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浦东新王牌 周末小班 预初英语3.docx

1、浦东新王牌 周末小班 预初英语3Unit 5. Words.1. possible adj.可能的e. g. -Please come here as soon as possible.请尽快赶到这儿来。 -Ill be there in five minutes.我5分钟后就到。 Its possible for him to lift the weight.对于他来说,举起这点重量是可能的。【知识拓展】possibly adv.大概,也许,或许e. g. He can possibly lend you the money.他有可能借钱给你。 -Will you be free on Su

2、nday?星期天你有空吗? -Possibly.也许。 You may possibly get a new job.你也许能得到一份新工作。2. future n.未来e. g. -What do you think cars will be like in the future? 你觉得未来的汽车会是什么样子? -Maybe they will be driven by computers. 也许会靠电脑驾驶。【指点迷津】in the future,in future的区别(1)in the future的意思是“在将来,在未来”,通常与一般将来时连用。e. g. Who knows wh

3、at will happen in the future? 谁知道将来会发生什么事情? The little boy will grow into a thoughtful man in the future. 这个小男孩将来会长成一位有思想的人。(2)in future的意思是“从今往后”。e. g. In future, make sure the door is never left unlocked.从今往后,千万别忘记锁好门。 Please be more careful in future.今后请多加小心。3. magic adj.魔术的,魔法的;不可思议的e. g. The wa

4、y she sings is really magic.她的歌唱技巧真是妙不可言。【记忆链接】magic words魔咒 magic carpet(天方夜潭中的)魔毯 magic beauty令人着魔的美丽 a magic weapon法宝 magic cube魔方(玩具) magic eye电眼,魔眼(用于监督产品质量) magic lantern幻灯【知识拓展】magician n.魔术师4. button n.纽扣;按钮e. g. My sister bought a coat with brass buttons yesterday.我姐姐昨天买了件有铜扣的上衣。 Which butt

5、on turns the volume down? 哪个旋钮可以用来把音量调小?5. press v.按;压e. g. Just press this button, and youll start the engine.只要按一下这个按钮便可启动这台发动机了。【知识拓展】近义:push v.按,压下;推 反义:pull v.拔,拉6. back n.背后,背部;(物体的)背面e. g. We lay on our backs under the tree.我们在树下仰面躺着。She put the saddle on the horses back.她把马鞍放在马背上。 This chair

6、 has a high back.这张椅子椅背很高。Theres something written on the back of this book.这本书的背面写有字。7. weigh v.称重量,测出重量e. g. He weighed himself on the bathroom scales.他在浴室的磅秤上称体重。The clothing must be weighed before it is put in the washing-machine.要洗的衣物须称过重量再放入洗衣机中。This piece of meat weighs four pounds. 这块肉重四磅。8.

7、 good-looking adj.美貌的;漂亮的【指点迷津】beautiful, pretty, handsome与good-looking的区别这四个单词都有“漂亮的”、“好看的”意思。但是beautiful和pretty常常用于形容女性,但beautiful的语义比较强。handsome通常用来形容男性。而good-looking往往男性女性都可形容。9. reporter n.记者,新闻记者e. g. Julia has got a job as a reporter on the local paper.朱丽叶在本地的一家报社当记者。【知识拓展】report v.报道10. bake

8、r n.面包师e. g. His father is a baker.他的父亲是一个面包师。【知识拓展】bakery n.面包房;面包店 bake v.烘,烤e. g. -Mums baking a cake.妈妈正在烤蛋糕。-It smells good.真好闻。【用法小贴士】以元音字母e结尾的动词,且e之前又是辅音字母的,其现存分词的构成是去e后加ing , 如bake的现在分词是baking。11. singer n.歌手,歌唱家e. g. -Is she a good singer? 她是个好歌手吗?-Oh, yes. She sings very well.哦,是的,她唱得很好。【记

9、忆链接】pop singer流行歌手12. agree v.同意agree on sth对意见一致e. g. They all agree on this case. 他们对此案件意见一致。agree to do sth 同意做e. g. Andrew has agreed to lend me his bicycle for the weekend.安德鲁答应这个周末把自行车借给我。agree to sth.赞同;允许e. g. She agreed to my idea.她同意我的想法。agree with sth.赞同e. g. I dont agree with experiments

10、 on animals.我不赞成用动物做试验。13. grow v. (过去式grew,过去分词grown)(1)成长,生长e. g. -Plants grow fast in warm and rainy places.植物在温暖多雨的地方生长得很快。-They grow slowly in cold and dry places.在寒冷干燥的地方就长得慢了。(2)栽种,种植 e. g. -Farmers grow grains and vegetables on the farm.农民在农场种粮食和蔬菜。-Some of them also grow flowers and fruit.有

11、些农民也种花卉和水果。14. report n.报告;报道e. g. The famous professor gave us a wonderful report yesterday. 这位著名的教授昨天给我们做了一次精彩的报告。【知识拓展】report v.报告;汇报e. g. He reported on progress made in the hall.他在大厅里报告了所取得的进展。15. poor adj.贫穷的,贫困的;拙劣的,不擅长的e. g. The doctor often helps poor people.这位医生经常帮助穷人。William was born in a

12、 poor family.威廉出生于一个贫穷的家庭。His handwriting is really poor.他的书写真的是太差了。 【知识拓展】be poor at 不擅长16. spacecraft n.航天器;宇宙飞船e. g. spacecraft orbiting the earth绕地球运行的航天器. Daily expressions. 日常表达1. in front of在(某人某物)前面e. g. The car in front of me stopped suddenly and I had to brake.我前面那辆小汽车突然停住,我只好刹车。The bus st

13、ops right in front of our house.公共汽车正停在我们房前。【指点迷津】in front of,in the front of的区别in front of与in the front of都意为“在之前”,但有所区别:(1)in front of意为“在前面”,指在某场所外的前面,即不同的两种事物的比较。e. g. There are some trees in front of the house.房前有一些树。(2)in the front of意为“在前面”,指在某范围内的前部,即一个整体和部分的比较。e. g. He sat in the front of t

14、he cinema. 他坐在电影院的前面。A man is sitting in the front of the car.一个人正坐在车子前面。【例】We couldnt read the notice on the board because several people were standing right it.A. in the front of B. the front of C. in front of D. in the back of2. look for寻找【指点迷津】look for,discover,find out,search的区别(1) look for表示“寻

15、找”这一意思时,强调“找”的动作或过程。e. g. I looked for the boy everywhere.我到处找那个男孩。(2) discover指有意或无意地发现已经存在但尚不为人知的事物,可以是物体等有形物或真理等无形物,后面接动词不定式。e. g. We never discovered how to open the box. 我们从未弄清楚如何打开这个盒子。(3) find out是不可分短语,指经过询问、调查、观察、计算或研究等手段发现或找到,多用于复杂而不易直接查出的情况。e. g. We must find out the truth of the matter.我

16、们必须弄清楚事情的真相。(4) search是指对某一处所、容器或人进行搜查或指寻找想找到的人或物,比look for的语气更强,后面可接介词for。e. g. They are searching for the missing child.他们正在寻找失踪的孩子。They are searching him for a gun.他们正搜他的身,看他是否带着枪。【例1】Many people put down their own job and joined us the missing child. A. to search B. in searching search of D

17、. to the search of【例2】I spend one hour information every day. A. to search for B. searching for C. searching D. to look for3. be good at擅长be good at意为“在方面做得好;擅长”,其反义词组为be weakpoor inat“在方面很差”。e. g. He is good at singing.他擅长唱歌。 Sam is weak/poor inat high jump. 萨姆不擅长跳高。【知识拓展】(1) be good to意为“对友好”,后一般接

18、表示人的或人格化的名词。e. g. She is good to me. 她对我很好。(2) be good for意为“对有好处”。e. g. Doing morning exercise every day is good for your health.每天做早操对你的健康有好处。4. come back回来;返回e. g.You came back very late last night.昨晚你回来得很晚。【知识拓展】come back还可意为“又成为流行的、时髦的”。e. g. Miniskirts are starting to come back.超短裙又开始流行了。5. a

19、lot很多,非常在句中可作主语、宾语或状语,也可以用来修饰比较级加强语气。e. g. A lot has been done about it.关于这个问题已采取了许多措施。I have learned a lot from him.我从他那学了许多东西。【随堂小练】. Choose the word or expression from the box to replace the underlined part in each sentence. A. am good at B. finally C. in the evening D. return ( ) 1. Well come ba

20、ck soon.( ) 2. At last, I got the first price.( ) 3. I do well in English.( ) 4. I usually watch TV at night. Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms.1. My brother works at a small . (baker)2. I want to be a in the future. (report)3. Tina will be a singer. (possible)4. My fathe

21、r is poor at . (dance)5. She weighs 53 . (kilogram). Look, read and write. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Step 4: Important Sentences structures.1. This is me in 15 years time.inyears time在年之后这里“in”指的是“在之后”,而不是指“在之内”,后跟一段时间。e. g. In twenty years time, there will possibly be more and more traffic jams.20年后,也许交通堵塞

22、会越来越严重。2. Ill be taller and heavier.(1) will be结构,表示某人或物将会是如何的,将成为什么。e. g. Jack will be a doctor in the future.未来杰克将成为一名医生。It will be cold tomorrow.明天天气会很冷。(2)be taller and heavier意为“更高更重”。这里隐含着比较级,指和现在的状态作比较。e. g. Sally will be taller and more beautiful.萨莉会长得更高、变得更漂亮。【知识拓展】形容词、副词比较级词形的变化(1)一般的单音节词及

23、部分双音节词在词尾加er,如longlonger。 (2)以e结尾的词,加r,如nice +nicer。(3)重读闭音节以一个辅音字母结尾的词,双写最后一个字母再加er,如bigbigger。(4)词尾为辅音字母加y的词,先变y为i,再加er,如funnyfunnier。(5)一般多音节词的比较级要加more,如beautifulmore beautiful。(6)有些变化是不规则的,如goodbetter,manymuchmore。3. I agree.我同意。(表示对他人意见的赞同)I dont agree. 我不同意。(表示对他人意见的不赞同)e. g. -Tom will possib

24、ly be a reporter.汤姆也许会成为一名记者。-Yes, I agree. He is good at writing. 是的,我同意。他擅长写作。-No, I dont agree. 不,我不这样认为。4. He will not wear glasses.他将不戴眼镜。 wear除了表示“穿”,还可表示“戴”。 句中的glasses意为“眼镜”,a pair of glasses意为“一副眼镜”。 【指点迷津】wear, put on, dress的区别(1) wear做动词,意为“穿;戴”,表示穿或戴的状态。 e. g. The girl likes wearing a pa

25、ir of brown shoes.这个女孩喜欢穿棕色的鞋子。(2) put on意为“穿上”,表穿的动作,即原来没有穿着后来穿上了。 e. g. Its raining outside. Put on your raincoat.外面在下雨,穿上你的雨衣。(3) dress做动词,意为“(给)穿衣”。表示给某人穿衣的动作,通常构成结构:dress sb“给某人穿衣”,dress oneself“自己穿衣”,get dressed“穿着”,be dressed in“穿着”或 dress up“打扮”。e. g. Can you dress the baby for me? 你能替我给婴儿穿衣

26、服吗?【随堂练习】. Choose the best answer. ( ) 1. Yang Liwei is astronaut in China.A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) 2. Many of my classmates want to be in the future.A. fireman B. a fireman C. firemans D. firemen( ) 3. Is it for us to fly to moon in the near future?A. possible B. possibly C. terrible D. terribly(

27、) 4. I have to do my homework fast because they are so much to do today.A. quick B. quickly C. slow D. slowly( ) 5. He will not glasses any more.A. wear B. wears C. wearing D. wore( ) 6. Tommy will read and write .A. a lot B. a lot of C. many D. few( ) 7. I must practice English and Maths .A. a lot

28、of B. many C. much D. more( ) 8. At last, photograph comes out and she reads the note on the back. Here note means .A. photograph B. money C. coin D. information( ) 9. Ill be 165 centimetres tall 15 years.A. after B. in C. ago D. before( ) 10. I am the first school every day.A. get B. to get C. to g

29、et to D. get to( ) 11. A: do you of her? B: She is helpful and friendly.A. How. . like B. Why. . like C. What. . think D. What. . like( ) 12. In fact, the Moon is than the stars.A. much smaller B. more smallC. more smaller D. much small( ) 13. I have to learn make sick people better.A. how B. how to

30、 C. to how D. to how to( ) 14. On Sundays my parents enjoy watching us in the garden.A. to play B. play C. plays D. played( ) 15. I more beautiful in the future.A. am B. was C. will D. will be. Rewrite the sentence as required. 1. Joe will be tall in the future. (改成否定句) Joe _ _ tall in the future.2.

31、 I have to finish my homework first. (改为一般疑问句) _you to finish your homework first.3. Ben is a policeman. (对划线部分提问) _ _Ben?4. Jill plays football very well. (保持句意不变) Jill is_ _ football.5. Bill will be 1.8 metres tall in 10 years. (划线部分提问) _ _ will Bill be 1.8 metres?TestPart 1 Listening (第一部分 听力)I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解): A. Lis

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