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九年级Unit 1214 家庭作业无答案.docx

1、九年级Unit 1214 家庭作业无答案 课后强化: 望子成龙家庭作业(一)校区 老师 科目 课次 作业等级 一、单项 选择 填空。A. 从下面方框中选出与下列各句中划线部分意思相同或相近, 并能替换划线部分的选项。( ) 1. If you dont study hard, you will fail the exam. ( ) 2. His friend Field prefers Chinese to math.( ) 3. She is often nervous when she answers questions in class. ( ) 4. What do you think

2、 of the movie?B. 从以下各题所给的 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选择正确答案。( ) 1. - Tom and Tim, if you dont go to the party, _.- Well, surprised _ that.A. neither will I, to hear B. so do I, hear aboutC. so will I, to know D. neither do I, to hear( ) 2. Between the two roads _ a TV tower called Skyscraper Tower. Clear, now?A.

3、stands B. standing C. which stands D. stand ( ) 3. - Dont forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.- Sure, I _.A. dont B. wont C. cant D. havent ( ) 4. It is when the plane _ that youd better find out at the booking office.A. would take off B. had taken off C. was taking off D. is taking off ( )

4、 5. - What do you think of this kind of TV set, which _ in Shanghai?- Well, I dont care about such things.A. was made B. is made C. has been made D. had been made ( ) 6. How kind you are! You always do what you can _ me when I am in trouble.A. help B. helping C. to help D. helps( ) 7. Climbing hills

5、 _ of great help to our health. (2010 十堰)A. was B. were C. is D. are( ) 8. He together with his parents going to visit Shanghai in July. How about you? Im afraid I have to stay at home _ _. (2011 深圳)A. are; on my own B. is; by myself C. is; by my own D. are; on myself( ) 9. Andys mother told her to

6、pour the waste, _. (2011 阜康)A. so she does B. so it is C. so did she D. and so she did ( ) 10. Excuse me, where is Mr. Browns office? Sorry, I dont know. I _ here for only a few days.A. work B. worked C. have worked D. will work二、 完成 对话。 根据对话内容, 从下面方框中选出适当的选项补全对话。Lucy: Hi, Betty!Betty: Hi, Lucy! 1 L

7、ucy: What did he say?Betty: 2 He hoped you could go to the party with me.Lucy: When and where will he have the party? Betty: 3 Many friends of his will go. Lucy: Thats great. When shall we get there? Betty: 4 Are you free at that time?Lucy: Yes, I am. What else did he say?Betty: Oh. He said we could

8、 just take some flowers. Lucy: OK, I see.三、 短文 填空。 根据所给单词选出 10 个, 用他们的适当形式填入短文空格内。Polar bears are at the top of the Arctic food chain( 食 物 链 ): A single bear can eat 100 1 of seal blubber( 海 豹 脂 肪 ) for one meal. With their thick 2 , the bears are not afraid of the cold temperature. They are very go

9、od swimmers, and their paws are good for moving on ice. Most of thehunting of polar bears is 3 the law, so they have no enemies in the wild. But something has put 4 in great danger: climate change.They have to 5 on sea ice for hunting the seals in their life, their main food. The area of ice is beco

10、ming smaller. This means that the bears must cover longer distances 6 ice and land. Some bears have even drowned while trying to swim from one area of ice to 7 . Many experts on the Arctic say that global warming 8 the ice melt. They say the warming is partly the result of more and more greenhouse g

11、ases in the air.In December 2006, the USA Interior Department( 美 国 内 政 部 ) suggested putting polar bears on thelist of 9 animals. Many biologists believe that if the Arctic continues to lose ice, there 10 fewer and fewer polar bears. 写作 参考 范文:Nowadays, WeChat has been a part of our life. It is becom

12、ing more and more popular with young people because of the following advantages.First, we can communicate with our friends by sending words and expressions very quickly. Second, we can share pictures, music and videos with them. Third, we can not only send voice messages to them but also speak to th

13、em directly. Besides, we can use it in any time. Last but not least, we use it for free and can save money.In my opinion, although WeChat has improved our lives, it should be used properly. We shouldnt lose ourselves in it. 课后强化: 望子成龙家庭作业(二)校区 老师 科目 课次 作业等级 一、单项选择填空。A. 从下面方框中选出与下列各句中划线部分意思相同或相近, 并能替

14、换划线部分的选项。( ) 1. His story was so convincing that we all believed Mike himself. ( ) 2. I was late this morning because my alarm clock didnt go off.( ) 3. Right. Youd better break away from smoking right now.( ) 4. I quite disagreed with the speaker because what he said is frustrating.B. 从以下各题所给的 A、 B

15、、 C 三个选项中选择正确答案。( ) 1. Drivers shouldnt be allowed _ after drinking, or they will break the law.A. drive B. driving C. to drive( ) 2. - Each of the students, working hard at their lessons, _ the book.- So have I.A. is reading B. has read C. reading D. reads( ) 3. The thief was noticed _the office bu

16、ilding by the back door on the screen.A. enter B. enter into C. to enter D. to enter into ( ) 4. - How about your CDs now, Mike?- Oh, mine _ old and some of them _ even broken.A. is, are B. is, is C. are, are D. are, is ( ) 5. I cant use my bike because it _.A. is repairing B. is being repaired C. w

17、ill repair D. was repairing ( ) 6. She used to in the morning, but now she is used to at night.A. read, read B. read, reading C. reading, read D. reading, reading ( ) 7. I was at the cinema at nine oclock yesterday evening. What about you? I _ TV at home.A. am watching B. was watching C. will watch

18、D. watched( ) 8. About half of the students _ from the south, the rest of them _ from the north and foreign countries.A. are, is B. are, are C. is, are D. are, / ( ) 9. - Youd better _ work too hard like this.- I see. You mean _ too hard makes one tired and ill.A. not, working B. not to, working C.

19、no, works D. not, worked ( ) 10. The article _ todays newspaper is really helpful and important.A. appearing in B. appeared in C. appears on D. appearing on二、 短文 填空( 12 选 10)。Anne and Joseph are talking about an 1 question. Why do some people change their names? There can be many 2 . Hanna changed h

20、er name to Anne because she thought it would be easier for people to remember. On the other hand, Joseph is thinking about changing his name to an 3 namebecause he wants to be different.People have a lot of reasons for 4 their names. Film stars, singers, sportsmen and some other famous people often

21、change their names because they want names that are not ordinary, or that have special sound. They chose the “new name” for 5 instead of the name their parents gave them when they were born.Some people have another reason for changing their names. They have 6 to a new country and want to use a name

22、that is usual there. For example, Li Kaiming changed his name to Ken Lee when he moved to 7 . He uses the name Ken at his job and at school. But with his family and Chinese friends,he uses Li Kaiming. For some people, 8 different names makes life easier in their new country.In many countries, a woma

23、n changes her family name to her husbands after she gets 9 . But today, many women are keeping their own family names and not using their husbands. Sometimes, women use their own names in some situations and their husbands in other situations. And some use 10 their own names and their husbands.三、 完形

24、 填空。 自测正确率:_/ 10Man has invented four kinds of satellites. The first kind of satellites studies the 1 of the earth. They are used to make maps. They also help countries to see where they may 2 oil or gold. The second kind of satellite is used to guide ships and planes. A ship or a plane can 3 a mess

25、age to the satellite, and the satellite can find out 4 the ship or the plane is. The third kind studies the weather. These satellites 5 clouds and strong winds moving across the earth. They warn countries to make preparations when very 6 weather is coming. 7 kind is used for communication. Telephone

26、 calls 8 countries can be sent by these satellites. Some can carry hundreds of calls at the same time. The call is sent to the satellite, then the 9 sends it to a station in the country and this country is being phoned. These satellites also carry pictures; they can receive and send about eight 10 a

27、t a time, which we can watch on TV.( ) 1. A. physics B. chemistry C. biology D. geography ( ) 2. A. carry B. find C. keep D. choose( ) 3. A. write B. take C. send D. bring ( ) 4. A. where B. what C. which D. that( ) 5. A. have B. watch C. notice D. see ( ) 6. A. sunny B. cool C. bad D. fine( ) 7. A.

28、 The last B. Other C. One D. Any other ( ) 8. A. on B. to C. between D. of( ) 9. A. TV B. telegraph C. telephone D. satellite( ) 10. A plays B. programs C. films D. languages 写作 参考 范文:How my school life has changed!My school life has changed a lot since this term. We dont need to stay in school for

29、long hours. Webegin our lessons a little later than before. Then we can get enough sleep.At school we have at least one hour for sports to relax ourselves every day. After the second class we do morning exercises. After that we usually kick jianzi or skip rope. In the afternoon, we can do different

30、kinds of sports. Some play basketball, some play football, others run on the playground.After school, we dont have too much homework to do. We have more free time. We can do what we like to do. We can take part in many after-school activities.In a word, we are happier and healthier than before. 课后强化

31、: 望子成龙家庭作业(三)校区 老师 科目 课次 作业等级 一、 句 子 改错。 下面句中均有错误, 请找出并改正。 自测正确率:_/ 71. David wont want to leave the room until he finishes cleaning the floor.2. She made a phone call while she went down the street.3. Well, the man and his magazine which you talked about excitedly are also unfamiliar to me.4. It worried her a bit after her hair was turning gray.5. After you have read the magazine, please put it in where it was before.6. He was too careless to he didnt pass such an easy exam.

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