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1、工程造价与管理专业应届生求职信精选多篇工程造价与管理专业应届生求职信(精选多篇) 编辑:haoword尊敬的领导:您好!对于您在百忙之中给予我的关注我深表感谢!我是xx建筑工程学院工程造价管理专业的一名毕业生,将于20xx年x月毕业。面临毕业择业,基于贵公司良好的工作环境和发展环境,诚盼到贵单位工作,请考虑我的条件和请求。我所在专业的教学目的是培养具备管理学、经济学和土木工程技术的基本知识,掌握现代管理科学的理论、方法和手段,能在建筑工程建设领域从事决策和管理的复合型高级管理人才。我深知作为一名新时代的大学生,除了必须具备过硬的专业技能和扎实的基础知识外,还需要具有高度的责任感和敬业精神、较强


3、新时代的青年,我拥有蓬勃的朝气、强烈的进取心,对我的未来充满希望和憧憬。开朗向上的性格使我乐于同他人交往,擅长与他人沟通并富有团队协作精神。善于获取新知识的特点使我敏于思考,敢与时代弄潮。伴随企业的发展实现自我价值是我的理想,而您的企业则会给我最宝贵的机会,请相信我的真诚!恳请得到面试机会并多谢考虑!兹奉上本人的简历及相关证明材料。祝:贵公司蒸蒸日上!万事亨通!求职人:haoworddear sir/madam:hello!thank you for your busy schedule to read my letter, and sincerely hope you can get the

4、 support and endorsement. i am a 2014 session of the huaihai institute of technology project management graduates, in-school period, i strictly abide by school rules and regulations, respect for teachers, united students, have a strong collective sense of honor; seriously hard to learn, excellent pe

5、rformance, access to hospital on several occasions scholarships; emphasis on integrating theory with practice, and actively participate in the practice, and internship activities. i come from rural families, foster the tradition of hard work from an early age, the spirit of perseverance.four years o

6、f university education, let me have the project management aspects of the theory of professional knowledge, the work of more than half a year so i have a wealth of practical experience, but also enhance their ability to adapt to the en vironment. today#39;s professionals need for multi-level, prompt

7、ed me to update, strengthen self: while studying at the school i passed the national examination in english and four grade 2 level, jiangsu province, computer examinations and computer-aided design , and motor vehicles to pass in 2014 driver#39;s license according to, able to skillfully use office20

8、14 , in addition to the cost of learning such as division 3000.the success of the cause of the need for knowledge, perseverance, sweat, the perfect combination of opportunities, and similarly, the need for a company the honor of carrying her carrier - selfless people. request that your company can g

9、ive me a chance, let me become one of you, i will be very enthusiastic and hard working your return, and very happy to work with colleagues in the future for our common the cause of all the talents dedication.sincerely,工程管理专业应届生英文求职信dear sir/madam:hello!thank you for your busy schedule to read my le

10、tter, and sincerely hope you can get the support and endorsement. i am a 2014 session of the huaihai institute of technology project management graduates, in-school period, i strictly abide by school rules and regulations,respect for teachers, united students, have a strong collective sense of honor

11、; seriously hard to learn, excellent performance, access to hospital on several occasions scholarships; emphasis on integrating theory with practice, and actively participate in the practice, and internship activities. i come from rural families, foster thetradition of hard work from an early age, t

12、he spirit of perseverance.four years of university education, let me have the projectmanagement aspects of the theory of professional knowledge, the work of more than half a year so i have a wealth of practical experience, but also enhance their ability to adapt to the en;s profes

13、sionals need for multi-level, prompted me to update, strengthen self: while studying at the school i passed the national examination in english and four grade 2 level, jiangsu province,computer examinations and computer-aided design , and motor vehicles to pass in xx driver#39;s license according to

14、, able to skillfully use officexx , in addition to the cost of learning such as division 3000.the success of the cause of the need for knowledge, perseverance, sweat, the perfect combination of opportunities, and similarly, the need for a company the honor of carrying her carrier - selflesspeople. r

15、equest that your company can give me a chance, let me become one of you, i will be very enthusiastic and hard working your return, and very happy to work with colleagues in the future for our common the cause of all the talents dedication.sincerely,工程管理专业应届生英文求职信dear sir/madam:hello!thank you for yo

16、ur busy schedule to read my letter, and sincerely hope you can get the support and endorsement. i am a 2014 session of the huaihai institute of technology project management graduates, in-school period, i strictly abide by school rules and regulations,respect for teachers, united students, have a st

17、rong collective sense of honor; seriously hard to learn, excellent performance, access to hospital on several occasions scholarships; emphasis on integrating theory with practice, and actively participate in the practice, and internship activities. i come from rural families, foster thetradition of

18、hard work from an early age, the spirit of perseverance.four years of university education, let me have the projectmanagement aspects of the theory of professional knowledge, the work of more than half a year so i have a wealth of practical experience, but also enhance their ability to adapt to the

19、en;s professionals need for multi-level, prompted me to update, strengthen self: while studying at the school i passed the national examination in english and four grade 2 level, jiangsu province,computer examinations and computer-aided design , and motor vehicles to pass in xx dr

20、iver#39;s license according to, able to skillfully use officexx , in addition to the cost of learning such as division 3000.the success of the cause of the need for knowledge, perseverance, sweat, the perfect combination of opportunities, and similarly, the need for a company the honor of carrying h

21、er carrier - selfless尊敬的hr:您好!我是xx学院2014级的应届本科毕业生。在即将毕业之际,我怀着诚挚的心向您自荐,希望在贵单位谋求一份合适我的工作,以求实现自我价值,为贵单位的发展贡献一点力量。三年前,我考入了xx学院,专业是工程造价管理。三年来我刻苦学习,不断的调整自己,超越自己,努力的提高自神的素质,认真学习了基础课和专业课,大学三年从未挂科,也从未逃课,取得了比较满意的成绩。四年来的专业知识结合时间学习,使我全面系统的掌握了专业知识,形成了合理的知识层次和系统的知识结构。课余时间,我也有积极的去体验生活。90后的孩子可能在大家眼中的印象好像都是不太好的,经过那些锻炼之后,我相信我会比其他的人更加能吃苦,更加的有毅力。我性格开朗,喜欢认识新的朋友,也能够很好的适应新环境,对于新的事物和知识,我也愿意去学习,做事认真负责是我最大的优点,我喜欢今日事今日了,不喜欢做事拖拖拉拉的。我最大的缺点就是我缺乏经验,但我拥有一颗充满活力的心,我会用我慢慢的热情以及“做一行爱一行”的敬业精神来对待我的工作。如有幸与贵单位同呼吸共命运,我必将发挥自己的才能,以实际工作为贵单位创造更多的物质财富和精神财富,努力为贵单位的美好明天尽一份微薄的力量。此致敬礼!求职者:haoword

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