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1、GRE句子填空讲义09杜昶旭116GRE句子填空讲义杜昶旭 透过现象看本质 常见的现象 GRE是所有英语考试中最难的! GRE比托福难!考完了GRE再看托福就跟玩儿一样! GRE需要20000单词才行! GRE的句子都不是人话,正常人从来不这么说! TOEFL考的是英语能力,GRE考的是考GRE的能力! 本质究竟如何? ETS对GRE的阐述The GRE General Test contains three sections that assess knowledge that has been acquired and developed over a long time.GRE综合测试包

2、含三个部分,它们所评测的,是考生长期获得和积累的知识。Verbal Reasoning: Assesses the ability to analyze and evaluate written material and synthesize information obtained from it, analyze relationships among component parts of sentences, and recognize relationships between words and concepts. Content is balanced among the huma

3、nities, social sciences and natural sciences.文字推理:评测考生分析和评价文字材料并整合其中所获得的信息的能力,分析句子成分之间的关系的能力,以及理解词与概念之间关系的能力。测试内容涵盖人文科学、社会科学和自然科学。Quantitative Reasoning: Tests basic mathematical skills and understanding of elementary mathematical concepts, as well as the ability to reason quantitatively and solve p

4、roblems in a quantitative setting. Content is balanced among questions requiring arithmetic, algebra, geometry and data analysis.数量推理:测试考生基本的数学技能和对基本数学概念的理解,以及数量推理和定量解决问题的能力。内容涵盖算术、代数、几何和数据分析等问题。Analytical Writing: Tests critical thinking and analytical writing skills, as well as the ability to arti

5、culate and support complex ideas, analyze an argument and sustain a focused and coherent discussion.分析性写作:测试考生独立思考和分析性写作的技能,清晰地阐述和支持复杂观点的能力,以及分析论证过程和进行集中和连贯的讨论的能力。 GRE不是一种“英语考试”,而是“用英语”进行的能力测试(“Test in English”); 对比:TOEFL是一种“英语考试”; 能力:推理、分析、评价、理解、整合、独立思考; 范围:人文科学、社会科学和自然科学; 耐心:GRE考查的是知识的积累而不是短时间掌握的技

6、巧。 缺陷 分数:GRE分数对于申请的意义以及自我设定目标(参见附表) ETS对文字推理部分和句子填空的阐述The verbal ability measure is designed to test the ability to reason with words in solving problems. Reasoning effectively in a verbal medium depends primarily upon the ability to discern, comprehend, and analyze relationships among words or grou

7、ps of words and within larger units of discourse such as sentences and written passages.文字能力的评测通过测试考生在解决问题过程中用单词进行推理的能力来完成。在文字中进行有效推理,主要依赖于辨别、理解和分析词汇、词组、以及更大的语言单位,如句子和文章,之间关系的能力。The purpose of the sentence completion questions is to measure the ability to use the various kinds of cues provided by sy

8、ntax and grammar to recognize the overall meaning of a sentence. In deciding which of five words or sets of words can best be substituted for blank spaces in a sentence, you must analyze the relationships among the component parts of the incomplete sentence. You must consider each answer choice and

9、decide which completes the sentence in such a way that the sentence has a logically satisfying meaning and can be read as a stylistically integrated whole. Sentence completion questions provide a context within which to analyze the function of words as they relate to and combine with one another to

10、form a meaningful unit of discourse. Some approaches that may be helpful in answering sentence completion questions:句子填空题的目的是测试考生根据各种类型的线索来理解整个句子含义的能力,这些线索由句法和语法体现。在选择5个或5组词汇哪一个是替代句子中的空格的最好选择时,你必须分析残缺句子的组成成分之间的关系。你必须考虑每一个选项,并判断哪个选项填入句子后在逻辑上满足含义,并且能够在文字上读起来完整。句子填空题目提供了可用于分析词汇功能的上下文,因为他们互相关联,从而使得这些文字有

11、意义。下列方法对于解答句子填空题也许会有帮助。 Read the entire incomplete sentence carefully before you consider the answer choices. Be sure you understand the ideas expressed and examine the sentence for possible indications of tone (irony, humor, and the like).在选择答案之前,仔细阅读整个残缺的句子。确定你理解了句子表达的思想,并且检查句子中可能存在的语气标志(讽刺,幽默等)。

12、Before reading the answer choices, you may find it helpful to fill in the blanks with a word or words of your own that complete the meaning of the sentence. Then examine the answer choices to see if any of them parallels your own completion of the sentence.在阅读选项前,用你自己的一个或几个单词来填充空格使句子含义完整可能会有帮助。然后,检查

13、选项,看看是否有一些和你自己填充的内容一致。 Pay attention to grammatical clues in the sentence. For example, words like although and nevertheless indicate that some qualification or opposition is taking place in the sentence, whereas moreover implies an intensification or support of some idea in the sentence.关注句子中的语法线索。

14、比如,类似although和nevertheless之类的词汇表明句子中存在某些限制或者反义。相反,moreover则表明句子中存在对某些观点的强调或者支持。 If a sentence has two blanks, be sure that both parts of your answer choice fit logically and stylistically into the sentence.如果句子中有两个空格,确定两个部分的答案都能在逻辑上和文法上与句子契合。 When you have chosen an answer, read the complete sentenc

15、e through to check that it has acquired a logically and stylistically satisfying meaning.选择答案以后,阅读整个句子,检查它是否在逻辑上和文法上满足含义要求。 两个重要关系:词汇之间的关系和句子之间的关系。 词汇之间的关系 句子之间的关系 两个最终要求:逻辑契合和文法契合。 两个重要线索:语法和语气 句子填空题目的感性认知 引子:我们曾经做过的填空题和GRE的句子填空有什么不同? 中文填空题目 单句填空 完型填空 GRE填空题目的特征例1:Melodramas were popular precisely

16、because they offered the audience a world _ of _.(A) berefttheatricality (B) composedadversity (C) fullcircumstantiality (D) deprivedpolarity(E) devoidneutrality例2:Melodramas, which did not present neutral situations, were popular precisely because they offered the audience a world _ of _.(A) bereft

17、theatricality (B) composedadversity (C) fullcircumstantiality (D) deprivedpolarity(E) devoidneutrality例3:Melodramas, which present the stark oppositions between innocence and criminality, virtue and corruption, good and evil, were popular precisely because they offered the audience a world _ of _.(A

18、) berefttheatricality (B) composedadversity(C) fullcircumstantiality (D) deprivedpolarity (E) devoidneutrality1、 GRE不是一种语言考试,而是以测试考生逻辑分析和推理能力为主要目标的能力测试,只不过其测试载体是英语而已;2、 GRE文字推理(Verbal Reasoning)部分的重点在于寻找语言单位之间的关系;3、 GRE句子填空题目的基本设计原则4、 思考:根据上述要求寻找自己的障碍所在。 抓住本质寻方法 语言障碍的消除 词汇认知 单词、词组及固定搭配 词典选择:韦氏大学词典(第

19、11版) 针对填空的重点词汇 动词 修饰抽象名词的形容词 抽象名词 与逻辑或语义相关的副词例4:While the delegate clearly sought to _B_ the optimism that has emerged recently, she stopped short of suggesting that the conference was near collapse and might produce nothing of significance.(A) substantiate (B) dampen (C) encourage(D) elucidate (E)

20、rekindle例5:Just as such apparently basic things as rocks, clouds, and clams are, in fact, intricately structured entities, so the self, too, is not an “elementary particle,” but is _A_ construction.(A) a complicated (B) a convoluted (C) a distorted(D) an amorphous (E) an illusory例6:Paradoxically, Ro

21、binsons excessive denial of the worth of early works of science fiction suggest that she has become quite _B_ them.(A) reflective about (B) enamored of (C) skeptical of (D) encouraged by (E) offended by 句法分析 从基本句型到非简单句复杂句型的生长过程 基本句型:句子主干结构a) SVP(主系表)例:The Chinese were record-keepers.b) SVi(主谓)例:Yell

22、ow fever has reappeared.c) SVtO(主谓宾)例:They began observations.d) SVtO1O2(主谓双宾)例:The feeding activities give the seafloor an appearance.e) SVtOOc(主谓宾宾补)例:The possession of gifts engenders the propensity to abuse them. 简单句:只有一套主谓结构的句子。f) 简单句 = 基本句型(句子主干)+ 非主干成分g) 非主干成分:定语、状语、同位语、插入语。h) 简单句分析之重点词汇:动词、介

23、词短语、分词及分词短语、动词不定式、形容词及形容词短语、副词及副词短语The Chinese were assiduous record-keepers.Yellow fever, the disease, has reappeared after nearly two decades in abeyance in the Western Hemisphere.They began systematic astronomical and weather observations shortly after the ancient Egyptians.The feeding activities

24、 of whales and walruses give the seafloor of the Bering Shelf a devastated appearance.The possession of great gifts engenders the propensity to abuse them. 并列句和复杂句:两套或两套以上主谓结构的句子。i) 关联元素:引导并列或主从句的词汇和符号,包括连词、关系代词、冒号和分号。j) 非简单句 = 简单句 + 关联元素 +简单句 + 关联元素 + 简单句 + i. 主句专一原则:n个简单句构成的非简单句,有且仅有n-1个句间关联元素。ii.

25、 并列连词:连接结构、功能、性质均相同的成分。(fanboys: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so)iii. 几种常见的从句的形式1. 宾语/表语从句 S + Vt. + that/if/whether/what + Clause.(that-/if-/whether-完整句;what-非完整句)2. 主语从句 That/If/Whether/What + Clause + V. + (that-/if-/wheter-完整句;what-非完整句) It + Vi. + that + Clause. / It + be + adj. + that + Clause

26、.(完整句)3. 定语从句 n. + relative pron. (that/which/who/whom/as) + Clause(非完整句) n. + relative conj. (when/where/why) + Clause(完整句) n. + prep. + relative pron. (except that and as) + Clause(完整句)4. 同位语从句 n. + that + Clause(完整句)5. 状语从句 Conj. (Because/Although/If/While/) + Clause(完整句)k) 非简单句分析之重点词汇:关联元素The Ch

27、inese, who began systematic astronomical and weather observations shortly after the ancient Egyptians, were assiduous record-keepers, and because of this, can claim humanitys longest continuous documentation of natural events.Yellow fever, the disease that killed 4,000 Philadelphians in 1793, and so

28、 decimated Memphis, Tennessee, that the city lost its charter, has reappeared after nearly two decades in abeyance in the Western Hemisphere.Although the feeding activities of whales and walruses give the seafloor of the Bering Shelf a devastated appearance, these activities seem to be actually bene

29、ficial to the area, enhancing its productivity. The poet W. H. Auden believed that the greatest poets of his age were almost necessarily irresponsible, that the possession of great gifts engenders the propensity to abuse them. 特殊句型l) 倒装:部分倒装和完全倒装m) 强调:It + be + 强调成分 + that/who + 其他成分n) 省略:关联元素省略(定语从

30、句和宾语从句)和It is省略1、 从“Foreigner”到“Native”的成长过程需要强化语言基础;2、 GRE填空要求的语言能力a) 词汇(词组)认知和推断能力b) 句子结构分析和认知能力c) 句子成分及成分之间关系的认知和理解能力d) 残缺含义把握能力(语言逻辑)3、 句子理解的关键a) 非简单句:以关联元素为对象进行句子切分;b) 简单句:以谓语动词为中心进行成分划分;4、 练习:用GRE阅读中的句子做句子分析。 分析障碍的消除 构建正常的逻辑链 逻辑关系识别 标志:关联元素、动词、副词、介词短语、分词和分词短语、不定式、各种固定词组等 用自己的逻辑对下列句子的空格进行判断。Alt

31、hough the minuet appeared simple, its _ steps had to be studied very carefully before they could be gracefully _ in public. (关联元素之连词)The _ questions that consistently structure the study of history must be distinguished from merely _ questions, which have their day and then pass into oblivion.(关联元素之关系代词)Longdale and Stern discovered that mitochondria and chloroplasts _ a long, identifiable sequence of DNA; such a coincidence could be _ only by the transfer of DNA b

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