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1、广州市牛津版七年级英语上册课文内容填写2019年广州市七年级英语上册-课文内容语法填空Unit 1(A)Hello even加油ryone. _(欢迎来到)my n加油blog.My name is Anna. Imn加油 from_(German). Ilive _myn加油 family in a house_(靠近)some mon加油untains. My mum is_n加油_Art teacher. My dad is a doctn加油or. I havean_(old)sin加油ster.Every day, I go to schoolby n加油school bus. My

2、 favorite subjectsare Matn加油hs , Art and _(科学).n加油 I like my school because the n加油teachers are all very _(friend)n加油. My dreamis to_n加油_(成为一名工程师).I ln加油ike many sports. Im good at _n加油_(swim).(B)Hi! I n加油saw your blog_n加油_(在网上).My school_n加油_(远离)our home. I go to school n加油by bus. My favorite subje

3、ct is Mathsn加油. I like my school and I havn加油e lots of friends there.I like flyingn加油 kites in _(空闲时间).n加油I hope to _n加油_(收到来信)you soon.Unit 2(A)n加油I am_n加油_(一名初中生). I love going to sn加油chool.I always go ton加油 school on foot. Classes_(sn加油tart)at 8 a.m., and I am n加油seldom_(late).n加油 My favoritesubj

4、ectis n加油Geography. I enjoy_n加油_(了解)different _(place)in then加油 world.When the bell _n加油_(ring), I run to the playgrounn加油d with my best friends Tomn加油 and Jack. We often play games. Break _n加油_(end)at 10:10 a.m. _n加油_short it is!Lunch is fn加油rom 11:50 a.m. _n加油_ 12:30p.m. Afternoon classes en加油nd _

5、3:30 p.m. Then Tomn加油, Jack and I_n加油_(参加)the school band practice .(n加油B)My mother_(tn加油each)English.My mothen加油r gets upat 6 oclock n加油every day and _(have)breakfn加油ast at 6:30 a.m. She always _n加油_(arrive)at school at n加油7:25 a.m. She usually has two _n加油_(lesson)in the mornin加油ng. In the afterno

6、on, she has one lesn加油son. After school, shn加油e plays volleyballvlbln加油排球_her students.In the evenn加油ing, she cooks dinner. n加油After dinner, she _(prepare)hen加油r lessons. She sometimes heln加油ps me _my homn加油ework. She usually goes to bed at 11n加油 p.m.Unit 3课文(A)_Earthin加油s a beautiful place.There ar

7、e foren加油stsand rivers, mountains and fieln加油ds Some places are very n加油hot, and some are very cold.Then加油re are many different plan加油nts. Some are large. Some an加油re small. All plants need_n加油_(光和水). There are dn加油ifferent animals_Earn加油th too. Some live_n加油_(在陆地上). Some fly in the n加油sky. Some liv

8、e_(n加油在水下).The Earth_n加油_(给我们提供空气,水和食n加油物).Today, there is a ln加油ot of_(pollun加油te).We must stop_(dn加油o)these things._n加油_(对我们来说保护地球是重要的)for our futn加油ure.Unit 4课文(A)In spring, the n加油weather starts to_n加油_(变得温暖). The wind_n加油_(轻轻地吹). It oftn加油en_(下雨). Plants start to n加油grow. Everything turns green

9、. In加油t is exciting to_n加油_(旅行)in spring.The wn加油eather is hot in summer. The sun_n加油_(明亮地照耀). Many people n加油like to go to the beach andn加油 swim in the sea. It is nice to_n加油_(吃冰淇淋)in the hot weather.In n加油autumn, everything_n加油_(变化). Leaves turn brown, ren加油d or yellow and start_n加油_(从树上落下来). It i

10、s nice to gn加油o on a picnic_thisn加油 time of year because the weather is con加油ol and dry.Winter n加油is often cold and_(snow). Chiln加油dren love winter because they ln加油ove to_(在雪里n加油玩). It is interesting to make_n加油(snowman). People usually spen加油nd time_their relativen加油s during the_n加油_(春节).(B)_n加油_(

11、在中国的北部), it is very cold n加油and dry in winter. Thn加油ere is sometimes heavy snow. n加油Summer is different. It n加油is sometimes very hot dun加油ring the day, but it is often加油n cool in the evening. Sprinn加油g and autumn are the_n加油_(nice)seasons.The weatn加油her in the middle and east of China n加油is quite di

12、fferent. It is hon加油t and dry in summer and_n加油_(在冬天非常冷和潮湿).In the sn加油outh of China, winter is usually shn加油ort and cool._n加油_(有时下雨). In summer,n加油 the weather is often hot and wen加油t.The weather_n加油_(在中国的西南部)isn加油 very special._n加油_(住在那儿很舒服)because sun加油mmer is cool and winter is warm.n加油Unit 5(A)

13、Im so hapn加油py! Tomorrow Ill be one ofn加油 the first students to_n加油_(进入太空)._n加油_(飞船将在上n加油午9时离开地球).Itll take us to the Mn加油oon._(我等不及了)n加油!The Moon is around380,n加油000 kilometers from the Earn加油th, so itll_n加油_(花费我们大约四天)to get there. Theren加油s no_(重力)in space, sn加油o well be able to_n加油_(漂浮)around the

14、 spacen加油ship._n加油_(我们要把自己绑在我们的床上),n加油so thatwe wont float awayin oun加油r sleep!_(n加油没有重力), our bodies mayn加油_(变得虚弱), so well haven加油 to do_(exercisen加油)every day.When we arrive,_n加油_(我将在月球n加油上行走). Ill have to wear a spacesuin加油tto_n加油_(帮助我呼吸)because theres no air on加油n the Moon. Im going to_n加油_(尽可能

15、多地拍些照片),_n加油_(也就是说), if my camera still_n加油_(work)up there.(B)_n加油_(此时), there an加油re no hotels on the Moon. Bn加油ut all this will changn加油e._n加油_(如果我们能够解决一些问题), we will be able n加油to build hotels there in the n加油future.The Moon is very cold, so thn加油e hotels will have to be wn加油arm. They will also n

16、eed_n加油_(大量的)air so thatn加油people there can brean加油the.The hotels on the Moon wn加油ill have rooms with big windows so than加油t you can see the Earth. You will be an加油ble to swim in the hotel_n加油_(在游泳池)and see all the stn加油ars around you. But you shn加油ould not get too excited. A trip to the n加油Moon月球之旅

17、will_n加油_(花费)a lot of money!n加油Unit 6(A)Shanghai is one n加油of the largest cities in then加油 world. If you like_(观光), yon加油u will love it!Pen加油oples Square is_n加油_(在上海的市n加油中心). It is a large_n加油_(公共区域)win加油th green grass,_(fountainn加油)and birds. If you visit Peoplen加油s Square, you can also sn加油ee famo

18、us buildings around it, such_n加油_the Shanghai GrandThen加油aterand the Shanghai Museum.The Bund n加油is where old Shanghai_n加油_(meet)new Shanghai._you walk an加油long the Bund, you will see many oldn加油 buildings.The Pudong New Area, just n加油across the Huangpu Riven加油r,_(have)many_(现代建n加油筑). At night, thes

19、e tall buildingn加油s_(照亮天空)n加油in every_(方向).Yu Garden is an加油_(传统的)garden._n加油_(如果你喜欢历史和自然美景), you wiln加油l love this garden. There an加油re many beautiful buildings, bridgesn加油and ponds . You can alson加油 buy different_(小吃)just outsn加油ide the garden.(B)You can visit n加油the LowlandGardens to see somn加油e

20、animals, or_(鸟瞰)n加油of the whole park by riding in a_n加油_(缆车).At the OceanThen加油ater,you can watch_n加油_(n加油海豚表演).There are over 900 Won加油rld Heritage Sites arn加油ound the world. They an加油re natural or_(人造的)pn加油laces.China has the thirn加油d most heritage sites in the won加油rld after_(意大利)andn加油_(西班牙). Yo

21、u can find_n加油_(清单)the sites onn加油 the Internet.Unit 7(A)Lin加油nda and Leo are new students at Rn加油osie Bridge School. Last month, theyn加油_(attend)thn加油e Clubs Fair.First, Linda andn加油 Leo_(learn)abouttn加油he Rocket Club.He tookn加油 a rocket and_n加油_(launch)it.Therocket_n加油_(消失)into the sky. Linda and

22、Leo were ven加油ry surprised.“We make wonderful mn加油achines. They only usn加油e_(太阳能).n加油 She took a toy car from then加油 table and then_(n加油use)a remotecontrol to driven加油 it all around the playn加油ground.教师范读的是阅读教学中不可缺少的部分,我常采用范读,让幼n加油儿学习、模仿。如领读,我读一句,让幼儿读一句,边读边记;第n加油二通读,我大声读,我大声读,幼儿小声读,边学边n加油仿;第三赏读,我借用录

23、好配朗读磁带,一边放录音,一边幼儿反复倾听,在反n加油复倾听中体验、品味。“It uses power n加油from the Sun,” said Linda. “Thatsn加油_(令人惊异的)!”(B)Lan加油st Sunday, my friends and I_n加油_(去冒险)witn加油h the Hiking Club._n加油_(前一天晚上), I was so exciten加油d_I could notn加油 sleep! I got up really earlyn加油_Sunday morning.n加油 After breakfast, I_(n加油pack)my

24、 lunch and left home quicn加油kly. I_(匆忙赶到学校)n加油and met other students ann加油d Mr. Li, our trip leaden加油r. When we were all thern加油e, we_(动身去)Ln加油ucky Island. (C)Many children n加油in the USA and Canada go to_n加油_(夏令营). Many summern加油 camps_(发生)inn加油 the countryside.Young children usualln加油y join day cam

25、ps. They go back home an加油fter_(spend)a fen加油w hours at camp. Older childrn加油en may spend a few nights away from hn加油ome. They can make nn加油ew friends and_n加油_(学习有用的技能)at camp.There are an加油lso summer camps in China. Some summern加油 camps are for_n加油_(留学生). Many of them likn加油e to learn about_n加油_(中国

26、文化).Unit 8(A)_n加油_n加油_(Sam和Helen的爷爷奶奶)collectn加油 almost everything. There are eight doon加油rbells on their front door!Then加油 children_n加油_(跟着她进入客厅)and san加油w lots of toys there. _n加油_(几乎没有任何空间)for tn加油he children to sit down.“_n加油_(这些玩具是谁的)?” askn加油ed Helen.“They are_(we),” n加油said Grandma. “We both ln加油ike collecting toys.”“But remembern加油,” said Grandpa, “we have a lot ofn加油 _(空闲时间)! _n加油_(n加油你们有很多功课要做)so you shouldnt spend too n加油much time _(collen加油ct)things!”(B)_n加油_(Daniel是第一个演讲的n加油学生). He showed his classmate_

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