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1、最新历年英语六级听力原文2010年12月英语六级听力原文完整版Section A11W: This is one of our best and least expensive two-bedroom listings. Its located in a quiet building and its close to bus lines.M: That may be true. But look at it, its awful, the paint has peeled off and the carpet is worn and the stove is ancient.Q: What c

2、an we infer from the conversation?12M: The pictures we took at the botanical garden should be ready tomorrow.W: I cant wait to see them, Im wondering if the shots I took are as good as I thought.Q: What is the woman eager to know?13W: The handle of the suitcase is broken. Can you have it fixed by ne

3、xt Tuesday?M: Let me see, I need to find a handle that matches but that shouldnt take too long.Q: What does the man mean?14M: This truck looks like what I need but Im worried about maintenance. For us itll have to operate for long periods of time in very cold temperatures.W: We have several models t

4、hat are especially adaptive for extreme conditions. Would you like to see them?Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?15M: I think your boss would be very upset when he gets your letter of resignation.W: That may be so. But in the letter, I just told him frankly I could no longer li

5、ve with his poor management and stupid decisions.Q: What do we learn about the woman?16W Id like to exchange the shirt. Ive learned that the person I bought it for is allergic to wool.M Maybe we can find something in cotton or silk. Please come this way.Q;What does the women want to do?17M: Excuse m

6、e, Miss?Did anyone happen to turn in a new handbag? You know, its a birthday gift for my wife.W: Let me see. Oh, weve got quite a lot of womens bags here. Can you give me more detailed information, such as its color, the size and the trademark?Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place

7、?18M What are you going to do with the old house you inherited from your grandfather?W I once intended to sell it, but now, Im thinking of turning it into a guest house, because its still a solid structure.Q: What does the man plan to do with his old house?长对话(1925)W: When you write a novel, do you

8、know where youre going, Dr. James?M: Yes, you must, really, if youre writing the classical detective story, because it must be so carefully plotted and so carefully clued. I have schemes. I have charts. I have diagrams. It doesnt mean to say I always get it right, but I do plan before I begin writin

9、g. But what is so fascinating is how a book changes during the process of writing. It seems to me that creative writing is a process of revelation, really, rather than of creativity in the ordinary sense.W: When youre planning the basic structure, do you like to go away to be sure that youre by your

10、self?M: I need to be by myself certainly, absolutely. I cant even bear anybody else in the house. I dont mind much where I am as long as Ive got enough space to write, but I need to be completely alone.W: Is that very important to you?M: Oh, yes. Ive never been lonely in all my life.W: How extraordi

11、nary! Never?M: No, never.W: Youre very lucky. Someone once said that theres a bit of ice at the heart of every writer.M: Yes. I think this is true. The writer can stand aside from experience and look at it, watch it happening. There is this detachment and I realize that there are obviously experienc

12、es which would overwhelm everyone. But very often, a writer can appear to stand aside, and this detachment makes people feel theres a bit of ice in the heart.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19. What is the key to write a good classical detective story according t

13、o the man?20. What does the man mainly need when working on a book?21. What does the man say about writers?W: There is an element there about competition then, isnt there? Because British railways are a nationalized industry. Theres only one railway system in the country. If you dont like a particul

14、ar kind of big beans, you can go and buy another. But if you dont like a particular railway, you cant go and use another.M: Some people who write to me say this. They say that if you didnt have a monopoly, you wouldnt be able to do the things you do. Well, I dont think we do anything deliberately to

15、 upset our customers. We have particular problems. Since 1946, when the Transport Act came in, we were nationalized.W: Do you think thats a good thing? Has it been a good thing for the railways, do you think, to be nationalized?M: Oh I think so, yes. Because in general, modes of transport are all ar

16、ound. Lets face the fact. The car arrived. The car is here to stay. There is no question about that.W: So what are you saying then? Is it if the railways happen being nationalized, they would simply have disappeared?M: Oh, I think they would have. Theyre disappearing fast in America. Er, the French

17、railways lose 1 billion pounds a year. The German railways, 2 billion pounds a year. But you see, those governments are preparing to pour money into the transport system to keep it going.W: So in a sense, you cope between two extremes. On the one hand, youre trying not to lose too much money. And on

18、 the other hand, youve got to provide the best service.M: Yes, you are right.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.22. What does the woman say about British railways?23. What do some people who write to the man complain about?24. What does the man say threatens the exi

19、stence of railways?25. What does the man say about railways in other countries?Section BPassage OneAmong global warmings most frightening threats is the prediction is that the polar ice-caps will melt, raising sea level so much that coastal cities from New York to Los Angles to Shanghai will be floo

20、ded. Scientists agree that the key player in this scenario is the West Antarctic ice sheet, a Brazil-size mass of frozen water that is much as 7000 feet thick. Unlike floating ice shelves which have little impact on sea level when they break up, the ice sheet is anchored to bedrock well below the se

21、a surface. Surrounded by open ocean, it is also vulnerable, but Antarctic experts disagree strongly on just how unstable it is. Now, new evidence reveals that all or most of the west Antarctic ice sheet collapsed at least once during the past 1.3 million years, a period when global temperatures prob

22、ably were not significantly higher than they are today. And the ice sheet was assumed to have been stable. In geological time, a million years is recent history. The proof, which was published last week in Science, comes from a team of scientists from Uppsala University in Sweden and the California

23、Institute of Technology who drill deep holes near the edge of ice sheet. Within samples collected from the solid substances lying beneath the ice. They found fossils of microscopic marine plants which suggest that the region was once an open ocean, not solid ice. As Herman Engelhard, a co-author fro

24、m the California Institute of Technology says, the West Antarctic ice sheet disappear once and can disappear again.26. What is one of the most frightening threats of global warming according to the passage?27. What did scientists disagree on?28. What is the latest information revealed about the West

25、 Antarctic ice sheet?29. What does the scientists latest finding suggest?Passage TwoIts always fun to write about research that you can actually try out for yourself.Try this: Take a photo and upload it to Facebook, then after a day or so, note what the URL link to the picture is and then delete it.

26、 Come back a month later and see if the link works. Chances are: It will.Facebook isnt alone here. Researchers at Cambridge University have found that nearly half of the social networking sites dont immediately delete pictures when a user requests they be removed. In general, photo-centric websites

27、like Flickr were found to be better at quickly removing deleted photos upon request.Why do deleted photos stick around so long? The problem relates to the way data is stored on large websites: While your personal computer only keeps one copy of a file, large-scale services like Facebook rely on what

28、 are called content delivery networks to manage data and distribution. Its a complex system wherein data is copied to multiple intermediate devices, usually to speed up access to files when millions of people are trying to access the service at the same time. But because changes arent reflected acro

29、ss the content delivery networks immediately, ghost copies of files tend to linger for days or weeks.In the case of Facebook, the company says data may hang around until the URL in question is reused, which is usually after a short period of time, though obviously that time can vary considerably.30.

30、 What does the speaker ask us to try out?31. What accounts for the failure of some websites to remove photos immediately?32. When will the unwanted data eventually disappear from Facebook according to the company?Passage ThreeEnjoying an iced coffee? Better skip dinner or hit the gym afterwards, wit

31、h a cancer charity warning that some iced coffees contain as many calories as a hot dinner.The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) conducted a survey of iced coffees sold by some popular chains in Britain including Starbucks, Caf Nero and Costa Coffee to gauge the calories as studies increasingly link

32、 obesity with cancer.The worst offender - a coffee from Starbucks - had 561 calories. Other iced coffees contained more than 450 calories and the majority had an excess of 200.Health experts advise that the average woman should consume about 2,000 calories a day and a man about 2,500 calories to maintain a healthy weight. Dieters aim for 1,000 to 1,500 calories a day.The fact that there is an iced coffee on the market with over a quarter of a womans daily calories

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