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1、二高一年级英语导学案漯河二高一年级英语导学案Book 2 Unit1 Cultural relics高一备课组 黄晓杰 安新胜 王瑞娟 常凤民 吴桂琴.Teaching aims and demands (教学目的与要求) 1.Mainly study the following words: rare, valuable, survive, dynasty, in search of, select, style, design, decorate, belong to, in return, at war, remove, less than, doubt, worth, local, t

2、ake apart, entrance, think hight of, informal and so on. 2.Learn asking for opinions and giving opinions. Do/dont you think that? Why/Why not? In my opinion I dont think/think 3.Study grammar Restrictive Attributive Clause and Non-Restrictive Attributive Clause. 4.Learn about famous cultural relics

3、in China and abroad and cultural relics protection through studying this unit.Teaching main and difficult points(教学重难点) ruturn, belong to, in search of, less than, think hight of 2.have/get sth. Done could have done sth. 3.The Attributive Clause.Teaching method Cooperation study by group.Teachi

4、ng aids(教具)a computer and a recorder .Teaching period division (课时分配) 5课时【教学目标】 1、扎实掌握本单元单词、短语和句型的基本用法。2、小组成员高效合作,深入探究,深刻理解知识并能灵活运用。3、以饱满的热情,自觉投入学习,享受成功的快乐。【使用说明与方法指导】 1、大声朗读,疯狂记忆。 2、在扎实掌握本单元单词、短语和句型的基础上,重在注意归纳总结其用法,注重知识的前后联系,形成知识树。 3、标出不理解、有疑问的地方,合作探究。【教学重点难点】Period 1New Words.自主学习本单元词汇。在课前自主学习P89、

5、P90 词汇的基础上,重点掌握下列词汇的用法:1survive v.幸免,幸存,生还 (1)vi.幸存,生还,保存下来 Of the sixteen people in the plane that crashed yesterday afternoon,only one survived 昨天下午失事飞机上的十六个人,仅一人生还。 (2)vt.幸免于 The house survived the storm 经过暴风雨袭击,这所房屋并未倒塌。 Few birds managed to survive last winter. 去年冬天几乎没有鸟幸存下来。 注意:survive本身已表示“幸存

6、,幸免于”,因而不要再加多余的in或from。【搭配】 survive the accidentwarearthquake 经过事故战争地震后还活着 survive sbby 3 years 比长寿了3年 Tom survived his wife by 3 years 汤姆比妻子多活了3年。【拓展】 survival n幸存,生还 survivor n幸存者 surviving adj. 活着的,残存的2. in search of in search of搜寻,寻找,在句中作状语或表语。若名词前没有任何修饰词用of;有atheones等词修饰时用for,即in onesthe search

7、 for。 I went off in search of a garage where I could buy some petrol 我去寻找加油站买汽油。 So far,they have been unlucky in their search for gold and have no money left 到目前为止,他们寻找金子的运气不佳,并且已身无分文。【拓展】 search sb.sth搜身搜查某物 search for sth搜寻某物 searchfor sb./ sth为了找某人或某物而搜search out 找到 3amazing adj. 令人吃惊的;了不起的 She

8、has an amazing talent in music 她在音乐方面有惊人的才华。 It was amazing that the boy was able to solve the problem so quickly 那男孩能这样快地解完这道题,真是令人惊奇。 He made an amazing discovery in science 在科学上他做出了了不起的发现。 What he said amazed me very much他说的使我非常吃惊。【拓展】 amaze vt. 使吃惊;惊讶 amazement n. 惊奇 amazed(指人) 感到惊讶的,常用来修饰人 amaz

9、ing (使人)惊异的,常用来修饰物 in amazement 惊奇地 be amazed atby 对“感到惊讶 be amazed to do 因做而感到惊讶 to ones amazement 令人惊奇的是 I was amazed at her knowledge of French literature 她的法国文学知识之丰富使我大为惊讶。 We were amazed to hear the newsWe were amazed at the news 我们对这个消息感到非常惊讶。4. select (1)vt. 挑选;精选 He selected one of his favor

10、ite books and read it to his children 他选了一本心爱的书念给他的孩子们听。【拓展】 select sb. to do sth选出某人做某事 select sb.sthas sth选出某人担任职务 Were going to select two students to represent the school. 我们要选拔两名学生代表我们学校。 We a11 select Wang Ming as our team leader 我们都推选王明做我们的队长。 (2)adj. 精选的,精心挑选的(通常用于名词前);优等的;昂贵的 a select few 精

11、心挑选的几个 a small,very select school 规模不大、人校要求严格的学校 select committee 特别委员会【辨析】 selectchoose (1)select 表示精选; (2)choose 表示一般的选择。 The three women are selecting seeds preparing for autumn sowing 那三位妇女为准备秋种而精选种子。 You can choose anything you like 你可以选择你喜欢的任何东西。【拓展】 selection n. 选择;选择的人事物 selective adj. 选择的;有

12、眼光的 selected adj. 被挑选出来的;精选的5. decorate【搭配】 decorate sth. with sth. 用来装饰 (sth.)be decorated with sth被装饰 She decorated her rooms with flowers. 她用鲜花装饰她的房间。 Bright posters decorate the streets 鲜艳的广告招贴画点缀着街道。 We are going to decorate the kitchen again this summer. 我们打算今年夏天再装修一次厨房。【拓展】 decoration n. 装饰,装

13、潢 decorator n. 装饰者,装潢师 decorate vt. 授予(奖章,勋章) The hero was decorated for bravery 这位英雄因勇敢而被授勋。 注意:decorate不接双宾语,而采用decorate sthwith sth的结构。 译墙上装饰有几幅画。 误Some pictures were decorated on the wall 正The wall was decorated with some pictures6. jewel n. 珠宝;宝石 是可数名词 我最喜爱的宝石是红宝石。【拓展】 jewellery 是不可数名词,“一件珠宝”则用

14、a piece of jewellery。7. belong to 属于;是的成员;同有关;是的一部分 The house belonged to my grandfather 这座房子原是我祖父的。 I belong to the swimming club 我是这个游泳俱乐部的成员。【拓展】 belong vi. 属于;为的一员, belong 无被动语态;不可用于进行时态。8in return作为回报;作为报答 in return for作为对的回报;作为的交换 He taught me English,and T helped him with maths in return 他帮我学

15、英语,作为回报,我帮他学数学。 I dont know What to do in return 我不知道做些什么来回报。 Id like to buy you a meal in return for all your hospitality 我想请你吃饭来报答你的热情好客。【拓展】 without return 无利润 return ticket 往返车票 in turn 反过来 return trip 往返旅行9,be at war 处于交战状态,at表示“处于状态”。 The two countries have been at war for many years,and peopl

16、e there are suffering a lot. 两国至今已交战多年,人民深受其苦。【拓展】 at peace 处于和平状态 at work 在上班 at table 在吃饭 at risk 处于危险境地 at school 在上学 at ease 牙肖息 at rest 静止 at breakfast1unchsupper 在吃早饭午饭晚饭 at church 正在做礼拜 101ess than “少于;小于”,可以置于名词、形容词、副词、动词以及从句等之前。 She covered 1,000 meters in less than 4 minutes 她在不到4分钟内跑了1,00

17、0米。 Its not far from here,so we can get there in 1ess than five minutes 它离这里不远,我们5分钟之内就可到达。【辨析】 no less thannot less than (1)no less than多达强调数量之多,其意相当于as much as。 (2)not less than至少 Not 1ess than 10 workers are needed because the task is too heavy 这个任务太重了,至少需要10名工人。 The pies mother cooked were so de

18、licious that I ate no less than five yesterday 妈妈做的馅饼太好吃了,昨天我至少吃了五个。11. remove v. 移走(= take away);除掉(= get rid of) RemoveTake of your hat. 摘下你的帽子。 He removed:the mud from his shoes 他去掉鞋上的泥。 Please remove your bag from the seat 请把你的包从座位上拿走。 He removed into the country他搬到乡下去了。【辨析】 remove与move都可表示“移动”。

19、move强调位置的改变。 remove强调“拿走,取走”。表示“迁居”时二者均可。 Remove the cover揭开盖子 Who moved my cheese? 谁动了我的奶酪? We are movingremoving from Shanghai to Beijing. 我们正从上海迁往北京。 注意remove还有“消除,免职”等意思。12. doubt (1)n. 怀疑,疑惑 He had no doubt on that point对那一点他毫不怀疑。 There is not much doubt about his guilt对他的罪行没有多少怀疑。 She had her

20、doubts Whether he Would come她怀疑是否他会来。 (2)vt. 怀疑,不信 I doubt the truth of their report我怀疑他们报告的真实性。 I do not doubt that he will succeed我肯定他会成功。【拓展】 sb. doesnt doubt that某人肯定 sbdoubts whetherif 某人怀疑 withoutbeyond doubt 毫无疑问 in doubt 感到怀疑的;不确定的 without doubt 无疑 no doubt无疑地;很可能 that There is no doubt 毫无疑问

21、 about sth. There is no doubt that we will be successful 毫无疑问我们会成功的。 There is no doubt about his innocence 他完全是无辜的。 注意:当,doubt 作名词时,在肯定句中接whether(不可用if引导的同位语从句;在否定句中用that引导同位语从句。 当doubt作动词时,在肯定句中接whether引导的宾语从句,也可用if替换whether,在否定句和疑问句中后跟that引导的宾语从句。13worth adj 值得的;相当于的价值;值钱的n.价值;作用 A bird in the han

22、d is worth two in the bush (谚)双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。 This research project is of great worth 这一研究项目很有价值。【拓展】 be worth doing:be worthy of being done = be worthy to be done = It is worthwhile doingto do sth值得做某事 译这部小说很值得一读。 正The novel is well worth reading 正The novel is very worthy of being read 正The novel is ve

23、ry worthy to be read 正It is worthwhile readingto read the novel【辨析】worthvalue value指认为某事物是否有用或有重要的价值;worth指从精神、文化方面的优秀特点产生的实质价值,主要用于暗示精神和人格方面的优秀程度。 The true worth of Shakespeares plays cannot be measured by their value to the commercial theater。莎士比亚戏剧的真正价值是不能以剧场的商业价值来衡量的。 注意:worth用Well修饰而不用very。14lo

24、cal adj. 本地的,当地的 n.pl本地人 He works at the local post office 他在本地的邮局工作。 One of the locals showed me the way to the post office 一位本地人给我指点去邮局的路。【拓展】 a local custom 地方风俗 local news 本地新闻15. take apart (1)apart adv相距,相隔;分离,分开 These lamp poles are 15 metrer apart 这些灯柱的间距是15米。 I cant get them apart我无法把它们分开。

25、(2)take apart 拆开,拆卸 The boy took the clock apart,but couldnt put it together again 这个小孩把钟表拆开,可怎么也安不到一起了。【拓展】 tellknowapart 把区别开来 stand apart 分开站立 live apart 分开住 除了以外(别无) apart from 除了以外(还有) fall apart土崩瓦解 除了以外(别无)(=except) apart from 除了以外(尚有)(besides) Apart from the price,the dress doesnt suit me 姑且

26、不论价格,这件衣服不适合我。 Apart from his school work,he takes interest in anything 除了学校的功课外,他对任何事都有兴趣。16think highIy of 看重,器重【搭配】 think highlywellmuch of sb.sth对某人某事评价高 think badly1ittleilllightly of sb.sth对某人某事评价低(印象不好) think of sth.doing sth考虑;想起,记起;对某事物有见解;想出,想到 think ofas 把看作 think back 重新考虑,反思 think twice

27、 重新考虑,再三考虑 speak highly ofsing highly of 对评价高,认为好 speak well/ill of 说的好坏话 You thought badly Of him at first,didnt you? 起初你对他印象很差,是吧? His work is highly thought of by the critics。 他的作品深受评论家推崇。 What do you think of the film? 你认为这部电影怎么样? He often tells lies,which makes others think poorly of him 他经常撒谎,

28、这使得别人看不起他。17. debate n. 争论;辨论 vi. 争论;辩论 They are debating about the new 1avers 他们正在就新法律进行辩论。【拓展】 debate vt. 考虑;思考 He was debating whether to go for a walk or to visit a friend 他在考虑去散步还是去访友。【辨析】 debatearguediscussquarrel (1)debate 着重“双方各抒己见”,内合“交锋”的意思。 (2)argue 着重“说理”、“论证”和“企图说服”。 (3)discuss 讨论,重在交换意

29、见,不含有说服对方的含义。 (4)quarrel 争吵,吵架,重在因生气同某人争吵。含有敌意的成分。.词汇随堂检测(分组展示)(一)单词1. _ 稀罕的,珍贵的 2. _ 贵重的,有价值的3. _ 幸免,生还 4. _ 使吃惊,惊讶_令人吃惊的6. _ 审判,审讯;试验 7. _ 根据;证据8. _ 爆炸 9. _ 人口10._ 争论;辩论 vi.争论;辩论(二)短语1. _ 寻找 2. _ 属于3. _ 作为报答,回报 4. _ 用金银珠宝装饰的珍品5. _ 一队,一群 6. less then _7. at war _ worth doing _.巩固与提升(分组展示答案)(一)单项填空1. Of the over 200 miners trapped by water in a coal mine in Shanxi,how many people _ the accident? Aexisted Bstayed Clived Dsurvived2. The man was so seriously hurt that he couldnt _his leg Aremove

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