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中考英语知识点复习 句型结构 重点句型复习试题精选.docx

1、中考英语知识点复习 句型结构 重点句型复习试题精选2013年中考英语知识点复习句型结构重点句型复习试题精选1、我一得到消息,就发一条短信给你。Ill send you a short message_I get the news.2、这部电视剧不如那部有趣。The TV series is _that one.3、我们在英语课上应尽可能地多讲英语。We should speak English _in English class.4、当你迷路时,你可以向警察寻求帮助。When you lose your way, you can _policemen_.5、他害怕独自待在家里。He _stay

2、ing at home alone.6、现在学生们正在忙于准备考试。The students _the exam now.7、王老师昨天开会迟到了。Mrs Wang _the meeting yesterday.8、杭州以丝绸而出名。Hangzhou _silk.9、李明已经为明天的测验做好了准备。LiPing _tomorrows quiz.10、汤姆为他的错误而抱歉。Tom _mistakes.11、老师们很高兴他们的学生能努力学习。The teachers_that their stydents can work hard.12、我很高兴你能理解我。_you can unders and

3、 me.13、许多人害怕他们会失去工作。Many people _they may lose their jobs.14、胡萝卜和牛奶都有益于我们的健康。_carrots _milk are good for our health.15、露西和莉莉都去过长城。_the Great wall.16、长途旅行之后,我又累又饿。After a long journey, Ifelt _.17、明天我要尽可能早起。Tomorrow I will get up_.中考重要句型10181、上周,他奶奶给他买了一辆新自行车。Last weet ,his grandma_.2、我一画完它们,我就给你看这些画。

4、I will_as soon as I draw them.3、请递给我一支钢笔,我需要记下电话号码。Please_, I need to write down the number.4、请尽快告诉他这条好消息。Please_as soon as possible.5、在我生日那天,我的好朋友给我一个漂亮礼物。On my birthday , My good friend_.6、下周我将送他这本书。I_next week.7、在闲暇时间,他要么读书,要么听音乐。He _in his spare time.8、我奶奶喜欢饭后散步。My grandma_after supper .9、你介意等一会

5、儿吗?Would you _?10、这个婴儿昨晚一直在哭。The baby _last night.11、我很抱歉让您久等。Im sorry to_ .12、老师让我们继续读课文。The teacher asked us to_.13、我们发现保持教室清洁是必要的。We _our classroom clean .14、我们相信我们的祖国将变得越来越强大。We believe our country_ .15、由于下雨,他妈妈把雨伞准备好了。His mother _because of the rain .16、格林一家正在为新年作准备。The Greens_New year.17、我将会与我

6、的新同学好好相处的。I _my new classmates .中考句型练习19271、当我走过那扇门时,我听到他正在和别人交谈。_ _ _with others when I walked past the door .2、他经常看见那个老人在公园里锻炼身体。He often _the old man _some exercise in the park .3、汤姆经常帮助老师擦黑板。Tom often _his teachers _the blackboard .4、在她生病时,我在英语上帮助了她。_ _ _her English when she was ill .5、我认为在公共场合吸

7、烟是不对的。_ _ _its righe to smoke in the public places.6、我们累了,我们想出去散散步。We aer tired, we _ _ _ _ out for a walk.7、你想和我们一起去图书馆吗?_ _ _ _go to the library with us.8、我想让他把这些书收拾好。I _ _ _ _ put away the books .9、上周日,他们花了四个小时才爬上山顶。It _ _three hours _ _to the top of the mountain last Sanday.10、修理这台电脑将花费我一整天的时间。I

8、t _ _ _ a whole day _ _the computer.11、吃太多对你的健康有害。_ _ _your health to eat too much.12、多看英文电影对你的英语学习有好处。Watching more English movies _ _ _ your English studying.13、咱们别聊了,该上车了。Lets stop talking ,_ _ _get on the bus.14、请派人去叫李先生,到开会的时间了。Please send for Mr. Li , _ _ _meeting.15、小朋友们,该到咱们做游戏的时间了。Children

9、, _ _ _ _ _play games.16、这条街有20米宽。This street is _ _ _ .17、哈里.波特是最有趣的小说之一。HarryPotter is _ _ _ _ _.中考句型专项练习28361、李平12岁了,对于他来说学做家务是有好处的。LiPing is twlve , _learn how to do housework.2、明年暑假去海南是个好主意。_go to Hainan next summer vacation.3、中国是世界上第三大国。China is _in the word .4、高海是我们班第二高的男孩,他是我们班最有劲的男孩。Gao hai

10、 is _in our class and he is _in our class.5、汤姆看上去像他爸爸,他也显得那么健壮。Tom _his father and he _so strong.6、教室里的声音听起来像王老师的声音,听起来她生气了。The sound in the classroom_Miss Wangs voice and it_angry.7、在我看来你和李雷都不会被邀请参加玛丽的生日聚会。_that _you_LiLei will be invited toMarys birthday party8、昨天他上班迟到了,老板硬让他连续工作了十个小时。He_workyeste

11、rday,sohesboss_fortenhours.9、对不起,让你等了这么久。Im sorry to _for a long time .10、请保持安静,爸爸在睡觉。Please_because your father is sleeping .11、凡尔纳成功的书使得他很富有。Vernes successful books_ .12、我喜欢听流行音乐,但此时不想听,我在做作业。I_thepopularmusicbutnowIdont_itbecauseIm doing my homework .中考句型练习(3744)1、这道数学题太难了,让我们去问问数学老师。This math pr

12、oblem is too difficult._the math teacher .2、我的语文老师非常严格,他硬要我先背课文。My Chinese teacher is very strict . He _the text first .3、事实上,我和我的妻子都不喜欢晚上出去散步。Infact,_I_mywifelikesgoingoutforawalkintheevening.4、我的妈妈根本不喜欢独自看体育节目。My mother _ spores programs alone .5、北京不仅是我国的最大城市之一,而且是我国的首都。Beijing is _one of the bigg

13、est cities ,_the capitalof China .6、雨停了在离开这里。_ here _the rain stops .7、我的叔叔有两辆小汽车,有一辆是黑色的,一辆是红色的。My uncle has two cars . _is black , _ is red .8、比起去爬上,我的妈妈更喜欢呆在家里。My mother _at home _climbing the mountains .9、这个问题很难,没有学生能回答出来。Thisquestionis_difficult_noneofstudentscananswerit.10、天气太热了,让我帮你浇花吧。It is

14、hot . _water the flowers.11、这个坏的消息使她很伤心。This bad news _ .12、汤姆不但是个学生,而且是个志愿者。Tom is _ a student , _ a volunteer .13、李老师工作非常努力。每天她总是工作到天黑才回家。Mi .li works very hard . She _ go home _ a volunteer .14、操场上有54名学生。一些正在跑步,另一些正在踢足球。Thereare54studentsontheplayground._arerunning,_areplayingfootball .15、尽管他得了第一

15、名,但是他根本不高兴。Although he got the first prize , he _happy _ .16、时间过得如此的快,以至于我没有时间去做其他的事情。Time goes _ I have no time to do other things .中考句型(4552)1、我每天都收听英语节目,为了能提高我的听力。I listen to English programs _ I can improve my listening ability .2、他是一位那么风趣的老人,很多孩子都喜欢听他的故事。Heis_funnyoldman_alotofchildrenliketolis

16、tentohisstories.3、小林浩带领他的两名同学用了7个多小时的时间才走到了安全地带。Little Lin Hao _walking to the safety with two of his classmates .4、买这条裙子你花了多少钱?How much did you _ this skirt ?5、这片树林可以阻止狂风将这里的沙土刮跑。The woods can _blowing away the sand here .6、警察一到,他们就停止了打架。Tery _the policemen arrived .7、王利读英文时从不停下来去查字典。Wang Li never

17、_a new word while she is reading English .8、别忘了把那本书带来。Dont forget to _ .9、在伦敦时你要随身携带一把雨伞。You should _ in London .10、导游让我们9点钟回到大门口。The guide _the gafe at nine oclock .11、一位老奶奶告诉他到火车站怎么走。An old granny _the railway station .12、妈妈经常告诉我不要嘲笑残疾人。Mum often _laugh at disabled persons .13、谢谢你的来信。_yout letter

18、.14、谢谢你送给我这么漂亮的礼物。_me _present .15、老师告诉我们每天晚上读10分钟的英语。The teacher _in reading English every evening .16、王老师总是随身带一些钱,以便给她的女儿买些好吃的。MissWangalways_shecan_somethingdeliciioustoeat .句型练习(5160)1、每天我妈妈都告诉我按时回家。Every day mother _ on time .2、警察要求孩子们不要在马路上玩耍。The policeman asked children _in the street .3、谢谢你的

19、自行车,它帮了我大忙。_your bike , it help me a lot .4、谢谢你帮助我学习。_with my study .5、你穿的越多,你就感觉越温暖。_you are wearing ,_you are feeling .6、医生检查了他的脸,他的眼睛有毛病,但他的鼻子没有任何问题。The doctor looked over his face , there _ ,but_his nose .7、昨天你的电脑有问题了吗?_with your computer yesterday .8、我们太累了,走不动了。We are _walk on .9、他过去沉溺于打电脑游戏,现在

20、他戒了。He _be lost in playing computer games , but now he give up it .10、晚饭后驱散不怎么样?_after supper .11、你的手怎么了,看起来好像受伤了。_your hand? They seemed to be hure .12、外边阳光这么明媚,为什么不出去做些运动呢?Its sunny outside , _out to do some exercise?13、我生病这么长时间了,你为什么不来看我?I have been ill such a long time , _to see me ?14、请你帮我开一下门好吗?_open te door ?15、请你不要再说这件事好吗?_say it again ?16、请你告诉他立刻停止抱怨好吗?_complaining ?17、谢谢你的茶,很好喝。_ , it tastes good .

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