境中学”。同时,呈现语法知识时,通过直观的表格设计,让学生在“表格中学”,最后围绕着大任务,设计丰富多彩的操练活动,让学生“在做中学”。二、教学背景分析1教学内容分析:本课的语法知识点是This is my,话题主要内容是Flora向Robert介绍自己的家人,并向家人介绍自己的朋友。本课的新授词汇是:mum, dad, family, brother, sister, friend。2学生情况分析:本课的授课对象是三年级的学生,他们刚学习英语一个多月,他们活泼、好动、对英语学习有浓厚的兴趣。作为起始年级,这是他们第一次接触到语法知识点。三、教学目标分析1语言知识目标:(1)能听懂,会

3、说,能认读单词mum, dad, family, brother, sister, friend(2) 能听懂,会说,能认读句子This is my family.This is my mum and dad.This is my brother and sister. This is my friend, Robert. This is my dog, Dan.(3)学生能够听懂,会说,以较好的语音语调朗读句型和对话;2.语言技能目标:(1)学生能够运用所学的句型介绍自己的家人或朋友; 3.学习策略目标:(1)让学生学会积极合作,共同完成任务;(2)学生能够根据例句,寻找共同的语法现象,发现

4、其中的语法规则。4.情感态度目标:(1)让学生学会团结合作,培养学生的合作精神;(2)培养学生学习英语的兴趣,增加学生学习英语的自信心;(3)学生能够懂得感恩,爱自己的父母,爱自己的朋友。 5.语法项目目标:学生能够用This is my介绍自己的家人与朋友。四、教学重点、难点分析1教学重点:(1)词汇:mum, dad, family, brother, sister, friend(2)句型:This is my family. This is my mum and dad. This is my brother and sister. This is my friend, Robert.

5、 This is my dog, Dan. 2教学难点:学生能够运用句型This is my介绍自己的家人与朋友。五、教学过程设计I. Pre-task activities:Step 1 : Sing a song:family song.【设计意图】通过唱唱、跳跳,营造轻松、愉快的学习气氛,让学生以愉快的心情进入新课的学习,并通过歌曲,让学生初步感知This is my的语法知识点。Step2:Discover the grammar in the lyrics.T: Look, whats the song about?Ss: Answer.T: Right. Its about fam

6、ily. Read after me.Ss: Read.T: Look carefully, whats the common thing in these sentences?这几句歌词都是以什么开头的啊?Ss: Answer.T: Yes, this is Read after me, this isSs: Read.【设计意图】英文歌曲中的歌词与本课的语法项目目标相关,通过歌曲突出相关的语法项目,能为单调的语法教学注入新鲜的血液,并且可以让学生在欢快的歌曲中初步感知This is my的语法知识点。II. While-task activities:Step1: Lead in and

7、task-giving:T: Yes, this is the family. And this is my friend, Flora. Do you know friend?Ss: Answer.T: Read after me, f/f/, friend, friend.Ss: Read.T: This is my friend.Ss: Read.T: This is my friend, Shaoqi. This is my friend, Jingwen. Can you introduce your friend to me?Ss: Do it.T: This is my frie

8、nd, Flora. Today she wants to introduce her family to us, so today well learn unit 6 lesson 1 This is my family. Read after me.Ss: Read.T: Later, well have a modern family competition.我们将举行“摩登家族”选拔赛,我们将选出最摩登、最潮的家庭。【设计意图】呈现新课简单、明了,迅速进入主题,引出本课的标题和学习任务:进行“摩登家庭”的选拔,选出班级最摩登、最潮的家庭。该任务符合学生的真实生活,又能激发学生学习的兴趣

9、。任务的提出让学生在任务的驱动下学习,这符合“任务型语言教学途径”的宗旨。Step2: Watch the video and find the grammar: This is myT:Flora wants to introduce her family and friend to us, but how does she introduce? 今天Flora想把她的家人以及朋友介绍给所有的小朋友,她是怎么介绍的呢?Lets listen and try to answer this question.Ss: Watch.【设计意图】通过听,让学生初步感知文本,进行语篇的整体输入,让学生的

10、语境中寻找本课的语法项目。Step3: Listen and underline the grammar: This is myT: Did you find the answer? Lets listen again. This time, open your book, turn to P32, listen and underline the sentences.边听边划出Flora介绍家人和朋友的句子。Ss: Do it.【设计意图】第二遍,采用听的方式,让学生边听,边划出This is my的句型,在听与看中呈现语法项目。Step4:Practise new words:1. Loo

11、k and say quickly.T: Now look and say the words quickly.Ss: Do it.2. Listen and pat.T: This time, listen and pat. Who will try? You, please. And you please.Ss: Do it.T: Well done.3. Whats missing?T: Now look carefully, whats missing?(词卡移旁边)Ss: Answer.【设计意图】本课的新词较多,尤其是brother, friend, family这三个单词是学生学

12、习的难点,通过机械操练活动,帮助学生掌握本课的新词。Step5:Practise the grammar: This is my.1.Listen and stick the words:T: How does Flora introduce her family and friends? Can you remember? This time, listen and stick the words. Who will try?Ss: Do it.T: And you have to read the whole sentence.(1) This is my family.(2) This

13、is my mum.(3) This is my dad.(4) This is my brother.(5) This is my sister.(6) This is my friend.(7) This is my dog. 2.Whos the lucky guy? 2.jpg 3.Lets chant.T: Good. Now look at the words, lets chant.Miss Yan, first. Family, family, this is my family. Read after me.Ss: Read.T: Next, can you? Lets ch

14、ant together.Family, family, this is my family.Mum, mum, this is my mum.Dad, dad, this is my dad.Brother, brother, this is my brother.Sister, sister, this is my sister.Friend, friend, this is my friend.Dog, dog, this is my dog.【设计意图】通过设置形式多样的活动,让学生在活动中感悟、体验、学习和领会语法知识点。这些活动改变了枯燥、乏味的语法教学模式,使语法教学与听、说训练

15、有机结合,更好地提高学生的综合语言运用能力。Step6: Find the rule and meaning of grammar.T: Look at the column.这几个句子都是以什么开头呢?Ss: Answer.T: Right.他们都是以this is 开头,而我们用This is来做什么?Ss: Answer.T: Good answer.我们用this is来介绍家长或者朋友。(板书如下:Unit 6 Lesson 1 This is my family.This is myfamilyThis is mymumdadbrothersisterfrienddog 【设计意图

16、】采用表格的形式设计板书,直观的表格能够有助于学生发现语法的形,同时教师引导学生观察,发现语法的形式,最终总结出语法的含义。Step7: Repeat the dialogue.T: Clever children. Now lets get to know Floras family. Show me your finger, listen, point and read. Ss: Do it.T: This time, lets read and act together.Ss: Do it.【设计意图】通过听音模仿,培养学生良好的语言面貌以及良好的语音语调。III. Post-task

17、activities:Step1: Introduce Floras family.T: OK. Now modern family competition begins. Flora wants to take part in, too. Flora也想参加“摩登家庭”的比赛,so she draws a picture. If youre Flora, can you introduce your family?如果你是Flora,你能介绍你的家人吗?Ms Yan first. Look, this is my family. This is my dad. Cool. This is m

18、y mum, beautiful! Can you? Now discuss and introduce Floras family together. Try to use more sentences.介绍得越多越棒哦!Ss: Do it. 【设计意图】通过该活动,将机械的操练转为意义操练,同时充分激发学生的知识储备,让学生运用本课的句型介绍Flora的家人。Step 2: Step2: Introduce Maxs family.T: Max wants to take part in the competition ,too. Look. This is his family. Loo

19、k at his dad, what do you think? Ss: Answer.T: Yes. This is my dad. Cool! What about his mum/brother/sister? If youre Max, discuss with your partner, try to introduce them.试着用cool, beautiful, tall, short等形容词来形容他们的外貌哦!T: Good. So is his family modern?Ss: Answer.T: Right. Lets introduce together. Look

20、, this is my family. This is my mum. Beautiful. This is my brother. Good! This is my sister. Pretty! I love my family. 【设计意图】在感受和学习语法点之后,我再次创设具有交际意义的语境,让学生在有意义的语境中运用本课的语法知识点,再次实践和体验语法点。Step3: T Modern family competition: Introduce your family.T: What about your family? Do you want to take part in th

21、e competition? Take out your pictures, 4 students as a group, try to introduce your family in your group, and choose the most modern family in your group.四人小组小朋友先P.K.,先选出小组里面的摩登家庭参加班级的终极PK,OK? You can introduce like this. Now do it.Ss: Do it.T: Whos the winner in your group? Hands up!T: Who wants to

22、 take part in the final competition?谁想参加终极PK?OK, you please.T: Is his family modern? Yes or no?Ss: Answer.(The rest, Ditto.)T: Look at these family, whos the winner today?Ss: Answer.T: Congratulations!【设计意图】设计两次巩固性操练后,我引导学生运用本课的语法知识点完成本课的大任务,在完成任务的过程中运用语法点。Step4: Summary.T: Now children, what did we

23、 learn today?Ss: Answer.T: Yes, we learnd to use “This is”to introduce our family and friends.【设计意图】本人以学习归纳法为依据,学生经过一系列的活动和操练后,本人引导学生对本课的语法知识进行归纳和总结,提升本课的语法知识,让学生内化本课所学的语法知识,促进学生更深刻地理解语法结构以及语法含义。六、教学评价设计1评价内容:对学生的课堂表现进行评价。2评价方法:采用小组竞赛的方式。七、教学反思1 反思教学:本节课我围绕着“语法点”设计教学活动,以大任务为主线,层层设计教学活动,让学生在活动中感受语法,体

24、验语法和学习语法。在导入语法时,我采用“歌中学”的方式,在呈现语法时,我采用“境中学”的方式,让学生在真实的课文语境中感知语法点。在操练语法时,我设置形式多样的活动,让学生在“做中学”,在参与活动的过程中感知、体验与学习语法知识。同时设置情境,让学生在真实的情境中巩固与运用语法知识点。在归纳语法知识点时,我让学生在“表格中学”,通过表格,引导学生观察,让学生自己归纳、总结出这个句型的语法形式,由此自然地让学生理解这个语法点的功能。但是本节课我并没有很好地突破语法的意义,对于本课的语法含义,我并没有引导学生在观察、归纳后自己总结出This is my的语法含义,而是直接告知学生。2反思学生: 本节课学生参与活动的积极性高,大部分学生都乐于参与,并能够在参与的过程中体验成功的快乐,增加了学生学习英语的自信心。但是在意义操练时,有的学生课外知识储备有限,又担心出错,后期的意义操练表现略显拘谨。3反思教师:教师在意义操练环节,不断地激发学生的知识储备,让学生在本节课中学到的不仅仅是几个单词和句子,丰富了学生的语言输出,但是由于学生的课外知识储备参差不齐,有的课外知识有限的学生到后面的意义操练略显羞涩,教师应多鼓励,让这些学生也能够积极运用本课所学的句型进行表述,让班级的每个同学都参与到课堂活动中。

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