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1、高一英语阅读理解高一英语阅读理解 II阅读理解:阅读下面五篇文章,根据题意,选择最佳答案。Passage 1John is a paper boy. He delivers newspapers to different houses in his street every day. He has about 80 customers. Half of his customers only take the newspapers on weekdays, and about half take the newspapers on weekdays and on Sundays. John ha

2、s to get up at 4:30 every morning to deliver his newspapers. It takes longer to deliver the newspaper on Sundays. The Sunday newspapers are twice as heavy as those on weekdays. John is saving his money to buy a new bicycle. He is also saving money for college. He has already saved 500 dollars. (107w

3、)1. John _ every day. A. reads books B. sells newspapersC. borrows books D. delivers newspapers2. How many customers does he have? A. About 40 B. About 120. C. About 80. D. About 20.3. _of his customers only take newspapers on weekdays. A. Two B. Eighty C. Forty D. Twenty4. What time does he have to

4、 get up every morning? A. 3:30 B. 4:30 C. 5:30 D. 6:305. John is saving his money to buy _A. a newspaper B. a new bag C. a house D. a new bicycle词汇扩展 deliver vt. 投递 customer n. 客户 college n. 大学Passage 2Sam lives in New York. His father has a shop and his mother is a doctor. Hes seven years old now a

5、nd has begun to go to school this autumn. Its a little far from their shop and his father drives a car to take him to school every day. So hes never late for class and his teachers like him. Its Monday today. Miss Hunt is teaching them to count the numbers from one to ten. Sam is studying hard. Soon

6、 he can count them. Miss Hunt is happy and asks, “How many people are there in your family, Sam?”Sam stood up and said, “Two, Miss Hunt.”Who are they?”My father and mother.” ”Oh?” Miss Hunt is surprised. She said, “Therere three people in your family.”But now Im not at home. Im at school, you know!”

7、( 140w)1. Sam is _.A. an English boy B. an American boy C. an English girl D. an American girl2. Sam is in Grade _ now. A. One B. Two C. three D. four3. Sam usually goes to school _.A. on foot B. by bike C. by car D. by bus 4. _, so Miss Hunt is happy today.A. Sam is late for class B. Sam studies Ch

8、ineseC. The children are good at English D. Sam can count from one to ten5. Which of the following is wrong?A. Sam is at school now. B. There re two people in Sams family.C. There re three people in Sams family.D. Miss Hunt doesnt know how many people there are in Sams family.Passage 3Last year when

9、 Tom graduated from school, he came to Taibei. He didnt like to work on his fathers farm and hoped to find a job in a big city. He went from one company to another but no one wanted him. With little money left, he got to the station, sad and tired. All he wanted to do was go back to his small town.

10、It was very late at night and the station was full of people. They were waiting to buy tickets of the last train. He bought the last ticket, and he was very happy.At that time, a woman with a crying baby walked to him and asked him to sell her the ticket. He gave her the ticket because he thought th

11、ey needed it more than he did. After the train left, he sat on the bench and didnt know where to go. Suddenly, an old man came and said, “Young man, I have seen what you did to the woman. I am the owner of a big company. I need a good young man like you. Would you like to work for me?”(190w) 1. Tom

12、came to the station to _.A. find a job B. take the train home C. sell the ticket D. take the train to Taibei2. The woman walked to Tom because _.A. she was Toms old friend B. her child wanted to talk to TomC. she needed to take the train D. she had no money to buy a ticket3. Tom didnt take the train

13、 because _.A. he didnt take a train ticket B. he missed the trainC. he wanted to talk to the old man D. he gave his ticket to the woman4. The old man wanted to _.A. lend Tom some money B. give Tom a jobC. say “Thank you “ to Tom D. sit on the bench with Tom5. What can we learn from this story?A. Man

14、y people find job in a train station.B. Dont buy the last ticket of the train.C. If we try our best to help others, others will help us.D. We should not give our ticket to others in a train station.Passage 4”Get up, get up, Jim. Its time to get up!” my mother said while she was pushing me. I opened

15、my eyes and looked at the clock. “Oh dear! Its a quarter to eight already. Ill be late for school again,” I thought. I jumped out of the bed, washed my face, then hurried to the bus stop without breakfast. As soon as I got on the bus, it started running. “Im sure I can get to the school on time,” I

16、said to myself. Suddenly the bus stopped. The bus driver got off the bus, then got on the bus again and said, “Im sorry, ladies and gentlemen. Theres something wrong with the bus. Please get off the bus and wait for another one.” “I couldnt wait. The school is not far. Id better run to the school,”

17、I thought, and then I began to run. But before I got to the school, it began to rain hard.I reached the classroom but I was wet shivering with cold. The physics teacher had already begun his lesson. It was Mr. Smith. He was about fifty years old. All the students were a little afraid of him and so w

18、as I. I liked neither him nor his physics lessons. I hesitated for a moment and then I opened the door. “Im very sorry, Mr. Smith. Im late again,” I said with a red face.”Its you again, Jim,” Mr. Smith said angrily. “Ive told you not be late, but you” he suddenly stopped and looked at my wet clothes

19、. He turned to the class and said, “Im very sorry, my boys and girls.” With these words he quickly took off his own jacket and handed it to me. “Now take off your wet coat and put this one or youll catch cold,” he said kindly.I went to my seat with Mr. Smiths jacket on. It was a bit large for me but

20、 I felt very warm in it. I found, for the first time, physics was so interesting and how well I could understand it!(348w)1. Jim was late for school because _.A. he got up too late B. there was something wrong with the busC. it rained heavily D. he had to wait for the bus2. Mr. Smith, the physics te

21、acher, _ at first when Jim came into the classroom.A. felt sad B. looked kind C. looked worried D. was unhappy3. Jim felt that _.A. the jacket was large enough to keep him warmB. Mr. Smith took good care of himC. he understood what Mr. Smith said all the timeD. physics is easy if you like the physic

22、s teachers4. From the story, we can learn that _.A. students cant be late for school B. students can learn better if teachers love themC. physics is easy if you like the physics teachersD. youll catch cold if your clothes are wet词汇扩展 shiver v. 发抖 hesitate v. 犹豫Passage 5There was once a captain who l

23、oved money so much that he cheated his sailors at the end of every voyage and took their wages. On the last day of one voyage, the ship was in a small port. It was winter time, and the sea was very cold, so the captain said to his sailors, “If one of you stays in the water during the whole night, I

24、will give him my ship. But if he comes out before the sun appears, I shall get his wages.”The sailors had heard about the captains cheating, so they didnt trust him. But then one of them, who thought that he was cleverer than the captain, said that he would do it. He got into the water, and, though

25、it was very cold, he stayed in it. When it was nearly morning, some fishermen lit a fire on the shore about half a mile away.”You are cheating,” the captain said to the sailor. “The fires warming you.”But its half a mile away!” said the sailor.”A fires fire,” answered the captain. “I have won.” The

26、sailor came out of the water, and said, “Perhaps you think that you are clever because you have won my wages, but you cant cook a chicken.”I can,” answered the captain. ”If you cook this chicken,” said the sailor, “I shall work for you without wages for seven years, but if you cant, you will give me

27、 your ship.”The captain agreed, took the chicken and said, “Wheres the fire?”There it is,” answered the sailor. “On the shore.”But its half a mile away,” said the captain angrily.” A fires fire, you said,” answered the sailor. “If it is enough to warm me in the water, it is enough to cook your chick

28、en.”(301w)1. The captain got the sailors wages _. A. to buy a chicken for himselfB. and kept the money for future useC. by cheating himD. and said he would return the money soon2. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. All the sailors refused to get into the water because it was too cold. B. T

29、he captain knew that the fire the fishermen made was enough to warm the sailor in the water. C. The captain succeeded in cheating the sailor. D. It was the sailor who was cleverer. 3. The captain insisted that the fire was warming the sailor because he _. A. didnt want to lose the betB. didnt believ

30、e the sailors successC. wanted to keep his promise D. wanted to show his cleverness4. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?A. The sailors didnt trust the captain. B. In order to help the sailor in the water, the fishermen made a fire.C. The captain failed to cheat the sailor this time.D. The sailor didnt get out of the water before the sun appeared. 5. What is the title of the story?A. How a Captain Cheated His SailorB. How a Sailor Got a ShipC. A Brave Sailor D. A Fire Is Fire词汇扩展:voyage 航海,航行 shore 海滩,海岸 wage 工资

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