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1、文献翻译英文参考文献及其翻译Value-based localization strategies of automobile subsidiaries in ThailandOn the contrary, those who argue against localization focus mainly on localization versus standardization of products and processes. For example, Levitt (1983) observed that although localizing products and pract

2、ices helps multinational companies respond better than applying a global standard, it results in higher costs; in contrast, global corporations employ standardization as a means to keep costs low and remain competitive. In the case of the automobile industry, Howell and Hsu (2002) favored a globaliz

3、ation strategy, indicating that adopting a global network of alliances would help GM reduce research and development costs. Fujimoto (2000), on the other hand, pointed out the advantage of localization of new product development activity in helping to incorporate “local information” about production

4、, sales, and consumption, while standardization of products lends the advantage of economies of scale and scope. In summary, a review of the literature related to localization identified two salient issues: (1) Discussions on localization often focus on a limited scope, such as product adaptation or

5、 use of local resources. The emphasis is on input and output aspects i.e. the use of local materials and use of local labor with the aim of making products that meet local tastes. (2) The decision whether or not to implement a localization strategy often depends on its economic costs and benefits. T

6、he study of localization strategies of the subsidiaries of international automobile companies in Thailand, described in this paper, addresses these two salient points.Localization of strategic decision making Localization of strategic decision making refers to appointing locals to the board of direc

7、tors to help determine strategic direction. Only Japanese subsidiaries did this. Two approaches were found: using external and internal appointees. The first was appointing Thais from outside the companys staff to obtain local information and strengthen connections with the local community. At TMT,

8、respected top-rank government officers were offered board membership for their insights and information on government policy and economic conditions and their influence on government policies. This helped TMT successfully lobby the government to establish a tax break for manufacturing passenger cars

9、 using pickup platforms; it then became the first automobile manufacturer to benefit from this tax policy when it launched a pickup passenger vehicle into the Thai market. This approach thus allows subsidiaries to implement strategy proactively by reducing uncertainty and investment risk. Recognizin

10、g the benefit of localization in strategic decision making in Thailand, its first overseas subsidiary, Toyota Motor Corporation Japan now uses this strategy as a platform for regional and global strategies. In another type of external appointment, TMT, HATC, and IMCT all appointed top-level Thai man

11、agers of partner companies to enhance their connections within the Thai business community and obtain in-depth market information. Using the experience and expertise of these board members enabled, these subsidiaries to improve their operational efficiency, minimizing the learning curve for new proj

12、ects. TMT improved implementation of new promotion and public relation campaigns and strategies. IMCTs external board members provide market analysis to help it compete with TMT, its main competitor. This approach runs counter to the western idea that companies should not appoint external board memb

13、ers who have a business or professional relationship with the corporation or an affiliated enterprise, in order to maximize the independence of the board and improve the quality of corporate governance (Hall et al., 2005). The second approach was through internal staff appointments to the board, whi

14、ch provides the benefits of the experience and tacit knowledge that appointees have gained from working with the company. This approach develops Thai employees career path, promotes higher transparency and good governance in the organization, and helps build mutual trust and a positive attitude betw

15、een both parties. By contrast, Hammer et al. (1991) found that internal staff were made board members in the USA usually because they purchased company stock, and, in Europe (especially Scandinavia, Germany, Luxembourg, and Austria), because legislation required worker representation on the board. B

16、uilding and exploiting the local knowledge pool Subsidiaries build and exploit the local knowledge pool by organizing suppliers and dealers clubs where members share information about problems, remedial actions,new ideas and best practices. TMT, IMCT, HATC, and DCTH had formed these clubs. During cl

17、ub meetings the suppliers hear information on what customers need in order to improve the design, appearance, and quality of parts to match customer expectations. For example, a dealer informed DCTH that Thai customers prefer smooth leather seats, in contrast to German customers, who want leather wi

18、th a natural, wrinkled look. Using such information, DCTH and suppliers collaborated to customize the leather seat design to meet Thai preferences. Sharing market knowledge also provides operational benefits, such as increasing quality and punctuality of delivery and reducing cost. At the “Thai Hino

19、 Cooperation Club,” Thai managers, expatriates, suppliers, and dealers regularly meet and thrash out a host of problems that include quality of parts, assembly scheduling and logistics delays. The discussions help improve the learning of local staff, expatriate staff, suppliers, and dealers. Since,

20、the launch of this club, the number of quality problems has dropped. TMTs and HACTs suppliers commented that the suppliers clubs made them feel that these automobile companies recognized them as team members and as part of the companies success in winning Thai customers hearts. This has created of a

21、 sense of belonging among suppliers and dealers. Learning from best practices helps suppliers and companies reduce costs incurred from repeating the same mistakes and helps shorten the time needed to solve problems. HACT has benefited by applying lessons learned at club meetings from best-practice s

22、uppliers to yearly evaluations that have reduced the number of worst-performance suppliers. Additionally, HACT and IMCT quality management managers and engineers commented that creating a knowledge pool helped reduce the cost of sending the manufacturers engineers to monitor quality performance or h

23、elp solve problems at a suppliers plant. This is consistent with Dyer and Hatch (2004), who found that sharing knowledge with a suppliers network enabled Toyota to create a sustainable competitive advantage. Deployment of local human resources All subsidiaries have recruited an increasing number of

24、Thais into management while decreasing the number of expatriates. This is consistent with Lavy and Teramura (1993), who found that Japanese companies attempt to promote American managers to the top level as part of their strategic employment tactics. The prominent objective of deploying Thais is to

25、obtain local knowledge. During the data-gathering period, only AAT appointed a Thai president. The reason is that AAT believed that Thais knew best how to deal with Thai stakeholders. As a late entrant in the Thai market, AAT had to accelerate acquisition of Thai market knowledge to design strategie

26、s to penetrate that market. Additionally, we found a trend toward giving Thai managers more autonomy and power in decision making by appointing them to important committees while expatriates roles were becoming mainly supervisory. At TMT, HMT, IMCT, and BMW, expatriates in key committees, such as th

27、ose related to promotions, salary administrations, and discipline, were replaced by Thai managers. Companies identified several general benefits of using more local managers and giving them greater autonomy. The most important benefit was an increase in the stability of the management force, since l

28、ocal employees stay longer with company, IJOEM 3,2 148 while expatriates move in and out of their positions every three to four years. The accumulated knowledge helps subsidiaries create a learning organization. Companies specifically reported that they have benefited from local knowledge brought by

29、 local managers. In addition, deploying local managers closes the cultural gap that exists between expatriate managers and local line employees, thereby providing better communication among the various levels within the company and greater integration as a result of better mutual understanding. Some

30、 companies reported that employees have commented favorably on the difference between the foreign management style practiced in the past and the more autonomous functioning that replaced it. The involvement of Thais at all levels of decision making has resulted in several specific improvements in pe

31、rformance or operations. First, companies reported an increase in employees ability to analyze and solve problems. Second, overall team performance has improved as employees share problems and discuss solutions. Third, less time is required to tackle problems. Fourth, the employees commitment is hig

32、her as they feel empowered to design plans for their teams. Fifth, subsidiaries can implement strategies proactively prompt reaction and control exercised by local employees helps to reduce the uncertainty and risk that the company faces in a very competitive market. Sixth, by appointing local manag

33、ers to key decision bodies, companies were able to eliminate unfairness in promotion, which was a problem when these committees were comprised of expatriate managers only. Finally, by replacing expatriates with local managers, the companies benefited from cost reduction, as expatriate managers salaries are five times higher than those of local managers.Local deployme

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