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1、北京成人本科学位英语统一考试真题及答案2015年11月北京成人本科学位英语统一考试真题及答案LT2015年11月7日北京学位英语真题及答案一、阅读理解Passage 1Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:Jim Thorpe was a Native American. He was born in 1888 in an Indian Territory(印第安人保护区)that is now Oklahoma. Like most Native American children then, he liked to fish

2、, hunt, swim, and play games outdoors. (76) He was healthy and strong, but he had very little formal education. In 1950, Jim Thorpe was named the greatest American football player. He was also an Olympic gold medal winner. But Thorpe had many tragedies in his life. Jim had a twin brother who died wh

3、en he was nine years old. By the time he was 16, his mother and father were also dead, Jim then went to a special school in Pennsylvania for Native American children. There, he learned to read and write and also began to play sports. Jim was poor, so he left school for two years to earn some money.

4、During this time, he played on a baseball team. (77)The team paid him only $15 a week. Soon he returned to school to complete his education. Jim was a star athlete (运动员) in several sports, including baseball, running, and football. He won many awards for his athletic ability, mainly for football. In

5、 many games, he scored all or most of the points for his team. In 1912, when Jim Thorpe was 24 years old, he became part of the U.S Olympic team. He competed in two very difficult events: the pentathlon and the decathlon. Both require great ability and strength. The pentathlon has five track and fil

6、ed events, including the long jump and the 1500-meter race. The decathlon has ten track and field events, with running, jumping and throwing contests.People thought it was impossible for an athlete to compete in both the pentathlon and the decathlon. So everyone was surprised when Thorpe won gold me

7、dals in both events. When the King of Sweden presented Thorpe with his two gold medals, he said, “Sir, you are the greatest athlete in the world.” Thorpe was a simple and honest man. He just answered, “Thanks, King.”1. From the passage we learn that Jim Thorpe was born in _.A. IndiaB. PennsylvaniaC.

8、 OklahomaD. Sweden2. According to the passage, most American Indian children loved all the following EXCEPT _.A. fishing B. huntingC. swimmingD. singing3. Jim Thorpe started to play sports _.A. before he was nine years oldB. when he was 16 years oldC. when he was 24 years oldD. before his parents pa

9、ssed away 4. The word decathlon in paragraph 3 probably means _.A. jumping B. five track and field eventsC. throwing D. ten track and field events 5. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?A. In 1912, Thorpe went back to finish his college education. B. Thorpe won two gold medals in the 1912 Olympic Gam

10、es.C. Thorpe once played on a baseball team for money. D. In 1950, Thorpe was named the greatest American football player. gyms are catering (迎合) to overweight and weight conscious customers by dedicating areas where the “skinny” people are not allowed.There are even gyms or programs that require me

11、mbers to be at least 50 pounds overweight to participate. Trainers recommend functional fitness as a practical goal, rather than six-pack abs(六块腹肌). (79)They often use text messages to stay in touch with customers. Often at these specialized gyms, the trainers are overweight themselves, or working o

12、n their own weight goals, and this can help those people with anxiety caused by poor body image. The equipment has been designed for use by larger people. Wider seats, more cushioning, no mirrors, and tinted (有色的) windows for privacy, are all important changes. (80)Hopefully these types of gyms will

13、 successfully grow in numbers in the future. The idea is a very simple and potentially popular one. If it helps those of us who are bigger exercise more and improve our fitness level, its a step in the right direction. 11. The word zaftig in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _.A. fat B. healthy C

14、. friendly D. polite12. We can infer from the first two paragraphs that _.A. most large gym chains really dont want members to show up frequentlyB. overweight people are often frustrated and pushed away by traditional gym industryC. regular gyms dont accept overweight people to participate in their

15、programsD. overweight people have to pay extra to work out in a gym13. What is the training goal in the gyms catering to overweight members?A. To achieve functional fitness. B. To build six-pack abs.C. To look like a fitness model.D. To be able to run long distances. 14. As for the gyms catering to

16、overweight members, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?A. The machines are designed for larger people.B. Tinted windows are used to ensure extra privacy.C. There are large mirrors on the walls.D. The training goals are more realistic.15. Which of the following is the best title for the pa

17、ssage?A. Improving Womens Self-confidence through Exercises.B. The traditional Gym Industry Is Losing Its Customers.C. The Fitness Industry Is Looking for New Directions.D. Specialized Gyms Designed for Overweight People.【试题点评】在阅读当中,所需要具备的一个最重要的能力就是如何去看到题目之后,定准了位,并且找到那个我们真正应该找到的位置,在四个选项当中去找意思的原文最匹配的

18、选项。二、词汇用法和语法结构16. When Bill came in, I _ with my friends.A. will talk B. talk C. was talking D. have talked当比尔进来时,我正在和我的朋友们谈话。本题考查时态语态。17. John made her _ him everything about her plan for the trip.A. to tell B. tell C. told D. Tells约翰让她告诉他关于旅行计划的一切内容。本题考查动词的固定用法。18. Lucy goes to school by bike ever

19、y day, _ she?A. does B. doesnt C. is D. isnt露丝每天骑自行车去学校,不是吗?本题考查反义疑问句的一致关系。19. I cant help _ whether we should go without raincoats.A. wonder B. to wonder C. wondering D. Wondered我禁不住想知道是否我们应该去不带雨衣。本题考查动词的固定用法。20. Never in her life _ in such an important party, where she saw so many pop stars.A. Lis

20、a took part B. did Lisa take partC. Lisa was taken part D. was Lisa taken parttake part in 参加丽萨在生命中从来没参加过这样重要的宴会,当中她见到了许多流行歌星。本题考查倒装语序。21. The young man, _ met us at the station yesterday, will show us around the campus this morning.A. who B. that C. which D. Whose昨天在车站接我们的这个年轻人,今天早上将带着我们参观校园。本题考查定语

21、从句。22. I am not sure whether New York is _ biggest city in_world or not.A. a; a B. a; the C. the; the D. the; a我不确定是否纽约是世界上最大的城市。本题考查冠词,形容词最高级的用法。23. Believe it or not, Mike runs _ than all the other boys in his class.A. fast B. faster C. fastest D. more fast不管你相不相信,麦克跑的比班上所有其他的男孩都快。本题考查副词的比较级。24. T

22、hey left London for New York _ the morning of September 10.A in B. on C. at D. of他们在九月十号的早上离开伦敦去纽约。本题考查介词的用法。25. Jim cant go to school today _ his illness.A. in spite of 虽然B. in front of 在。之前C. because of 因为D. far from远离吉姆今天不能去学校因为他生病了。本题考查状语从句连接词。26. With the_ of a computer, one can do what was imp

23、ossible in the past.A. age年龄 B. air空气C. aid帮助,援助 D. aim目标,目的因为计算机的帮助,人们能做过去完全不可能的事情。本题考查词汇辨析。27. I immediately _ Lukes father from the crowd because they two looked like each other so much.A. researched调查研究 B. recognized认出C. reported报道 D.reduced减少我立刻在人群中认出了鲁克的父亲,因为他们俩看起来太像对方了。本题考查词汇辨析。28. A friendly

24、 relationship between two countries is often based on_ respect, trust and understanding.A. lovely可爱的B. mutual相互的 C. bold 大胆的 D. strict严格的两国之间的友好关系经常是基于互相尊重,互相信任和互相理解。本题考查词汇辨析。29. Mr. Brown isnt in the office now, but you can _ a message for him.A. give给 B. hand交,递 C. tell告诉D. leaveleave a massage留个口

25、信布朗先生现在不在办公室,但是你能给他留言捎句话。本题考查词汇辨析。30. The boy gave an exciting _ of his adventureson the island, which attracted a large audience.A. opinion意见,观点 B. idea主意,计划C. account描述,账单 D. appearance外表,出现这个男孩对于他在岛上的冒险做了一个令人兴奋的描述,吸引了很多的听众。本题考查词汇辨析。31. Get in the car. Theres enough _ for you.A. room空间(不可数名词) B. s

26、eat 座位(可数名词)C. spot 斑点D. area区域,地区进车里来,里面你有足够的空间/位置。本题考查词汇辨析。32. His face looks _ but I cant remember where I met him.A. alike相似的,B. familiar熟悉的C. like相像的 D. similar相似的他的脸看起来很熟悉,但是我记不得我在哪儿见过他了。本题考查词汇辨析。33. We must make _ our minds where to go for our vacation this winter.我们必须决定这个冬季我们去哪里度假。A. out B.

27、up C. for D. inmake out填写;理解 make up ones minds决定 make for 走向,导致,攻击本题考查动词固定搭配的辨析。34. China is rich in natural resources, but they are not evenly _.A. dismissed解散,下课 B. contributed捐献,投稿 C. disturbed扰乱的D. distributed分布的分散的中国富有自然资源,但是它们分布不均。本题考查词汇辨析。35. Taken in time, the medicine can be quite _.A. eff

28、ective有效的B. affected受到影响的 C. efficient有效率的 D. sufficient充分的足够的及时服用,这个药很有效。本题考查词汇辨析。36. The _ edition of the dictionary is far better than the previous ones.A. late迟的,已故的,前任 B. lately近来,最近C. latest最新的,最晚的 D. lasting持久的,永恒的最新版的词典比以前的词典要好很多。本题考查词汇辨析。37. Big waves turned _ the boat, causing many people

29、to fall into water.A. up B. down C. in D. overturn up 出现发生; turn down=refuse拒绝; turn in上床睡觉,上交 turn over翻倒颠覆大浪把船打翻了,造成很多人掉进了水里。本题考查动词固定搭配的辨析。38. On reaching home, I discovered that I _ my keys at the office.A. left B. have left C. was left D. had left快到家了,我发现我把钥匙丢在办公室了。本题考查时态语态。39. By the time she l

30、eaves the stage next month, she _ for sixty years.A. will have performed B. has performedC. will be performing D. will perform到下个月她离开舞台时,她将已经表演了60年。本题考查时态语态。40. I appreciated _ to your school to give a lecture.A. to be invited B. to have invitedC. having invited D. being invited我感谢你们学校邀请我来做这场讲座。本题考查

31、动词的用法。41. _, follow the directions on the bottle carefully.A. When taken drugs B. When taking drugsC. When one takes drugs D. When to take drugs当吃药的时候,仔细地按照瓶子上的说明服用。本题考查状语从句。42. Mr. Smith_ be in the bookstore because I saw him in his office a moment ago.A. must not B. cant表示可能性C. may not D. neednt史密斯先生不可能在书店,因为刚才我看见他在他的办公室里。本题考查情态动词。43. The plants would have grown all right if she _ them properly.A. had watered B. wateredC. has watered D. waters如果她恰当地给它们浇水的话,这种植物将长得很好。本题考查虚拟语

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