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本文(美国总统奥巴马在俄罗斯新经济学院毕业典礼上的演讲.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、美国总统奥巴马在俄罗斯新经济学院毕业典礼上的演讲美国总统奥巴马在俄罗斯新经济学院毕业典礼上的演讲Gostinny Dvor 会展中心俄罗斯,莫斯科2009年7月7日Thank you so much. Well, congratulations, Oxana. And to the entire Class of 2009, congratulations to you. I dont know if anybody else will meet their future wife or husband in class like I did, but Im sure that youre a

2、ll going to have wonderful careers.多谢大家。祝贺你,奥科萨纳(Oxana)。2009届全体同学,祝贺你们。我不知道是否还有其他人像我一样在同窗读书时遇到未来的妻子或丈夫,不过我肯定你们都会有美好的前途。I want to acknowledge a few people who are here. We have President Mikhail Gorbachev is here today, and I want everybody to give him a big round of applause. (Applause.) I want to t

3、hank Sergei Gurief, Director of the New Economic School. (Applause.) Max Boiko, their Chairman of the Board. (Applause.) And Arkady Dvorkovich, who is the NES board member, President of the Alumni Association and is doing an excellent job for President Medvedev, because he was in our meeting yesterd

4、ay. (Applause.)我希望向在场的几位致谢。莅会的有米哈伊尔戈尔巴乔夫(Mikhail Gorbachev)总统,我希望大家给予他热烈的掌声。(掌声) 我感谢新经济学院院长谢尔盖古里埃夫(Sergei Gurief)。(掌声) 学院董事会主席马克斯博伊科(Max Boiko) 。 (掌声) 学院董事会成员兼校友会会长阿尔卡季德沃科维奇(Arkady Dvorkovich),他正以出色的表现为梅德韦杰夫(Medvedev)总统工作,他昨天还出席了我们的会谈。(掌声)Good morning. It is a great honor for me to join you at the N

5、ew Economic School. Michelle and I are so pleased to be in Moscow. And as somebody who was born in Hawaii, Im glad to be here in July instead of January. (Laughter and applause.)早上好。我非常荣幸能参加新经济学院的这次活动。米歇尔和我来到莫斯科,感到十分高兴。作为出生在夏威夷的人,我感到高兴的是能在7月而不是1月份来到这里。(笑声和掌声) I know that NES is a young school, but I

6、 speak to you today with deep respect for Russias timeless heritage. Russian writers have helped us understand the complexity of the human experience, and recognize eternal truths. Russian painters, composers, and dancers have introduced us to new forms of beauty. Russian scientists have cured disea

7、se, sought new frontiers of progress, and helped us go to space.我知道,新经济学院是一个年轻的院校,但今天我心怀对俄罗斯不朽的传统的高度敬重之情对你们发表讲话。俄罗斯作家帮助我们了解人生的纷繁复杂,认识到永恒的真理。俄罗斯画家、作曲家和舞蹈家使我们领略到了美的新形式。俄罗斯科学家治愈了疾病,开拓了新的发展领域,帮助人们飞向太空。These are contributions that are not contained by Russias borders, as vast as those borders are. Indeed

8、, Russias heritage has touched every corner of the world, and speaks to the humanity that we share. That includes my own country, which has been blessed with Russian immigrants for decades; weve been enriched by Russian culture, and enhanced by Russian cooperation. And as a resident of Washington, D

9、.C., I continue to benefit from the contributions of Russians - specifically, from Alexander Ovechkin. Were very pleased to have him in Washington, D.C. (Applause.)尽管俄罗斯幅员辽阔,但这些贡献并未局限在俄罗斯疆界之内。毫无疑问,俄罗斯的传统已传播到世界每一个角落,激发了我们共有的人性。其中也包括我自己的国家,几十年来因俄罗斯移民获益良多;我国获得俄罗斯文化的丰富营养,也因与俄罗斯的合作得到发展。作为首都华盛顿哥伦比亚特区的居民,我

10、继续获得俄罗斯人的贡献带来的惠益特别是因为亚力山大奥韦奇金(Alexander Ovechkin)。他住在华盛顿哥伦比亚特区,我们非常高兴。(掌声)Here at NES, you have inherited this great cultural legacy, but your focus on economics is no less fundamental to the future of humanity. As Pushkin said, Inspiration is needed in geometry just as much as poetry. And today, I

11、want particularly to speak to those of you preparing to graduate. Youre poised to be leaders in academia and industry; in finance and government. But before you move forward, its worth reflecting on what has already taken place during your young lives.在新经济学院,你们继承了这个伟大的文化传统。你们尽管以经济为重点,但对人类的未来也同样至关重要。

12、正如普希金所说,“灵感对于几何学,如同灵感对于诗歌一样必不可少。” 今天,我特别希望对即将毕业的同学说一些话。你们即将成为学术界和工业界的领军人,成为金融界和政界的主力。然而,在你们迈出这一步之前,有必要回顾在你们成长期间发生的历史。Like President Medvedev and myself, youre not old enough to have witnessed the darkest hours of the Cold War, when hydrogen bombs were tested in the atmosphere, and children drilled i

13、n fallout shelters, and we reached the brink of nuclear catastrophe. But you are the last generation born when the world was divided. At that time, the American and Soviet armies were still massed in Europe, trained and ready to fight. The ideological trenches of the last century were roughly in pla

14、ce. Competition in everything from astrophysics to athletics was treated as a zero-sum game. If one person won, then the other person had to lose.如同梅德韦杰夫总统和我一样,你们当时年纪尚幼,未能亲历冷战最黑暗的年代,那时在大气层试爆了氢弹,孩子们进入防空洞参加演习,我们曾经走到核灾难的边缘。你们是全世界壁垒分明的时期出生的最后一代人。当年,美国军队和苏联军队仍在欧洲集结、训练并准备交战。上一个世纪意识形态的壁垒大致依旧。从天体物理学到体育运动,相互

15、间的竞赛往往被视为你死我活的争斗。一方获胜,另一方必失。And then, within a few short years, the world as it was ceased to be. Now, make no mistake: This change did not come from any one nation. The Cold War reached a conclusion because of the actions of many nations over many years, and because the people of Russia and Eastern

16、 Europe stood up and decided that its end would be peaceful.此后短短几年时间,世界不复以往。如今毫无疑问的是:这个变革并非由任何一个单独的国家引发。由于无数国家多少年来采取的行动,由于俄罗斯和东欧人民挺身而出,决心以和平方式告别过去,冷战从此宣告结束。With the end of the Cold War, there were extraordinary expectations - for peace and for prosperity; for new arrangements among nations, and new

17、opportunities for individuals. Like all periods of great change, it was a time of ambitious plans and endless possibilities. But, of course, things dont always work out exactly as planned. Back in 1993, shortly after this school opened, one NES student summed up the difficulty of change when he told

18、 a reporter, and I quote him: The real world is not so rational as on paper. The real world is not so rational as on paper.随着冷战的结束,人们产生种种殷切的期待 希望实现和平与繁荣;建立国家间的新秩序,以及为个人提供新机会。如同所有巨大变革的时期一样,这是一个大展宏图的时代,一个充满无限机会的时代。然而, 任何事物都不可能时时一帆风顺,事事如人心愿。1993年,贵校成立后不久,新经济学院一位学生在接受记者采访时概括了改革的艰难。他说道:“现实的世界并不像书本上那样理性。”

19、现实的世界并不像书本上那样理性。Over two tumultuous decades, that truth has been borne out around the world. Great wealth has been created, but it has not eliminated vast pockets of crushing poverty. Poverty exists here, it exists in the United States, and it exists all around the world. More people have gone to th

20、e ballot box, but too many governments still fail to protect the rights of their people. Ideological struggles have diminished, but theyve been replaced by conflicts over tribe and ethnicity and religion. A human being with a computer can hold the same amount of information stored in the Russian Sta

21、te Library, but that technology can also be used to do great harm.在过去动荡的20年中,这种说法的正确性在全世界得到证实。虽然创造出巨额财富,但它并未消除遍布四方的极度贫困。贫困在这里存在,在美国存在,在全世界存在。有更多的人参加了投票,但仍有太多国家的政府仍旧未能保护本国人民的权利。意识形态的斗争逐渐减少,但代之而起的是部落、种族和宗教冲突。一个拥有电脑的人可以拥有与俄罗斯国家图书馆(Russian State Library)等量的信息,但这种技术也可被用于制造严重伤害。In a new Russia, the disapp

22、earance of old political and economic restrictions after the end of the Soviet Union brought both opportunity and hardship. A few prospered, but many more did not. There were tough times. But the Russian people showed strength and made sacrifices, and you achieved hard-earned progress through a grow

23、ing economy and greater confidence. And despite painful times, many in Eastern Europe and Russia are much better off today than 20 years ago.在新俄罗斯,旧的政治与经济束缚随着苏联的解体而消失,这既带来机遇,也造成困苦。一些人致富了,但更多的人没有。曾有过艰难的时期。但俄罗斯人民显示了坚韧不拔的力量,作出了牺牲,通过经济增长取得了来之不易的进步,并且增强了信心。尽管经历了痛苦,但东欧和俄罗斯很多人的生活比20年前大大改善。We see that progr

24、ess here at NES - a school founded with Western support that is now distinctly Russian; a place of learning and inquiry where the test of an idea is not whether it is Russian or American or European, but whether it works. Above all, we see that progress in all of you - young people with a young cent

25、ury to shape as you see fit.我们在这里在新经济学院,看到了这种进步。这个在西方支持下成立的学院如今具有鲜明的俄罗斯特色,成为从事研究与探索的学府;在这里,检验一个理念的标准不在于它是俄罗斯的、美国的、还是欧洲的,而是看它是否行得通。最重要的是,我们从你们所有人将按自己的意愿去塑造一个年轻世纪的年轻人身上看到这种进步。Your lifetime coincides with this era of transition. But think about the fundamental questions asked when this school was found

26、ed. What kind of future is Russia going to have? What kind of future are Russia and America going to have together? What world order will replace the Cold War? Those questions still dont have clear answers, and so now they must be answered by you - by your generation in Russia, in America, and aroun

27、d the world. You get to decide. And while I cannot answer those questions for you, I can speak plainly about the future that America is seeking.你们恰恰生活在这个转变的时代。想一想在这个学院刚成立时所提出的一些基本问题:俄罗斯将有什么样的未来?俄罗斯和美国将有什么样的共同未来?会有什么样的世界秩序取代冷战?对这些问题仍然没有明确的答案,因此它们必须由你们来回答由在俄罗斯、美国和全世界的你们这一代人来回答。决定将由你们作出。虽然我无法替你们回答这些问题,

28、但我可以明了地谈一谈美国正在寻求的未来。To begin with, let me be clear: America wants a strong, peaceful, and prosperous Russia. This belief is rooted in our respect for the Russian people, and a shared history between our nations that goes beyond competition. Despite our past rivalry, our people were allies in the gre

29、atest struggle of the last century. Recently, I noted this when I was in Normandy - for just as men from Boston and Birmingham risked all that they had to storm those beaches and scale those cliffs, Soviet soldiers from places like Kazan and Kiev endured unimaginable hardships to repeal - to repel a

30、n invasion, and turn the tide in the east. As President John Kennedy said, No nation in history of battle ever suffered more than the Soviet Union in the Second World War.首先,我要清楚表明:美国希望有一个强大、和平和繁荣的俄罗斯。这一信念植根于我们对俄罗斯人民的尊敬以及两国间超越竞争关系的共同历史。尽管两国曾互为对手,但两国人民在上一世纪最伟大的斗争中互为联盟。最近,我在诺曼底(Normandy)时曾指出这一点:如同来自波士

31、顿和伯明翰的战士奋不顾身攻上海滩、登上悬崖一样,来自喀山(Kazan)、基辅(Kiev)等地的苏联士兵忍受了难以想象的艰难困苦,取消了击退了入侵,在东线扭转了局势。诚如约翰?肯尼迪(John Kennedy)总统所说,“在战争史上,任何国家都不曾遭受过苏联在二次世界大战中所遭受的那种苦难。”So as we honor this past, we also recognize the future benefit that will come from a strong and vibrant Russia. Think of the issues that will define your

32、lives: security from nuclear weapons and extremism; access to markets and opportunity; health and the environment; an international system that protects sovereignty and human rights, while promoting stability and prosperity. These challenges demand global partnership, and that partnership will be stronger if Russia occupies its rightful place as a great power.因此,在铭记这一历史的同时,我们也认识到一个强大、富有生机的俄罗斯对未来的有益作用。想一想这些将决定你们生活的问题:不受核武器和极端主义伤害;市场准入和机会;卫生与环境;保护国家主权与人权并促进稳定与繁荣的国际体系。应对这些挑战必须靠全球合作,如果俄罗斯占在它应有的大国位置上,这种合作关系会更为有力。Yet unfortunately, there is sometimes a sense that old assumption

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