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1、东营中考英语试题开考前秘密试卷类型 A二一八年东营市初中学业水平考试英语试题(总分 120 分 考试时间 120分钟)注意事项:1本试题分第I卷和第n卷两部分。第I卷为选择题,65分;第n卷为非选择题,55分; 共 120 分。2答题前请务必将姓名、准考证号和座号填写在试卷和答题卡相应位置上 ,考试结束后,试卷和答题卡一并收回。3答题前请务必认真阅读答题卡上的注意事项, 试题答案必须填涂或填写在答题卡上相应位置。4听力填表题为第n卷的第四大题。第I卷(选择题,共65分)一、听力选择(共 15小题,计 15 分;每小题约有 8秒钟的答题时间)(一)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后从每小题

2、A、B、C中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。6.When can people go to the bookshop?A.At any time.B.After 8:30 in the morning.C.Before 9:00 in the evening.7.Why did Jane cry?A.Because her dad woke her up.B.Because a wolf ran after her.C.Because she had a terrible dream.8.What s the relationship between the two speakers?A.

3、Husband and wife. B.Teacher and student. C. Brother and sister.9.What wasn t the msatnisfied (满意的) with Dongying?A.The people.B.The environment.C.The public transportation service.10.What size shoes will the man take?A.Small size. B. Large size. C. Size 10.(三)录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题 A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答

4、案。(录音播放前你有 30秒钟的读题时间)Notes: barbershop ?b ab?cp n.理发店 haircut ?h Ft? ?kn.理发11.What are they talking about?A.The homeless men. B. Mr. Jones barbershopC. Mr. Jones gdoeoeds (事迹 ).12.When did he begin to help the homeless men?A.In January, 2017. B. In the autumn of 2017. C. In November, 2017.13.What di

5、d Mr. Jones do for the homeless people?A.He offered free haircuts and told them stories.B.He talked about them and listened to their stories.C.He offered free haircuts and gave some useful advice to them.14.Did all the homeless people accept his offer at last?A.Yes, they did.B.No, but most of them a

6、ccepted it.C.No, only a few of them accepted it.15.Where did Mr. Jones cut the hair for the homeless men?A.On the street.B.In his barbershop.C.First on the street, then in the barbershop.(注意:请同学们翻到第 n卷第四大题,继续做听力填表题。)二、单项选择 (共 20 小题,计 20 分)从每小题A、B、C、D中选出一个能填入句中空白处的最佳答案。16.According to rule made in 20

7、17, some kinds of dogs mustn t be kept since Mayst,12018 in Dongyin g.A.a B. an C. the D. /17.- do you like the Double Eleven Shopping Festival?-I don khliit because my mother often buys a lot of things we don t needA.How B. Why C. When D. Where18.There six coun tries in SCO(上合组织 )at first, but now

8、the nu mber has in creased to eight.A. is B. are C. were D. will be19.- Let s see what food you ve got for dinner.-Look, we have mutt on, fish, eggs, tomatoes and .A. milk B. bread C. coffee D. juice20.The Chinese Skyeye and High-speed Train interest people a lot because of them areleadi ng the worl

9、d in scie nee and tech no logy.A. both B. each C. either D. neither21.The 119 passengers are Liu Chuanjian. Without him, they would probably have lost theirlives.A. hard on B. tha nkful to C. frie ndly to D. resp on sible for22.- I ve tried hard at yrschoolwork but still .-Don t be upset. Sometimes

10、losing is only a sign that you really tried.A. failed B. worried C. improved D. succeeded23.- What s the English word for the Chinese food jiaozi?-You can say “ jiaozi ” s.beba added to the Oxford English Dictionary.A. just B. even C. still D. hardly24.- Hi, Li Mei. How is your new school?-Fan tasti

11、c. We can choose the courses accord ing to our . I love operas, so I took the BeijingOpera class.A. grades B. tale nts C. in terests D. experie nces25.-What a mess! The shari ng bikes are throw n everywhere.-Let s collect and put them in the right place they can be used conveniently.A. uni ess B. so

12、 that C. because D. so long as26.- The government is trying to protect the environment now.-Yeah. It is reported that some factories will be soon.A. set up B. shut off C. give n up D. tur ned off27.Because it might encourage teenagers to try smoking, Sina Weibo the “ smoking ” iemoj28.We asked 1,000

13、 stude nts from Hope Middle School about what kind of books they love. Here29.-God! Let do something to stop that happening.Doctor: Well, I ca n do itA.quietly B. more slowly C. less carefully D. as quickly as I can31.-t is said that childre n in South Korea have to hike and walk through mountains a

14、t ni ght their military (军事的)training.A. afterB. sinceC. duri ngD. before-Really? So their training is much harder than ours.32.-An American boy made a wheelchair for his wounded goldfish.-Well done! Animals deserve (应该得至U ) love and good as humans.A. life B. cha nee C. luck D. en vir onment33.-Good

15、 news! You ve passed the PE test.-Hooray! , I am worrying about it.A. All in all B. To be hon est C. Without doubt D. In my opi nion34.- Do you love the poems by Li Qin gzhao?-Yes, a little. But I prefer those by Du Fu because can cheer me up.A. it B. he C. she D. they35.- Look, how won derful this

16、paper-cutt ing is !-So it is. Paper cutting is a/an Chinese art with a long history.A. com mon B. moder n C. importa nt D. traditi onal三、阅读理解(共 20小题,计30分)阅读下列短文,然后从每小题 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所 给句子的最佳答案。A long vacation is coming after the exam. What s youFplan? Studying? Relaxing? Or doingvolun teer

17、 work? Here are two ads. Maybe they are useful for you.15-Day American Study TourExperie nee America n life and cultureMust:Take classes with America n stude nts or join their clubs.Join in host family activities around the city.% Visit the universities.Total fees: $3,000Optional(自愿选择的): % Go sights

18、eeing(观光)1. Go to Dis neyla nd$1192. Visit Un iversal Studios Hollywood% Watch American High School Basketball Tournament Free% Go to Akon s concertTime: July 16 th- July 30thCall Ms Yin at (035) 828-3326.$98$126Volunteers WantedAge requiredJobsTimeAged 8-11Helpers at (he old people s homeJun, I3,!i

19、-Aub. 2PHelpers to raise booksJuly 6Q-Aug. 30thTraxispomtion assistantsJuly Slb-Aug.炉Cleaners at the parkJuly 卯Au目 21Environ menial guardsAu. 6*-Aug. 26*Aged 2-1BLibrary皿“灯期硕團书裁理 山July 8lfc-Aug. 1 护Guides ar the luspitalJuly li- Aug 20thint. rprvters (Ifl . t)1br JnlcnialionalAgricuhurijl PnnlLLCls

20、LxliihilkinAug. 2-Aug. 6thEnviron mental guardsAug. 6-Aug. 26:h/ | lot Lhe English SpeechAug. 7J,-Aug. 81hAsk Miss Wu for more information at (035) 272-220736.Lucy has $3100. After paying for the study tour, which two optional activities can she choose?A.To visit Disneyland and go to Akon s concertB

21、.To visit Universal Studios Hollywood and go to Akon s concertC.To visit Disneyland and watch American High School Basketball TournamentD.To visit Universal Studios Hollywood and watch American High School Basketball Tournament37.Which of the following volunteer work lasts( 持续 ) the longest ?A.Helpe

22、rs to raise booksB.Transportation assistantsC.Cleaners at the parkD.Library assistants38.Andy is 8 and his sister Mary is 15, and they want to do the same volunteer work at the same time. Which one can they choose?A.Cleaners at the park. B. Environmental guards.C.Helpers at the old people s home. D.

23、 Guides at the hospital.39.Tom wants to practice his English and he is free from July 15th to August 7th. Which two activities can he choose?A. American Study tour, to be a judge for the English speechB.To be a library assistant, to be an interpreter for Agricultural Products ExhibitionC.American St

24、udy tour, to be an interpreter for Agricultural Products ExhibitionD.To be a judge for the English speech , to be a guide at the hospital.40.Which is NOT TRUE about the American Study Tour?A. You can study with American childrenB.Your host family may take you to some places around the cityC.If you l

25、ike, you can watch American High School Basketball Tournament.D.You have a chance to visit AkonB“ You have saved my horse, ” Queen Olivia told the young boy standing before her. “ N shall get a gift for what you did. ” Peter nervously ran his fingers through hisThbarot wdanyhair.when he was working

26、in the field, the shocked horse ran past him. Without thinking, he rushed out and controlled it. He didn itwat skntohew Queen hosrse and never expected to get a gift. But hestill felt happy for getting one.Two of the queen sappeared. One carried a mirror. Red jewels(珠宝)shone on top of themirror s s

27、i lvfrear me (框架 ). The other carried a wooden cage with a chicken inside it.“Only one gift can be yours, ” the queen said. “Choose wisely. ” “That s easy, ” Ptake the chicken. ” Some of the queen s men laughed. It was clear that they thought he had made a foolish choice.“ And why did you choose the

28、 chicken? ” the queen asked. “ Well, I don t know much aboijewels, ” Peter answered. “ But I do know about chickens. The chickenrovldp eggs for myfamily for a long while. ”Quee n Olivia smiled. “ The n you did make a wise choice, ” she said. “ That mirror may lookbeautiful. But the jewels you see ar

29、e only colored glass, and the frame is pain ted silver. The chicke n is much more valuabl e. ” Peter took the chicken and bowed. “ Thank you, your majesty. ”“ You are a smart child, ” the quee n added. I could use a smart boy to help take care of myhorses. Would you like to take the job? ” Peter smi

30、led. “ Thank you very much! ” he said excitjob at the castle paid well. Now his family wouldn t worry about -ialirtfeodu3nyhmorewas kind to help others and smart eno ugh to make the right choice!41.The Quee n gave Peter a gift because A. he saved her horse B. he was smartC.she liked him D. he was po

31、or42.Peter decided to choose the .A. jewels B. mirror C. chicke n D. silver frame43.From Para.3-5, we can know that was difficult for Peter to make the choiceB.all the men thought Pe ter s decision was rightC.Peter thought the chicke n would be useful to his familyD.Peter knew the jewels weren t real before he made the choice44.The right order of Peter isf s story.a.Peter got a well-paid job.b.Peter chose the gift wisely.c.Peter

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